Mated to the Alpha King | Fir...

By bobachai

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36.4K 1K 132
By bobachai

  The last siren went off, indicating the end of the day and I quickly made my way towards the parking lot. The slow tingle of hope for Bryce coming over stayed at the back of my mind as I walked further away from the school building.

"Anderson wait!" a voice called up from behind me and I turned around to see none other than Matthew running towards me. I smiled as I watched a dozen girls sigh dreamily when Matt passed them.

"What's up Jefferson?" I chuckled, putting an arm around Matthew's as we continued to walk towards his jeep. He was my ride after all.

"Heard you caught Rome's eye in art class," he drawled out slowly, as if cautious of not hitting a sore spot.

I groaned. "Ugh! Yes! That boy makes me so mad! Who is he anyway?"

Matthew chuckled as he walked beside me, "Roman Naight. Only child of Alistair Naight, the great Roman Tycoon, sole heir to his fathers many incredibly successful companies. Professional painter, black belt in Karate and a total lady killer."

I flinched at the lady killer part.

"I knew he resembled Jeff the killer for a reason!" I cried out, actually alarmed. "Incase he kills me, you have the full permission to open that box I keep under my bed all the time."

Matthew suddenly stopped dead in his track, and turned around to look at me concerned before he burst out in hysterics. As 'blonde' as I was, I wanted to cry.

"Jeff the killer doesn't exist Thi! God you're so cute!" Matthew chuckled as he pinched my cheeks.

This is so not fair, I was 18 for god's sake!

"YES HE DOES! And I hate chu" I grumbled, rubbing my slightly sore cheeks. He didn't have to pinch so hard!

"I love you too Pump-"

"Theia," the dark slightly husky voice I had come to be scared of spoke from behind me causing both Matthew and I to instantly turn around, startled.

How could someone creep up on someone so quietly? While they were walking?

"What the hell" I hissed. "Do you get paid to scare people like that?!"

"We're going to your place now? For the project?" Rome questioned me, seeming irritated. Totally ignoring my question.

Project?! Today?! What the- no! What! But the credits... Ugh.

"Ok," I mumbled, before looking towards Matthew with a guilty smile.

Matthew chuckled seeing my expression and gave me a little side ways hug. Best guy best-friend ever!

"See ya later Thi." he called out as he raised a hand to wave before nodding at Roman and then getting into his jeep.

I turned towards Jeff the killer, folding my arms in front. "Well?"

His eyes narrowed at me before he grabbed my arm and started pulling me towards a black Audi R8.

Damn it he had the car I wanted!

I tore my eyes away from my baby and instantly connected them back on it. Everybody else was staring.

"Damn it Rome! Everyone is staring! Let go!" I hissed, making sure to glue my eyes on the beauty that was in front of me.

"Let them stare," Rome muttered back indifferently as we reached the car and he opened the door, motioning me to get in.

As quick as I could I placed my butt onto the seat and pulled on the seatbelt before looking at Rome who was already seated on the drivers seat!

How the hell is he so fast?!

As I stared at him, he turned his face towards me and lifted an eyebrow up, "Well?"

Oh! Yeah! He doesn't know the way... Oh... Ha ha... Ha!... Er... Yeah

"548 Woodslane Drive."

"Do I look like a cab driver to you?" Rome growled suddenly, making me jump in my seat. The hell!

"Take a left here," I mumbled quietly, before waiting for the next set to give him directions.

I could feel Rome's eyes on me, but all I could think about was whether Bryce would show up. Maybe Rome and I could paint in the backyard so if he would come I'd see him?

I smiled. That seemed like a good idea.

"Look Theia, I know I've been a bit harsh and well... I'll try to be more civil, for the projects sake. Okay?" Roman grumbled, as if telling me that he was sorry even though he had not said it, like saying it would actually burn his tongue.

That made me frown, why had he made a fuss over having me as a muse when when he could barely tolerate me?

It's official. He hates you. This is his ultimate revenge. He's a psycho.

"Why did you fuss over having me as your muse?" I blurted out almost suddenly.

Crap, I should put a plugger on my mouth for gods sakes! Now he will just yell more!

"Because I wanted to paint you,"

I looked at him. He was looking straight at the road. Liar...

"Why did you want to paint me?"

