Watched (a MCSM fanfic)

By Athena_Now_Inactive

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Ever wonder why the OOTS's amulet had the black and gold? It wasn't just for decoration, or just to hold it t... More

OC Profiles
Chapter 1: Out of an Adventure and Into Another
Chapter 2: A New Enemy
Chapter 3: The Others
Chapter 4: Discovery
Chapter 5: Run
Chapter 6: Caught
Chapter 7: I can't think of a name for this chapter soooo.............
Chapter 8: Explanations
Chapter 9: Introductions
Chapter 10: Escape Plan
Chapter 11: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 12: Escape
Chapter 13: Run, Run, and Did I Mention? RUN!
Chapter 14: Old Friends
Chapter 15: History Part I
Chapter 16: History Part II
Chapter 17: History Part III
Chapter 18: A New Plan
Chapter 19: Worlds
Chapter 20: Old and New Friends
Chapter 21: Fire and Water
Chapter 22: Fire World, Sky World, and....FOOD!!
Chapter 23: Searching
Chapter 24: Puzzles and Jailbreaks
Chapter 25: One Step Forward, One Step Back
Chapter 26: *needs a name for this chapter*
Chapter 27: Dead and Gone
Chapter 28: Lost and Found
Chapter 29: *the story progresses and I don't have a name for this chapter*
Chapter 30: The Phoenix
Chapter 31: The Dragon
Chapter 32: 2/3 Mission Accomplished
Chapter 33: Return
Chapter 34: Reunion
Chapter 35: More of a Reunion Since We Get to All of the Characters...
Chapter 36: An Idea (the author is running out of chapter title ideas)
Chapter 37: Location
Chapter 38: Battle Game
Chapter 39: Battle Game End
Chapter 40: Enchantments and Curses
Chapter 42: Caught
Chapter 43: Taken (I really need better chapter names)
Chapter 44: TNT Cannon
Chapter 45: Final Battle Part I
Chapter 46: Final Battle Part II
Chapter 47: Final Battle Part III
Chapter 48: Final Battle Part IV
Chapter 49: Aftermath
Chapter 50: Celebration
Thank You

Chapter 41: Enchanting

62 5 4
By Athena_Now_Inactive

Jesse's POV.

"Found it!" I heard my sister shout happily.  "Or, one of them anyways.  I found the Binding enchantment!"

As soon as the words had left her mouth, everyone rushed at her, trying to see the book.

"Really?  Can I see?" Petra asked.  Jess handed her the book.

Petra opened it, examining the inside.  "Wait, why does it say 'Curse of Binding'?  This enchantment is a curse?"  She looked questioning at Steve and Alex.

"Well, I guess to Herobrine, it could be a curse," Steve said thoughtfully.  "I wonder if he knows it's his bane of existence."

"Probably, if it's marked as a curse..." Alex mused.

"At least we've got one of the books now," I said.  "Anybody have luck with finding the Vanishing one?"

"Nope," Ruby sighed.  "Petra #2 and I just finished searching through our chest, no Vanishing in there."

"Well, I guess we should–" Ashio started, before being abruptly cut off by a sound of footsteps.

Jess peered out the door.  "There's mobs coming this way.  We gotta hide!"

"But where?  Besides these chests, there's nowhere to hide!" Mizuko shouted.

River frantically looked through her inventory.  "I thought I grabbed a invisibility potion back there...where is it?"

"I'll see if I can distract them!" Rush faded from view, using her own invisibility powers to slip out of the room, grabbing an enchantment book in a chest on the way out.  There was a thump, a sound of something falling, and then a sound of running feet.

"Come on...found it!" River pulled out an invisibility potion, and splashed it on everybody.  "It's only three minutes, but hopefully it's enough."

Rush reappeared next to me.  "We've got a few minutes," she gasped.  "One nearly ran into me, but I got away."

"Well, I suppose we should still hide in the chests, just in case," Griffin suggested.

