
By TashaAmy1803

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Twilight/ Dirty Dancing crossover Allison Rose Cullen was raised in the family but not completely treated lik... More

Disclaimer and Authors Note
Chapter One - Prologue
Chapter Two
Chapter Three - Meeting Jack
Chapter Four - New Friend Problems
Chapter Five - Teach Me
Chapter Six - Training
Chapter Seven - Connections and Bravery
Chapter Eight - Cry to me
Chapter Nine - Don't ruin it!
Chapter Ten - You Don't Fool Me
Chapter Eleven - I Love Him
Chapter Twelve - Don't Leave Me.
Chapter Thirteen - Time of my life
Chapter Fourteen - 7 Days
Chapter Fifteen - One Year Later
Chapter Sixteen - Answers
Chapter 17 - Mr and Mrs Cassidy Sr
Chapter 18 - Treat her better
Chapter 19 - Oh my gosh!
Chapter Twenty - A.R.C & J.C.C
Chapter Twenty One - The Wedding Part One
Chapter Twenty Two - The Wedding Part Two
Chapter Twenty Three - Mr and Mrs Cassidy
Chapter Twenty Four - Don't Leave Me
Chapter Twenty Five - Breaking Dawn
Chapter Twenty Six - Newborn
Chapter Twenty Seven - Longer than we thought
Chapter Twenty Eight - What?
Chapter Twenty Nine - Shut Up!
Chapter 30 - Welcome
Chapter Thirty One - Happy Family
Chapter Thirty Two - New York
Chapter Thirty Three - Happy Birthday Faith and Johnny
Chapter Thirty Four - Just Like your Mother
Chapter Thirty Five - Summerland her we come!
Chapter Thirty Six - Summerland
Chapter Thirty Seven - Sorting things out
Chapter Thirty Eight - Morning After
Chapter Thirty Nine - Summer Fun.
Chapter Forty - Happy
Chapter Forty One - Cassidy Number 5
Chapter Forty Three - Baby Cassidy
Chapter Forty Four - Mourn
Chapter Forty Five - Jacob's Arrival
Chapter Forty Six - Family Life
Chapter Forty Seven - Spending time with Jacob.
Chapter Forty Eight - Working at the Car Wash
Chapter Forty Nine - The Volturi Invites You....
Chapter Fifty - No More...

Chapter Forty Two - Baby Time

444 14 0
By TashaAmy1803


Over the next week, we spent most of our time at the hospital, with Frances. I had gotten even more bigger and the children helped more than ever. Johnny distracted her Nan with her gifts and Johnny well he made sure people didn't ask questions who I went from looking 5 months pregnant to 9 months pregnant in the matter of days.

I was singing the time of my life while rubbing my stomach. He or She was moving around like mad, I winced.

"Are they kicking?" Faith questioned.

"Yeah do you wanna feel?" She nodded and I took her hand and put it on my belly. She gasped

"That's so weird."

"A little, they've been very active today." I groan in pain

"Have you decided on names?" Frances asked as Jack helped prop her up.

"It's not my turn." I told her "I names Faith and Johnny. This one is all down to Jack." He looked up like a deer caught in headlights.

"What you never said that?"

"Didn't I? Ah. I like to throw you a curve ball." I scrambled for my phone, in pain

"Mom are you okay?"

"Yeah, fine." I breathed in relief "Grab my phone and call your Granpops. Faith you're gonna need to cause a distraction."

"Why? Ali what's going on?"

"Okay, don't panic but , you need to come up with a name, because I think they're coming." I stood

"What?" He shot up and I grabbed his shoulders.

"You cannot freak out. I'm not bleeding everything will be okay. But you need to get me out of here."


"Why, can't you have it here?" Frances asks getting worried.

"Human doctors aren't prepared for our baby. There is no dilating or whatever. The pain it will only get worse. I have about a hour and half. Which means we need to go now."

"I hope you're ready babies, you're gonna cause up a real stink." The nodded and their eyes glowed different shades of green. Jack opened the door and everyone was watching every tv in sight they were all distracted. The kids took care of the cameras as Jack moved us all out and into the car.

