Love Not Included (An Arrange...

By zeboplier

3.7M 111K 6.7K

You are cordially invited to the wedding of Theora Botsaris and Nicholas Markopoulos. The marriage marks the... More

Epilogue Part II
Epilogue Part III


92.3K 2.8K 296
By zeboplier

Theora snuggled closer into what she thought was her pillow when something in her brain clicked. What she was sleeping on was definitely not a pillow? Her eyes jolted open and she immediately regretted it as a sharp pain went through her head. As the pain slowly dissipated, a blurry figure slowly took shape of a man just not any man but Nicholas a very naked Nicholas at that. Gasping Theora jumped up backing into the headboard clutching the comforter tightly around her chest. Looking down and herself she realised she was wearing a shirt and underwear that was it. Theora thought what any person would think at that moment she had been raped in her drunken state last night. She muffled a scream, to which Nicholas awoke seeing the horror in Theora's eyes was all the explanation he needed.

"Theora, no it's not what you think" Nicholas said trying to calm Theora down but she wasn't having any of it. Theora began crying hysterically, moving away while trying to push Nicholas away as he came slightly closer to her.

"Oh god! Theora please try to remember" Nicholas pleaded grabbing her elbows making Theora squirm trying to get out of his grip. She found that she wasn't able to scream her throat had completely clamped shut.

"THEORA! NOTHING HAPPENED! Think! If anything happened you would be feeling it right now! Please believe me nothing happened"

Theora stopped squirming as all of a sudden the memories came flooding back to her. Diego the tequila bottle, lingerie, the living room couches, Nicholas falling into the pool, and then she vaguely remembers throwing up but nothing after that. Plus Nicholas was right if anything had happened she would definitely be sore or something. Theora took a shaky sigh of relief then realised Nicholas was still holding her.

"Let me go" she said quietly not looking his way.

"I'm sorry" whispered Nicholas as Theora rubbed the now red marks on her elbow.

"For everything Theora" added Nicholas "I don't expect you to forgive me.."

"Get out!" Theora cut him off angrily finding her voice again. Nicholas didn't need to be told twice and got up to leave. Theora felt her cheeks fire up realising he was only wearing briefs and tried to look away as he made his way to the door.

"Whoa!" Nicholas yelped as he opened the door greeted by an equally shocked Misha who had her hand ready to knock the door. Nicholas hid his lower body behind the door leaving only his upper torso exposed with a arm to cover his chest the best it could. A flustered Misha turned around covering her eyes with one hand and holding Theora's phone with the other.

"Its Theora's sister, she has called nine times since morning" Misha handed Nicholas the phone before leaving.

Carmen? What could she want? Theora thought.

Nicholas swiftly closed the door and handed Theora the phone. Theora could hear Carmen yelling into the phone even at arms length.


"Oh hello Theora" Carmen said in the pleasantest of voice.s. Something was definitely wrong Theora deduced "Good morning or should I say good afternoon"

Suddenly it hit Theora, Carmen's baby shower! Looking at the clock it was one o clock and the baby shower started at two but she promised Carmen she'd be there early to help out by eleven.

"I'm on my way" Theora said getting up. Nicholas was on his way back to his room Theora ran towards him grabbing his arm. Nicholas looked at Theora puzzled but Theora was too busy by the tirade of words Carmen let loose over the phone.

"How could you Theora! On the one day, I expect my sister to be by side in my happiness you arrive like a stranger"

"I'm sorry I overslept. Nicholas and I will be there in twenty minutes" Theora told her also gesturing to Nicholas to get ready too.

"If you don't come here in half an hour your good as dead" warned Carmen hanging up abruptly.

"Carmen's baby shower... you're invited... men's barbecue in the garden" Theora explained the best she could while out of breath.

"Got it I'll be ready in five" Nicholas said before running towards his room to get ready.

