
By Xscapee

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The world has lived in darkness for over a hundred years since..he..has taken over. Humankind has been all bu... More

Author's Note
Ch. 1: The Before Times
Ch. 2: The Announcement
Ch. 3: Set In Motion
Ch. 4: Preparation
Ch. 5: Spero
Ch. 6: Dancing with Death
Ch. 7: Clever Girl
Ch. 8: Capture
Ch. 9: Slipping Through
Ch. 10: Sickening
Ch. 12: A Deal
Ch. 13: In Your Place
Ch. 14: Insult to Injury
Ch. 15
Ch. 16: Like Clockwork
Ch. 17: Demons None the Less
Ch. 18: Mask
Ch. 19: Impure
Ch. 20: Atmosphere
Ch. 21: Dinner for None
Ch. 22: Dear Family...
Ch. 23: To the Skies
Ch. 24: Risus
Ch. 25: Visiting Hours
Ch. 26: The Ballad of Risus Schneid
Ch. 27: The Death of the Leader
Ch. 28: Care
Ch. 29:
Ch. 30: Defiant
Ch. 31: Search and Rescue
Ch. 32: Enough
Ch. 33: Treason
Ch.34: Light Hearted
Ch. 35: Not Today
Renegade: Trivia!

Ch. 11: A Demon's Secret

4.7K 201 210
By Xscapee

The elite three weren't the favorite among the demon population, and they were even less favored by the human population. Although it was illegal, many times a demon would revert themselves to a more human dynamic in order to casually walk among them. Sometimes this was needed for every day necessary task, other times it was abused.

This time though it was needed. Within the city walls was the nations most up to date society. The humans lived in the closest idea to modern society that they could. This came with the help of the demons though who had lived through that time.

Many humans pretended to live happy lives, feeling blessed to even walk in such modern land while others had to fend for themselves. They weren't allowed to forget how lucky they were.

Die walked the city with a hoody pulled over his head, a fake pair of glasses, and casual clothing. His ears were no longer pointed, and his sclera turned white. He kept to himself always hoping no one would recognize him as an elite.

This occurred so much so that some locals had grown to know him as someone else, despite trying to stay hidden.

Johnathan is what they called him.

A nice man who bought from local mom and pop shops. A kind soul who helped when he could.

Die, the Demon didn't exist here.

With worry hanging over him he turned down a street full of vendors selling to locals. It was a Sunday which meant vender day. Shops from all around the city met up on a few blocks and set up small stands. It also meant that there could possibly be a stand that sold medicine or home remedies.

Demons didn't get sick, but the humans did. Without access to appropriate modern medicine or the fact they couldn't afford it, they were forced to come up with their own remedies, or sell what was left from the before times.

Die knew just the person to go and see. A little old woman named Sarah. Sarah was as kind as old women came in these times. She was well known through the city and loved by many.

She liked Die, mainly because he reminded her of her son who she lost many years ago to another demon. Although she knew Die was a demon, she didn't care or mind it at all.

He approached the old woman's stand certain to find something to bring back home.

"Sarah?" He called out, the stand was empty.

"I'm in here, dear. Give me a moment." The old woman began to make her way out from the "back" of the stand. She walked out with a cane in hand. "Oh well look who made a visit!"

"How are you?" Die smiled, pushing down his hood.

"I'm doing just fine. Feel as sprite as a chicken." She laughed. "And how is the old Dark boy doing, still on edge?"

"As usual."

"And your green friend, how is he?"

"Bouncing off the walls."

"And you?"

Die let out a sigh, "I have a problem, Sarah."

"It's only a problem if it can't be fixed, and many problems are far from broken. How can I help though, dear?"

"Did you hear the latest announcement?"

"I did, yes, you have a human captured. The leader's daughter as it seems. Are you keeping good watch over her?"

"I'm trying but— She's sick. She's really sick. We had her in a cell and this morning she was just unresponsive, and —"

"Hush now, child. Relax, and give me a moment, alright?"

He nodded at her.

"Good, I'll be right back." She turned and walked away back into the "back" of her stand.

Die waited patiently as she moved items around, banging boxes and other things. After about five minutes of moving around, she finally came back out with a box, about the size of a loaf of bread.

"Here we are." She announced, placing it in front of him. "In here is everything she'll need to recover."

"Thank you, Sarah. How much do I owe you?"

"Don't worry about me, just make sure she's alright."

