Oops! Did I Spill It Out? (Mo...

By Riley06tennyson

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When Sarah Baker accidentally catches a glimpse of a steamy make out between the principal and her neighbour... More

Oops! Did i spill it out?
The Sincere Neighbour
Mommy, how are babies made?
She looks like Sex, literally!
Shake that!
Skipping Dreams
When Romeo met Juliet
Only the Losers are sober.
I'm a party animal, yeah. Party animal!
Forgetting Sarah Baker
Forgetting Sarah Baker - 2
Forgetting Sarah Baker-3
Granny underwear!
You Nasty!
Exposed (pun intended)
My walls are broken.
Everything is not what it seems.
Cast Issues (Author's Note)
Chapter 1-II (chapter 1 as it was made private)
Too Many Secrets and Dirty Deals.
Let's set fire to...f*ck!
Not an Update
I Can't Amend
I Can't Amend-2
I'm A Mess
The Girlfriend Tag
He Spells Trouble
My Heart Be Warned
Waitress Asks How Many Bottle I Say 23!-PART 1
Waitress Asks How Many Bottles I Say 23-PART 2
It's So Over-Part 1
It's So Over-Part 2

The day after...yesterday.

326 28 14
By Riley06tennyson

Chapter 11:-

The day after...yesterday.


This chapter is going to be intense in a good way. I had a lot of fun writing this chapter and was really excited too. I really hope you guys like it. This is where the fun begins. . .

Oops! Did I spill it out ? Is finally turning slightly awesome. At least that is what I think.


My first kiss went a little like this

[Kiss] and twist [kiss kiss] and twist


Well my first kiss went a little like this

[Kiss] and twist [kiss kiss] and twist


' Slammed ' coughs, ' crooked nose' coughs and a various other coughs later the first period started saving the dignity I had left.

After the game had ended, the announcement of s-ex education class was the reminder of how much life sucked.

The bell rang. Everyone proceeded to class and I to the washroom to clean up my hair and the paper balls thrown at me.

I quickly escalated the scene only to be bumped by someone.

“ Zack ?”

“ Sarah.” he drifted with his rough sleepy tone.

His hair was messed up, his lips were swollen and his eyes couldn't help but close themselves. He looked exhausted.

“ Are you okay? You're missing class.” I said not sure what to do. It could be the game-winning after party hangover which was waning him down.

“ What?” he asked, his focus not on my words.

“ It's $ex education, Mr. Hemming is taking it. You shouldn't be skipping it. “

He started laughing with his tired voice then ran his hand through his hair and kicked an invisible stone on the floor.

Was he stoned or...?

“ $ex, huh? I got it before the class even got started. Gifted talent." he laughed again and winked.

I didn't know what that meant but I left a nervous laugh.

He leaned close. Too close.

“ Sarah.” he dreamily sighed. “ You are so...-”

Our faces were too close. His body weight was slowly shifting on mine.

From being inches away from my face he quickly changed path and his head landed on my shoulder.

Before I knew it, a chuckle left out and his whole body weight shifted on me.

He had fallen asleep!

On my shoulder!

He was too heavy and I collapsed with him on top of me.

Oh no!

Hello? Could Anybody get this guy off me before the bell rings.

I heard footsteps getting louder. Please don't be a student. Please don't be a student.

“ Sarah, you need help?” the stranger called out. I kept pushing Zack to get off and was struggling with keeping his saliva off my dress.

“ Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh.” I dragged as he suddenly took my hand and pulled me up leaving Zack rolling on the ground.

Mr. King stood with a smile on his face.

“ It's not like that, sir” I quickly retaliated and explained shaking my hands.

He just looked between me and Zack. And kept that stupid smile on his face.

Wipe it off!

“ You'll need help to get him to a bed.” he told me in an obvious tone.


I couldn't pick up a jock with my 121 pounds body. Zack would've been easily heavier and I was never the one to make an effort.

Alexander picked him up and slung one arm over his shoulder whereas I did the same with the other arm. His body weight was heavy as it seemed.

