monsters | riverdale

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463K 10.9K 3.5K

"We're all on the edge of madness; deep down, darkness is within all of us and we're on guard constantly tryi... Higit pa

The River's Edge
A Touch of Evil
Body Double
The Last Picture Show
Heart of Darkness
Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!
In a Lonely Place
The Outsiders
La Grande Illusion
The Lost Weekend
To Riverdale and Back Again
Anatomy of a Murderer
The Anatomy of a Murderer ii.
The Sweet Hereafter
A Kiss Before Dying
The Watcher in the Woods
The Town That Dreaded Sundown
When a Stranger Calls
Death Proof
Tales from the Darkside
House of the Devil
Silent Night, Deadly Night
The Blackboard Jungle
The Wrestler
The Tell-Tale Heart
The Hills Have Eyes
There Will Be Blood
Primary Colors
The Noose Tightens
A Night to Remember
Shadow of a Doubt
Judgement Night
Brave New World
Labor Day
Fortune and Men's Eyes
As Above, So Below
The Midnight Club
The Great Escape
The Man in Black
No Exit
The Stranger
The Red Dahlia
Requiem For A Welterweight
Fire Walk With Me
American Dreams
Big Fun
The Raid
Fear the Reaper
Prom Night
The Dark Secret of the Harvest House
Survive the Night
In Memoriam
Fast Times at Riverdale High
Dog Day Afternoon
Witness for Prosecution
The Ice Storm
In Treatment
Varsity Blues
Quiz Show
Men of Honor
The Ides of March
How to Get Away With Murder
To Die For
The Locked Room
Wicked Little Town
Killing Mr. Honey
The Preppy Murders
The Homecoming
Back to School
Fire in the Sky
Lock & Key
The Pincushion Man
Strange Bedfellows
Citizen Lodge
Reservoir Dogs
The Night Gallery
The Pussycats
Band of Brothers
Dance of Death
Next to Normal
Riverdale: RIP (?)
Death at a Funeral
The Town
The Serpent Queen's Gambit
Folk Heroes
Angels in America
The Fog
Things That Go Bump in the Night
Blue Collar
American Psychos
The Witches of Riverdale
Return to Riverdale
The Stand
Night of the Comet

The Wicked and the Divine

5.5K 140 43
Galing kay slushei

"...Every action has a reaction and my Dad doesn't want me to have anything to do with you."

"Just because we're twins doesn't mean we have to wear matching dresses, Veronica."

Veronica shrugs, admiring herself in the mirror. "Whatever. It's your loss anyway. Look how cute my dress is."

Mickey does a quick spin to show off her own beautiful dress. "Who's really losing?"

The door opens and Archie walks in. He has been running in and out of the Pembrooke ever since he started his internship with Hiram.

Veronica swirls around to face her boyfriend and her eyes light up solely because of the way he's looking at her.

"Ronnie..." he says, breath clearly taken.

"I guess I'm chopped liver when standing beside your precious Veronica," Mickey teases him. She kicks off her shoes and steps away from the mirror.

He snaps out of it and clears his throat, smiling at Mickey. "You look awesome too."

"I know."

"That hem's high enough, Terry," Hermione tells the girls' aunt-slash-dress designer as they walk into the room. "It's a confirmation, not a sock-hop."

Mickey's phone rings, so she moves past Archie and answers the phone without reading the Caller ID. "Hello?"

"Come over. Quick. It's an emergency!" Betty says into the phone.

"What? What happened?" The line goes dead. "I have to go," Mickey tells the four of them. "Can we finish this up later?" This is addressed to her aunt.

"Where are you going?" Veronica questions. "Who was that?"

"It was Betty."

Veronica quirks an eyebrow. "You two have been friendly lately. How does that work considering you're in love with her boyfriend?" There's a slight joking nature in her voice.

Archie furrows his brows when he registers his girlfriend's words. "Wait. What?" He knew Mickey had a thing for Jughead, but he was sure that was over with long ago.

