Lost memories (detective Cona...

By celia__heartfillia

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She lost her memories ,she was adopted,having a magician as a brother and a detective as a cousin but what ha... More

Chapter 1 Sakura the girl who lost her memories
Chapter 2 The kuroba family
Chapter 3 The kudo family
Chapter 4 Sakura ,yuki, montrose
Chapter 5 Professor agasa hiroshi
Chapter 6 The legend of the legendary lake
Chapter 7 Sakura enrolls in Teitan Primary school
Chapter 8 First day of school
Chapter 9 New friends
Chapter 10 Kitten (neko)
Chapter 11 finding and saving her
Chapter 12 sick day
Chapter 13 a birthday party that went wrong
Chapter 14 good bye
Chapter 15 8 years later
Chapter 16 the invitation
Chapter 17 the host
Chapter 18 kaitou kid
Chapter 19 weird feelings
Chapter 20 the second host
Chapter 21 decision
Chapter 22 : matching outfits
Chapter 23 date between siblings
Chapter 24 sakura's plan
Chapter 25 deep down
Chapter 26 : memories
Chapter 27: sickness
Chapter 28 : our marks and gifts
Chapter 29 : why?
Chapter 30 : embaressed
Chapter 31 : the crazy invitation
Chapter 32 : even more fired up
Chapter 33: weird night
Chapter 34 : crazy old man
Chapter 35 : the devil twins
Chapter 36 : mitsuki and mizuki
Chapter 37 : sakura the party planer
Chapter 38 : day one : their past
Chater 39: day two : uncomfortable
Chapter 41: day four : attacked

Chapter 40: day three : followed

59 1 1
By celia__heartfillia

Sakura's pov

"Mitsuki !!! Would you stop moving I'm trying to zip you're dress up "

"But I want to run and see the cake you made "

"I didn't make it but ordered it " I stated with a slight grin . Once I was done with these little devils we walked down the stairs hand in hand and greeted the guests.

"Oh my you did a great job Sakura chan they look adorable we have two cute princesses "

"Well they did get the best organizer so of course they had the best in everything aoko chan ." I winked and we both laughed .

The girls played with some other kids while I was with my group ." Sonoko even today they showed up " i pointed to the two guys from day 1 .

"They are the VIP guests guess my uncle invited them for the whole week "

"Why what's wrong Sakura ?" Kazuha came out behind making me flinch from shock .

"They keep staring at her like every minute!"

" yeah and she's not the only one who noticed it I kept my eyes since their arrival and if my thought are right they stare every 16 seconds and sometimes 20 "

"That really helps Shinichi thanks for making me feel at ease "

"Don't worry much , me , Shinichi and heiji will keep our eyes on them but just in case stay away from them "

"Awww such a protective brother you have here "

And here we are with Sonoko and her teasing poor kaito . We All headed at our tables to relax being where a millions of rich people are is painful they steal your personal space and cut the oxygen .

Today's theme was Aladdin .

After preparing all this I felt dead my brain was about to burst. The music was so loud that it made me dizzy .

"Sakura ? Where are you going ?" Ran stopped me from going any further

"I'm heading at the garden in the back I feel slightly dizzy with the crowd and loud music "

I saw her worried face and I knew what she wanted to say .its all written in her face .

"Don't worry I'll be carful beside these guys all they did was stare up to now they never talked or went near me . Believe me I'll be fine "

"Ran is not the only one worried what if they try so thing now that you're alone ! no !take some one with you for safety "

"Aoko haha I need my time alone you know personal space and moment "

"Girls let her take some air "

"Kazuha aren't you worried for her ?"

"OF COURSE I am but she knows how to defense herself thanks to ran and karate skills "

"See I'll be fine I'll meet you guys in a couple of minutes "

I insisted a few more times at the end they agreed without telling the boys who by the way we're still at the cake area spying on the two guys . I opened the door of backyard receiving the cold breeze hitting me .It was a bit chilly outside but agreeable .

My long blue dress swayed with the movement of the wind 

Sonoko was wearing a tight gown.

Ran wore a not too short purple dress .

Kazuha decided on this

Aoko for once let Sonoko chose for her which I'll never do !

I leaned on a bench and let my thoughts play in my head . I looked at my special treasure it was my butterfly bracelet that mum got me for my 8th birthday

with the brooch that I got from father

and the last thing my once necklace which I turned it into a bracelet since it was small this one came from kaito . (It was on chapter 13)

I remember he said it was meant for Sakura kuroba. It's been 10 years I've been with them , they treated me like family like mum treated me like her real daughter and kaito like his sister true that he's really overprotective but that's how a big bro should be .

As for Shinichi , auntie and uncle them too treated me like family I never felt as if I was adopted I love them . These past 10 years my memories didn't really come back even if I force myself to remember my brain won't cooperate.

Or maybe the problem is me. True I'm scared to find out who I really am but at the same time i wish I knew . Besides I promised myself to find my fathers killer that's exactly the reason why I learned karate and made myself become Shinichi's helper in cases .

Speaking a of cases I miss solving them . All I do now is running behind a jewel white theif . To be honest I miss my job it's better trying to catch that damn pervert playboy of a thief then to be stuck in a hall filled with rich families.

I felt cold so guess it's time to enter the crowded hall once again . I met with the boys and thanks to the girls they didn't notice my absence. The party was finished and the girls were asleep we started to head out .

"Ah I forgot my purse go ahead and order , I'll meet you guys in the restaurant " 

They agreed since the two guys left 2 hours ago . I quickly grabbed my purse and said my goodbyes to the maids I also thanked them for their hard work .

I was walking alone in the streets to the meet up place . The group decided to eat in a well known restaurant Owned by none other then the Suzuki company so tonight everything is free !!!

As I was heading in a curve I heard heavy steps behind me . I didn't want to jump into conclusions so I took a short cut at the end their was 2 ways one on your left and the other on the right side I took the left as I walked a bit more the steps were still behind me  . Without thinking I ran as fast as I could and arrived at the meet up place .

As we were eating I felt eyes stalking me something bad is happening but why a I did t know was ........

That it was only the beginning.

Hey Mina so sorry for the long wait I was on a writers block hehehe anyway hope you'll like this one and dot. Forget to vote and comment see you on my next update 💖

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