Fat as$.

First period had already started and I wanted to attend it because the last time I skipped class, I ended up in jail, had a sore throat and a bad headache from crying so much along with my running nose and puffy, tiny ant size eyes.

The going to jail, attending the game and then coming back home on foot had drained out all the possible energy I had had so the only thing that I could do was to change and go to sleep. There had been a big celebratory party after the win but I really was in no mood to cut my air circulation and have a sprained ankle.

But then there were people like Zack. Party animals. I could smell Zack reek of alcohol and there was no way in hell that Alexander hadn't smelt it already.

We dragged his corpse - he looked pretty dead to me - and laid him down on bed in the clinic.

The bell rang right after the nurse told us that the boy was only sleepy and needed rest. Thank god. I may hate humanity but that didn't mean that I didn't have emotions. I looked at Zack's face before leaving. Mr. King was wiggling his eyebrows.

“ Stop!” I admonished. “ There is nothing going on!” I playfully commented but my voice cracked in between.

“ I know you're only a student but just telling you a few things about me. “ He started a conversation. “ This is my part time job. I'm only 22 years old and have a girlfriend I fell for back in high school, the catch ? I looked, talked and acted the same way Zack does when I was in front of my girlfriend. Trust me when I tell you that you'll fall for him. “ He winked and left me to pick up and place my jaw back in my mouth.

Zack and me...

Me and Zack ...

Zack Nanders and Sarah Baker....

Sarah Baker and Zack Nanders ...

Nah. Not gonna happen. I shrugged my shoulders and walked on for second period.it was Mr. Kings class coincidently so this time I had no worries.

The clack of my high- heeled boots echoed in the corridor till I reached the door to pause.

I knocked at the door signaling my arrival.

“ Why are you late to class Miss. Baker? “ Mr. King asked.

Are you serious?

“ Sorry, sir. It won't happen again.” I mumbled a quick apology.

Mr. King let me in and class began again.

I listened and concentrated in class knowing that my much earlier love for silence wasn't gonna last for long.

Operation BPHHLFOS (bp) was on. I smiled as the fresh memory dawned on me, the explanation of this mission's name. Taylor who was speaking so smartly for an hour in the bar that day had told me that it stood for, and I quote, ' Sarah, this mission requires dedication, commitment, bad-ass attitude, lying, deceiving , pretending, acting, cheating, will power, unsympathetic attitude, focus, and no fear at all.

As you know, that every great mission needs a great name, something it can be remembered by for generations and generations, centuries and centuries. - we have to name our mission with utmost seriousness and thought. We have to name out mission something that gives out yet keeps the agenda of our mission a secret. '

'Oh, I know ! ' I had exclaimed only to be silenced by the wave of a hand. Taylor Mason was serious as hell.

' As I am the prosecutor and a better judge of things the honor will be mine and mine only to name this mission.'

' You just wasted 10 minutes of my life to tell me that when you could've just told me what you've come up with' I annoyingly snickered .

He, however, was in his land where he was king.

' Our mission's name is...'

There was a dramatic pause and I raised my eyebrows waiting for him to spill.

' B. P. H. H. T. F. O. S aka B. p?' he dramatically announced and I could feel the drum beats and the thunder in the sky roaring in. Note the sarcasm.

What had gotten into his head?

' It stands for Bust Principal Hemmings and Helen Taylor For Our Safety aka Backup Plan'

I laughed and it hurt so much. When I opened my eyes the first thing I noticed was Taylor's dead pan expression which showed no hint of humor.

' Wait, you're not serious, right ?' I asked but his head bobbing gave me an answer.

I could've yelled or hit him at the back of his head to instill some sense but c'mon people, this is Taylor Mason were talking about!

The bell rang and I jumped in surprise at the loud toll of it. Mr. King smiled at me then imitated a sleeping Zack. There was nothing I could do about it, he was my teacher.

