lost again // e.d

By buppdolann

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Read the first book : "Lost and Found" *sequel* More

Before We Begin
33. (Last Chapter)


126 3 1
By buppdolann

As we walked into the party Ethan was behind me as one arm held my waist. He followed me in the direction I was going which was the drink table.

"Why did you wear those shorts?!" -Ethan tried to whisper but it was so loud with the music he had to yell just so I could hear him somewhat

"Why?! Does it bother you?!" -I replied with a smirk and I could tell he was a little mad but was trying not to show it

"You tease!" -scoffed as we made it to the table with all the drinks which was some what quieter. Some friends called me over as me and E were getting our drinks so I walked over to say hi for a little bit until I went back to him. He still looked kinda mad which made no sense because I thought he would have gotten over it by now. When do I ever wear something that's not tight or short to a party? That answer is never.

"What?" -I asked and I got closer to him but he still wasn't having it

"Everyone looking at you Ally, it's because of your fucking sexy outfit"

"Why are you mad? We have already done this before, I don't care about them. I only care about you so who cares that they think"


"Oh come on grumpy, let's have some fun" -I smiled as I bit my lips and I walked backwards. I pulled him back to the living room which was where the music was the loudest and everyone was dancing having a good time. We started to join everyone and of course Ethan started to relax as our bodies started to get very close as the songs kept going. We were having so much fun we didn't even drink basically at all which was totally fine by me. When we walked outside to go see his friends who were near the pool some girl saw me and tripped me on purpose. I fell right on my ass which was bare against the concrete, I didn't cry but Ethan helped me up and I looked at her funny.

"What the fuck is your problem? Jealous that someone else looks better than you do?" -Ethan sassed to her and she quickly shut up

"It's fine come one" -I said as we kept walking and as much as it hurt Ethan said he didn't see anything.

Maybe Its just bruised it or something.

We talked with his friends for a while and went back to the dance floor for a bit, when we decided to leave Grayson and Maddie were buddy buddy. They spent the whole night with each other and I'm pretty sure we saw them making out a couple of times. We all went back to the twins house, Maddie and Gray were both a little tipsy so right as they hit his bed they were out like a light. Me and Ethan went back to his room and by now my butt her really bad. He has a mirror in the room so I turned around and he was right. There was legit nothing wrong... until I touched it. I made a hurt expression and he walked over to me.

"What's wrong?" -he asked and that's when I decided I pull my shorts up higher in the back. There it was, I had skinned part of my butt cheek when I hit the cement, wow. This isn't embarrassing at all.

"Fuck" -I said as I saw it and Ethan made an 'ouch' facial expression too

"That doesn't look to good, let me go get something for it. We should try and clean it because we don't want it to get infected" -he replied as I awed because he's so sweet. Always taking care of me even when I'm bleeding out of my butt cheek. I mean part of it is probably because he's being able to see my ass but whatever. When he came back I laid on the bed, please don't have this hurt to much. As he lightly dabbed I tried to keep it in but I obviously couldn't it.

"Ouch, son of a bitch" -I said as he laughed

"Take off your shorts"

"Wow I see you trying"

"Ally it would be easier to clean it if I didn't have your shorts in the way. You have underwear on and besides it's nothing I haven't seen" -he replied and I knew he was probably smirking at that last sentence. I then stood up and took them off as I laid back down and I knew he was enjoying this more now. The more he dabbed the more it hurt, finally he put the band aid on it and I knew the suffering was over. As I was about to put on my shorts again he grabbed them and threw them on the ground.

"What was that for?" -I asked in confusion

"I like them better off" -he said and I would have put them back on but then he stripped down to only his boxers. And I can't resist them and so mine as well keep the shorts off so that the shirt stays off too. When he got into bed I got in next to him and he shut of his night stand light, as we laid there we started to talk about the party.

"Well I think we successfully got Maddie and Grayson back together" -I spoke quietly as I snuggled into closer to him

"I know, that was totally easy. But who was that girl that tripped you tonight, like who the hell does she think she is"

"I think she is in one of my classes but who even knows. I don't understand why she would do it though, I didn't nothing to her"

"It was totally weird, she is probably mad that she can't be you"

"Oh whatever" -I laughed but he was actually being genuine

"No I'm being serious, she wants wants what you have which is why she's trying to take it out on you so that you look bad"

"Well I'm that case she failed because I ended up having my hot boyfriend be able to stare at my ass. So I mean I don't see how her plan worked..." -I commented and he laughed

"You got a point, but actually like how does your butt feel"

"Hurts right now but I bet I'll be fine, I mean sitting down is probably gonna hurt like a bitch but there's nothing I can do"

"Maybe a kiss will make it feel better" -he said and I started to blush but he obviously couldn't see since we were in the dark

"Oh god E"

"Well I'm tired so goodnight Als, I love you"

"Night, I love you too" -I finished as he pulled me closer and I felt his hand slide to my lower waist on my back. I feel so comfortable and protected, I honestly love this feeling and I don't ever want it to end.

