
Xscapee द्वारा

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The world has lived in darkness for over a hundred years since..he..has taken over. Humankind has been all bu... अधिक

Author's Note
Ch. 1: The Before Times
Ch. 2: The Announcement
Ch. 3: Set In Motion
Ch. 4: Preparation
Ch. 5: Spero
Ch. 6: Dancing with Death
Ch. 7: Clever Girl
Ch. 8: Capture
Ch. 10: Sickening
Ch. 11: A Demon's Secret
Ch. 12: A Deal
Ch. 13: In Your Place
Ch. 14: Insult to Injury
Ch. 15
Ch. 16: Like Clockwork
Ch. 17: Demons None the Less
Ch. 18: Mask
Ch. 19: Impure
Ch. 20: Atmosphere
Ch. 21: Dinner for None
Ch. 22: Dear Family...
Ch. 23: To the Skies
Ch. 24: Risus
Ch. 25: Visiting Hours
Ch. 26: The Ballad of Risus Schneid
Ch. 27: The Death of the Leader
Ch. 28: Care
Ch. 29:
Ch. 30: Defiant
Ch. 31: Search and Rescue
Ch. 32: Enough
Ch. 33: Treason
Ch.34: Light Hearted
Ch. 35: Not Today
Renegade: Trivia!

Ch. 9: Slipping Through

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Xscapee द्वारा


Dark walked the hallways of his castle in deep thought about his capture. He had longed for a day like this to come, but now that it was here, he wasn't sure how to go about the situation.

"M-My lord." A guard slowly approached Dark.

"Yes? How can I help you?"

"She escaped."

His eyes enlarged.


An alarm blared through the castle.

Anti rushed out of his room to Die's who was also walking out, putting on a T-Shirt.

"What the hell is going on?" Anti asked.

"I don't fucking know."

"We have to find Dark."

"Boys!" Dark called out as he walked down the hallway, two guards followed behind him. "We have a problem."

"Yeah, that damn alarm is making me ears ring, turn it off." Anti held his hands against his ears.

"She escaped," Dark announced plainly. "But she's still in the castle. The doors are too heavy for her."

"How the hell did she escape?" Die raised his voice.

"Does it look like I know, Mors?!" Dark's voice boomed over his. "Now split up and find her."

"Yes, Sir." Both Anti and Die answered before turning away and running in the opposite direction.

Dark also turned and walked away with the guards following behind.

Meanwhile (Y/n) sat up in the rafters waiting for them to leave. It was much harder for her to climb up there, and even harder to hold herself. When the voices became distant she jumped down.

The first thing on her mind was changing out of her clothing into something more comfortable. It was convenient she was just outside of Die's room. If she didn't see them come out she'd continue running around in a flimsy dress.

(Y/n) slipped into Die's bedroom closing the door slowly behind her. His room was very similar to Dark's, just not as large. She rushed over to his dresser and began pulling open each of the drawers. Someone who adored the early years as much as, he had to have clothing from that time.

It took a while before she discovered t-shirts and skinny jeans that she stole without a second thought. She was used to this clothing and miss matches of other clothing.

After rolling up the bottom of the jeans she made her way back out into the hallway, only to make awkward eye contact with a servant dusting the paintings.

"Uh..", was the only noise she could articulate.

"It's you..." She dropped her duster. "The rebel."

(Y/n) held up her hands in defense. "Please don't — I mean —"

"It's alright, I'm with the rebellion as well. They've been looking for you."

She let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god, I thought I was going to have to hurt you. Who's they?"

"Commander Nes and his men."

"Do you have any updates you can give me, soldier?"

"Your father is coming to the capital."

"I hear talking! This way!" A guard yelled.

"Tell them I'm fine and that I'll be able to handle myself." (Y/n) began to back away from the guards quickly approaching.

She made an abrupt turn down a hall and ran as fast as she could, remembering what Die had told her. Some aspects of the halls looked familiar, others not so much. She followed the torches to the center of the castle, taking a small rest to figure out where she was. The ceiling held a mural of what looked like the great war with Dark being the predominant figure.

"(Y/n)!" Anti called out.

She turned to see the green-eyed demon rushing his way towards her.

"Stop right there!"

(Y/n) ran away from him.

He rolled his eyes and blurred away, reappearing right in front of her.

"How did you—"

"I'm a demon, lass." He made his way towards her once more. "Are we going to to do this the easy way or the hard way?"

She turned and ran away again.