I got out of class and walked towards my locker when suddenly in a frenzy a pair of strong arms lifted me up and very painfully dropped me on the floor. I heard the door being bolted and the faint drag of the curtains being drawn. I rubbed my butt for the pain to loosen and looked forward for the school bad boy to satiate his need to waste my precious time.

“ Sorry about that, babe.” he snapped his fingers.

Babe? BABE?

I plastered a fake smile and took a step forward. Then abruptly tweaked his ear making him yelp then growl.

“ Learn to respect Mason, or else you'll see another bad kid in school.” I painfully twisted his ear. “ And that would be me.” I slowly whispered for the threat to last. Then I let go with a push watching him tumble behind and hit a desk.

“ Nice moves you've got there. Ba...- ker. One thing though.” he dragged a chair and sat in it on the opposite keeping his hands on the neck rest region. “ If I had a good side, which I don't, this would not be the way to get in it.”

My jaw dropped. He did the eye-wriggle and smirked one sidedly. If that made sense.

“ You just quoted vampire diaries.”

“ No, I didn't ! “ He stuttered.

“ Uh...yeah, you did. That was too Damon salvatore-y. On dot perfect imitation.” I shrugged my shoulders and flashed a grin.

“ Babe, “

He earned a look

“ Baker, vampire dairies must've quoted me. “ He calmly tried to handle the situation and I saw him flustered.

“ Awwww... Bad boy Taylor Mason watches chick shows. “ I giggled. I finally had something in him if he ever troubled me again.

“ Taylor Mason is a girl.” I serenaded and skipped to his side. Putting one arm around his neck. “ So tell me Taylor, who do you support? Stelena or Delena? And also, do you think vampire diaries shouldn't be called vampire diaries as now it's a show with practically everything and vampires? “ I pinched his cheeks then sat on the teachers table.

He swatted me away like I was a bug. Show -off. All that bad boy thing was just something on display, he was a cushion on the inside. But that day at the bar... maybe he's not that a cushion on the inside. But this all proved he had a heart.

I motioned my legs back and forth, an ugly habit which was difficult to quit and started looking around.

Taylor cleared his throat.

“ So Baker, I was thinking we have to first get the school cameras under control. We need to be careful that we don't get caught for doing what we're about to do. Old footage can be saved and copies can be made whereas when we are completing the task, we need to have the old footage running in loop just like in the movies. “ He explained with hand actions. He had me gripped.

“ But what about getting in? In case, the room is locked or if someone comes in during this plan of ours?” I asked still not clear with the plan. “ And what about the receptionist? What excuse do we have to bring her out? If one of us goes in the other has to distract her or else she'll be confident that we had something to do with 'it'” I added.

There were a lot of things we still hadn't figured out. Our plan had a lot of loopholes and executing it to perfection required those loose ends to be tied together . We needed something solid, something like mind- blowingly awesome solid. I rattled my brain in search for ideas. We needed better ones than Taylor's . I glimpsed at Taylor to see him putting on his thinking face but I knew it was all up to me. The bell rang and I gasped . I missed my third period too! Great! Someone was surely going to get me for skipping classes.


That was exactly what I needed! Attention from the office. If I started skipping more classes than normal then they'd surely call me in the office for a warning. I could plant a chip somewhere, I could get my hands in the principals' laptop and there would be no worry of the assistant to verify our visit to the office. Perfect!

“ Taylor, I have a plan.”

“ I know, you speak out loud. Stop doing that for f*ck's sake. It is creee- pyyyy. “ He waved me off.

“ Well then... I guess I won't be going to class...” I said very awkwardly knowing our meeting had come to an end.

“ And I won't be going to class because I honestly don't know where it is and what period I have.” he laughed and I smiled.

So the Taylor Mason I know. I didn't know how he wasn't expelled yet. He basically bunked school even in the days he was present. Why did he bother coming at all? I was not a morning person and if I had a choice to not come to school I would most likely lie on bed all day with my stinky morning breathe and bad hair. That was if my coming to school was as useless and unproductive as Taylor Mason's normal days. Life without school would be boring, no matter how much you hate it.

