Single Father; G.B.D✔

Par dolansonly636

217K 3.7K 1.7K

I didn't know I'd fall in love with a single father *Completed* Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
sequel is out
I need help :(

Chapter 7

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Par dolansonly636

Grayson's POV

My alarm went off as I turned it off and sat up. I stood up and looked at Edwin who was still sleeping, I put on grey sweatpants and a normal white t-shirt.

I walked into the bathroom doing my business then brushing my teeth. That's when Edwin started crying. I rinsed my mouth and walked into my room.

"Daddy was just getting ready to shave" I chuckled, "Ready to go to daycare?" I asked him, He just looked at me and laid his head on my shoulder.

I pulled out a dark blue dinosaur shirt with Grey shorts. I changed his diaper then put him in his outfit.

I put black socks on him then picked him up. I brought him out and Ethan was still sleeping. "Let's go wake up uncle E," I said, Ethan had his mouth open snoring, I sat Edwin on his chest. Edwin stuck his hand in his mouth and Ethan gagged, "Wake up assclown" I picked Edwin up and held him.

Ethan looked up with his eyes watering, "dude his hands taste like-- baby powder!" Ethan spat everywhere. I laughed making Edwin a bottle for when he gets hungry which should be soon.

He stood up and walked to the bathroom, I heard the toilet flush and the water running then Ethan walking out.

"I'm gonna borrow your clothes," He said walking into my room, Edwin became fussy as I put the bottle in his mouth.

Ethan came out with black skinny jeans and a dark grey shirt. "Can you feed him so I can shave?" I asked He nodded grabbing him as I walked to the bathroom and shaved.

I put on my shoes then grabbed my keys off the table. "Ok, Let me see Edwin, Let's go E," I said, grabbing Edwin and putting him in his car seat. We all got in as I drove to the daycare.

-Storms POV-

I woke up and took a shower then put on high waist jeans and a light pink shirt. I brushed my hair then teeth and put on my black boots.

I put eyeliner, Mascara, and concealer, Brooklyn and I left to the daycare and cleaned up as people were coming in.

Then Grayson did, "Hi Edwin" I smiled grabbing him. "Hey," Grayson said, "Hi" I responded still smiling. "Uhh this is my twin brother, Ethan, This is Storm" Ethan looked almost exactly like Grayson.

"So this is the famous Storm ehh, The one he talks about to Edwin" Grayson blushed as I giggled, "Hi, nice to meet you" I shook Ethan's hand.

"Well let's go E," Grayson said, "Bye," I said, "Bye" they responded. Brooklyn came over to me. "Have you guys kissed yet?" I shook my head no.

"So Edwin wanna go lay down?" I asked walking to the cribs. I laid him down and he didn't cry, He's getting used to this.

I walked out and started making breakfast for the older ones.

-Grayson's POV-

Ethan was gonna stay and help Edwin for a while since his girlfriend is still in Florida. "You know, I'm surprised Alissa's not pregnant," Ethan said. "Why do you say that?" I asked, "She's not on birth control, I don't wear protection, I guess my pull out the game is strong" He shrugged.

"It's not like you have that far to pull out" I responded, "Shut the fuck up asshole, You know that's not true!" He said as I laughed. I pulled into the parking lot and walked into my house.

"I'm gonna try and go to Storms house or see if she can come here, So help me clean," I said, I started vacuuming and other things as Ethan helped. "Have you guys even kissed yet?" Ethan asked,

"I wanna take it slow, I don't wanna rush things with her, I really want this to work out" Ethan nodded as I cleaned the counters.

I put some water bottles in the fridge and closed it. "I gotta go shopping" I whispered to myself. "Let's go now," Ethan said, I shrugged. "Ok" We walked into the store and I bought food and other drinks.

"Should I get Edwin new clothes? He's been growing" I asked looking at some of the outfits. "Yeah, I would" E tossed in wipes and diapers as we looked through the clothes, I bought Edwin 3 new outfits then we went home.

By the time I got things put away, I had to go to class, "Ok E, I got to go cya" He nodded as I drove to class.

-Storms POV-

Brook was reading and I played with the babies, Well the ones who were up, I really need more help.

It was lunch time and I made chicken nuggets with fries and fruit. "Brook, We should hire more people, Were getting more and more children I really think we need the help" She nodded in agreement.