Theora ran to the closet luckily she had picked an outfit days ago, a pink pastel dress with a purple sash around the waist, which Theora liked because it was very reminiscent of the 60s, and matching shoes pink pastel heels. Grabbing them she placed the dress on the bed and the shoes by it on the floor before running into the shower. The shower took a total of two minutes including brushing her teeth. Drying her hair took the longest and Theora gave up in the end only slightly blow drying her back hair and tying it into a hidden bun. She was dressed when Nicholas knocked on her door grabbing her makeup bag and shoes she opened the door and both of them ran out of the house together.

Misha had hired some other maids to help with the mess Theora had made yesterday and was busy in the living room.

"We're late to Carmen's baby shower" Theora shouted as she ran out the door whether Misha understood or not wasn't her main concern at that moment.

Theora started doing her makeup as Nicholas drove as fast he could. Theora knew she couldn't make the perfect cateye and also want to reach on time so sacrifices had to be made. Theora opted to just put on some foundation, apply some pink lipstick and blush that's it sticking with the basics today she thought. She knew she'd never be able to do a cat eyeliner while Nicholas was driving this fast.

They reached just as Theora placed all her makeup back in her bag. Leaving the bag in the car, Theora grabbed her clutch and ran out telling Nicholas to go to garden from the side gate.

Although most of the guests had yet to arrive, Theora's parents, Yaiyai and Carmen's in laws were already there Theora went up to greet everyone who were in the sitting room overlooking the garden where the baby shower was held. Yaiyai gave Theora a glare telling her inaudibly that she was in for a lecture.

"Theora you finally came so good you could join us" Sara, Carmen's sister in law said. Theora never liked her she was always stuck up and her kids were little monsters in children's clothing.

"Hi Sara" Theora said meekly

"Well you can be excused for being late after all what is to be expected from a newlywed couple" Sara winked suggestively all the women in the room laughed uncomfortably while Theora wanted to grab Sara's throat and wring it instead she plastered on a fake smile.

"Where's Carmen?" Theora Asked trying to change the subject.

"In the kitchen" Theora's mother answered. Theora quickly made her way to the kitchen to meet Carmen who was busy talking over the phone while simultaneously telling the maid where to place a tray of miny pizza with cheese shaped as baby bottles and pacifiers on top. Carmen was too busy to notice Theora come in so Theora took full advantage of it and hugged her sister from behind.

"I'm so sorry" Theora apologised placing her head on her big sisters shoulder "I'm the worst sister ever"

"Yes. Thank you. I expect them here ten sharp for the clean up. Goodbye " Carmen said into the phone hanging up "Glad you could make it" Carmen said addressing Theora placing the phone down on the counter.

"I'm the worst you should never talk to me again. Tell you what disown me right here, right now" Theora said letting Carmen go to face her. Carmen wasn't looking her way clearly still upset.

"Manny will you ever be able to forgive me" Theora pouted holding Carmen's hand with both her hands.

"You know I can't be upset with you forever Tiny" Carmen said shaking her head "but I am disappointed I was expecting you to be here first thing"

"I'm so sorry" Theora said tearing up

"Hey hey I'm supposed to be the hormonal one" Carmen said holding Theora's face in both hands.

"I'm kind of disappointed in myself too, Manny. You all should be my number one priority"

"Well it's understandable you have a new priority in your life , Nicholas, and it takes time to find the perfect balance to give both old and new equal time" Carmen smiled wiping away her sister's tears. Theora just nodded silently giving Carmen a side hug as not to squish her belly.

"Okay is there anything left for me to do?" Theora asked once they broke apart.

"Is there? Get your butt to the table and check if the maid placed everything in order and your other duty is to keep Sara far far away from me. I would've hit her with a frying pan this morning hadn't Mama snatched it away from me"

"Did she at least piss herself in her Chanel suit seeing you try to attack her?"

"No it all happened when she wasn't looking didn't even realise what was happening actually"


"I know"

"Alright leave Sara to me and you go outside and enjoy your baby shower leave the rest to me" Theora said pushing Carmen out to the sitting room with her.

