It Started with Ria

By suebug8

823K 17.6K 816

Victoria aka Ria is a spoiled rich brat out to have a good time. When she pushes her luck too far she gets in... More

Sneak Peek
Chapter 1-Punishment
Chapter 2 Schoolin'
Chapter 3- Insults
Chapter 4- I'm Way Hotter Than He Is!
Chapter 5-Snakes and Bubbles
Chapter 6- Juice and Muffins
Chapter 8-Apologies and IVs
Chapter 9 -Boxers and Butts
Chapter 10-Prince and Princesses
Chapter 11-Naughty thoughts and Blackouts
Chapter 12- Friend or Foe
Chapter 13-Anticipation of the Feisty One
Chapter 14-Glocks and the princess
Chapter 15- The Seabee and Sleeping Beauty
Chapter 16-Loverboy and a Blonde
Chapter 17-Blast from the Past
Chapter 18- Assaults and Rejection
Chapter 19-Hopeless Romantic
Chapter 20- Lamborghinis and Stories
Chapter 21-The Movie Theatre Usher and a Couple of Teenagers
Chapter 22-Jealousy and My Girl
Chapter 23-Giving Gifts
Chapter 23-Dominic and Tom
Chapter 24
Chapter 25- The End

Chapter 7-Table Talk

30.3K 643 30
By suebug8

Chapter 6

Nic's POV

The past two days with my family has been great. Things are still stressful with my dad but that is nothing new. We just don't see eye to eye and never have. But other than that the past two days have been great; relaxing by the fire at night when it cools down and sitting on the beach during the day sucking on a longneck. I've spent a lot of time with Eli, she is such a little bugger. Sometimes it's almost like she is my daughter instead of my little sister. She was refusing to go back to pre-school but I told her on my next day off I would take her to the slushy stand a few blocks away. She is so easy for me to relate to. Man you ever have one of those days where you just dread going into work? Today is that day for me.

When I arrive Mitch meets me at the privacy gate.

"Hey, man what's up?" I ask considering it is really weird for him to meet me here.

"We need to talk and I didn't want there to be a chance that she might overhear," he says.

"Alright man hop in and I'll give you a ride back to the house," I tell him and he jumps in the car.

"I'm gonna just be blunt and get to the point since we don't have much time. You have to stop being a dick to her. She has been through a lot of bad shit in her life man. Instead of harsh insults just don't say anything unless you have to. Got it?" he finally asked. I was shocked that he would talk to me this way. I wonder what kind of time he had with her while I was away. She is probably black mailing him now.

"Yeah man anything for a friend," I say sarcastically. But I will because I don't want him to lose his job.

I wasn't supposed to work today but Sal called in a favor from me. Mitch left and I made my way inside. Guessing that she heard the door slam because she said, "Sal I am upstairs. Mitch took me to the movies last night it was great I sure wish you could've been there. How is the family? Sal..." she sounded like she was getting worried but hey I am not suppose to talk to her, right? I rounded the corner of her room. When she saw it was me the 100 watt smile she had faded into surprise and finally disappointment. Should it bother me that she was disappointed it was me instead of Sal, the family man?

"Oh um...sorry I was told Sal was coming in today. Since it was Sal I had made some plans but I will cancel them," she told me as she turned away from me and grabbed her phone and started texting.

"You don't have to cancel. Where do I need to take you?" I asked her.

"No it's kind of something I do with Sal," she said. Whoa I didn't take her for being so sleazy that she would be a home wrecker too. Mitch told me to keep my insults quiet so I did. I just shrugged and walked away. About an hour later I went to check on her. Her door was open and it sounded like she was crying. She was sitting on her bed with her back to me holding a picture frame in her hand and she was definitely crying.

"Momma, Daddy I miss you both so much. If you hadn't been on your way to watch me sing that night you would still be here. No one has ever loved me as much as you and I know no one ever will. My life is so messed up right now..." she started but I walked away. The moment was too private for me to eavesdrop even if I don't like her.


After an afternoon sitting in my room feeling sorry for myself, I sent a text to Tom. He said he would be over with depression provisions asap. Even though I could really use some girl time I haven't had the nerve to call Elise after the incident. Tom was always a mood lifter though and that's just what I need. An hour later I heard the gate beep as I was getting a glass of water. Dominic came into the room.

"Are you expecting company?" he asked.

"Yes Tom is over for a visit," I told him. He nodded but I could've sworn I heard him say, "Great the groper is back."

Tom came in just then and grabbed me up into his embrace. He looked over my shoulder.

"Hey Dominic, right?" he said.