"The hard way it is then." He cracked his knuckles and followed her.


Die turned a corner running into Dark.

"Anything?" He asked.

"No, nothing." Dark spat. "I do not understand how a simple human could escape iron doors."

"You're underestimating her, Dark."

"Oh come now, you yourself didn't believe she would escape."

He was right, Die didn't think she'd get out. In the back of his mind though he knew he gave her specific hints about getting around the castle. So far the doors at the far end weren't opened. He wondered where she truly was, and even more so hoped she had escaped.

Just as these thoughts occurred Anti turned the corner holding her over his shoulder.

"Caught her." He announced casually. "Little too easy if you ask me, ye sure you're the leader's daughter?"

"You'll find out soon enough, Greeny." She shot back.

"Guards!" Dark called out.

"No need, Dark. I'll take'er back meself."

Die could feel the anger flowing off of Dark. He watched his friend glare at the girl, then take a step forward. He placed his arm in front of him.

"Remember we have no leverage without the girl."

Dark looked over at him, then (Y/n). "I will not kill the human, but show them their place." He pushed down his arm and continued. "Drop her, Anti."

Anti tossed her down to her feet.

She stumbled a few inches then turned around to face him. Before she could blink Dark had her by the neck against the closest wall. She gripped onto his wrist pulling him away with all her might. It wasn't the first time she'd been in this position. Being cocky though wouldn't be the best idea.

"If I were you I would kiss the ground Mors walks on for he is the sole reason you are still breathing right now." His red eyes pierced her own. "I am not completely sure how you managed to escape, but until I can find a better means to keep you in one place you will be placed under watch by Antisepticeye."

"Me?!" Anti protested.

"If you cause him any trouble, any minuscule annoyance I'll allow him to perform his ungodly acts of torture upon you, do I make myself clear?"

She nodded slightly.

Dark lifted her from the wall and tossed her onto the ground. She fell and laid motionless, then sat up rubbing her neck. There were definitely going to be bruises in the morning.

"Anti, see to it she is returned to her cell and is guarded well, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Dark."

He walked up to (Y/n) and grabbed her arm, forcing her up, then blurred them away.

After they left Dark let out a loud sigh, "Well, at least I won't be bored for quite a while now."

Die sat in silence.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Didn't that look like my shirt she was wearing?"


"Commander Nes?" A soldier walking into his office, hands behind his back.

"Yes, soldier." Nes didn't bother to look up as he was writing down notes.

"Mark has arrived."

He looked up, "He has? Where is he?"

"In the lobby of the control center. Shall I send him in?"

"No, soldier, tell him I'll be out momentarily."

"Alright sir, I'll—"

"Get your hands off me!" Mark shouted from the hallway.

"Sir you can't—"

"I can and I will, do you not realize who I am, soldier?"

"Oh boy.." Nes spoke to himself.

Mark's voice became louder and louder.

"Shall I escort him out, Commander?"

"No need to, it was bound to happen, just close the door on your way out please."

The soldier nodded and moved to the side as Mark came barreling inside.

"Hello sir," Nes stood at attention. "we are very pleased to have you joining us this—"

"I am not pleased what so ever, Nestor," Mark spoke coldly. "My daughter is trapped in the leader's castle."

"I know sir, and we're doing our very best to get her out. We even received a message a short time ago from her."

"A message?" His voice calmed down slightly.

"Please, sir, have a seat." Commander Nes extended his hand pointing to the empty seat behind Mark.

Mark looked back, "I'd rather stand."


"What did she say?"

"She — uh — she had spoken to a maid and told her to relay the message that she is alright and she could handle her own."

"Handle her own?!" Mark raised his voice.

"Please, don't shoot the messenger.." Nes held up his hands in defense.

"This isn't some simple demon entrapment." **

"I know sir, we all know. He has us right where he wants us, at the mercy of his hands. It may not help, but one thing I know for sure is that he won't kill her."

"And how are you so sure about that?"

"If he kills her he loses that leverage he has against us, no (Y/n), no power."

Mark took a moment to lean back on his chair. Nes was right. Dark wouldn't be able to kill her without risking it all.

Nes breathed deeply, "I can't imagine what you must be going through right now, but (Y/n) is a smart girl who is well trained. I believe she will be alright, just as she says."

"As a leader, I trust in her word, but as a father, —"


Days had passed and Anti fell into a routine. Since demons did not need sleep, at least not much, he would practice his elite duties at night and keep watch of (Y/n) during the day. Which was painfully boring in his eyes.

