Bangtwice Smuts

By twicethebang

226K 1.4K 944

Stories about Bangtwice's private lives. Reader discretion advised. More

Yoongi & Jihyo
Jungkook + Tzuyu + Taehyung


17.4K 129 140
By twicethebang

Twice were waiting in their dressing room for their turn to perform. The nine girls were discussing a variety of topics, but all of them had an upcoming meeting on their minds. JYP had told them that they would get a chance to get to know other idols better and that this meeting would go further in to detail.

"So who do you think it is?" Asked Sana to the whole group. Nayeon turned around in her chair to face her.

"I don't know but I'm guessing it's another group, not individual idols. Why else would this meeting include all of us and not just a couple?" Nayeon answered. Sana nodded in agreement.

"Yeah you're right. I'm kinda hoping for it to be Exo." Said Momo shyly making the group laugh.

"Oh c,mon , who are you trying to fool? Everyone here knows you and J-Hope have something going on." Retorted Jeongyeon jokingly.

"Shut up~" Momo said while blushing. Causing even more laughter from the group.

The girls went from left to right, saying who they would like to get to know. When they got to the last girl, they were all anxious to hear her answer. She never talks about boys and has never shared any interest in getting to know anyone in particular.

"Well for me...I'm fine with whoever. As long as they're nice, I'm good." Dahyun said cheerfully.

The other girls agreed and changed the subject. But truthfully, Dahyun did have a group in mind, and a certain someone she was thinking of as well.


They were sitting down at a long table in the conference room of the JYPE building. The nine girls were both excited and nervous to see what group was going to walk through that door. The PD's there had explained to them that they would be on a show with the other group. They said the show would be about both groups living together, separate dorms to avoid anger from fans. The PD's said that the two groups would be doing fun activities and challenges together which made the girls even more excited. There were cameras in room, ready to record their first meeting.

There was some whispers between the girls about who it might be and about how nervous they were feeling. They quieted down when they heard some footsteps approaching the room. The girls stood up to be able to greet them.

"Bangtan! Hello, we are BTS!" The 7 boys introduced themselves as they walked in. Their hearts were beating fast, they have always seen Twice around due to similar schedules and events but seeing this up close made their hearts race.

"One in a million! Hello, we are Twice." They said as they bowed.

Twice was shocked, they were so nervous you could hear the pounding of their hearts from the upstairs floor. Nayeon whispered to Tzuyu about how handsome they were, Tzuyu nodded subtlety to show agreement.

The meeting continued on to talk about the logistics of the tv show. The two groups nodded to the managers words but all they could think about were each other.

Day 7 of Filming

Twice and Bts had gotten to know each other and there was a comfortable atmosphere around them. Many laughs, stories and secrets were shared so they felt close. They had spent all their waking hours together for a week straight so it's only natural.

However they were not allowed at each others dorms, for the fear of them somehow causing a scandal. That definitely didn't stop them though. When the PD's and cameramen had gone home or to their trailers, they snuck over to each others dorms to watch movies or have pillow fights. When one of them fell asleep, it was a tradition for the others to prank them. Jungkook even had to spend 10 minutes before filming started to wash off the sharpie one morning and Chaeyoung spent one of her mornings looking for her left shoe.


One night, the kids were being very loud. They were dancing their hearts out while two sang karaoke. But there were two of them who weren't anywhere to be found.

Dahyun and Jimin were upstairs in Jimin's room complaining about the noise downstairs. Jokingly angry they couldn't watch their dramas in peace.

They were huddled up in a blanket watching a drama with the lights of. Grabbing fistfuls of popcorn from a bowl of near by.

Suddenly the door busted open. The popcorn went flying in the air because they jumped out of fear of the sudden noise. The intruder turned on the lights making their eyes hurt. They groaned in protest.

"What are you guys doing here?" Asked Suga as Jihyo poked her head in to see what was going on.

"It's too loud down there and we want to watch our drama." Responded Jimin. "Yup." Said Dahyun in agreement.

Suga and Jihyo looked at eachother suspiciously.

"Looks to me like you guys just wanted to be alone." Said Jihyo with a smirk.

Dahyun and Jimin immediately denied it, scooching away from each other.

"No no, no, no, no." Protested immediately.

" two kids be safe." Said Siga jokingly knowing it would annoy them.

