The Black Bear 》Robb Stark

By unknownnavajo

385K 10.8K 1.3K

"A fighter that's all I ever wanted to be." A warrior is a brave or experienced fighter. That's what Jaidy... More

Act One
Winter is Coming
An Answer
A Dire Moment
One Heart, One Flesh, One Soul
A Lingering Question
Every Step Of The Way
Keeping Enemies Close
The News of the Bears
A Royal Pardon
Declaration of War
Dark Wings Dark Words
New Power In The North
Act Two
Learning To Deal
An Attack?
Her Chance
Lost The Advantage
Looks Can Be Deceiving
Ulterior Motive
Respect Is Taken
New Course Of Action
Seperate Paths
Mama Bears And Bear Cubs
A New Companion
Forces From Across The Sea
Challenge Accepted
A New Era
Book Two


10.2K 289 4
By unknownnavajo

Jaidyn sat with the papers scattered around her desk. Her concentration pulled from the tasks that she oversees being the Lady of Winterfell. Her mind only focused on the information that Maester Luwin had given them and the letter she had received. She could feel it something stir inside her. Something she needed to be prepared for.

A heavy sigh passed her lips as she got up from the chair, she needed a break. She left the room with no destination in mind and hoping no one would stop her. Down corridors and passed rooms, she was lead outside. The air felt good on her skin as she stepped out. This was what she needed to clear her head.

It was only a few minutes till her moment was ruined. She closed her eyes briefly trying to compose herself before she turned to the person. There stood one of the blacksmiths that they had used often to make their weapons.

"My Lady, the saddler is done with the saddle that you requested. I can take you to it if you'd like to see it." He addressed her.

With all that was going on, she had forgotten about the saddle that would help Bran ride again. The younger boy had loved everything about becoming a fighter but now he had to make adjustments. With a small smile, she nodded her head and followed after him. She hoped that he would be excited to ride again.

The design of the saddle amazed her. She sent off a person to fetch Hodor so that they could bring the product to Bran. When he arrived he sent Jaidyn a cheerful smile that made the girl reciprocate the action. Together they made their way to Bran's room.

When they reached the door, Jaidyn went to knock but Hodor couldn't seem to contain his excitement as he burst through the door. Jaidyn shook her head with a chuckle but followed behind him. Her smile grew when she noticed the smile on Bran's face. He needed a moment of happiness especially with their recent news about Ned.

With Hodor's arms full of the saddle and Jaidyn being pregnant someone had to come in to help with Bran. Together they made their way to the stables where the saddle would be fitted onto a horse.

"Do you think I can really ride and fight?" Bran questioned Jaidyn as they sat side by side waiting.

"Yes and you will learn to fight. You just have to learn how to a different way." Jaidyn spoke in a comforting tone.

It was a moment of silence before Bran asked the inevitable question. "Is it true about what happened to father? I heard a couple of the maids talking about this rumor."

Jaidyn sighed heavily when she heard what he said. She didn't want him and Rickon to know about this bad news until the time was right. She had set Rickon up with someone she could trust who wouldn't breath a word about the news but there wasn't much she could do to prevent the news from getting to Bran.

"Yes." She answered with a heavy heart. He needed to know. "We received word late in the night."

"What does Robb plan to do?" Bran was curious to what would happen next.

Jaidyn knew this would happen as much as she didn't want it to. Bran was a child, he shouldn't be concerned with matters of war.

"You need not worry about that." Jaidyn said hoping he wouldn't ask about it again.

It was silent for a moment as Jaidyn looked down at him. Her worry growing as she thought of what was going on in his head.

"I hate the Lannisters." Bran admitted breaking the silence. "I wish they had never come to Winterfell. I wish father hadn't gone."

Another sigh had left Jaidyn's lips. She couldn't help but agree with him. She wished nothing changed but now that it had, things would get even more drastic.

"I know." She spoke truthfully.

Before they could talk further, Robb and Theon, entered the stables. Theon sent them a nod before going to saddle his horse. Robb made his way over and took a seat beside Jaidyn. He placed a comforting hand on her waist. By the look on their faces, he could tell she had told him about Ned.

"What are you doing here?" She questions his wife.

"I just wanted to see him off." She told him as a small smile grew on her face. He gave her a small kiss on her temple.

"I know about father." Bran hold the attention to him.

The couple shared a look before glancing at the boy. He wanted to know what they did. He wanted to know what would happen next.

"I was going to tell you." Robb began to explain. "We received news late and my time has been spent trying to figure out the best outcome. Believe me, Bran I want to avenge his attack but the Lannisters still have Sansa and Arya. We need to make sure our actions don't bring them into harm."

Bran sighed knowing it was the best option for them. Right now he needed to ride. The sooner he rode the sooner he could train.

Their attention was brought to the horses when someone announced Bran's saddle was ready. Robb picked up his brother and helped him onto the horse. After he was set on it, Jaidyn sent him a smile and told him to have fun.

She stood beside her husband before he could mount his horse. Theon already on his horse positioned on Bran's other side.

"Be careful okay." She spoke in a calm tone. "Keep an eye on Bran."

Robb simply nodded his head before giving her a chaste kiss. They whispered their love to one another before the group left the stables.

Jaidyn went back to her chambers right after. The letter she had received still nagging at the back of her mind.