Anti finally made his way down to the cells where (Y/n) was being held as usual. He didn't want to keep this close of an eye on her but feared more what Dark would do if he didn't.

Two guards stood at her door at attention.

"Alright men, you're released from duty."

Without a word, they filed out and down the hallway leaving Anti by himself...technically.

He walked over to the door and pulled back the metal slot, peering into the cell.

(Y/n) was fast asleep on her cot, curled up in the old wraggaty blanket.

"Rise n' Shine, Scum," Anti announced.

She sat up stretching out her arms, "Well if it isn't my favorite green-eyed bastard. Come to stalk me for another twelve hours?"

"Yer lucky there's a door between us."

"As if that would stop you normally."

Although she was being generally cocky, she was keeping a fake front. The last few days of malnourishment had left her tired and weak. Sure, she was fed, but not as much as a human should be fed. Everything she had was just enough to keep her alive.

Another aspect eating her alive was the loneliness. Anti and her exchanged very few words, and if they did it was pure hatred, only because they were different.

Today was different though.

Today she'd try to get along, or at least have a conversation.

After hours of silence, she finally spoke.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Oh come on, you're probably just as bored as I am."

"Quiet, human." His voice hardened.

Her voice fell silent.

Anti, on the other hand, was growing with curiosity; what could she possibly want to know?

The metal slot on the door slid back, revealing his eyes. "Okay, what do you want to know? Make it quick!"

Her eyes met his. "I've studied you, Die, and Dark for, many years, and one thing that stuck out -without meaning were the colors you all chose to represent you. You chose green, why?"

"Out of everything to ask, ye ask that?"

"It's just a question." She smiled.

He paused, "Uh— well, I picked green because I was accustomed to the color."

"What made you accustomed to it?"

"You asked yer question!" He slammed the tiny door shut.

There were several moments of silence before he spoke up again. "Now it's my turn..."

"You want to ask me something?"

"So what if I do?!"

She smiled to herself, "Alright, let's make a deal, if you answer my questions, I'll answer your questions. A question for a question."

"And what if I don't like yer questions?"

"Then I'll pick a different one, do we have a deal?"

Anti leaned against the door, crossing his arms. "Well, it sure beats sitting here and doing nothing."

"Ask away then."

"Why are ye here?"

"I was sent here to retrieve Dark's staff. A simple mission in my eyes. What was your human's name?"

"His name was Sean. How do you know Latin?"

"I was forced to learn it as a little girl as part of my training. Useful and interesting for the remaining books we could find."

"So much for a dead language." Anti laughed.

"If you could do anything in the world right now, what would you do?"

"Are ye kiddin' me? I CAN do anything I want."

"Realistically though. If the world wasn't so miserable if you didn't have duties like watching me or taking care of other things, what would you do?"

No one had ever really asked Anti what HE wanted out of life. He was so used to being told what to do the thought never really crossed him.

She noticed his silence, "Alright, well let me reword it. What do you like to do outside of the castle?"

"I like to uh— I go into the woods at night. There's a river back there. I follow it up the mountain."

"That doesn't sound too bad."

"If ye knew what I did up there you wouldn't be saying that." He snickered. "W-What about you? What would you do?"

"To be honest, and as much as you don't care, I'd talk to my Nana."

"Your who huh?"

"Na-Na," She emphasized. "Do you know what a grandmother is?"

"It's like yer moms mom or yer dads mom or somethin', right?"

"Well, she is my great great grandmother. Which means she's like my grandmother times two, make sense?"

"You humans and yer family shit, Ridiculous."

"Don't you have a family?"

"Demons can't have a family. We're just—here."

She stood up and walked over to the door, leaning against it, "Well you had to come from somewhere, right?"

"We don't come out weak, small, and crying like you. We just —are."

"So you're just brought into existence?"

"Pods, like — giant rocks in the deepest pits of hell. We're born looking like our assigned human, the last person we'll ever possess."

"That sounds like caterpillars."

"I mean yer not so different. Yer in a pod, sort of."

"Yeah inside another human."

"What's it like being born?"

She pondered the thought, "Well, humans don't remember being born. We don't start to really remember things until we're like two. We grow to know things instead of just — knowing."


Demon entrapment: Demons were often lead to their demise by tricking them into following a rebel soldier who seemed like a helpless human being. This lead to their capture and oftentimes death.


Authors note:

Mark, (Y/n)'s father (your father) is not Markiplier.

Markiplier is still in this story though.

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