This cause Jimin to throw a pillow at him but Suga closed the door and left just in time for him to miss.

"And turn of the lights!" Yelled Jimin through laughs. The door opened a little and a pale hand crept in to turn off the lights and left right after, closing the door behind it.

Dahyun and Jimin laughed and went back to watching their drama.


The next night

The two groups were sitting in a circle in Twice's dorm with a bottle in the middle.

"Okay Tzuyu your turn!" Jin said excitedly.

Tzuyu crawled forward and span the bottle. It landed on Jungkook. Taehyung looked upset and everyone could see it. RM, feeling bad, reminded Jungkook and Tzuyu that it was just on the cheek. Tzuyu kissed him on the cheek and most people cheered.

Then it was Jimin's turn. Dahyun's pulse began to quicken. He span the bottle. Each time it passed her she got more anxious. Then as it was slowing down, it looked like it was going to stop at her. But it stopped at Mina. Everyone cheered but she didn't feel like cheering, she felt sick.

Jimin smiled and got close to Mina. Mina was nervous and put her head down out of shyness. Dahyun felt lightheaded. "Wait wait wait" Mina said, trying to give herself more time to get ready. However because she moved up so fast and Jimin was already so close, they ended up kissing on the lips.

Again, everyone cheered, this time louder. And again, she felt sick, this time worse. She felt everything blur out, she got up and ran to her room. Everyone was stunned.

"Jimin, I think you should go talk to her." Said Jihyo.

Jimin nodded and ran up the stairs. He didn't which was her room, since they were always downstairs. He called her name but there was no answer. Then he heard someone's soft cries from the room at the every end.

He slowly turned the knob to open the doors, making her cries more audible. The room was pitch black but she knew it was him.

He turned on the lights and saw her sitting down by her bed. She forced herself not to cry and tried smiling.

He sat next to her and asked her what's wrong.

She explained that she felt jealous and wasn't sure why. He told her that if she would have told him she would be jealous, he wouldn't have done it. Being as nervous as she was, she couldn't hold it in anymore she had to tell him. She admitted to having feelings for him. It made him feel spectacular, feeling everything in slow motion.

"I like you too." Jimin assured her.

He placed his hands on her face and leaned in. He kissed her softly and she kissed back.

A month later

Dahyun and Jimin had been a couple for a week. They were inseparable. Anything one did, the other was there too. The rest of the group thought they were adorable.

The two groups were playing board games. And they were 100% focused on winning while of course having a good time. Jimin and Dahyun were there too, but they weren't as invested in the game as they were with each other. They were hugging and talking.

"Get a room!" Tzuyu yelled making the rest of the group laugh. Dahyun and Jimin just ignored them.

They were sad because they wouldn't be able to see each other that night. As the group's leaders decided it would be best to actually sleep for once as they had a special episode the next day.


While the other girls were all sleeping, Dahyun was up texting her boyfriend.

Jiminie 💞

Meet me downstairs in the lounge area 💕

Omg, the girls would wake up and I would be dead 😂😂😂

Pleassssssse!!! 💕💕

Jiminie, no

Jiminie, yes.

Ugh okay fine

Thank you!!! Ilysm baby 💖

Ily too. See you then. 💞

Dahyun sneakily walked out of her room, down the stairs, through the hallways and out the door without making a sound. She took the main building elevator down to the bottom floor where Jimin was waiting. She saw him in the middle of the room with his back turned to her.

She tapped his shoulder and he turned around and immediately hugged her.

"Hey what's up?" Asked Dahyun curiously.

"Well...It's May 16th." Stated Jimin.

"Yep it is." Said Dahyun. Then it hit her.
"Oh! Oh! Our one month anniversary!"

"Yeah it is, so I got you something." Jimin said with a big smile on his face. He was reaching in to his pocket and Dahyun was happy but she was sad she didn't get him anything.

"I didn't get you anything sorry, I didn't know we were getting gifts-" began Dahyun.

"No, no it's okay. I just wanted to." He cut her off, reassuring her.

He took out a little velvet box and handed it to her. She opened it and there was a beautiful pendant of a heart with some diamonds on it.

Her face lit up, she was so happy. She wrapped her hands around Jimin's neck and kissed him.

"This is beautiful! I love it." She said.

