No Control (Chris Motionless)

By XxakthecreaturexX

25.2K 915 833

The city of London has its share of secrets. Some dark things have happened on its streets. An entity that is... More

Chapter 1 - London Town
Chapter 2 - Whipping Haus
Chapter 3 - Already Here
Chapter 4 - Twin Flames
Chapter 5 - Another Mistake
Chapter 7 - A Warning
Chapter 8 - Fright Night
Chapter 9 - Vice Grip
Chapter 10 - Amends Made
Chapter 11 - A Lesson
Chapter 12 - Skin Tight
Chapter 13 - Torture Garden
Chapter 14 - Night Call
Chapter 15 - Stay Here
Chapter 16 - Graveyard Shift
Chapter 17 - An Almost
Chapter 18 - The Movement
Chapter 19 - New Faith
Chapter 20 - Vice's Virtue
Chapter 21 - A Moment
Chapter 22 - Someone's Watching
Chapter 23 - Silent Treatment
Chapter 24 - Between Us
Chapter 25 - Little Secret
Chapter 26 - More Questions
Chapter 27 - Razor's Edge
Chapter 28 - Unwanted Answers
Chapter 29 - A Monument
Chapter 30 - The Sinners
Chapter 31 - The Leader
Chapter 32 - Hell's Haven
Chapter 33 - A Realization
Chapter 34 - Some Help
Chapter 35 - Sudden Attack
Chapter 36 - The Reason
Chapter 37 - Our Normal
Chapter 38 - Role Reverse
Chapter 39 - Sensory Overload
Chapter 40 - Breath Control
Chapter 41 - Panicked State
Chapter 42 - Things Forgotten
Chapter 43 - Waiting Game
Chapter 44 - Five Offerings
Chapter 45 - Blood Bath
Chapter 46 - The Truth
Chapter 47 - Escape Plan
Chapter 48 - Spaces Between
Chapter 49 - A Confession
Chapter 50 - It Begins
Chapter 51 - A Loss
Chapter 52 - Damage Control

Chapter 6 - What Follows

585 23 0
By XxakthecreaturexX

"So, what really made you want to meet up with me?" He asked with a grin and in a voice that made it hard to tell if he was joking.

We had decided to go to a small touristy restaurant and I was too scared of most of the stuff I saw on the menu. I ended up just ordered some fish and chips, as fries are called here. I twirled the fried chip on my plate as I considered my answer.

I decided to tell him a small bit of my reasoning, "I just really wanted to get away from my roommates."

His playful demeanor dropped as he questioned, "Did you all have an argument?"

I shrugged, "You could say that. Lea just didn't like the fact that I had your number. She's afraid of me finding a way to get hurt here in England."

He let out a short laugh, "Trust me, I'm more of a danger to myself than anyone else. Is she like a neurotic type of person or something?"

"Sometimes I swear that she is, but her concerns aren't entirely misguided."

"What makes you say that?"

"I had some bad stuff happen back in Kentucky and I don't think any of us have fully gotten over it yet."

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?"

"Let's just say my ex is an asshole."

"I can relate to that." He mutters to himself. He caught the look of confusion and interest that flashed across my features, and continued, "We were engaged and she cheated on me with a friend of mine."

My jaw dropped, not just from what he told me, but also because he had felt comfortable enough to confess something so personal.

"Oh god, Chris, I'm so sorry."

He took a sip of his water and he waved off my words. He gave me a sad sort of smile as he shrugged, "It's alright, all I can do now is move on."

I could understand that. It's strange to think that you can miss someone, even after they've done something terrible to you. That's why I still find myself missing Matt from time to time.

"So, how about we talk about a less depressing topic?" Chris suggests with a perked-up eyebrow.

I'm starting to wonder if he does his eyebrow thing out of habit or because he's aware of how attractive it makes him.

I chuckled, "Sounds good to me."

He seemed to ponder over his words for a long moment and then a smirk curled his lips. "There's actually something I've been meaning to ask you about."

"What's that?"

"When we ran into each other at the Motionless show, you had said something about meeting me in the Whipping House, what were you doing there in the first place?"

"I was invited."

"Are you into that sort of thing?"

I thought back to what he had said to me that night in the Whipping House, he must really not remember what happened.

"I didn't know what kind of place it was when I went."

"But why did you stay?"

I don't know what possessed me to allow the words that came out of my mouth, but none the less I confess, "Because of you."

His amused grin morphed into something more wicked as he speaks, "That sounds like a good enough reason to me. Do you want to get out of here now?"

I glanced down at our plates, seeing that they were basically empty and the restaurant only seemed to have a handful of people lingering behind in the booths, like we were.

I did my best to keep my hesitation out of my tone as I questioned, "Where would we be going?"

"Wherever the night takes us."

I turned towards the window to see that the sun had set and despite my better judgement, I decided that I wanted to find out where he intends to take me.

So, I shot him a playful smirk of my own. "Sure."

He tossed some money down on the table and rose to his feet before offering his hand to me. I place my hand in his and he leads me out the entrance. I took note of the fact that he didn't release my hand as we moved down the sidewalk. It didn't take long for me to figure out where we were heading as Chris guided me towards the London Eye Ferris wheel.