I made my way to the library. There was no choice and no place I'd rather be. My favorite library, my cozy corner where my thoughts could take sail without any interruption, the calm and peaceful silence, the smell of the freshly printed books, the spooky feeling you get when you search through the decade old prints at the corner most part of the library, the crisp sound made when the pages are turned, the low whispers when talking to someone, the sitting on the floor and getting lost in another world. The library was the perfect place to block the world out. There were no objections for the use of iPod s or mp3 players. Solitude at its best. My heart grew in size when I saw the sight of it. It's magnificent beauty.

Taylor followed behind.

“ I've got nothing to do so I'll be your bodyguard for the day.” Taylor cooed.

Finding my way to aisle 3 I put my fingers on my lips telling Taylor to shut his mouth trap. He took out a book and started reading as he made himself comfortable against the shelf. Taking out ' As You Like It' by Shakespeare I jotted down my notes. I was basing my assignment on archaic language and evolution.

Literature was my favorite subject. Our English teacher was irreplaceable. It was the only period when children made sure they didn't miss out on class. Mrs. Jones was an extremely humble teacher and a qualified one too. Her personality, the way she spoke was easily lovable. Her smile caused hearts to flip and when she laughed, dear god it felt heaven. Her beauty was captivating and people often fell in her trance. She wasn't hot, she wasn't pretty, she wasn't $exy , she was beautiful. All the boys of our school had had a crush on her and even among girls, Mrs. Jones drove girls to go lesbian even if it was for only one period.

Coming to think of it, it was the only class Taylor Mason had unfailingly attended throughout all his years in school.

I sat down beside him hoping my fat butt wouldn't hurt after an hour.

'Wuthering Heights' the title read.

“ I stand corrected when I said you were a girl. Reading romantic novels, so much for the bad boy reputation.” I guffawed more to myself.

Taylor ignored me and the next 120 minutes were shockingly sent in peace. Taylor wasn't as dumb as he looked. Going by the stereotype that he was blonde. Though towards the end when the bell was about to ring Taylor's head lightly settled on my shoulder and he let out a faint snore. Much like a soft whistle . I simply cracked a smile but then the bell rang jolting him to reality.

So far we had skipped 4 periods leaving out literature period which fortunately wasn't today.

The microphone switched on and I crossed my fingers. Wiping the drool of his face Taylor Mason's tension lines appeared. He held my hand and looked at the speaker hopefully as if his life depended on it. Whatever it was, getting revenge wasn't Taylor's priority, he had some other ulterior motive planned out at the back of his mind.

“ Could the following students please meet me in my office? They are Taylor Mason. And also Sarah Baker?” the last part was filled with surprise.

How did Miss. Always-plays-nice skips classes after all?

We got up and walked towards the office. Phase 1 hardly had time for its commencement. I was feeling a little giddy on the inside. Taylor pressed my hand for reassurance, panic evident in his eyes. It wasn't for me.

“ You have to do this.” he held my shoulders and shook me.

“ Taylor ?”

“ Hmm? “

“ Why are you doing it? All this ? I now you have a different reason.”

His face fell at those words. He walked off angrily and left me running behind him. His fists were tightly bundled and his nostrils flared.

I silently walked and we reached the reception.

“ Both of you may go in.” the receptionist pointed to the door with her right hand which held a pen. She was sorting documents. Without looking up she repeated her words.

I was about to knock thinking it was common courtesy to do so but Taylor just bashed in. Talk about manners.

I saw his face as he mouthed 'come in'.

Taylor rolled his eyes and pulled me in by a harsh tug of my sweater. He balanced me before my fall and pushed me to my seat.


I inwardly groaned for providing my shoulder for him to sleep on.

Breathe. Just breathe.

The majesty's bald head shone in the sunlight piercing its way through the window. Ugh ! What a piece of ugly sh!t! How did she ever kiss those cracked lips ? Touch that hairy chest which was uncovered due to the deep neck shirt? He had no hair so there was no hair to tangle one's hand in while kissing. How the hell did she even have the thought if it? Just ugh. I shuddered. Had I really been thinking that?