"Yeah Dominic...Tom," Dominic replied. Tom stuck his hand out for a shake and Dominic grabbed it rather rough if you ask me but what do I know I am not a guy. They were in the middle of a weird standoff when I asked Tom, "What are we doing handsome?" his eyes softened as he looked down into mine.

"Well, I plan on keeping you in your bedroom all night, babe," he told me. I laughed and grabbed his hand and tugged him to my room.

After we get in my room I ask him, "Why do you try to make Dominic angry? And what was the stare off going on? OMG are you crushing on him?" I asked.

"First, no although he is scrumptious isn't he? Second, if he is such a douche he deserves to be angry. Third, the stare off was me telling him that you are not to be messed with...that you are mine," he said. I looked at him in shock.

"That I am yours...Why would you do something like that?" I asked bewildered.

"Because that's what a straight guy that is currently in those thongs of yours would do biotch," he said laughing.

"Are you serious right now? He doesn't give a shit about me. You are wasting your time trying to play cupid, loverboy. Trying to get him jealous is a total waste. I have heard him tell others as long as I am alive and unharmed at the end of his shift he doesn't give a shit about anything else. So please do me a favor and stop. That's probably why he thinks I am a ho," I tell him.

"You give into me fully tonight and if he doesn't react at all to my advances on you then I will stop, deal?" he asked. Well why not because it will shut him up.

"Okay, but I am telling you this is a waste of time," I reply.

"Yes!" Tom exclaimed.

Tom dressed me in a plain white belly shirt and my booty shorts.

"Tom this is a little too much honey," I tell him.

"Are you super comfy like that?" he asked.

"Considering you refused to allow a bra or panties yeah," I tell him. He smiles like the Cheshire cat.

"Let's go sugar ass," he tells me and I roll my eyes as he pulls me down the stairs. I hear the TV going in the den.

"Please just follow my lead no matter what I do, got it?" he said. I nod. We round the corner to see Dominic sitting in the chair.

"Dude you mind if me and my girl join you?" Tom asks.

"Yeah that's cool," Dominic said. But his face said otherwise.

Dominic's POV

Why does her boyfriend show up every time I am here? He annoys the piss out of me. Now here they are on the love seat across from the chair I sit in all cuddled up like last time. I was watching an old war movie and it's over now. Some chick flick is on now which I really boring. Tom starts leaning over to kiss her neck and it made me twitch in my seat. I could just ask that they not do that in the den. She does have a room that they just came out of. Couldn't he get enough of her then? As he starts kissing her neck she begins to giggle. His hand is currently sliding down her arm and under the blanket that they share. Mitch said say nothing.

Tom takes Victoria and kisses her on the lips...on the fucking lips. As he is sticking his nasty tongue in her mouth he starts to lean her back onto the couch. Hell NO! Before I know what I am doing I am out of my chair with Tom in a choke hold in the den floor.

"Keep your slimy fucking hands off of her!" I yell.

"Okay man chill. I was just having some fun," he tells me.

"Dominic please let him go," Victoria says snapping me out of my rage. Shit what did I do?

"Tom I think it's probably best if you leave for night," she told him.

"Yeah peaches I think that's for the best," he said as he smiled at her.

"Dominic we need to talk," she tells me.

"Alright," I tell her seeming as she might get me fired now for assaulting her boyfriend that was just making out with his girl...his girl. She walked to the kitchen with me in tow. We both set down and she sighed unhappily.

"Look I need to tell you something so you can chill about Tom," she said.

"No I was way out of line back there who you do is none of my business as long as he isn't hurting or trying to kill you. I will be more professional and I would appreciate it if you didn't tell your Aunt and Uncle when they return home about this," he said.

"Tom is gay," she blurted out.

"What?!" I shouted.

"Tom is gay like you are more his type than I am," she said.

"Then what the hell was that in the living room? What are you trying to convert him to the straight team?!" I shout again. She laughed at me. I bet they were both laughing at me all night...hell all last week.

"What-NO!" she shouted back.

"Then what is going on?" I demand.

"It was Tom's idea. He said that you..." she started.

"That I what?" I ask.

"That you like me and that he wanted to make you jealous to prove it to me," she said in a whisper. I was stunned into silence at first and then I bust up laughing. She was staring at me gauging my reaction.

"Like I would be into you, princess? You are everything that I stand against. I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole!" as soon as it came out I regretted every word because the look on her face was awful. I had just asked her a favor and then insult her. On top of that I was not supposed to insult her!

"Don't worry I will keep your secret but in return I would like for you to keep your distance as far away as we can manage in this situation," she said shakily. Man Mitch was right I am a right ass to her.

She was walking out of the kitchen and I grabbed her arm. "Look I am sorry I just insulted you and I really appreciate you not getting me fired," I told her truthfully. She nodded and continued walking on.

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