His dark thick eyebrows dipped down as he frowned.

"Because you're beautiful," he replied, his tone sour, I knew... he hated saying it. Still, I grinned.

"Thanks, you're beautiful too!" I chirped happily, my face glowing from the compliment.

Growing your, mom had always told me.

'When a man compliments you, hold your tongue. Because he may be lying, he may only be saying that to get into your pants, or your best friends... But at the end of the day, a woman deserves compliments. And guess what? You are beautiful.'

"I still don't like you" Rome muttered, his frown deepening as he drove down the road.

Another left, and I'd be home.




Sliding in the key I unlocked the door and walked in, Rome tailing behind me with his canvas and paint bag.

"So this is my home," I declared, smiling slightly as I walked into the living room.

"Oh! You're back miss!"

I whirled around almost escaping falling on my ass, shocked.

"Who are you?!" I asked startled, holding a palm to my chest.

The slightly elderly woman in front of me turned a shade red.

"I-I'm sorry miss, I'm Agnus and there is also Lilly. Mrs. Anderson appointed ur as maids, o-only just today."

Her frightened demeanor made me frown.

I looked at Agnus, with dark brown hair and a sightly plump face she looked everything one would expect a great middle aged mother figure to look like. But her scared blue eyes weren't staring at me with fright, no, she was staring at what was behind me.

I turned towards her gaze. Rome.

What was weird was that Rome was glaring at her.

What's his deal?

Shrugging off the weird vibe going around, my eyes focused on the slightly young looking girl now standing beside Agnus, I smiled, she must be Lilly.

I walked towards the women, still smiling and took them by surprise as I hugged them both. "We're all going to be good friends. Thank you for applying to work here."

Both women smiled at me, genuinely, their eyes now twinkling with warmth.

"I'll go and make you and your guest some warm chocolate, I also baked some cookies," Agnus smiled warmly as she turned around and sped towards the kitchen. Lilly gave me a soft smile before she too walked after Agnus.

Without turning around I moved towards the stairs, Rome caught my drift and followed after, I could hear another pair of footsteps against the wooden floor, behind me.

Walking towards my bedroom at the end of the hallway, I reached out and opened the elaborately designed doors and walked in. Finally, I was home.

I suppose Agnus or Lilly had opened the curtains because the castle against the dark pine trees seemed to be on full display as the opened windows allowed the cool afternoon breeze to dance into the rooms, soaring the curtains against the air.

"So this is my room," I smiled as I turned around and found Rome looking at the view with wide eyes.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I mumbled, smiling as I looked back the castle fondly. I wonder how it would look like to see my house, standing in one of those towers.

"Yes, it is." Rome breathed, his eyes still on the castle.

I shrugged the bag off of my shoulder and plugged my iPhone and iPod in before sitting on the bed.

Finally breaking out of his stare Rome's gaze met mine. "We need to bond,"

Those four words shocked me. So much, that my jaws really did fall slack towards the ground as I stared at Roman, wide eyed.

Jeff the Killer just told me that we needed to bond? Theia Anderson, you have officially lost it!

"I need to know what inspires you. I need to paint you, you know, I need to view you in a light." Rome continued as I carried on staring at him. The scowl on his face showing his apparent irritation.

"What light do you see me in now?" I asked before I could stop. Instantly wanting to face palm myself. Sometimes I just didn't know when to stop.

The tiny beauty mark just above Rome's mouth twitched as his expression turned to that of anger.

Wrong move Thi!

As if sensing my alarm, Rome slowly turned towards me, and stopped where I could see his dark eyes peering into mine with a good amount of detail.

"Golden; you're golden Theia."


I watched as the vines that had begun to surround the ropes of the swing, started to show signs of bloom. September flowers.

"So..." I drawled slowly as I turned towards Rome, who seemed to be sketching something on his sketchpad.

Almost immediately his eyes left the pad and moved towards me. "Don't move," he mumbled as he started to gracefully move his pencil along the pad again.

I blushed realizing that while I was busy gawking towards the woods and swing, he was actually sketching me.

I fiddled around with the brown shirt I had worn after the shower, I didn't forget to hide the love bite with a bit of concealer, the last thing I needed was being teased by this chump.