Ewww. Just god, get me out of here as fast as you can.

“ So kids? “

“Sooooooooooo?” Taylor dragged on the o for 10 seconds while Mr. Hemmings silently glared at him.

I stifled a laugh. It sounded like a disgusting burp but it was funny.

“ Taylor Mason. There isn't much to say about you.”

“ So why'd you call me here, baldie?” his posture was calm and composed.

Taylor's legs were spread wide apart and he could roll down on the floor judging how he was sitting so lowly on the chair. His fingers were running over his light stubble and his smirk was plastered permanently. His other hand was tapping the table at a certain beat. He started humming.

I sat there joining my legs tightly. I was hating the term thigh gaps at this moment. There was no way this pedophile was getting between my legs.

Who knew, Helen might've not even been the first?

“ If I see you do this even one more time Mr. Mason, I'm going to have to expel to. “ He threatened. I shivered. What had I gotten myself into?

I hesitantly opened my bag and took out the chip sticking it under the table.

Taylor remained unaffected and started messing with school property. He purposefully dropped the stapler. That was my cue to take out the stapler with the hidden camera and place it on the table. We needed another camera to be placed for the whole view of the room.

“ Are you following me, Mr. Mason? “

“ Yeah, whatever.”

“ I am serious about the consequences Mr. Mason" Mr. Hemmings leaned back on his chair folding his arms.

He looked slightly intimidating.

“ You are a nice boy, Taylor.” I could feel a lump falling in Mr. Hemmings throat. All this was a lie, of course. He was just trying to flatter Taylor. That must've been the nicest thing he must've said about him.

“ Really? You think so? Because I'm a d!ck. “ Taylor rasped.

He was so quoting vampire diaries.

I slapped my hand over my mouth to prevent my chuckle to come out. This diverted attention to me.

“ This is embarrassing, Sarah. “ Mr. Hemmings said in a mocking tone.

Don't Sarah me, you pervert.

Both of them stared at me harder but Taylor was grinning.

“ Keep thoughts in your head Baker.” Taylor softly whispered.

Oh shit! Did I say that out loud?

“ Yes.” they both chorused and I passed on the pen to Taylor hanging my head down in shame.

Taylor was now solely responsible for the placement of the second camera which was hidden in the pen. The third was still in my jeans pocket.

“ Sarah Baker, if I find you missing even a single period again you'll be joining Taylor Mason for-”

“ For dinner ?” He prompted.

“ No!”

“ For lunch ?”


“ For $ex?!”

“ Mr. Mason, shut up when two elders are talking. “ He snapped.

“ Oh.” Taylor pretended to be fake hurt. Then he kept 'the pen' in the pen stand as if it were Mr. Hemmings property.

Phase 1 halfway done.

We needed a distraction. As if even destiny wanted us to move forward with our plan, the phone rang.

“ Hello? Mr. Hemmings here. “

After a few seconds of hmm and ugh and aaaghs he stood up.

“ Okay, I'll be there. Contain the fighters till then.” he put down the phone and walked out. We stood up to.

“ You both will stay here until I come back. And don't move! “ He yelled and ran out.

“ Phase 1 :- control and capture is on, babe!” we high- fived each other and ran to his seat.

Opening his laptop I tucked a strand of my hair behind me ear. Standing dangerously close to me, Taylor blew that strand back in my face. I tucked it back and he blew again.

“ Taylor ! We have more important things to do rather than playing with my hair. Concentrate!” I whispered harshly.

Password required.

Seriously, that was such a morale booster!

“ Try Justin Timberlake.” Taylor nudged and I hit him back.

“ JT? Seriously? Even better, let me try Justin Bieber. “ I sarcastically commented.

Taylor quickly muddled with the keys and clicked 'enter' grinning at me.

