Amazing Grace (Jonathan Toews)

By Pentaholic2011

22.6K 440 19

Gracie Hartford is the daughter of a very powerful man. He means well but his dirty motives cause a tear in h... More

May I Have This Dance?
The Rich Mans Daughter
One Date
My Decision is Made
It's You
I Got You
Original Beauty
Worth It
New Friend
One Dance
You Never Know Until You Try
There's Always a Guy
See You Later
Something to Fight For
A Girl Like That
Missed You
Was Blind, But Now I See
From Santa
White Dress
Saved My life
Worked Out Pretty Well
Means So Much
Her Eyes
The Way You Make Me Feel
Someone Like You
My Man
Nature Boy
Any Other Way
Thank You
Parade for the Ages
Moving Up
Never Stop Loving You
Northern Lights
See It In Your Eyes
You're All I Have Left
The Rest Of Our Lives
Two Of A Kind
Happy Anniversary
Best Feeling
Amazing Grace

Can't Go Back

427 9 0
By Pentaholic2011


As the holidays come around I find it hard to be upset about anything really. I mean, there's snow on the ground and love in the air. Kids are making lists of things they want for Christmas and parents are busting their ass to make their kids happy. It's not perfect, but it's defiantly a better feeling than the times that aren't around the holidays.

And this year is a little different because for me the holidays aren't about who gets each other the best gift or getting something we want, but I see it as time to spend time with people who don't have a lot of time to spend. And since Jonathan was gone a lot for games and when he was here he was still working, I know how important these times are for him. To all the guys who have a life outside of hockey and don't always get to do the things they want to do because they have obligations. But it also makes time like these that much more special.

So I change into a pair of jeans and a nice sweater before throwing on a heavy coat. Chicago in the winter was no joke and I wasn't about to play around with it. So I add some gloves and a scarf and a hat on for good measure.

I walk out to my room and head to the door before my dad steps in front of it.

"Where do you think you're going" he asks and I let out a sigh.

"I already told you this, I'm going over to Jonathan and Patrick's to watch Christmas movies and make cookies" I say.

"No you're not" he claims and I cross my arms over my chest.

"And why not" I question.

"Because you were supposed to come to dinner with my friend Eric and his son Thomas" he claims.

"And why would I do that" I ask.

"Because Thomas has a good job here in the city and he can take care of you" he claims.

"I don't want a baby sitter. Why would I need that if I have you" I ask.

"You will not talk to me in such a manner" he gasps.

"I wouldn't have to defend myself if you weren't so against me being happy with Jon in the first place" I defend.

"I'm not attacking your happiness" he claims.

"You're attacking my relationship by going behind my back and setting me up with your friends kid when you know I am in a serious relationship with someone else. That's pretty low... even for you" I say.

"And what is that supposed to mean" he challenges.

"It means that I'm tired of your shit. I'm tired of you acting like what you do is okay. I'm tired of acting like what you're doing is okay. I'm tired of smiling when you joke around with your friends about my boyfriend and say mean things even though we both know what you say isn't funny. I'm tired of you treating me like a child who doesn't know how to take care of herself. I'm tired of having to explain to my boyfriend that my father isn't a bad guy when I know that's not true. And most of all I'm tired of these foolish games. Of you trying to control of my life and me letting you do it" I yell.

"I'm your father, that's what I do. I have been busting my ass trying to find a guy for you that would be good in your life but you're not even trying to see what I see. I have a great place for you in this family and you're being too stubborn to see that it will never happen with that boy. You with him is not a good person and I just want my daughter back. Not this girl who runs off with him then comes back drunk or misses brunches with her friends. Can't you see he's ruining everything you worked so hard for" he asks.

"You're wrong about him daddy. You think you know him just like you think you know me. But he's real, he is so kind and so loving. I could just lay with him for hours without saying a word and feel so inspired because he's that great of a guy. But you never gave him the chance to show you the real him, and you don't listen when I try to tell you so I'm not sure what to say anymore. I'm not meeting any of your entitled money hungry clones and I sure as hell am not going to fall in love with him" I scoff.

