I Crave For You(completed)

By Soundari94

48.9K 3K 1.2K

A complete different story of lust turned love.. two souls who wanna know about the meaning of lust come toge... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Not A Part
Part 6
Your Choice
Part 7
Part 8
New Cover
Part 9
Part 10(Real Twist)
Part 11
Thank You
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Authors Note
Part 17
Thank You (A/N)
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Last Part

Part 4

2.1K 120 59
By Soundari94

Recap : Ragini conscious. Raglak conversation.. Raglak intimate..

Laksh didn't waste a minute after hearing her nodding yes and immediately captured her lips..

After 2 hours :

Ragini can't believe it.. Never in her dreams she thought that she will do it with a stranger that too in a hotel room.. But the best part is she enjoyed it to the fullest..
First time is supposed to be the most worst time for any girl as it will be really painful.. But for her it's something else that has overtook her pain.. It's none other than pleasure..
Laksh.. She doesn't know anything about him other than this name.. But one thing is clear for her.. He is nothing like rishi.. More than his pleasure he was very much worried about her pain
"Are you fine", "is it paining". "shall I stop"..
She has heared these words for more than 100 times in these two hours..
Though it may seem to be an interruption but all she can see is his concern and caring nature..
Ragini is amazed just a while back she met a stranger and she can already decode almost everything about his character but she was with rishi for more than five years but still she couldn't find anything about his intentions.. Why?
She already have the answer for it.. Because she was so much madly in love with him that she couldn't see his reality. These thoughts brought fresh tears to her eyes..
Now that she experienced the body pleasure she agrees that it's a very wonderful feeling but then still she feels that it's nothing when compared to the pure love she HAD on him..
Anyways no more thoughts about him as she has already moved on from his betrayal.. But what's next?
She slowly comes back to reality.. She finds herself clutching a blanket upto her chest and takes a look of the room.. It seemed to be the costliest suite in the hotel.." Oh, so he is rich too" .. Another fact about him..
She slowly turned towards the other side of the bed.. There lied the Greek God in his full sleeping form.. His whole body was sweating but still looked handsome..
Seeing his sleeping form a small smile played on her lips.. He looked manly on bed but now his sleeping face resembled a kid.. She was actually amazed with his personality

Then a sudden fear clutched her heart.. "What if he thinks that I'm here for his money?"
Yeah I lost it to him.. But that doesn't mean that I'm a prostitute..
He may be nice but he doesn't know anything about me.. What if he wakes up and throw money on my face.. No I won't accept it.. I'm neither a prostitute nor a gold digger..
She finally made up her mind and stood up from her bed without disturbing him.. She quickly wore her clothes and took her belongings and started leaving but then stopped and thought for a while.
She immediately took a paper and pen and wrote something on it and placed it on the side table and left the place..

After an hour:

The constant ringing of a mobile phone disturbed the sleeping prince.. He irritatingly without opening his eyes slides his hands on the side desk for his mobile but his hands landed on some folded paper which is lying on the table.
He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the paper.. He was about to open it but then his mobile sound irritated him again so he first attended it and placed it on his ears.. He was greeted with a angry voice..
"What the hell did you think of yourself? Haan? If you don't like then you could have simply sent her away but you sent her to another person and here I have to pay another person's pleasure"
Laksh with a bit of irritation " omi idiot if you wanna say something say with head and tail.. About whom you are talking and what did I do.. Say it clearly man"
Omi with a heavy sigh "O now you don't remember anything.. Why the hell did you send the hooker to another room"
Laksh just then reminded about the hooker who arrived after ragini became unconscious.. How the hell is he supposed to be with her when ragini is present in the roo.. Wait.. Ragini.. Where's ragini.. He searched her here and there.. He even checked in the bathroom but he couldn't find her..
"what are you doing man? Answer me.. Why are you silent"
"Omi.. I have some work.. Will talk to you later.." Saying so he cuts the call and started searching for her when his eyes landed on the letter lying on the bed.
He immediately took it in his hands and started reading it..
" dear laksh,
Sorry I don't know anything about you other than your name and it's the same for you too. You may think that why do I leave all of a sudden.. It's just that I'm not Someone whom you think.. I'm neither a gold digger nor a prostitute.. I just lost it to you because I wanted to but that doesn't mean I'm character less. I thought of leaving simply but then it will be like insulting you.. I spent only a little amount of time but still I could figure out that you are nothing like my ex.. You are very kind, caring and sensitive person and if I'm not wrong it's your first time too.. Our intimation clearly showed that you have experienced the same amount of pain as mine. Though I don't know what it is just think this is as treatment for both of our pain.. I have moved on from my past.. Our intimation took all my pain away.. Hope it does the same for you too..
PS: even though you are not experienced you gave me a memorable moment and I don't regret it a bit.. 😉😉😉
With love

To be continued..
So guys what do you think?
Is it a starting or is it really the end?

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