Something Only We Know ✔️

By GoldenCalypso

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||Completed|| Love is not an open door. Love is not a game. Love is not a fairytale. When the game of love le... More

Something Only We Know
Special Attention
sleep with me
hulk's daughter
chocolate on my lips
who are you?
keep your eyes on me
why do you have to sing?
the piano
life at risk
one last time
just a wind
his heart
sleeping beauty
something nice
a promise
that promise
thank you
me and you

secret for secret

178 21 9
By GoldenCalypso

'How do you spell love?'
'You don't spell it, you feel it.'
~Winnie the Pooh



I was screaming at the top of my lungs. My body felt weaker and my spine shivered against me. But despite all that, there was a fierce pain in my heart, not for the deep stab it faced.

I couldn't see Adrian dying.

No. He's everything to me.
He can't die.

"NOOOOO!" I shouted, giving the last of my energy as his breath failed him.


"Serena! Serena, baby it's all right!"

I suddenly opened my eyes and sat bolt upright on the floor. Adrian was there beside me, his arm circled around my waist, his eyes a soft shade of azure.

I felt so relieved.

I was sweating like hell.

Sheepishly not bothering my morning bad breath, I brushed his lips against mine.

Thank god, you are alive.

"Hey, I'm not going to leave you, okay?" He whispered and kissed my cheek, "unless you do."

I breathed in.

I was not ready to leave him.

But he would be in danger if I kept staying with him.

"Did you have a bad dream, sweetheart?" He asked.

Sweetheart, that was what Nate used to call me.

"Adrian, don't call me sweetheart. I don't like you calling me that," I admitted.

He looked puzzled,

"No, it was not a bad dream," I began, "it was a nightmare. I'm glad you are safe, I thought I lost you."

He hugged me closer to him. His warmth dazzled me and my blood rose to my cheeks.

"I'm glad you want me safe," he said.

I looked at the wall clock. Was it 9.00 am?

"Holy crap Adrian, we are late for school! Why didn't you wake me up?" I exclaimed.

Adrian smirked.
"Forget school baby. I wanted to do something nice today with you, remember?"

I nodded, excited. There was something in his tone that said he wanted something new.

Something only he could do.
I shivered at the thought.

"And something nice doesn't include school, okay?" He added.

Definitely. Anyone would agree.

"So, on your first day as my official girlfriend, let's go on a date,"he suggested. "Are you ready for it?"

Ready as I can ever be.

"I don't know, maybe," I grumbled, trying to look serious.

I did not know what he was trying to do. And I didn't want him to know that I kind of liked being his girlfriend.

It was as if I was enjoying myself with the bad boy. But I didn't want this to be another game. But it felt like a game.

And I was already loving every second of it.


First, we went to the theater together. To our bad luck, they were screening Fifty Shades Freed. I thought Adrian was joking. Only adults were permitted to watch it.

"Hey man, are you and your girl eighteen plus?" A middle aged guy at the booth signaled Adrian.

"You mean me and my wife?" Adrian winked at me.

My wife?

The guy looked offended.

"Whatever," he grumbled, "here are your tickets."

Adrian paid for them.

"But don't arouse your hormones. We've had enough live sex scenes playing in the background. So don't even try to kiss your wife." He said stressing the word wife at the end.

We turned to leave.

Adrian circled an arm around my waist. Then he said to me in a louder voice that was audible to anybody near us.

"We've got everything ready, right babe? You did not forget the butt plugs and the hand cuffs, right?"

I rolled my eyes at him. Was he serious?

I felt the guy at the booth tense at our pillow talk.

By the time we occupied two seats, I was starting to get super dehydrated. The air conditioning was too much and I was getting super excited. I had never watched blues in public. Even less have I watched a blue with a guy beside me.

A super hot guy, for crying out a loud.

The movie started and Christian and Ana were sort of making love and all. I just couldn't stay seated. Either I wanted to puke, or I had to go the bathroom. Adrian was tensing in his seat, clearly aroused.