Jimin smiled. Seeing her happy made him happy.

"Do you want me to help you put it on?" He asked. She nodded and turned around. Pushing her hair to the side revealing her delicate neck. He placed the necklace around her neck.

He leaned in and kissed her while she placed her hands on his neck. They deepened the kiss and started moving towards the elevator, not breaking it.

Jimin pressed the elevator button and returned his hand to her waist. When the elevator door opened he pushed her against the elevator walls, raging her up to rest against the railing and his waist. He made sure to press the close doors option, then the stop button.

Her fingers explored his black hair, clutching on harder when his kisses moved down her neck. The pain excited him, his thoughts were a mixture of pain and pleasure.

"Ow," he muttered, chuckling as he took a second to catch his breath.  Dahyun bite his bottom lip, her eyes were staring challengingly into his.

His eyes flash with danger, but Dahyun was equipped and ready to handle the depth of brown that are his eyes. He wanted her. And she wanted him.

She quickly ripped apart the buttons from his silk button-up shirt. Dahyun was pleasantly surprised by how muscular he was under his clothes. Well, she knew he was, she just hadn't had him so close before, at least not like this.

Dahyun pulled him closer, kissing him harder. She adjusted her head to handle the ferocity of the desire that Jimin was displaying. His hand slipped beneath her shirt. He pulled her shirt up over head, grazing her bare skin which made her shiver. Her bra was quickly thrown on to the floor as well Jimin moved back into the kiss seamlessly, as if it hadn't ever stopped.

"The elevator is going to stop soon" Dahyun whispered through  a moan that made Jimin even more restless.

His body pulsed with lust, and his shaft had grown so hard that the jeans he was wearing grew extremely uncomfortable. But the warning did not faze him. He had a thirst for her that needed to be satisfied, he had no intention of stopping. Jimin moved forward and lowered her down onto her back, his knees between her thighs.

"Do you want to stop?" Jimin asked as he broke the kiss and propped his hands on either side of Dahyun's head. 

"No, please...don't stop,"  Dahyun responded, arching her back and pushing her breasts into his hands. 

Jimin gently squeezed her breasts and started to massage her pale skin with an eager touch.  Dahyun let out a moan and tilted her head back, completely in bliss.

"Jimin!" She gasped, because one of his hands has moved down to her core.  Grazing over it with his hands. She couldn't feel it potently as she was still wearing jeans, but when he pressed his fingers harder against her, she let out a loud gasp. His other hand was still massaging her breast. He squeezed it to hear her moan. Jimin lowered her on to the floor.

He took off her pants and she helped him take his off. Jimin traced her core over the thin fabric with a slight grimace.  She opened his legs for him. He used his fingers to pull down the lace panties. He nudged between Dahyun's legs and shifted his member against her wet core.

"Are you sure?" Jimin asked.
"Please...I can't wait any longer." she responded through moans.

He positioned his shaft at her entrance and before she knew it, he rammed in to her making her roll back from pleasure. She was in shock.

Dahyun was already wet from earlier that he was able to slide in with some ease, she whined as he spread her tight core. He groaned, moved out, and then thrusted further into her. Dahyun arched into him and tightened her legs around Jimin's waist.

Jimin's breath was hot as he breathed against her body, kissing her everywhere between thrusts.  Jimin groaned darkly and thrusted his hips faster into hers, pushing his member deeper inside her. Dahyun clenched around him and he breathed out loudly.

  He was so big that she felt she had been stretched out to the max. She knew she was close.

"Oppa!" Dahyun yelled out. "I'm close!" She exclaimed.

Hearing her call him oppa in this situation made his shaft throb double the strength. Jimin gasped and thrusted faster, roughly into her hips with powerful strokes.  He clenches his jaw and fists his hands. Dahyun trembled with the feeling of her climax coming. She rolled her head back in bliss as she came. Jimin gave one last passionate thrust and climaxed. He rolled next to her, she laid her head on his chest not caring the elevator was opening.

"I love you, Jiminie." Dahyun said looking up to him.

"I love you too, Dubu." Jimin said back.


Hey, I know it's been like 3 months or something so I apologize. This was one of the most requested ones so I hope you guys liked it. Keep the requests coming, I'll get to them all. I'm on spring break right now so maybe I can do another one by Monday. Let me know what you guys want. :)

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