We were welcomed by the desktop page and we both watched each other in horror. Principal Hemmings was doing a hell lot of extra curricular shit of his own he ain't tell nobody about. I grimaced and quickly copied all the files my intuition told me were dirty or had some well reserved secrets.

Copying everything in my pen drive Taylor opened Internet explorer. He took multiple screen shots of Mr. Hemmings history and I was getting a little uncomfortable seeing the names of them.

“ What Baker? You never watched p0rn? “

“ No!” I exasperated.

“ Thought so.” he chuckled then went on.

I took Mr. Hemmings chair, climbed up and adjusted the third camera on the ceiling. Jumping down, “ Taylor.” my breath huffed up. “ Hack the school cameras. “ , I waited beside him while he furiously typed away on the keyboard.

Within 5 minutes all the cameras were under our control and he transferred some sort of thing which would help us watch the school even if we were at home.

Control :- check. The school cameras were controlled and I immediately put a chip on the mike which would help us control the microphone even with our cell phones. In my case, my mom's phone.

Capture :- check. We had set up our own cameras and copied everything that we thought served as a threat to the principal .

“ Girl, give me a high- five !” Taylor said and I tried to reach for his hand but his 6 foot height plus the length of his arm outstretched made a puny girl like me to jump to reach that hand and tumble and fall over him.

I fell hard on his chest and he hit my but-t with force.


I was about to knock him out when we heard the ugly ogre's voice outside. Quickly, shutting down the laptop we jumped to our seats . I was slightly out of breath.

Mr. Hemming opened the door yelling at two boys whose faces remained hidden.

“ Taylor, Sarah. You're excused. You may leave.” Mr. Hemmings barked and shooed us out.

On my way out I let out a gasp as I saw a boy with a black eye. The other guy had a bleeding nose and deep cut on his lower lip which he kept on licking.

Boys... They're like animals.

The guy with the cut on his lip lifted up his head and a gasp forced its way out.

“ Zack, what happened ? “ I panicked.

“ This bastard slept with my girlfriend last night at the party.” the other guy dangerously spoke.

Zack looked at me with a pleading look. “ Last night is a blur. I was too drunk to make good decisions. I swear it meant nothing Sarah ...”

I was about to intervene when...

“ Get in you two, scumbags!” principal Hemmings yelled and they both walked in and shut the door.

“ Alright Baker. We just did phase 1 of B. P. H. H. T. F. O. S aka B. P. How do you feel ? “ He asked me like a professional interviewer.

I put on my well rehearsed British accent. “ Well. It was certainly exciting and I think that I couldn't be more grateful for Taylor Mason.” I halted.

The color drained out of my face and I felt someone had punched me in the guts. One look at Taylor and the restraint of barfing decreased.

“ Sarah, what did you do? “ His tone changed.

“ I think....”

Here it goes...



Cliffhanger!!!!!!!!! O M G!!!! It's the f*cking cliffhanger!

I know you want to kill me.

But you can't because I probably don't even live in the same country as you so better luck trying to conduct your murder plan.

But I think that the story has progressed.

One more thing.

Sometimes I lie.

Which is untrue because I lie a lot.

And when I said that that was the end I lied.

I worked hard on this shit.

So continue reading.

Sorry I almost turned you into barbarians for a minute there. He he.

End of A/N


I looked up at him once again. My stomach churning and my heart twisting.

“ I think...” I repeated.

“ I think what, Sarah?” he exclaimed.

“ I think I left the pen - drive inserted in the laptop.” I said and bit my lower lip sharply. Some blood leaked out.

“ Sh!t Sarah! We're in deep sh!t. We've got to do something before Shrek finds out.” he muttered angrily and I felt ashamed.

He took my hand and we rushed to the door.

“ Distract him. “ He said before he bashed it open.


What the hell was I supposed to do?

The door was blast open and I was put into scene.

Lights, camera, action!

“ Ummm..sir? “ I fidgeted with my hands.” Ummm... I - I “ I was out of words.