"Why won't you just try" he asks.

"Why won't trust me to make my own decisions" I counter.

"You don't know what's good for you" he yells.

"You don't know what's good for me! I wouldn't put my future in your hands if my life depended on it. I know what you do to people, I know where your dirty money comes from and I know that this little front your putting on won't hold up if I stay with Jonathan. That's why you want him gone, not because he's threatening to me but because he's threatening to you and your stupid plan to make me like you. I know that you want me to be like you but I would honestly rather be Jonathan's little bitch than your daughter right now" I say.

The next second his hand meets my face hard and I get sent tumbling to the ground. Once my body meets the floor I stay there for a second trying to comprehend what just happened.

"Oh my god" my father whispers. "Gracie I'm so sorry" he says coming over to me. I turn to him with tears in my eyes and start to shake my head.

"I hate you" I whisper and he stops coming towards me.

"Gracie" he begs.

"No Dad. Don't touch me, don't talk to me, nothing. I'm done, I can't do his anymore. I'm a grown woman and I need to make my own decisions, and right now I'm deciding that I never want to see you again. I never want to hear your voice again and I never want to see your face again" I shout as I pick myself up off the floor.

"I didn't mean to do that" he begs.

"You say Jon is a bad guy, but he never once even thought to lay a hand on me, let alone do it. I once thought that about you but you've turned into a monster and I refuse to sit by and watch this happen. You will no longer have a say in my life, in fact I'm not even going to let you be in my head. If you decide to change your mind, let me know. But until that day comes I don't want to even hear your name" I say walking out the door.

"Everything you are is mine. So if you leave, that stuff stays here" he threatens.

"I would rather have nothing without you than have these things thanks to your filthy money anyways" I claim.

I take my purse and take out all the cards and all the things that are linked back to him. I leave my phone so he can't find me and anything else he could track. I dump it all on the floor before turning back to the door.

"You're making a huge mistake" he claims.

"The only mistake I've made was not doing this sooner" I claim.

"You can't do this" he insists and I turn around one last time before leaving.

"Watch me."

I walk a few miles in the freezing cold to Jonathan's apartment. I sure as hell wasnt going to take the limo and I didn't have money for a cab or a phone to call Jon so this was my only option. I cry the whole way there as I rub the spot on my eye my dad hit me. It hurt, but not as much as it hurt to know my own father would rather hit me than help me.

I get up to Jonathan's apartment and knock on the door. I hear Christmas music playing loudly from inside and it kind of made me feel better. Finally he opens the door with a huge smile that disappears as soon as he looked at me.

"Oh my god, what happened to you" he asks as he pulls me into his warm apartment. He grabs my face and looks right at the spot my dad hit me not even a hour before now.

"I got in a fight with my dad" I sniffle as he rubs his thumb softly over my bruise.

"Did he hit you" he asks. I slowly nod as he takes his hand away.

Without a word he gathers his things and starts to head to the door.

"Where do you think you're going" I ask.

"To give him a taste of his own medicine" he claims.

"Don't stoop to his level. Jonathan you're better than this" I insist.

"I don't care about the moral high standards. He hit you Gracie, this man is supposed to be your father and he hit you" he nearly yells.

"You can't go back there because I can't go back there" I say and he finally stops trying to get out he door.

"What do you mean" he asks.

"I mean that I ran away. I left my phone and my money and everything else that he could use to find me. I'm never going back there" I say.

"What about your mom" he asks.

"I'll find a way to see her. But I never want to see that man again" I say.

"Where are you staying" he asks.

"I don't know really. I haven't gotten that far" I admit.

"You're more then welcome to stay here" he insists.

"I couldn't intrude" I insist.

"It's not intruding if I want you to stay here" he claims.

"These aren't your problems to fix" I insist.

"I don't want you staying anywhere else. You belong here, with me. I can help you get a job and we can figure out the rest along the way. I want you to be happy, to be the reason you're happy" he claims and I smile.

"You are my happiness" I insist.

"So you'll stay here" he asks.

"Yeah Jon, I'll stay."

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