"Well, aren't you original." I remark sarcastically as we get in line.

Chris surprised me by sticking his tongue out at me before saying, "Oh come on, would you really pass up an opportunity to ride something like this?"

"Okay, I guess you have a point."

Thankfully it didn't take too long for us to be up next to get in one of the capsules. I lifted my head to stare up at the huge glowing blue wheel. Just taking in the sight made me dizzy and Chris moved his hand to the small of my back.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he steadied me.

"Yeah, heights just freak me out a little bit."

"Do you want to just skip out on this then?"

When I turned to look at him, I halfway expected to find him annoyed, but that wasn't the case. A look of genuine concern was painted across his features. Thoughts of how Matt would've reacted flashed through my mind, the way he would have fussed about me ruining the evening and how he probably would carry that attitude into the next day. I was grateful for Chris's selfless response. None the less I wasn't going to let my fear get the better of me right now.

I shook my head. "I should be fine."

He gave me another apprehensive look, "Are you sure?"

This time I was the one to grab his hand. "I'm sure I'll find a way to survive."

I was pleased to watch the smile that sprang up on his face and after that we hurried to get on the Ferris wheel with the rest of our group. We ended up sitting near the edge of the almond shaped bench in the middle of the capsule, our shoulders pressed together. I felt my stomach drop as we ascended bit by bit. In the matter of fifteen minutes, we were at the top and as far as the eye could see laid the city lights of London. It was a truly breathtaking thing to witness as the sun continued to sink and the landscape gained a reddish golden tint.

Chris lightly rested his hand on my knee questioning, "How are you feeling?"

"As long as I don't look straight down, I think I'll be alright."

He let out a small laugh, "I'll be sure to keep you from doing that then."

Once our ride was over and we were back on the ground, I decided that it was time for me to head back to campus. I didn't want to scare Lea too badly by staying out really late. Chris was kind enough to offer to walk me to the train station and on the way, we started talking about music.

"So, what's your favorite genre?" He asks as we stroll along the sidewalk.

"Hm, it's a toss-up between rock and electronic."

He nodded appreciatively, "Nice, and what about your favorite band?"

I sent him a pleading glance and in a slightly whiny tone questioned, "Is this payback for my book question earlier? Do you know how hard that is to answer?"

"Oh, c'mon, it isn't that difficult."

"Well, if it's so easy, then what's yours?"

"Bleeding Through." He replies with an impish grin.

I sighed heavily, which made him chuckle. I silently racked my brain for an answer to settle with, but I couldn't pick just one. I ended up rating my favoritism on how long I had been listening to the musician and right as I open my mouth to give him an answer, he stops me. Chris sends me a look of warning and holds a finger up to his lips.

"We're being followed." He whispers.

"What?" I chirp out.

"Be careful about it, but turn around a little."

I gradually moved my head and spot a shadowy figure trailing us from several yards behind.

I hesitantly turn my attention back to Chris as I breathe, "What do we do?"

His hazel eyes dart around the area surrounding us as he mouths, "Follow me."

Chris slips his fingers between mine and leads me down another street to our left. I steal a quick peek over my shoulder, but a minute later the stranger is there yet again. Chris let out a quiet sigh, somehow sounding irritated as he took a right this time. I sincerely hoped that we were trying to get away from this person for no reason. That this was all just a coincidence. I shrank into Chris's side unconsciously when the mysterious silhouette reappeared.

"Now what?" I hissed.

He scowled and pulled me down another road.

"Chris, this isn't work..." I begin to point out when I'm suddenly slammed into a wall.

Chris presses his hand over my mouth before I have a chance to scream out. His body presses against mine and my thoughts swiftly take a turn for the worst. Footsteps tap closer to us as I stare up at him with wide, terrified eyes. He gives a tiny shake of his head and becomes so still that I swear he is holding his breath. The footfalls get louder the longer we stand there and I wonder if Chris can feel the way my heart is hammering in my chest.

I listen as the night fades back into silence and Chris drops his hand from my face. I inhale shakily as I release the grip I had unknowingly put on his arms.

In a voice that would have been inaudible if we weren't so close to each other I ask, "Are they gone?"

"Stay right here and I'll check." He tells me in a low voice and steps into the streetlights.

My mind pleaded for me to pull him back into darkness, but a bigger part of me wanted to know if we were safe. My heart nearly burst out of my chest when a hand juts back into the shadow I was hiding in a few minutes later, but I notice the letters S.C.R.A. tattooed on the owner's fingers. I let out a breath of relief, realizing that its Chris's Scranton tattoo.

"Let's get out of here." He mutters and we hurry out of the area.

The whole way to the train station we stayed close together, both of us still obviously rattled from earlier.

When a train finally pulls up, Chris wraps his arms around me in a gentle hug saying, "Call me when you get back to your dorm."

I nod against his shoulder as I tell him, "Be careful, okay?"

He leans away and gives me a smile that I'm sure he's trying to make reassuring. "I'll do my best."

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