Theora then began taking charge of the party she fixed any misplaced food items on the tables and took charge of all the games while also making sure Sara didn't interact with Carmen. Theora didn't need to do much actually she just gave Sara's three boys a tray of sugar cookies which they gobbled up in a minute flat so Sara was now too busy taking care of three very hyper kids to bother anyone let alone Carmen.

Although it was smack in the middle of winter, the sun shone bright and there was no frigid winds that could hinder the garden barbecue for the male members of the family. All of them chatted happily over a couple of beers and kebabs. Nicholas while he was enjoying himself would glance over towards the house wanting to catch a glimpse of his wife.

"Not a chance Nicky boy" Christos came up to him opening two beers and handing him one.

"Pardon?" Nicholas asked grabbing the beer

"Not a chance of going in to meet your lady love, Carmen threatened  that she'd have me hanging from my balls if I set foot inside and it's my house so you'll have to wait like the rest of us" Christos said "lucky for us it's a pleasant day and we don't have to suffer in the cold"

"No it's nothing like that. I was just"

"You're a terrible liar Nicholas anyone ever tell you that"

"I've been told on a few occasions" admitted Nicholas to which Christos laughed and clinked their beers together.

By the end of the day most of the guests had already left and Carmen allowed the men to come inside the house. Her in laws along with Sara left early as Carmen's father in law had an early morning meeting and Sara tagged along with them because the boys had basically driven her to insanity. By the time the help arrived at ten only Theora's parents, Yaiyai, Nicholas and Theora had stayed behind.

"Honey sit down you've been walking around all day" Mama told Carmen patting the spot next to her on the couch.

"I'm fine Mama, Theora has helped a lot she practically ran the entire show as soon as she arrived" Carmen said sitting down. On the other side of the couch Yaiyai sat alone while Nicholas, Christos and Papa sat on the opposite couch. Theora entered with a tray of pastries and tea for everyone at that moment placing it down on the coffee table and taking a seat next to Yaiyai.

"Well it was a miracle she came at all. Really Theora arriving so late to your sister's baby shower I expected better of you" scolded Yaiyai

"I'm sorry Yaiyai, I guess I overslept" Theora said meekly pouring the tea. Nicholas reached out and gave one cup to his father in law and one to Christos then took one for himself while Theora handed Carmen, Yaiyai and Mama their cups.

"That's the problem with your generation no worries about being responsible at all. We used to plan weeks ahead of an occasion and would spend countless sleepless nights preparing yet we still got up at the break of dawn. Nowadays women wake up in the afternoon and have their husbands waiting on them hand and foot. You've even turned Nicholas into you're personal helper. We should be serving him but here he is helping you serve tea" Yaiyai spat angrily

"Really Yaiyai, I don't mind" Nicholas said to which Yaiyai grunted. Not knowing what else to do Nicholas took a sip of his tea.

"Speaking of responsibilities when are you two going to think of kids?" Yaiyai broached the subject out of nowhere causing Nicholas abruptly spit out his tea.

"I'm.. sorry" he covered with a cough patting his mouth down with a napkin.

Theora felt her blood boil she fisted her hand and bit her tongue in attempt to control herself from saying she regretted later.

"Yaiyai why are you grilling the poor kids they will think about it when they feel ready" Demos said trying to save Nicholas and Theora from the embarrassment to no avail of course.

"They are not children Demos! They are grown adults" Yaiyai shouted

"Theora you've had your fun. Six months is more than enough for the honeymoon stage. It's time for you to get serious and take your relationship to the next step" Yaiyai told her.

"Why don't you arrange a date and Nicholas and I will provide you a grandchild accordingly" Theora said angrily. Carmen and her mother gasped in unison never had Theora talked back to Yaiyai in this manner.

"Theora this is no place for an argument. We are guests at Christos' home" her father scolded

"You're right Papa" to which Theora got up to leave with everyone stunned behind her.

"I'll... just" Nicholas at a loss of words placed his cup down and followed Theora who was already by the car by the time he reached her. Wordlessly he pressed the button to unlock the car and started it up once both of them were seated.

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