"Okay. Johnny, what did your grandpops say?" Jack asked as I pain hit me again.

"He's just landed but the drive will take ages to get there."

"That's fine, you can do it?" I told my husband

"What?! Are you insane."

"Possibly, but isn't one of the resons why you love me. Kids, it's not gonna be pretty. but you'll have a sibling soon. so focus on that. You'll need to watch over them while I heal and feed sfter okay?" They said nothing.  I turn to look back at them

"Okay?" They nodded

"Very good."  Jack gripped the steering wheel tightly

"Hey, listen to me. You can do this."

"The blood."

"You've done it before. Hey. Hey!" He looked at me

"I trust you. I will always trust you"

"You hate that word."

"Which is how you know I mean it. Now get a grip and drive." He nodded and put his foot down.


When we arrived I was taken into the back room which we had set up for right now.

"Go play, upstairs." Jack told them they looked scared by ran upstairs.

"Something's not right, you need to open me up now!" I ordered.

"Right." He put me on the bed and lifted up my top. I thrashed about in pain, I had a love hate relationships with hybrid births. Everything was good right up till you actually had to deliver.

"I don't have scalpels. Carlisle has those."

"Then bite me, lover boy." I yelled. He winced an started biting. I screamed in pain, it was excruciating

"Right, I have no idea what... Carlisle, tell me what yo do." Carlisle who was on the phone walked him through it . Jackson got his way through and I heard little screams of a baby. I felt a relief of pressure and opened my eyes.

"Wha-What do we have?"

"A girl. We have another girl." he tells me.


-3rd Person-

"Jack listen to me. I will be there in five minutes but you need to kick-start Allison's healing."

"How?" Jack questions.

"She needs to drink Human blood, the one she's had for the past two weeks." Jack Opened the door.

"Kids!" he yelled and they sped down.

"Dad, why are you covered in blood?" Faith asked scared

"Later.  I need blood and bassinet." Johnny ran to get the blood and Faith dragged over the bassinet.

"Stay with your sister, yell if you need me." Jack took the blood off Johnny and ran back in.

"Ali, stay awake. Drink this." He fed her the blood bag after bag.

"I'm tired."

"Jack let her sleep." He heard Carlisle behind him and he got to work stitching her up.

"I never want to do that again." He breathed

"I know, but you did well. Now go spend time with your new daughter. I will deal with Ali." Jack went out and saw the children staring down at their sister

"Told you it was a girl." He heard Faith brag

"Shut up. Why is she all bloody?" Johnny replied

"Because she's just been born." Jack told them and they looked up.

"Dad! Where's Mom?" Faith questioned

"Grandpops is looking after her, she's gonna sleep for a bit. Mean while let's clean your little sister, ready for when she wakes up. Jack picked up the little girl and took her upstairs followed by he children.

"Was it like this when we were born?" Johnny asked as he cleaned his baby girl up.

"Yeah. But for all the pain, your Mom goes through, she wouldn't change a thing. When she wakes up and feeds. She'll be fine. I promise."


"Right, let's go." He took them into his room and  put baby into a Moses basket on Ali's side of the bed.

"You remember all the songs we sing to you."


"Why don't you sing to her, I bet she'd love to hear your voices. I'm gonna clean up and change." The children started singing to their baby sister. The little girl stopped wriggling and listen to her big brother and sister. Jack washed and dressed himself before coming back out. The headed downstairs where Carlisle was on the phone talking to his family back home. When he got off the phone he turned to them.

"How is she?" Jack asked

"Sleeping. The blood you fed her will help her heal faster. If  may." he gestured to the newborn wanting to do a check up.

"Sure." He handed the little girl and watched Carlisle check her over and make notes.

"Have you thought of a name yet?" Carlisle asked him "Allison said you would choose."

"Err , no. I only found out today she wanted me to. " He sat down and ran a hand through his hair

"You did good Jackson."


"Well you have a perfectly healthy baby girl. She'll want feeding soon though." He handed her back to Jack. He stared down at the baby in his arms.

"Hi, baby."

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