
By Xscapee

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The world has lived in darkness for over a hundred years since..he..has taken over. Humankind has been all bu... More

Author's Note
Ch. 1: The Before Times
Ch. 2: The Announcement
Ch. 3: Set In Motion
Ch. 4: Preparation
Ch. 5: Spero
Ch. 7: Clever Girl
Ch. 8: Capture
Ch. 9: Slipping Through
Ch. 10: Sickening
Ch. 11: A Demon's Secret
Ch. 12: A Deal
Ch. 13: In Your Place
Ch. 14: Insult to Injury
Ch. 15
Ch. 16: Like Clockwork
Ch. 17: Demons None the Less
Ch. 18: Mask
Ch. 19: Impure
Ch. 20: Atmosphere
Ch. 21: Dinner for None
Ch. 22: Dear Family...
Ch. 23: To the Skies
Ch. 24: Risus
Ch. 25: Visiting Hours
Ch. 26: The Ballad of Risus Schneid
Ch. 27: The Death of the Leader
Ch. 28: Care
Ch. 29:
Ch. 30: Defiant
Ch. 31: Search and Rescue
Ch. 32: Enough
Ch. 33: Treason
Ch.34: Light Hearted
Ch. 35: Not Today
Renegade: Trivia!

Ch. 6: Dancing with Death

4.6K 200 289
By Xscapee

Die steadily walked to Dark's room wondering why he hadn't come out yet. As he approached his chambers light talking filled his ears. He placed his ear against the door then knocked.

The door opened quickly, with Dark's hand grabbing him by the collar, pulling him in and slamming the door shut.

"What the hell is your problem?" Die fixed his collar, shooting Dark a confused look.

He turned his head to see Anti in his suit, sitting in a chair. A curious expression also covered his face.

Dark suddenly held out a piece of paper with a blue smear on it. Die wrinkled his brow and grabbed it, then observed it.

"Is this an invitation? Why is it blue?"

"It's blue because it's fake."

"Fake?" Die paused, "So does that mean —" His voice trailed off.

"We have an unwelcomed guest." Dark breathed. "Maybe this ball should be some entertaining after all."

"Dark, I've been all around this damn building today and I haven't smelled out a single human," Anti spoke up.

"You delivered the news yourself, Anti. This person is in the city. They are also part of an elite squad of human intellectuals. They have studied us for over one hundred years. Though they do not know everything, currently, they know enough."

Anti shifted in his seat. "So what are you going to do about it?

Dark walked over to a cabinet and opened it to see his staff sitting in a stand. He picked it up and observed it. "WE'RE going to let them believe they have the upper hand, and just like a fly in a Dionaea Muscipula, they will meet their untimely fate."

"Ye couldn't just stay fly trap?"

(Y/n) weaved her way through the crowd avoiding anyone and everyone near her. She wasn't scared, but wanted to avoid being caught, and talking to an elite was far from what she had planned.

The only person she was interested in finding was the one and only Darkiplier. The task was more difficult with everyone in masks. Some masks covered their entire faces, others just their eyes or half their face.

"Excuse me, everyone, I would like to have your attention, please." A loud voice boomed across the entire room.

All heads turned towards the staircase where three men stood all wearing matching black masks over their eyes. Her eyes widened the elite three.

"Good evening everyone, I would like to personally thank all of you for attending my ninety-second reception in celebration of another year of freedom across demonkind. We have come a long way since the war, but I also believe we have much longer to go. Unity, strength, and patience shall lead us all to our unlimited success. For this evening though, I ask of all of you to eat, drink, and be merry, thank you."

The crowd began to clap in appreciation of his small speech.

Dark began walking down the steps greeting demons as he made his way. Anti and Die followed behind also talking to the same people. He had to talk to everyone, or mostly everyone. Keeping his image up was important to him, and his popularity.

While he made his rounds to everyone (Y/n) avoided him, for now, to find the best escape route from the castle.

Going out the way she came in was a no-go, due to guards now standing at the door. The next route would be the kitchen, which the human slaves worked, walking in and out with trays of appetizers in their hands. The kitchen had to lead outdoors, but were? That was the only thing that plagued her.