Every time they kissed, I did not see anyone else in them, I felt us kissing.

I remembered how we kissed, how great his kissing made me, the way he circled an arm around my waist and grabbed me so close so that I could see his hungry blue eyes hovering on my lips...


"I think I'll bring some popcorn," Adrian squeaked out and disappeared. I heaved a happy sigh.

What is happening to me?

After a moment, he was already there with popcorn in his hands.
We ate the popcorn trying to ignore each other.

But when we were scooping some popcorn, all of a sudden our hands met. We both shivered.

"Hey, the popcorn is so cold..." Adrian admitted meekly. "Maybe we should just throw it and go home."

"Okay, I was thinking the exact thing too." I said.

Then he took a handful of popcorn into his hand.

Was he eating it again?
"Watch, this is fun." He whispered to me.

Then, to my surprise, he threw it up.

I would have laughed out.

He was like a little boy that hated popcorn and wanted to hurt people with it.

Surely, it was fun.

The people seated in the row in front of us were all rained upon with popcorn. There were popcorn on their heads and laps. The girls had popcorn tangled in their hair. They were tilting their heads to the sides.

Good for us.

Before the lights turned on for the break, Adrian and I sneaked out of the film hall.


"Hey, why doesn't this cut?"
Adrian was almost swearing as he used his force to cut a piece of barbecued chicken for me. It was almost evening. We were at a beachside restaurant and I felt ashamed of myself.

I was not wearing anything but a sweater and a pair of trousers.

I should have worn something nice.
At least for Adrian.

"Maybe, we should just eat it," I suggested. Adrian looked at me.

He examined the knife they had given us.
"Woah... isn't this a butter knife?" He blurted. "Who in the damn world cuts chicken with a butter knife?"

I smiled.

"Here, let me give it a try." I said.

With two forks, I tried my best to separate the chicken. With much effort, it seemed edible. Adrian was watching me, his deep blue eyes enthusiastically drawn to my hands.

"Thanks, you are the best girl ever." Adrian told me and kissed my cheek.

"So," He said taking a bite from the main dish, "let's do a game."

"Um, okay."

"The game's called 'Secret for Secret'," he began, a smirk lingering on his face, "You tell me a secret and I'll tell you one. That way we'll get to know each other well, okay?"

"Okay, you first." I said, trying not to laugh.

"No, lady's first." He told me, grinning.

"Um, okay," I cleared my throat.

He looked at me, expecting.
"I had been using your toothbrush since the day I moved in with you." I blurted in one breath.

He laughed, his blue eyes shining. "I already knew that."

"You knew? How?" I asked him, ashamed.

"I smelled you in my toothbrush." He said.

"What a brilliant talent, Adrian. You have a good nose..." I remarked.

He smirked at me.

"Now it's your turn." I said, teasing.

"For the first time in my life, I have found the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with."

I froze.

Adrian's blue eyes were drowning me in. Something in them made me want to believe every second of this moment. Something in him made me want to forget about who I used to be.

And just be with him.

Oh my god.

I hadn't ever thought I would be feeling what I was feeling now.

I was already falling for him.

Adrian was still looking at me, his eyes marveling my expression.

"Too bad cause she doesn't feel the same about me." He added, reluctantly.

I do, Adrian.
And I do want to be with you, forever.

"I just wish she would never leave me. But unfortunately, she wants to."

I don't want to.
But I should.
I'm so sorry, Adrian.

Guys, what do you think? Should Serena leave Adrian?
Isn't there any other option but to leave?

Anyways, thanks for reading. I'm so happy to have so many good and loyal readers. It's so good to know that there is someone out there, waiting for the updates...

I love everyone of you. That includes all the silent readers as well.

And please do this one favor I ask.

Your vote would make my smile way bigger... (you should really see it)
Love you 😍

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