                                 *2 weeks later*

ITS SPRING BREAK LETS GOOOOOOOO. I'm honestly so hyper and you'll know why in just a second. These past weeks have been really crazy, Maddie and Gray stopped their break and are still dating and the group is still normal. Well Peyton did break up with Nate right after Prom but he didn't seem fazed. I think in the back of his head he knew she was waiting to break it off until after Prom so that she could have a date. But maybe I was the only one thinking that way.

School is winding down and this is the last home strategy before summer. I've been really missing Florida lately annnnnnnd everyone in the group wasn't going anywhere. So I pulled some strings, and by some I mean a lot, and now everyone is coming with me to Florida for the week. I can't wait to go home and see my friends from my old school and just to go back in general. Everyone is going to stay at my house and my dad is going to be gone on a fishing trip so we have the whole place to our selfs. My parents are really scared about that part but everything is going to be fine. Or at least I promised them that, who knows what will actually happen though.

It's currently 5 in the morning and I have to leave soon for the airport, I just put some of Ethan's sweatpants and his sweatshirt. I quickly put my hair in a bun and topped off the whole outfit with my fuzzy socks and Birkenstocks.

Socks and sandals, it's a look.

When I saw Ethan car pulling up I squealed with the little energy I had and said bye to my mom who got up so that she could say goodbye to me. I pulled my bags all the way out of the door until I reached their car and I put everything in it. I hoped in the back as I was met with Maddie and Gray. Ethan was in the passenger seat while his Dad drove us so that we wouldn't have to leave a car at the airport. It was actually super nice for Sean to take us, I mean it is 5 in the morning for gods sake. When we got out and everyone grabbed their stuff we went insides and got our bags checked along with getting passes security.

When we arrived at our gate everyone else was already there, we all got super excited as us girls ran up to each other and started to jump.

"Guys it's finally here, we are going to go to sun and a place far from home and parents" -Maddie smiled and everyone laughed because she was right

"Don't forget about seeing guys at the beach all tan with their shirts off" -Carrie winked and she also had a good point

"I just can't wait for you guys to see my friends from back home, I think your all going to love them" -I smiled and we all sat down as everyone talked, when everyone was boarding we all was kinda split up. Grayson is next to Maddie, Carrie is next to Blair, and Jack Aaron and Nate some how got all three seats next to one another. Then of course me and Ethan are next to each other which was pretty exciting because me and him have never been through something like this together. I guess there is a first for everyone.

"I'm so surprised this is actually happening, it's going to be perfect" -Ethan intertwined his fingers with mine as I had the window seat and he had the middle. It was now around 7:15ish and the sun was somewhat starting to rise.

"Let's hope everything goes well"

"It will, don't worry" -he reassured me as the plane took off, we watched a movie together from the digi players that were passed out. He fell asleep on my shoulder at one point so I made sure to take some snaps of him. Before we were about to land I slowly rubbed his cheek so that I could try and wake him up without scaring him.

"Babe, we are gonna land soon" -I said quietly as I saw him slowly start to stretch and rub his eyes

"When did I fall asleep?"

"Near the end of the movie, so maybe like 2 hours ago"

"You've been awake the whole time?"

"I can never sleep on airplanes or cars"

"You have fallen asleep in my car before Als"

"Was I drunk?" -I asked as he contemplated and as he shook his head with a yes and he knew he was wrong. When the plane hit the tarmac we grabbed our stuff and got off the plane. We waited for everyone to gather at the grate before we could all walk to baggage claim together. When everyone met up and got our luggage back we ordered two separate taxi's to get back to my house. When everyone had finally made it to my house I got extremely excited.

"Your house is so pretty Ally" -Carrie smiled and we all walked closer to the front door so we could all get in

"It's so close to the beach too, it's legit just down the street" -Blair cheered and I got the door unlocked, the group slowly filed into the house and everyone explored everything. I instantly dropped my bags and ran to my room, when I opened the door i was met with it. I instantly jumped on the bed with happiness and took in the best feeling ever.

Being back in my own bed.

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