The Kindness of Shadows (Damo...

Oleh alliecat_95

251K 4.1K 1.1K

Allison, Elena's best friend use to be this cheery, upbeat, bubbly girl, the girl that everyone wanted to be... Lebih Banyak

1. Pilot
2. The Night of the Comet
Author's Note
4. Friday Night Bites (Part 2)
5. Family Ties (Part 1)
6. Family Ties (Part 2)
7. You're Undead to Me
8. Lost Girls
9. Haunted
10. 162 Candles
11. History Repeating
12. The Turning Point
13. Bloodlines
14. Unpleasantville
Authors Note:
15. Children of the Damned
16. Fool Me Once
17. A Few Good Men
18. There Goes the Neighborhood
19. Let the Right One In
20. Under Control
21. Miss Mystic Falls
22. Blood Brothers
23. Isobel
24. Founder's Day
Authors Note: (Please read)

3. Friday Night Bites (Part 1)

10.8K 192 54
Oleh alliecat_95

Allison woke up to the blaring sound of her alarm clock. She sighed and slammed her hand down on the button stopping the incessant sound and sat up in bed. Allie rubbed her eyes and then remembered what she had learnt last night while reading Isabella Thompson's journal. She shuttered, vampires were in Mystic Falls and killing people. Allison shook her head and decided to concentrate on getting ready for school. 

She got into the shower and used her favorite shampoo that smelt like pomegranates. She loved the smell and now that she thought about it, so did Tyler. Oh, why did she have to go and think about him. I need to forget about him and move on. I don't need him in my life. She nodded to herself. Starting right now she would get over him. Allison turned off the water and got out of the shower. She dried herself off, wrapped a towel around herself and walked back into her bedroom to get dressed.

She decided to wear a white shirt with a blue and white flannel, ripped blue jeans, and her light brown heeled boots. Allison went and turned on her blow dryer and straightener as she started working on her hair. While doing this she started thinking whether she should tell Elena and Bonnie about the vampires or not. 

They were her friends, they needed to know and be safe from the dangers in town, but what if they laughed at her thinking she was just pulling their leg. Allison decided she would try and bring it up in a conversation with them and see what they thought of the killings. 

After she finished with her hair and added some makeup she looked at herself in the mirror and liked what she saw. She smiled at her reflection and nodded grabbing her messenger bag, leaving her room and walking downstairs to the kitchen to grab a quick breakfast. 

David looked up as his daughter entered the kitchen. He was sitting on one of the stools around the island reading a newspaper and Allison noticed that the front page said something about another person being killed by an 'animal'. David noticed this and quickly folded it over placing it on the stool next to him so that Allie couldn't see it. She narrowed her eyes at this action and went to make herself some toast. She pulled out a plate from the cabinet and placed it on the counter as she pulled a piece of toast out of a bag and put it in the toaster.

David sighed and said "I'm going to your parent teacher conference tonight." Allison's only response that she was listening was a simple shrug of her shoulders, he decided to carry on. "Like I said before Allison, you need to buck up if you want to graduate. Start acting more like your brother and maybe you will succeed at something." Allison turned around, an angered look on her face, but you could see the hurt in her eyes for a split second, even if she tried to hide it. 

Her father paid no mind to the pain he knew he caused her as Allison said, "Look, I'm just not that kind of person... okay. I'm not like Justin who was an A student, and I'm never going to be one. I'm not Justin" she said putting extra emphasis on the word not "so stop trying to turn me into him." She felt slightly exhausted after that, she had been trying to explain to her father for years that she would be nothing like her brother but it just never seemed to sink in. She hoped this time he would understand. 

David nodded once and said in a toneless, seemingly exhausted voice as well, "you know what your right. Your not Justin and you never will be." Allison breathed out a sigh of relief thinking he had finally understood that she was not her older brother, but he wasn't finished. "Which is why you always manage to disappoint me." 

Allison blinked in shock before she settled her heated gaze back on her father. David grew weary of her stare and felt like he wanted to get out of the room as fast as he could. Her dark chocolate brown eyes were now guarded, not showing any clear emotion. If she was hurt or not the only clear emotion David could manage to pick out now was anger. 

Allison turned back towards the counter and suddenly slammed her fist down onto the plate she had set out for her toast. A resounding crack filled the air and David's eyes grew wide at the broken plate on the counter. He looked at her with his mouth agape shocked by her sudden moment of strength before he blinked away the surprise.

Allison turned back towards her father and screamed "Why do you always have to do that? huh? Tell me! I'm never going to be him alright, never!" In this moment the toaster dinged with the toast popping up but Allison didn't notice, "he's gone now and you need to accept that. He's probably dead just like mom." Her words came in an angry rush and her chest was heaving afterwords. Allison could see that she angered her father by bringing up their mother. His eyes were closed and his mouth was in a straight line. David took a breath and in a monotone voice said "get to school now."