I was glad I had showered, I just could not stand not showering soon after school. It was slightly not normal, but hey it kept me clean and smelling like roses while my friend the angry young man here smelt like sweat and raw power. I guess the raw power part was permanent.

"So... how come you're so mean?" I asked, trying my hardest not to move. This was getting harder by the minute!

"I said don't move!" Rome growled as he placed his fingers on my chin and moved it further towards the swing.

"Well aren't you nice," I
retorted sarcastically, rubbing the tender skin of the spot he had just gripped.

"I try," Rome replied almost immediately, sounding very indifferent. It took me everything not to turn around and smack him on the head.


"Let me see!!!" I yelled as I leaned towards Rome trying to get a better look at the sketch pad but he quickly shut close the pad and shoved it into his bag.

"I hate you!" I grumbled, getting up off of the bench and doing a little stretch.

It was getting pretty dark as we walked through the patio door. As I turned to close the door, I glanced at the swing once more.

Bryce had not come.

I followed Rome as he lead his way towards my bedroom and grabbed onto the canvases resting against mine. Straightening up, he looked towards the window, now showing the castle with lights on around most of the ground, first floor, and the Eastern tower.

He turned towards me and attempted to deliver a faint smile to which I smiled back. An attempt was better than none.

"I'll see you tomorrow then," I mumbled as we walked out of my room and down the stairs.

He nodded and continued to walk. And walking behind him I continued to wonder...

Who was Roman Naight? How was the condition of his soul? His heart? Why was he so cold? What could have made him this way?

All sorts of questions bubbled around my mind as I continued following Rome towards the front door. The amount of time in which he had familiarized himself with most of my house was actually quite scary.

As he put his stuff into the back seat, walked around and got into his, he spared me one last glance and a soft awkward smile when he raised his hand as a small wave before he pulled car out of the driveway and onto the road.

I turned towards the front door, only one thought in my head.



The next day went by the same way. A day well spent in school, having fun with the boys and Marley during lunch and then enduring Romans mood swings during art Class.

The next day ended the same way. Bryce didn't show.

I shrugged it off at first, maybe he was busy? He had said he would come back soon, he hadn't said the next day. I supposed he was just doing something else.

That night, I stared at my cellphone wondering if I should message him or not.

I didn't want to sound clingy. That was the last thing I wanted him to think. I couldn't just message him.

I didn't message him.

I figured he would just come by tomorrow. The weather had been pretty bad anyway. So I shrugged it off.


A Thursday found me lying down on my bed, my back against the soft mattress. Marley beside me.

She moved my hair aside and looked at the slightly fading love-bite Bryce had given me, nearly two weeks ago.

Yes, two weeks ago. It had been two weeks since he showed up that raining afternoon, and fled into the woods.

I had thought the love bite would last a week at most, but then again I had also thought Bryce would come back around.

Turns out I was wrong on both parts. The bruise was too dark to fade so quick... and Bryce never came.

"He's a jerk! I can't believe you never told me!" Marley muttered coldly as she regarded the bruise with sad eyes.

I sighed, touching the slightly less dark love-bite that refused to leave. I didn't know what to think. He had not even called, had not even replied to the message I had sent on the fourth day.

"Oh I know that face of yours! Forget it! He isn't as innocent as you want to see him as, in fact I think he was one of those college boys! Always making bets with each other about wooing girls around the neighborhood!" Marley muttered as she placed my hair back against the love-bite.

I stiffened. She was making sense. Why else would some hot hunk pop up from the woods and into my backyard?

As realization struck, I shot up and slumping forward closed my eyes. I refused to cry.

He never liked me. I was just a simple conquest. I was just an idiotic simple conquest.

Oh god I was just an idiotic simple desperate conquest!

Letting out a small sob I buried my face into my hands. I had made a fool of myself! Bryce must be thinking of me a desperate virgin and laughing over it with his friends!

"Ssh! Remember Thi, the best revenge is to be indifferent towards the pain. Smile, it will kill him. His existence doesn't matter... Everyone makes mistakes. Hey I mean, I kissed Mr. Phelps once!" Marley mumbled softly, her arms now around me, holding me to her.

Wait what!

I shot my head towards her, my eyes wide with shock. "You what!?" I shrieked, my voice a bit raspy.