I put up on my page *Now Hiring* I immediately got some Emails. I looked through them and called seeing why they wanted the job, Then I told them about the interview, I sent out Emails to all parents that I'm not gonna be open for this weekend which was tomorrow.

I put my hair up then Brook and I played with some of the children. Time went by and it was only Edwin as always, But I didn't mind. I laid him on the foam mat as he rolled over onto his back, He wanted to roll back onto his stomach then started throwing a fit.

"Awe, Here you go" I laid him on his stomach as he looked at the toys around him. Soon Grayson walked in. "Look who's here" I picked him up and held him to Grayson, I watched a smile appear on Edwin's face as Grayson took him.

"Hey buddy" Grayson kissed Edwin and held him. "Oh yeah" I brought his diaper bag out and handed it to Grayson. "Did you have fun?" He asked as Edwin hiccuped, I smiled. "Thank you again as always" Grayson chuckled handing me the 50 dollars.

"You're my boyfriend now you don't have to pay" I smiled, "Oh fine then," He said as we laughed, I walked into the front entrance part and crossed Edwin's name out.

"Time to close up," Brooklyn said putting her stuff away, She winked at me and walked out. "He's the cutest," I said talking about Edwin. "He is isn't he" Grayson responded.

"Umm, so you wanna come over? It's only 8, We can watch a movie or something, You can bring Brooklyn too"He added as I nodded, "Yeah that'd be nice, I'm closed for the weekends because I'm hiring some new people, I've gotten more popular and it's been stressful so relaxing would be great" I smiled.

"Ok, You got my address I'll see you soon" He looked at me, We both slowly leaned in and his lips hit mine, It was a short kiss but it was still our first kiss together. I smiled and looked down, "Bye," He said, "Bye" I responded as he walked out and I turned off all the lights then walked out myself.

"So..." She smirked as I got in. "Yes, Brook we kissed" She smiled clapping her hands. "We're going to his place to watch a movie, He said you should come too" She nodded. "Ok, let's do it" We went home and freshened up then drove to Grayson's.

We walked up to his door and we heard light cries from Edwin. "It's ok, Hold on" I heard Grayson say opening the door.

"Hi" I smiled as he let us in, "Hey, Poor little guy spit up everywhere," Grayson said rocking him. "Yeah, and you're making me clean it up," His twin brother Ethan said gagging, Brooklyn and I laughed as he offered us to sit.

We sat on the couch as Ethan stood up and threw away the paper towels. "Ooh, can I hold him?" I asked Grayson, He nodded and gave me Edwin. "Hey baby, Your seeing me again" I smiled, Edwin looked at me in the eyes.


We all started talking and I was still holding Edwin. "Omg one time Storm almost gave a child flower and water in a bottle" Brooklyn laughed "No, Ok here's the story, Brook and I just started babysitting ok, And You know I was making this child's bottle. I accidentally put flower instead of formula, Because we have them in the same glass containers, I put the flower in but it smelt different, I felt so stupid but that's why We label everything now" We laughed, Grayson was looking at Edwin.

I looked down and he was still looking at me in the eyes and watching my every move. "He likes you," Grayson said, I smiled, Someone opened the front door. " Hey Ethan-- A-are you cheating on me?" A girl asked looking at me Brooklyn and I.

"Alissa hey baby" Ethan said smiling. "Are you cheating on me?" Alissa looked like the dramatic type, She had brown straight hair that was long and thin, She was wearing a white crop top, it stopped at her ribcage and she was wearing booty jean shorts with mid heels. She also had a lot of makeup.

"No baby of course not," Ethan said standing up. "Bullshit, It's obvious you are, that's ok because I cheated on you in Florida," She said crossing her arms. "What?! you just told me your cheating when I wasn't even cheating on you, it's Grayson's girlfriends best friend but now she could be because were over" Ethan grabbed Brooklyn's face and kissed her, Alissa dramatically flipped her hair and walked out slamming the door.

Brooklyn and I looked at each other. "Uhh that normally doesn't happen," Grayson said as Ethan walked down the hallway and slammed the door.