Ignoring the two of them, Mickey looks at Terry. "Help me out of this dress. Archie, out."

Veronica leads him out of the room as Terry helps her sister get out of her dress without wrinkling it.

The dresses are for the Lodge twins' shared Confirmation. Theirs is special because it usually happens when a person is twelve or thirteen, but Hermione and Hiram wanted the same Monsignor who baptized them to be at their Confirmation. It's a really big deal especially since their entire family will be there.

"Mickey," Alice greets when the teenager walks into the her home. "Elizabeth didn't tell me she was expecting you." She's still being friendly to Mickey.

"Hi, Mrs. Cooper. Is Betty in her room?"

"Yes. Go right up."

Mickey takes her time going up the stairs to not look suspicious to the protective mama bear. She enters Betty's room without knocking. "What's with the nine-one-one?"

Betty pulls out a box from under her bed. "I need your help."

Mickey uncovers the box and scrunches up her face at the contents. "What is all of this?" It's hidden lingerie, makeup, and a black wig—items she never imagine perfect, pink Betty Cooper to own, or for Alice to allow her to own.

"You have sex appeal," she sits on the end of her bed. "I want you to make me more like you."

Betty's computer makes a noise and Mickey sees a familiar site. "Betty, don't tell me you want to do what Chic does..."

"Are you going to help me or not?"

Against her better judgement, Mickey helps Betty get into character. She assembled an outfit consisting of a lacy top and a black skirt and then she does Betty's makeup. At the end of it, Betty looks nothing like herself.

Betty sits at her vanity and adjusts the wig on her head. When she looks over her shoulder at Mickey, she smiles. "How do I look?"

Mickey gives a thumbs up. "I have to get to the hospital. I have charity work to do." How the roles have reversed. "Lock your door and don't do anything too risqué."

"I already invited Archie," Veronica declares the next morning in the lounge, "but I want you guys to be there, as well."

"Usually these kinds of events, baptisms, confirmations, are family-only," Mickey reminds them. "We are very persuasive."

"Since it's all about us and you guys are my chosen family, we pulled a few strings and reserved you a pew."

"What is the dress code?" Kevin asks what he believes to be the most important question.

"Catholic chic."

"A little licentious," Mickey kids, causing Kevin and Betty to snort. .

Veronica rolls her eyes. "Dresses for the girls, veils optional."

"And coats and ties for the boys," Mickey points at Archie and Kevin.

"Jughead Jones and Betty Cooper, please report to the principal's office," Principal Weatherbee announces on the PA. "Jughead Jones and Betty Cooper to the principal's office."

It's undoubtedly about the missing statue head. Jughead is the main suspect and Betty is his known accomplice.

After school, Mickey had to head straight home. Terry has been waiting to finish fitting Mickey's dress and Mickey can't keep putting her off.

In the middle of their session, Hiram walks in with a ear to ear smile. He admires his daughter. "You look gorgeous. My little girl is growing up to be a fine young lady." He takes Mickey's hand and looks down at Terry. "Can you give my daughter and I a minute?"

Terry huffs. "Fine, but we're finishing this dress tonight, young lady. I don't care if we're up until midnight." She leaves the room.

"I know I'm hard on you and some of my methods are...questionable, but I am very proud of you, Mickey." He pulls her in for a hug. "You took care of this family when I left and I know the sacrifices you had to make and the toll it had on you..."

"Thanks, Daddy." It's not that she doesn't appreciate his kind words, but something else is weighing on her shoulders.

"What's wrong?" Hiram notices the troubling look on her face. "I can tell when something's wrong with my daughters."

Mickey is desperate. "Who do you think cut off the statue's head? Honestly."

He sighs. "I know who did it. And you know who did it. Your feelings for the Serpent is not allowing you to see it, but you heard him on the phone the other day. That boy wants to stir up trouble. I don't want you thinking about that though. All you need to focus on is your special day."

"Thanks for meeting me." Jughead watches Mickey slide into the booth at the back of the diner. "I got this weird feeling that you've been avoiding me," he chuckles.

