Opposites Attract (Completed)

By XxHaileyxCraigxX

184K 4.8K 598

Skylar and Damon are two different kind of people. Damon is a player and Skylar is a good girl. She isn't an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Authors Note
important author's note
1 more author's note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's Note
Authors note
Polar Opposites

Chapter 24

2.6K 66 6
By XxHaileyxCraigxX

{Damon's POV}

We were all sitting around the room. When we got to the hospital, they took her straight back. There's no telling what happened to her in there. She looked badly hurt. And she look pale, almost dead. Hours went by before they came back out. We all stand up awaiting the doctor.

"Who's family?" The doctor asks.

Jake steps forward, raising his hand a bit. "I'm her brother." The doctor glances back at us. "Its fine. They're our cousins." He lied.

The doctor nods. "Seems Skylar's nose is broken, her ribs are cracked in multiple places and a few are broken. She suffered from some head trauma and has a concussion."

Jake nods his head. "Is she okay?"

"Unfortunately, Mr. Greene, she is in a coma. There is no telling if she will wake up from it. When you suffer from a concussion, sleep is the worst thing you could do. She can't do anything but sleep." The doctor told us. "Its up to you on rather you want to try or..."

"Let me stop you there. I would never pull the plug." Jake snaps. "I want to see her." He demands.

The doctor nods and turns around leading us toward the room. I walk in and see Skylar's lifeless body lying there fighting to stay alive. I walked over to her and rubbed her hair.

"I love you, baby girl. Please dont leave me." I sigh deeply.

Jake walks over to us. "Thank you for helping me find her... But I wish she never met you."

I held in the pain that caused me. I wish she never met me too. If I had let her go on with her life, she'd still be having the time of her life. I ruined that for her.

I nod. "I understand that's how you feel... But I love her. More than you could possibly know. I couldn't imagine not seeing her for the rest of my life. I need her." I tell him.

"Go home and get some rest Damon. I'll go in the morning and we can switch out. She needs someone with her in case she wakes up."

I agree as I shake his hand. "Thanks, man."

Melanie and I drive home and walk through the door. Mom and dad were sitting on the couch talking.

"Mom. Dad." Melanie said surprised. "You're home early."

"I heard about what happened. It's all over the news. We came as soon as we could." My mom explains. "We'll go get some gifts. You two can explain everything on the way. Go sleep and we can go in a little while."

We nodded as we started toward our rooms.

Melanie turns toward me. "Damon, if you wake up before me... Please wake me up. Vice versa..."

I nod. "I will."

My phone vibrates.

Skylar: this is Jake. My dad is here. Don't know how he will react.

I sighed. I didnt bother texting back. I just lay on my bed and fell fast asleep.


I look up. I was in a forest. It was snowing and the ground was covered. Skylar was in a beautiful white gown. She prances over toward me.

As she got closer, I noticed the blood flowing down her face and hair, down her shoulder and on her dress. Her eyes were dark, full of hate, betrayal, fear...


"You let me die, Damon." She whispered in a soft voice. "Why did you let me die?"

"No!" I screamed. "I didnt.. Skylar, I love you. I would never let someone hurt you."

"But, you did. And now you have to pay for it."

"What does that mean?" I asked her in a low voice.

She slowly closed her eyes and laughed shaking her head.

I know what she means. The cops will question and blame me if she dies. I will have to pay for the actions of Chelsea.

"Wake up, Damon."

"What?" I demanded.

"Wake up. Damon! Get up."

The voice of Skylar turned into Melanie as I opened my eyes. The dream really got to me.

"Damon. Get ready. Let's go check on Skylar." Melanie tapped my leg.

I nod as I sit up in the bed. I run my fingers through my hair as I wake up. I didn't sleep as well as I'd like because of that damn dream.

I was starting to have a bad feeling about this dream.

What if the dream was real? What if Skylar is dead?

No. Don't think like that.

I get up and grab some shorts and a T-shirt and head to the shower.

I added the picture of the dress that Skylar was wearing in his dream. 😙😙😙

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