"Yeah, I hope not" I joked, Looking back down at Edwin who was now sleeping. I stood up, "Where do I put him?" I asked, "Follow me" I stood up followed Grayson, he opened a door and Ethan was sitting there texting. Ethan looked up then looked back down leaving.

"Right here," Grayson said standing at the dark brown crip, I slowly placed him on the bed as Edwin shifted a little.

"Is this your room?" I asked, "Yeah, When Edwin gets older I'm probably gonna move into a bigger apartment or even a house" I nodded, "Well let's go back out there," Grayson said letting me out, "Oh almost forgot," He turned on the baby monitor then walked out.

Brooklyn and Ethan were talking..... I'm assuming he's asking her on a date or asking her out because she is blushing a lot.

Grayson cleared his throat as Ethan looked behind him. "What movie are we gonna watch?" He asked, "um it doesn't matter" Grayson responded.

Ethan pulled up Netflix and went through the movies. I sat beside of Grayson who sat beside of Ethan and Ethan sat beside of Brooklyn.

"Hmm how about not a movie and Supernatural??" Ethan asked, "Sure" We all agreed.


It was halfway in the 3rd episode, Grayson was holding my hand and I had my head on his shoulder, Edwin started crying.

"I got him" I smiled walking into the room. I picked him up, "What's wrong baby" I totally forgot about the baby monitor. "Are you hungry huh?" I played with his bottom lip for signs that he was hungry, He tried to grab my finger and eat it.

"Yeah, your hungry aren't you, Let's go pumpkin" I walked out and made him a bottle. I sat back beside of Grayson and fed Edwin.

It was half and I sat him up burping him, He made small grunting noises looking around then burped. "There we go, Want more?" I stuck the nipple back in his mouth as he started eating again.

Grayson's arm wrapped around me as I watched Edwin eat. We had watched 5 episodes of Supernatural and I started getting tired, Brooklyn had fallen asleep on Ethan.

I stood up and Grayson looked at me. "I'm gonna go lay him down," I said, He nodded as I walked to his room. I laid Edwin down then left the room. Edwin cried again, I walked back into the room and up to the crop and he stopped.

"Awe, I spoiled you didn't I" I picked him up kissing all over his face as he smiled. I brought him back out and sat down.

"He woke up," I said, "I know, I could hear you" Grayson chuckled as I smiled. I laid Edwin on my lap and played with his hands.

We heard snoring and looked over, Ethan had fallen asleep. "You know I guess you should just sleep here tonight" Grayson offered. "Ok" I smiled, I checked the time, 12:14. It was past midnight.

I stood up after Edwin fell asleep and tried to lay him in his bed. I turned off the light and closed the door then walked back into the living room.

I sat beside of Grayson and laid my head on his shoulder again. "Good night," Grayson said, I looked up at him, "Night" He pecked my lips as I closed my eyes and laid my head back on his shoulder.


I woke up hearing Edwin through the baby monitor, I looked around and everyone was sleeping, the show was paused from the automatic pause if it's not being used. I stood up and slowly walked into the room.

I picked Edwin up and rocked him. "You feel like you need a diaper change," I said, I grabbed a diaper and wipes then changed his diaper on the bed.

"Thank you" I looked behind me, Grayson was standing at the door frame smiling. "Yeah, no problem" I smiled. "I uh heard you through the baby monitor, I could've gotten him," He said, "No it's fine I wanted to get him" Edwin started crying again, He must be hungry.

I walked out as Grayson followed and I made him a bottle. I started feeding him and quietly singing to him.

"Your voice is really pretty" I smiled as Grayson said that. "Thank you," I said burping Edwin. Edwin fell asleep as I walked back to his room and laid him down.

"You don't have to sleep on the couch," Grayson said standing beside me watching Edwin sleep. "You can sleep in my bed" Grayson offered. "Ok," I said, "Sorry, I'm not trying to pressure you, I just haven't had a girlfriend for a few years and those were high school dating. "

"It's ok, I haven't had a boyfriend since I was 16," I said, "Wow, I was 17" Grayson responded. "But yeah. I wouldn't mind" I smiled, Grayson laid in his bed as I got in beside of him.

"Good night, Again" I said, " Good night" My back was facing Grayson as I soon fell asleep.

AWEEEEEEEE, Ok, i've never like a book I wrote this much!! It's so fkn cuteeeeee

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