I looked at Taylor for help but all he mouthed me was ' distract him.' .

I couldn't think of anything else. It was wrong. Toying with someone's emotion was so so so wrong. But I had no choice.

I straddled Zack Nanders.

In front of the principal.

Then leaned close.

I really hope that bastard was making some efforts to take that pen drive back.

I looked into Zack's eyes not sure of why I was doing this.

“ Please don't take this the wrong way. It means nothing to me.” I whispered and crashed my lips into Zack's. I wasn't sure if Zack heard me because he was already in a trance when I straddled him.

Yes, people. I was kissing Zack Nanders !

Taylor you better make it quick.

“ Stop this nonsense!” someone yelled in the background but I continued to kiss him.

I could taste the blood that had been on Zack's lip before and his tongue darted in. He moaned.

In front of the principal!

Zack held me tight in his embrace and wasn't planning to let go any sooner. I could feel slight tingles running through my skin when he touched the back of my neck. I took a pause and broke the kiss but Zack was faster and crashed his lips on mine once again. His lips so urgent and soft, his large rough hands cupped my heart shape face and pulled me in deeper, I responded instantly by wrapping my arms around his neck, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer towards him.His cologne invaded my lungs and I devoured it.

It must've been his dream come true. His crush kissing him.

I couldn't deny that it didn't feel great. My hands roamed on his well defined chest and pulled him closer by grabbing his shirt.

He tasted so good. Our tongues were dirty dancing away from everyone's sight in our mouths.

Realizing I had created a distraction for too long I pulled away and fell on my butt. Ouch !

My cheeks were red and my nose was taking up the same color. I was totally out of breath and I shyly glanced at Zack. He was grinning like a drunk kid. The heat caught up and my heart was beating faster than ten nautical miles per hour.

 “ Man, f*ck you, man. First my girlfriend then this hot chick. Can I be you?” The other unimportant guy whined.

Keeping my head down I quickly made my exit.

“ Sarah Baker! I never thought you could kiss like that!” Taylor said from behind and I blushed even more.

 Neither did I.

I was out of words to say and I extended my hand for the pen drive. He slapped it on my hands and then kissed my knuckles.

Ugh! Could everyone stop kissing me?

Technically I was the one who kissed Zack. Twice.

Oh my god that was so good!

“ Aww. Look at this v!rgin cutie !” Taylor pinched my cheeks.

Zack and the other guy came out from the office and Zack walked towards me. No, please no!

“ Sarah, that was... great."  Zack breathed out overwhelmed.

“ It will probably be your last.” Taylor snickered and Zack looked at him annoyed.

“ Zack .” I whispered. Why had I kissed him twice?

“ I like you, I really do... But only as a friend.” I confessed what I felt. I had to be true to him.

I started walking away catching a glimpse of Taylor keeping his arm in Zack's shoulder and whispering something in his ears. I couldn't hear the first message but the last words were loud and clear.

“ Dude, I think you just got friend zoned!” Taylor laughed clapping his hands.

Zack was furious and threw a punch.

And a fight began.....


So Sarah finally admitted that Zack is her friend. And phase 1 began.

And a super much awaited kiss happened !!!!


You guys are not going to believe what I've planned for the next few chapters. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. But there are some ideas that pop up now and then which makes me want to write more. But the thing is, I don't know what to write first and what should come after that and then after that...you get the point, right?

Chapter 11 is complete ! I couldn't be happier and thank you for all the people reading this book. There are only a few but I'm just glad you're here.

Random question:-

What do you like and hate the most about your gender?

Your answers can be funny.

They can be the truth.

Or you could write a whole paragraph about human and sexuality.

Your choice. Sometimes people aren't able to express themselves in a few words so there you go, your chance to finally tell you opinions without being interrupted.

And I'm kidding about the para thingy. When I read an answer I don't want to feel that I'm reading the Bible just to know who Jesus is. It's like I'm climbing mt. Everest for the snow and the storm when all I needed was the adrenaline.

Till then, bye!!!!<3

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