Mickey stares blankly at the menu on the table, not knowing what to say. There are just so many things being said, and they're all conflicting. She has no idea where she's supposed to land.

"Judging by the look on your face, I guess I was right." Jughead places his hand on top of hers, which is settling on top of the table. "Mickey?"

She pulls her hands off of the table almost immediately and finally looks at him. "How could you be so stupid? Why the hell are you trying to go against my father?"

Jughead pulls his eyebrows together. "Wait, Wait. You're mad at me?"

"I'm pissed," she clarifies. "You don't think things through. You don't know know what my father is capable of."

"I know," he scoffs. "He got Betty and I kicked off the newspaper for 'defamation of character.' Now, he's trying to evict Sunnyside Trailer Park."

"Well, it's not like people there are making ends meet." It's a stupid, petty comment made in the heat of the moment, but she doesn't take it back.

Jughead tightens his jaw and sits back in his seat. "Wow. You sound just like a Lodge. That's my home, Mickey. You've been there. You've seen it, and you're just as guilty for this if you're following him blindly!"

"You started this!" Her voice echoes through the quiet diner. She takes a deep breath to calm down before continuing, "You single handily started a war by cutting off the head of that stupid statue. You're filled with so much hatred and recklessness that you can't see it."

"I didn't do it," he insists.

"I don't believe you."

He closes his mouth and thinks about his next words very carefully. "When have I ever lied to you?" He doesn't wait for her to answer. "It doesn't even matter, does it?"

"It matters, Jughead. All of it does. Every action has a reaction and my Dad doesn't want me to have anything to do with you."

"When have you ever cared about that? You're not going to listen to him, are you?"

"Are you listening to me? He always gets what he wants, Jug."

Jughead narrows his eyes at her. "So what are you saying?"

"You do what you need to do, but just a warning, you don't want to be on his bad side. If you push him, he'll push you right off of a cliff."

Mickey enters her room that night to see her dress lying on her bed. She picks it up by the hanger to admire it.

Veronica walks in and lays down on the bed. "Daddy wants me to decide if I want Archie to be apart of this family."

Mickey hangs up her dress and then sits next to her sister. "You two are a little young to be getting married."

Veronica laughs softly. "No. Bring him in as in trust him."

"Oh. Trust him with our mobster-sized secrets."

She sits up and faces Mickey. "What do you think?"

"Don't do it."

"What? Why?"

"Archie's like Fred. He has a good heart and his morals won't allow him to last a week in this family. Daddy's moves are too much for his small town heart."

The corners of her mouth droop. "Then what do I do?"

"Break up with him."

"That's harsh. Seriously. What do I do?"

"I am serious, Ronnie." Mickey knows her advice is harsh, but it's a large pill Veronica's going to have to swallow. Also, she's feeling a little bitter since her conversation with Jughead, and misery loves company. "Do it before Daddy tears the two of you apart."

"This is eerie."

Veronica and Mickey walk down the long aisle inside of the church. The poorly lit candles create a dark and gloomy environment and the emptiness doesn't help. Every step is met with clacking of their heels. "You go first," Veronica whispers. "Then I'll go and meet you in the car."

"You are such a scaredy cat," Mickey says in a hushed volume. Then when Veronica exits through the side door, Mickey wraps touches the cross pendant sitting on her chest and makes her way into the confession booth.

"Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. Its been some time since my last confession. I have been impure with someone else. It has happened more than it should have. I wasn't thinking about the other parties involved and that was selfish. Not only have I disrespected my parents, but I've disobeyed them even when they...stood by me when I abused alcohol. They kept me in my home and didn't send me off to be confined with a bunch of strangers. I ask for absolution and penance, Father."

"Self control is crucial for a successful life," the Monsignor on the other side of the booth says. "No will means no capacity for making moral choices. Those who are able to take responsibility have that control. Flee the temptation ."

"Girls," Terry turns her head to look at Veronica and Mickey, "how did your confessions with the Monsignor go?" She takes a sip of her white wine.