Marley giggled. " I'm kidding! Although I wouldn't mind,"

A small smile introducing itself in my lips I shook my head. Maybe she was right.

"One day I will be over it, one day I will look at it and laugh." I consoled myself as I wiped away the stay tears, Marley's arms still around me.

"You should paint him though. To remind yourself of the man who gave you your first heartbreak. And when you're finally over him, you should burn the painting to ashes!"

I looked at Marley, surprised because her idea seemed brilliant! Maybe it was missing seeing his face, or the intention to remind me how those brilliant blue eyes seeped into my soul and nearly crushed it.

I smiled and Marley looked at me confused.

"What's up with you?" She asked, slightly alarmed.

My smile widened. "I'm going to do it!"

Marley could only look at me surprised as could only smile at my lightened mood.

Maybe Marley was right after all... I'll smile. Maybe it will kill him when he sees me happy.

"I'm proud of you," she smiled once her initial shock at my sudden change of mood faded and she pulled me in for a hug. I hugged her back.

A knock sounded on the bedroom door before it flung open and dad strode in.

"Hey sweetie, do you and Marley want some Pizza?" He asked, his expression turning troubled as he looked at me.

"Are you okay?" Dad said softly before he strode towards me and pulled me in for a hug. As much as I felt like breaking down and crying I couldn't, so I clenched my eyes shut and hugged my dad back.

"I'm fine dad, Marley and I were just watching Letters To Juliet" I mumbled, keeping my head buried against his chest.

A smile slipped onto my lips as dad chuckled, seeming relieved.

"Oh good! Wouldn't want to hurt some lad now would we?"

I giggled. "We wouldn't!" I agreed, moving out of his embrace and smiling at him.

Dad smiled at me comfortingly before turning around and walking out the door. Still smiling, I watched him close the door... If only dad knew the real reason for these tears.

"Let's get this sleepover started!"Marley squealed, jumping on my bed as I giggled looking at her hair flying around everywhere.

"Let's get this sleepover started!" I agreed, getting onto the bed and starting to jump with her.

I already felt better. As if a load had been taken off my chest. My mind felt lighter than it had in days, maybe it was the knowledge of actually telling someone about Bryce, maybe it was the experience of sharing the humiliation I felt every time I thought of being played. Maybe it was just the feeling of being hugged and told it was alright, maybe I needed that.

Well whatever it was, I was glad I shared it with Marley.

Even though I hadn't gone up and straight up told her that there was a guy who came by around my backyard twice, who I liked because he was beautiful and he seemed nice. No, She had seen the love-bite while I was sitting on the window side bench. I had almost cried when she started going on about how I had a boyfriend and how i didn't tell her... Like everything was great... It wasn't.

I told her the truth. And I was glad I had.

"Wanna watch Letters To Juliet for real now?" Marley asked, fiddling around my laptop.

I nodded, placing a pillow beside hers and lying on my tummy.

"Get ready to cry your heart out Ley" I declared excitedly as the movie started loading on Netflix.

Sure to my word, by half time into the movie, both Marley and I were crying rivers.




The sounds of the winds rattling trees floated through the air as I lay in bed, wide awake. The whole household was probably asleep. Well, all except me.

I turned towards Marley, who was sound asleep before turning my gaze back towards the ceiling.

We had class visit tomorrow to The Castle Of Dovelore but I just couldn't sleep.

What Marley had said earlier in the night popped up in my mind again.

"You should paint him though..."

"You should paint him though..."

"You should paint him though..."

I sighed as I glanced towards the window... Looking at the lit Castle I made finally made my choice.

I was going to paint him.

"Not again damn it," I muttered darkly as I flung the canvas away. Thankfully though it landed on the other piles of canvases, perfectly.

Letting out an exhausted sigh I placed the paintbrush back on the pallet.

I just could not get the shades of his eyes correct! It was either too bright or too dull. Too light or too dark! Damn it, why was it so hard to replicate perfection!

I glanced towards Marley, who was still quite asleep. I smiled, at least one of us wasn't having a Crisis here.

Stealing a glimpse at my wristwatch I grimaced. It was nearly 1.

But I couldn't stop now...

I picked up a new canvas, picked up a new brush and dipped it into the blues.

I was going to paint Bryce. Tonight.

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