"No, no, no. I can't do that." He reached into his pocket and pulled out far more money than anything cost in her stand. "Please, take this. You deserve it."

She took the money and held it close to her heart. "Bless your soul. If someone were to tell me you were a demon I wouldn't believe them in the slightest."

With that, he left now in hand with everything he needed to help heal (Y/n). He rushed himself back to the castle, slipping inside without the guards noticing or questioning where he had been. Die was never good at teleporting and preferred to fly or walk where he needed to be.

He entered Anti's room, closing the door slowly behind him.

Anti, not to his surprise, was passed out on a chair right next to the bed. He had kept his word, keeping an eye on (Y/n), for the most part anyway.

Die placed the box at the edge of the bed and opened it.

"Back so soon?" (Y/n) spoke softly.

He looked up, surprised to hear anything from her. "You're awake..."

"Alive, somehow." She lightly coughed. "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why are you helping me?"

"Because if you die the plan goes to shit."

"I'll believe that for now."

Die walked up to her, removing the cloth from her forehead and placing his hand on it. "Still warm. I picked up some medicine at the market."

"I feel like death."

Die reached for the box and opened it up. Inside were different herbs to make tea along with food good for white blood cells and various other remedies.

"You know what's funny." She spoke up.

"No, I don't."

"Anti. He says how much he hates humans but yet, he's sitting right next to me keeping an eye on me."

"Because if you die, it's our asses on a silver platter."

"It's the closest thing I've gotten to generosity so I'll take it."


"Commander Nes, may I enter?" A soldier asked.

"Yes, soldier, enter please."

The soldier entered to see Commander Nes and Mark sitting around his desk that held a large map on it, planning their means of attack.

"I have new, sir, about (Y/n)."

Mark's eyes perked up, "You do?"

An old woman walked in from behind the soldier.

"Well if it isn't Sarah." Nes laughed. "It's been a while!"

Sarah held up her hand, "I'm not here for you Nestor, I'm here for the leader, Mark."

She was never a big fan of Commander Nes and the way he approached the demon situation. It was nothing but death and destruction.

Mark held out his hand to her. "Mark Duce, it's nice to meet you."

She took it, "An honor to meet you as well."

"You said you have news of my daughter?"

"Yes, she has fallen ill in the capital. A friend of mine works in the building. I sent them supplies to help treat her ailment."

"SICK?!" Mark raised his voice. "But how—"

"Commander, please, listen. She is in good hands at the moment, I can assure you. She will be well shortly."

Mark placed his hands on the desk in front of him. "Will you be able to keep us updated?"

"I can update you so long that my dear friend visits me. He generally comes every Sunday."


"Can you sit up?" Die asked, returning from Anti's bathroom.

Slowly but surely she pushed herself to an upright position. "Everything aches."

"This should help, drink this."

He handed her a coffee cup full of tea with the herbs that were given to him. She held it with both hands and took a sip of it. It was sweet with a hint of lemon and pine aftertaste.

"Not bad." She announced.

"You have to eat as well. I'll bring you something from the kitchen."

"I'll go. I'm tired of sitting." Anti yawned.

"Good, make sure you bring back something actually cooked. Humans can't eat raw meat."

"I know, I know. Don't worry." Anti stood up and made his way to the door. "Anything else while I'm out?"

"Can I have a book?" (Y/n) spoke up.

"No." He answered plainly than disappeared.

Anti walked down to the kitchen picking her up something simple. The kitchen was a mixture of modern and professional with large stoves, but small ovens to heat food. He had the staff prepare something simple, a sandwich and soup combo.

Before returning to his room he stopped by the library and picked up a book for (Y/n). He didn't know why he was doing it but pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind.

He looked at the books cover while walking down the hallway while he held the plate in the other.

"Anti?" Dark spoke up.

He stopped dead in his tracks upon hearing his voice, then turned to see the demon walking towards him. "Uh, hey, what's up?"

"What are you doing?"

"Picking up some light reading."

"Since when do you like reading?"

Anti handed him the book.

"Of Mice and Men?" He wrinkled his brow.

"Better late than never, right?"

"And the food?" Dark pointed to the plate while handing him back the book.

"I'm hungry." He answered defensively. "What's with the questions, man?"

Dark placed his hands behind his back, "Well, to my knowledge you are generally down in the cells at this time keeping an eye on the human. I was curious to see why you were away."