"To be honest, tía, I don't know if he gave me much peace of mind," Veronica admits.

"Me, I go to Our Lady of Grace every day. I light a candle and I put in my requests to the Almighty."

Hermione asks, "Terry, how many glasses is that?"

Terry laughs.

"Requests for what?" Mickey inquires.

"For protection," she tells the teenager. "Our husbands? The risks they take. Every day they come home in one piece, it's a miracle."

"For me, I pray for forgiveness," the girls' other aunt tells them. With a convincing smile, she says, "I have everything. My husband, your uncle, he's good to me. And so I pray for him. And for me. And for the kids. And I also give to charities. It helps me sleep at night. You two have to find your thing."

"I'm trying," Veronica says solemnly.

"How about you, Mickey?"

Mickey is feeling a tad unsure, but she puts on a brave face and tells them, "I feel like I know where my head needs to be."

Hermione nods approvingly. "That's a good thing, sweetheart."

"Was that your boyfriend who came by the other day, Veronica?" Terry inquires.

"It was," Veronica grins proudly. "His name's Archie Andrews."

"And do we know him? His family?"

Hermione says, "He's a local boy. An, uh, inocente."

Terry looks at Mickey and her untouched glass. "Drink. You haven't touched your glass yet. What, are you pregnant?"

Their grandmother gasps and her eyes almost pop out of head. Hermione has to tell her her that Terry is just kidding.

Terry continues, "Wouldn't that be the joke of the confirmation?"

The confirmation goes perfectly. Not a single plan went left. Veronica and Mickey walked down the aisle holding hands with all of their friends and family watching. Josie and Veronica sang their duet beautifully to kick off the entire thing. The ceremony went on so that the Monsignor could ask the million dollar question:

"Do you, Mickey Blair Lodge, renounce Satan and all evil works? And do you walk in the light of the Lord?"

Mickey has committed a lot of sins—even before moving to Riverdale. She was on a path that the present her is trying to stay clear of. This ceremony just shows her she still has time to make up for all of it and he who she really wants to be.

"I do," she answered the Monsignor.

And Veronica did the same.

After a confirmation there is always a party. People dance, drink, and give gifts—which is Mickey's favorite part.

Before she can enjoy any of it, Jughead pulls her away from the party to a secluded are by the staircase.

"Come party," her grandmother approaches the two. She looks Jughead over, "Hello, young man."

"Hi, ma'am."

"Abuelita, this is Jughead Jones, my classmate," Mickey introduces. "Can you give us a minute?"

"Boyfriend?" She points to him.

Mickey rolls her eyes, "No necesito un novio, Abuelita. Now, por favor. Un momento."

"Ok, but I'm waiting for that dance," she walks off.

Jughead watches Mickey begin to pace and waits until her grandmother is out of ear shot. "You blamed me for something I didn't even do."

"Jug, this is my confirmation. I don't want to talk about this."

"We have to talk about this," he grabs her by her shoulders. "Why are you pacing? You only pace when you're upset, but you can't be upset with me. You need to be upset with yourself for not listening to me."

She pushes his hands off of her. "No, I'm upset with you because I thought I made it clear."

"Made what clear?"

"I don't want to see you anymore. You shouldn't even be here, but here you are. The nerve of you."

He blinks, not registering the words coming out of her mouth. Then he gives her a hard stare. "Are you kidding me?"

"It would've never worked out between us. You're someone else now. Someone I want nothing to do with."

"He's making you do this, isn't he? Because I know you. You'd never say something like this."

Mickey scoffs. "You don't know me, Jug, so stop pretending you do. This whole time, there wasn't anything but lust keeping us together."

"Then why'd you let me put my entire relationship with Betty in jeopardy?"

"Because I was confused." She turns away from him because if she has to see the hurt on his face for a second longer, she won't be able to say what she needs to. "I'm sorry that I messed things up with Betty for a while, but she loves you. She's the one you should've chosen from the beginning."