Her name was widely known across the formally known United States. Would the slaves recognize her? Would they rat her out?

While thoughts like these crossed her, a light tap was felt on her shoulder. She turned abruptly, jumping slightly.

"Oh jeez, didn't mean to scare you there, lass." The demon spoke. He placed a hand on her shoulder, then extended the other out. "I've never seen you here before, me names —"

"Antisepticeye, the third elite member." She answered plainly. A glance to her left showed that Die and Dark were fastly approaching.

He smirked, "I sort of forget we're widely known, but I always like to introduce myself anyway."

She took his hand and shook it, "And why's that, if I may ask?"

"It's polite. I like to think there are people out there who don't know me. Impressions made before I get to meet them, you know."

Oddly enough, she could relate. "I know the feeling actually."

"Well before I ask why, I need to know, what's yer name?"


"Spero, Hope, hmm, I like it. I haven't met a demon with that name in years."

"One of a kind, I guess you can say." She smiled at him.

"Actually the last time I heard—"

"Is this demon bothering you, Ms. Spero?", Die walked up alongside Anti with his hands behind his back.

"There you are, I was wondering where you wandered off to," She lied.

Anti raised a brow, "You two know each other?"

"Vaguely, we met moments before I met up with you and Dark. We were chatting."

"It was lovely," she added.

"I was actually more interested in hearing about your town, and protecting it."

"You were?" She wasn't prepared for this type of answer.

So much for avoiding attention.

"Yes, I was. After we're done greeting, would you do me the honor of a dance?" Die was being far more forward than he'd normally be towards someone.

With her current situation, she couldn't say no. Before she was able to answer Dark had made his way into the conversation. He stared at her for several moments before saying a word.

"I don't believe we've met before." He spoke, placing his hands behind his back.

Die felt strange about the shift in attitudes. "Her name is S—"

Dark held up a hand making him stop. "She has a mouth Die, I'm sure she can articulate words."

"Your observation skills would baffle a child, no wonder you attained the throne so easily." (Y/n) smirked.

Anti's mouth dropped open while Die's eyes widened. No one had EVER made such a remark to Dark, and lived that is. Even Dark was taken back by her comment.

"I beg your pardon?" Dark spoke.

She held out her hand, "I said, my name is Spero, and it's a pleasure to meet you, sir."

"Hope," He took her hand and kissed it. "A lovely name, if you'll excuse me, I have more guests to greet."

Dark walked behind Die and Anti to greet the next guest. Die and Anti looked at one another then back at (Y/n).

"What?" She spoke out loud.

"Are you mad?!" Die whispered loudly.

"Dude, you've got thick skin fer saying that," Anti spoke up.

"He was being rude. Even kings need to be put in their places."

"Die, Anti, come, I'd like you to meet someone." Dark called out.


"She is currently at the ball, and things seem to be going nicely." Nes spoke to the large TV screen.

Mark and Rose were on it, talking to him about the mission.

"And how much longer do you expect her to be there?" Mark spoke up.

"The ball ends promptly at midnight. She has strict directions to find a very specific vehicle and get to it as soon as possible."

"And what if something happens?"

"Sir, the odds of "something happening", are very minimal."

Rose lightly hit Mark with her cane. "You often forget your daughter is one of the best."

"I know she's good Nana—"

"She isn't good, she's great. She should be just fine, no matter the circumstances. Trust her, Mark."

"I trust her, it's all the demons she's around that I don't trust." He sighed. "Nes, the moment you make contact with her I'd like you to inform me."

"Absolutely sir."

"Have a good evening." Mark hun up the video call and leaned forward on his elbows, covering his face with his hands. "How do you do it, Nana Rose?"

"How do I do what?"

"How have you handled all of this stress through the years, watching countless family members die, your fellow soldiers, how do you get through it?"