She had no clue how to respond to this news. A part of her wanted to reconnect with her father. But another was hesitant because of how Ned felt toward her father.

As she contemplated her options she tried to weigh her outcomes.

A blank parchment on the desk. The letter laid beside it. Half the day had passed and the messenger wouldn't wait forever.

But when she sat at the desk a knock sounded at the door.

Maester Luwin stood at the door and Jaidyn feared the worst. It seemed that no good news seem to come.

"My lady, I have heard that Bran has been injured on their outing." He informed her.

Like the night before she rushed behind him to the Great Hall. But when she entered she was shocked to see another person among them.

She made her way to Bran and looked him over. A cut on his leg made her cringe.

"Bran, are you okay? Does it hurt?" She questioned him.

Robb couldn't help but let a small smirk grace his lips as he watched his wife tend to his sibling. She had taken her role as Lady of Winterfell excellently. She handled her duties and still managed to look after both of his brothers. He snapped out of his thoughts when she saw her look at him.

"What happened?" She demanded to know from the two who went with him. They were supposed to watch him, protect him. Now he had a cut on his leg and they had brought a stranger back.

The look on Jaidyn's face let Theon know that it was their cue to leave. Maester Luwin saw the wilding they had brought back and decided not to let her stay with Theon.

"I'll get her settled." Maester Luwin announced to them, the older ones understanding what he was saying.

Theon handed her over and gave the two a look before he left. Hodor had been waiting silently ready to take Bran when he was directed.

"Hodor, take Bran to his chambers. Maester Luwin will check in on him." Robb ordered. Hodor nodded and picked the young boy up.

Once the couple were alone, Jaidyn just once more. It was supposed to be as simple ride. It should have helped Bran wants to train again. She should have never gotten hurt. With Caitlin gone it was up to Jaidyn to look after Bran and Rickon.

"He was riding around Theon and I. He was happy Jaid." Robb provided hoping that the news of Bran happy might help him.

Hearing the young boy happy made Jaidyn feel slightly better. But she still needed to know what happened. She motioned for Robb to continue.

Robb let out a sigh knowing she wasn't going to like what happened. "I was talking with Theon about father. We took our eyes off of him for a moment. He rode off, some wildlings found him but I got there in time."

Jaidyn sighed not liking how it had gone. This could have gone even worse than it had.

"I got him before they could hurt him." Robb tried to reassure her. "We had to kill the rest but the woman, she surrendered herself. She could help around here."

"You took your eyes off him for a moment. A moment." Jaidyn expressed the issue. "If you how didn't have found him when you did, Robb it could have gone worse. It might have not been a cut."

"But I got him. He's fine. He's okay." Robb told her hoping it would calm her.

"He is your brother Robb." Jaidyn's frustration getting to her. She needed to know that their family could be kept safe. With Ned and the girls in King's Landing and Caitlin gone, she needed to protect those closest to her. As each day passed their list of enemies grew. "What if it had been our child Robb? Would you have taken your eyes off of them?"

Her questions had taken him off guard. Between the two of them they were great fighters and the many guards surrounding them, there would be more than enough to keep their family safe.

"Nothing would happen to them. When we have children they will be safe." Robb emphasized the when not knowing her current state.

"And how can I be sure?" Jaidyn fired back. She knew he had good intentions but they had almost lost Bran. Her motherly instincts kicked in.

"Because I would let nothing happen to them." Robb tried to tell her.

"But it took a moment for you to lose Bran. It would only take another moment to lose our child, only this time it wouldn't be just a simple cut." She expressed her worry and frustration.

"I got to him in time." Robb was getting more frustrated with the situation. Why was she pushing so hard to ensure their child would be safe?

"I need to know you can protect this child." Jaidyn admitted not realizing what she had said. Her hand had been placed onto her stomach.

Robb looked at her confused to what he had heard. He eyes flickered to her and her stomach as he thought of it.

"Are you-" He tried to say but not quite sure how to ask.

Jaidyn simply nodded her head as she looked at him. She was scared to see his next reaction. A baby might put too much pressure on them at that moment in time.

The silence was killing her as she stood there waiting for anything from him.

Robb snapped out of his dazed as a smile grew on his face. A baby. His wife was giving his a baby. He rushed to her crashing his lips onto her as he let out a laugh.

Jaidyn placed her hands on his cheeks as she looked at him. Their foreheads pressed against one another's.

The two took in that moment for themselves. A moment where they could find a small happiness in their lives. They had created life in a time of turmoil.

Jaidyn had returned to their chambers after she had checked in on Bran. Robb had gone to deal with matters concerning his father as she found herself staring at the letter once more.

With a quick decision she wrote on the letter quickly. Before grabbing her cloak and sneaking out of castle. She made her way to where the messenger said he would be praying he would still be there. A shadow of a person standing beside a wall let her know he had waited.

"I didn't think you'd come." He admitted as he looked at her.

"I didn't think I would as well." She admitted more to herself. She pulled the letter out and handed to him. She didn't want to over think it knowing if she did she would take it back.

He grabbed the paper and put it in his satchel. The look on her face let him know she was uncertain about the action. Not saying another word he simply turned and left her there. If he had stayed any longer she might tell him to give the letter back. With him leaving she would have no choice but to see how this would turn out.

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