Jughead moves to stand in front of her. "Look me in the eye and end things." His blue eyes are glossed over and the tip of his nose is changing shades of red by the second.

"This was inevitable," she remains strong. "We're from two different worlds and that's clear now. So just let it go and leave me and my family alone."

"Maybe I was blind this entire time to who you really are," he says with a shaky voice. "If that's how you want things, fine. Take all the space you need." He stomps up the stairs.

After talking to Jughead, Mickey really tried to enjoy her party, but it didn't feel right. Nothing felt real, so she went to find him, because she can't just leave things the way they are.

Once she's by the staircase where they talked earlier, she hears Betty's voice, so she tiptoes to under the staircase. Mickey stands there quietly, trying to make out every word between Jughead and Betty.

"So, a couple of Serpents and I, we found her, grabbed her, and I cut her," Jughead confesses.

"Cut her?" Betty asks in disbelief. She sounds kind of scared.

Mickey can't help but to think of how different Betty's reaction is to hers. She's so desensitized, due to her family's lifestyle, that Jughead cutting up Penny Peabody wasn't that big of a deal to her.

"The worst part is, none of it even matters," Jughead continues. 'Cause she's back. It's like every decision I've made since we broke up, including our break up, just makes things worse and worse."

Mickey's heart wrenches because of his words. Her chest feels like it's filling with hair and her mouth goes completely dry.

The ringing cellphone makes her jump and she takes that as her opportunity to slip back to the party.

"Where's Snake Boy?" Hiram asks as him and Mickey dance amongst guests.

"He's gone."

Hiram holds her at arm's length to study her face. "For good?"

"Please don't," Mickey begs. "I'm trying really hard not to cry at my own confirmation."

He pulls her back into his chest and continues to move with the music. "This is only one boy, Mickey. You deserve so much more and you'll find someone who makes you happy. He didn't."

"He has a name, Dad."

"There are plenty of eligible, young bachelors that I can—"

"Can we just dance?" she interjects. "I don't want to think about dating or boys. I just want to dance with you."

Archie approaches them. "Mr. Lodge, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure. What is it?"

Archie glances at Mickey and then back at Hiram. "Not here. Your study. Right now. It's important."

"Excuse us, mija," Hiram kisses the top of Mickey's head. "Enjoy your party."

Mickey watches as they leave and get into the elevator. For a minute, she doesn't know what to do, but for some reason, she's compelled to follow them. Anything to keep the thought of Jughead and Betty from creeping into her mind.

She finds herself standing outside of her father's study, listening in on his discussion with Archie.

"It's Poppa Poutine," Archie says urgently. "I overheard him at the poker game, and I think he's planning something bad. He said you were getting sloppy, and that action needs to be taken. I'm telling you, Mr. Lodge, so you can protect yourself, in case there's some kind of coup."

"Thank you, Archie," Hiram  says over the Opera music. "You can go back to the party now. Check on my daughters. Make sure they're having a good time."

Archie bumps into Mickey when he walks out of the study.

She folds her arms over her chest. "You better get back to Veronica." She slips past him to get into the study. "Veronica said—"

"I know what she said. That's why I sent Archie back to the party."

Mickey presses her back against the wall and scoffs. "You said it was the Serpents, but Jughead had no idea what the hell you were talking about."

"He's lying to you and I have other things to worry about that—"

"He wouldn't lie to me, Daddy. But you would, so I'm going to ask you one time. Are you sure that the Serpents removed the head?"

"My answer remains the same as it always has been. Now, let's get back to your party. I'm sure there are plenty of pictures to be taken."

"Found one last gift in the lobby, girls." Andre puts a huge white gift box with a sparkly gold bow on the table.

"A big one," Veronica says excitedly. She takes the top off and her smile fades. "Mom, Dad, I think this might be for you."

Mickey looks over her shoulder to see the Pickens' statue head that has been missing.

Their parents rush over and crowd around Veronica.

Hiram looks in the box and then looks at Mickey.

"What now, Daddy?"

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