"I didn't have a choice. You see, when you have people depending on you, you have to be brave, be strong, and push forward. If I didn't push forward we wouldn't have the rebellion." She paused taking a deep breath. "People have died in my arms, whether it be from old age, severe wounds, disease. I am numb to the idea of death. One day, I will die, but I will die knowing that I was brave, I was strong, and I pushed forward." She then took the hook end of her cane, placing it on Mark's arm and pulling him around. "I see much of myself in your daughter, Mark, even more so your great great grandfather. I am sure he is watching over her."

"I hope you're right, Nana."


(Y/n) noticed right away that Dark carried his staff like his life depended on it. So much so his knuckles turned white. She kept her distance but made sure he never wondered too far away from her.

"There you are!" A voice boomed right behind her.

Her heart thumped in her chest before turning around to see Die staring at her.

"I've been looking everywhere for you."

"My apologies." She smiled, "I was just — admiring the castle."

"They get boring after a while."

"You live here?"

"As well as Anti, yes. It's a lot easier to discuss problems and talk politics when you live with one another. Plus, the castle is so large, it's like we all live in separate homes anyway."

"Talking politics must surely get boring."

"It's a never-ending cycle, sadly."

She glanced to her side to see Dark making his way to the floor with a female demon to dance with her.

"You said earlier you'd like to dance, correct?"

"I was actually about to ask you," he then held his arm out for her. "Shall we?"

(Y/n) smiled and took it, walking out to the floor.

He placed one hand on her hip and the other with hers, leading the way. " It's been quite a while since I've done this, my apologies."

"It's alright, I've never slow danced before."

"You haven't?"

"When would I have time? I'm always training, always working."

"Can I be honest with you, Spero?"

"Sure, sometimes the best person to talk to is a stranger."

"Do you ever miss, the old times?"

She could hear the formality in his talking begin to falter. "The times before the war?"

"Before Humanities Last Stand." **

The lessons on early 2000s history were now beginning to pay off. Although she didn't know much, whatever she DID know would hopefully pay off. "You mean, the Youtube days? When Starbucks coffee was still here? When we listened to real music and not — whatever this is?"

"Yes! Exactly! You were there, you remember! Do you ever want to — go back?"

"Sometimes I think about it." She fake pondered.

"Can I hear about your life? With your human?"

"My human?" She paused.

"You know, before the Separation."**

"Oh, she— well, her name was (Y/n)." She immediately scolded herself for using her REAL name. "She — She was — we got along really well, actually. She worked in a bakery in L.A. She really liked the simplicity of life, even enjoyed gardening on the roof of her apartment. She did uh— online schooling."

"You worked well with your human too?"

"Not something you should say too loud.." (Y/n) spoke softer.

"Felix and I, we were good friends."

"As I heard, it was the complete opposite."

"Rumors this, rumors that." He laughed slightly. "It's interesting because I've never come across someone who worked well with their human before."

"I'm sure there's plenty of —"

"No, there isn't, Spero. I —"

Die began to go off on a tangent about demons, but (Y/n) was more focused on spotting Dark again, who she had lost contact with. Eventually, she spotted him across the room.

He soon noticed her distraction and followed her eyes to see her staring at him. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, why?" Her eyes shot back to his.

"That comment you made earlier to Dark. He could have killed you, you know."

"I'm well aware of what could have happened, and to be completely honest, Dark doesn't scare me that much."

From across the room, Dark's ear twitched. Out of all the conversations, he had heard that tiny sentence. He turned around to see (Y/n) and Die dancing and chatting. He remembered her briefly from the comment she had made earlier.

It was time to get to know her, more personally.

"Hey, I have an idea," Die spoke up.

"An idea?"

"Do you want to see more of the castle?"

"I mean I—"

"Die, how are you fairing out this evening?" Dark spoke up.

It seemed he had appeared out of nowhere.

"Hello, Dark. I'm doing well."

"And how are you doing Ms. Spero? Are you enjoying the festivities?"

"I'm having a wonderful time, thank you for inviting me."

"May I cut in, Die?"

Die paused, "Of course. I'll catch up with you shortly, Spero." 


Humanities Last Stand: Commonly referred to as the ten 7 years BEFORE the great war, but just after the initial take over. These times were used as "negotiation" between demons and humans.

Separation: Can't tell you yet (:

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