Bloodlust // Namgi

By CrazyBisches

135K 6.9K 1.6K

!IS BEING EDITED! Having build up my courage, I finally asked him about what has been on my mind since I saw... More

(╭☞ಠᗜಠ)╭☞Prologue (1/2)
(งಠᗜಠ)ง Prologue (2/2)
ⓄⓃⒺ Unknown number
ⒻⓄⓊⓇ Talentless idiot
ⓈⒾⓍ Tomorrow
ⓈⒺⓋⒺⓃ Yoongi
ⒺⒾⒼⒽⓉⒺⒺⓃ Soulmates
Sorry :c
ⓉⒽⒾⓇⓉⓎ-ⒻⒾⓋⒺ + important INFO!!!
Sorry :c pt.2
Hi Peepz :>


2.5K 142 27
By CrazyBisches

Lookie lookie~ It's an update! Have fun~


I would love to meet a real demon.


POV: Namjoon 

The only thing I could see was a very odd woman. She was taller than me and had long black hair that was covering her face so I could only see her mouth. At first, we only stared at each other - at least I had the feeling that she was staring at me. But after a few minutes of silence, she smiled and I could see very cute dimples on her face. 

"Namjoon... I am so happy to talk to you." She said with a very soft voice that I somehow recognized. Where have I heard her voice before? It sounds so familiar. And I feel so safe around her. 

"I know you, right?" I asked very curiously. 

She chuckled and I loved this sound. "Yes, you do. But you have never met me before." Huh? What is she talking about? It doesn't make sense... Well, what does? I have heard so many strange things in the past two days... 

"I also have a soulmate, like you do." She started to talk out of nowhere. "I love him but unfortunately can't be with him - I am not allowed to. So trust your soulmate and go to the vampire. Yoongi won't hurt you. He will love you soon, and you will love him back. But this will only happen if you spend as much time with each other as possible."  

"How do you know about Yoongi? Who are you? Why do I want to hug you? What is this? Where the flower am I?" All the questions just left my mouth without thinking before. 

She just smiled even brighter - if it was even possible - and ignored my questions, continuing her speech. 

"I am very happy about you having a soulmate. It means that the Gods don't hate you. I am relieved." 

"Why would Gods hate me?" I wanted to know but she already started to fade away. "Hey! Stay here!" I shouted. 

"Sorry, but I don't have much energy left. It was nice to see you, Kim Namjoon." I saw her smiling one more time till everything became black. 

~~~after dreaming~~~

I tried to open my eyes and my lashes were glued together. I rubbed my eyes but gave up after realizing that it won't help. I slowly made my way to the bathroom and splashed some freezing water onto my face. Afterwards, I took the towel and dried my face. I flinched as I saw my reflection in the mirror - my eyes were puffy and red, I looked like I have been crying for a long time. Did I cry in the night? Was it because of that dream I had?

I was still very sleepy so I went to my bed. I still had enough time later to think about the reason for crying. Lying in my bed again I gave my best to fall asleep but nothing helped. I have been lying there like a corpse and stared at the ceiling for about two hours. 

Eventually, I had enough and my throat was dry so I went down to the kitchen where I surprisingly met my dad. 

"What are you doing here at 4AM, dad?" I asked with one of my eyes closed because the light was hurting my eyes. 

"I could ask you the same." He responded with a big smile on his face. How can he be so happy in the morning? No, wait... In the night. That's even worse. 

"Well, I can't go back to sleep after dreaming of this odd woman." I answered and took a glass out of the cabinet. 

My father stiffened at my statement. "What woman?" 

I shrugged and poured some water into the glass I was holding. "She had very long black hair and a pretty smile. But I couldn't see her face, the hair was in the way." I answered and drank out the whole glass. "She somehow seemed familiar but well, it was just a dream anyway." 

I put the glass in the sink and turned around only to see my father looking very pale. "What's wrong?" 

"N-nothing. Everything is okay." He tried to smile but I saw that it was fake. "What was she doing? Was she talking with you?" 

"Oh, she was just standing there and talking to me about-" I stopped because I wasn't sure if I could tell him about Yoongi. Would he believe me? 

"What was she talking about?" Dad asked while approaching me, he seemed very curious and afraid at the same time. 

"I don't know anymore. I forgot it." I lied. I hate lying but I thought it was the right thing to do. 

My father seemed very relieved after having heard my answer. "Well!" He clapped his hands very powerful one time. "I also couldn't sleep. I-I was thinking about... About how to change the flavor of my recipe! Yes, that's what I was thinking about. Unfortunately, I couldn't think of any solution." He laughed awkwardly. 

It seems like he is lying... But well, I wasn't better. 

"Oh, okay. I hope that you'll find one soon." I played along. "I will go shower now - I can't sleep anymore." With that, I went upstairs and took some fresh clothes to our bathroom. Showering at 4AM... What have I become? A sleepless idiot? 

After showering I went to my room and tried to do some exercises for English but I still couldn't concentrate on it because of Yoongi. Every time I read something in English I needed to think about the song 'Tomorrow' and when I thought about 'Tomorrow' the face of Yoongi popped out in my head. 

I closed my exercise book and leaned back in my chair. I want to talk to Yoongi... There are still so many things I want to ask him and maybe I should do as that odd woman said - I should go to him. I also want to see the cute face of his. I miss him... Why do I miss him? Am I in love? No... That's too soon. Maybe this has something to do with all the soulmates-stuff. What time do we have now?

I ran my right hand through my hair and looked at the clock, hanging on the wall. 6AM... That's too early to go to him. I bet he is still sleeping. I should distract myself with something. How about reading? Yeah, that's a good idea! 

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