"Takin' a lunch break." He blurted out. "Gets pretty tiring, you know, watching them do nothing."

Dark rolled his eyes, "Is someone keeping watch of her at least?"

"Yes, sir." He sarcastically saluted.

"Before I let you go, I need to ask, have you seen Die?"

"Yeah we've been chatting, he's in my room hanging out."

"Oh! Wonderful, then this will be much easier."

"I beg yer pardon."

"I'll just follow you back. I have to speak with both of you."

"Uh, alright...Yeah, sure." Anti spoke uneasily.

Inside he was exploding. The last thing he wanted to do was lead Dark to (Y/n). He didn't have an excuse not to.

Just as they returned to Anti's room Die was slipping out.

"Ah! There you are Die!"

Die froze at the door, "Hello.."

"Die, Dark has something he has to tell us." Anti's eyes screamed at Die.

"Shall we step inside his chambers?" Dark took a step forward.

"No! I mean— uh, we can't." Die blurted out.

"Why not?"

Anti moved along side Die, "It's uh—"

"A mess!" Die finished for him.

"Yeah, a mess. It's gross. Unkept, unclean." Anti picked up his argument. "Not something you should be bothered with."

"I've seen far worse than Anti's room, believe me." Dark rolled his eyes, then smiled.

"Yeah but, like, there's blood!" Die exaggerated. "Lots and lots of blood."

Dark crossed his arms, "Blood?"

Anti handed Die the book. "Yeah, he's right! Just — went on a spree last night, you know? Hah, it's been a while."

"You two are acting strangely..."

"No we're not." They answered at the same time.

"You're hiding something."

"No we're not." They answered yet again.

"Alright, then we'll do this one of two ways, with you allow me to enter, or I'll force my way in."

The two demons froze in fear. Anti couldn't take it anymore. He didn't feel it was worth it over the life of a human.

"FINE!" Anti whined opening up his bedroom door. "Just go!"

Dark walked past him into his room, "My word.."

"Dark, I can explain!" Die called out following behind.

Upon entering the room he was surprised to see that (Y/n) wasn't there and the bed was made.

"I've never seen Anti's room so...clean.." Dark awed looking around. "You two are something else." He laughed. "You really had me going there for a second."

"I can't believe he fell for it." Anti laughed, then elbowed Die.

Die picked up the fake laugh, "You were always the easiest one to trick, Dark."

"I'll figure out a way to get you both back, for now, while I have you here. I'd like to talk about the people."

"Demon people or people-people," Anti asked as he placed his food down.

"Both. To be quite frank my hands are tied at the moment. I'm at a loss for what to do."

Die crossed his arms. "You don't know what to do? That's a first."

"This human is our last hope. She is the key to everything. As long as we have her, we can keep our people at ease. I've spoken to higher-ups and they're pleased with her capture. Anti, I've taken into account what you recommended. We'll act on it soon."

"What did you recommend?" Die spoke up.

"I'll tell ye later."

Dark walked over to the large window. "I plan on speaking with her myself within the coming days."

"No offense, Dark, but you've talked to'er before and it didn't go well. She has a temper and you can't handle it."

"I can too."

"Can not. You were so concentrated on what she was saying she slipped the staff right off of you."

"I'll hold my composure then, as a gentleman would."

"If ye need help, let me know, in the meantime I'm hungry, so can I eat before this shit gets cold?"

"Very well, I'll be on my way for now. Stick around the castle, boys, I may need you sooner than you think." Dark made his way to the door. "Oh, and Anti, keep up the clean room, I'm impressed."

"Got it."

The door shut behind him. They stood still for several seconds before scattering the room.

"(Y/n)?!" Anti called out searching the room.

"Where the hell did she hide?! Do you think she ran?" Die checked in drawers and behind furniture.

"Nah, she's sick as a dog." He smelled the air and found a strong point that led underneath the bed. He pulled up the blankets to reveal her laying on the floor. "There you are, lass!"

"You found her?"

Anti reached out and grabbed her arm, gently pulling her out, picked her up, gently placing her back on the bed.

"I heard you guys arguing with Dark outside the door. Better to be safe than sorry, right?" She then coughed. "It's the least I can do, I mean you're risking yourselves taking care of me."

Neither of the demons knew how to react. There wasn't anyone, especially humans who were willing to help them out, especially with Dark. 

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