We started to hop into the chests, but the door opened, and mobs started coming in while Steve, Alex, Kitsune, and Griffin were still outside.

Third Person POV. (cuz I can't figure out a better way to do this)

Kitsune and Steve bolted into a nearby overhanging shadow, while Alex stood in a corner lit up by lava, the red glow showing through their invisibility.  Griffin leapt into the air, and hovered in place, using the wind and her wings to keep her afloat.

Now that everyone was more or less out of the way, the people hiding outside could see what mobs had come in.  A mix of pigmen and wither skeletons with armor, blazes, and some magma cubes had come into the area.

They looked around, and the pigmen snorted something out.  Another pigmen replied with a grunt, and they wished that they could know what the mobs were saying.  The mobs started walking around the room, and started opening the chests.  They held their breath, hoping there wouldn't be a shout of surprise or a sound of someone being found out.

Okay Back to Jesse's POV.

It was dark in the chest I was hiding in, and there was only a soft glow coming from the enchantment books.  Might as well check through this chest,  I thought.  I picked one up, opened it, and then put it back.  Nope.  Not this one.  I opened another book.  Yes!  Found it–  The chest suddenly started to open.  Heart racing, I shut the book, put it back in the same place I found it, and went completely still.  Even though I was invisible, I didn't want to risk someone seeing books moving around randomly.  The chest opened completely, and I waited with bated breath, looking up at the eyes of a pigman.  It looked inside the chest for a moment, then closed it and walked away, as I exhaled.  A few minutes later, there was a small voice.

"They're gone," Alex announced.

There was a sound of chests opening as everyone climbed out.  I noticed that the invisibility had worn off.

"Whew, that was a close call," Purple said, as her wolf tail swished back and forth nervously.

"Oh, by the way, I found the Vanishing enchantment," I announced.  "It also says, Curse of Vanishing."

"Nice!" Steve said.  "Now we've got both enchantments!"

"So, what do we do now?" Jess asked.

"Alright, Jess, Jesse, Griffin, Kitsune, and Celestia, gather in a circle," Alex instructed.

"What about you and Steve?" I asked.  She shook her head.  "We may have been the former hosts of the Phoenix and Dragon, but not anymore.  You guys have to do it."

We stood in a circle, hands held together, as Steve placed both books face open in the middle, along with the invisible block.

"Okay, now summon the form of your animal," Steve said, stepping back out of the circle.

I thought for a moment.  How do I do this?  I shut my eyes, trying to concentrate.  Uhhh, Orion, you there?

There was an almost amused rumble from the back of my mind.  Yes.

Uhh, can you help?  I need your power to enchant something.

Just think of me.  You've seen how I look around you.  Imagine my form, and hold on to that image when you open your eyes, the Dragon said.

I followed what he said, and when I opened my eyes, and I saw the shape of the Dragon around me.  Next to me, everyone had their animals summoned.  Griffin once more had her griffin surrounding her, and I saw Kitsune and Celestia's, Kitsune's was a sleek black kitsune with silver designs and nine tails, and Celestia's was a pale blue pegacorn with a white spiral horn and a white mane and tail.  Jess's Phoenix was out too, the red-orange form of a bird forming around her, flames flickering around it.

Now, focus on the power inside you, Orion ordered.  I summoned the power, purple sparks forming in my hand.  Somehow, it came naturally to me, and I extended my hand into the center of the circle, the rest following.  There was a small flash of light, and then suddenly it was gone, leaving just the invisible block, enchanted, so we could faintly see its outline.  Both enchantment books were gone.

Alex stepped forwards, and picked up the block, satisfied.  "It's done."

Seriously, there are way too many Tuesday disguised as Mondays. But on another note, I reached 100 followers! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!! When I first started on Wattpad, it was just for reading. And then I started writing, just for fun, but now, I've come to appreciate the great fandom. Should I do a celebration for 100? Contest? QnA?
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!
~Griff Out!ᾦ

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