Allison completely forgot about the toast as she shook her head and walked out of the kitchen towards the front door, her legs taking larger strides than she normally would desperate to get away from David. Allison slammed the door as hard as she could trying to vent out her anger, but that didn't seem to do the job. Instead she turned to the large flower pot sitting on her porch and kicked it. 

She was expecting to regret that the moment her foot collided with the pot, but instead she was caught off guard when the pot went flying forward a few feet and smashed onto the ground. Allie raised her eyebrows in fascination. How did she just do that?  She thought. Shaking her head she didn't have time to ponder on it so she walked over to her car as she drove off to school.

Allison arrived at school about the same time as Bonnie and Elena and got out of her car walking over to them. She walked up behind them and smiled slinging her arms over their shoulders greeting them with a very loud, "hey, so did you take my advice and go for Stefan?" She asked in a suggestive tone as she wiggled her eyebrows. 

Elena laughed in response, "Yep I went for it and now were together." "That's so great, I'm really happy for you!" Elena gleamed happily at Allie before a slight frown took over her face remembering one person wasn't so happy about her relationship with Stefan. "At least your happy for me, Bonnie has suddenly changed her mind."

Allison turned and looked at Bonnie raising her right eyebrow questioningly "What's up? The other day you were giving Elena a huge pep talk about it." She didn't understand why Bonnie was back tracking on what she said. Elena nodded in agreement with Allie. "Yeah, you were the one who said to go for it" she said laughing at the end. 

Bonnie sighed and looked at both of her friends. She didn't know how to explain it to them so answered instead with, "now I'm saying take it slow." Elena eyed her for a moment before asking, "why the about face?" 

Bonnie immediately responded with, "it's not an about face. Your single for the first time in your high school career so it's the perfect time to play the field." Allison laughed loudly and said in a teasing voice, "oh, because Elena is so that girl." Elena rolled her eyes and shoved Allie making her laugh harder. Allison stopped laughing and turned serious when she noticed that something was troubling Bonnie. "Seriously, what are you not saying?" 

Bonnie shook her head and tried to walk away quickly after saying, "it's stupid" but Elena grabbed her and stared at her intently, wanting to know what was wrong. "Bonnie. Spit it out." The three stopped as Allison and Elena waited for Bonnie's answer. It wasn't what they expected, that's for sure. "I accidentally touched Stefan and I got a really bad feeling." Allison's brows furrowed. Bad feeling? What does she mean?  

Elena didn't understand what the big deal was and asked in confusion, "is that it?" Bonnie huffed and tried to walk away again but this time Allison grabbed her arm to stop her from going anywhere. She turned back around and insisted to the two of them, "it was bad, bad." 

Elena sighed, "is this the whole witch mojo thing again?" She asked slanting her head to the side. Bonnie sighed and shook her head putting a smile on her face saying, "you know what? I'm just concerned. This is me expressing concern over my best friends new boyfriend." 

Elena placed her hands on Bonnie's shoulders and said in a reassuring voice, "and I love you for it. I do, but I feel good. It's been a hard year and I'm starting to kinda feel like things are getting back to normal again and you know what? Stefan is a big part of that." Bonnie looked at her with sympathy as Allie sighed and squeezed her shoulder. 

Allison felt that with the three of them together now she could bring up the attacks. "Hey so what do you guys think about those animal attacks?" She tried to sound like it just popped into her head, but Elena raised an eyebrow at her and Bonnie took a step back. Elena looked between Bonnie and Allie before answering in an unsure voice, "I don't know, I haven't really thought about it." Allison blinked at her answer and turned to Bonnie. "Me neither."

Allison stared at the two of them incredulously and said to them, "how can you not think about it? People have died and someone from our school was attacked." She couldn't believe that they were so wrapped up in their own lives which were Stefan Salvatore and witch stories. Elena shrugged her shoulders and said, "I'm sorry, I guess it's something I don't want to think about."  Bonnie nodded in agreement and asked, "why?" 

Allison sighed, if she worded it the right way then maybe they wouldn't laugh in her face when she told them that vampires were behind the attacks. "It's just that I found out about a few things and-" Her sentence was cut off by Stefan walking up to them. "Morning Elena, Allison. Morning Bonnie." He greeted them. Bonnie's eyes darted between them and quickly made up an excuse. "Hey, I gotta go find Caroline. She's not answering her phone so..." She trailed off as she began walking away in a hurry. 

Elena tried to grab her arm again to stop her but Bonnie side stepped her outstretched arm and carried on walking. Elena called out, "Bonnie, wait!" But it was to no avail as Bonnie kept on walking. Stefan watched her go and then turned his attention back onto Elena and Allison, "She doesn't like me very much." Elena was quick to deny, "She doesn't know you. She's my best friend and she's just looking out for me, but when she does she will love you." She giggled at the end.

Allison decided to ask Stefan what he thought about what was happening in town. "So Stefan, what do you think about all these deaths?" Stefan stared at her, his jaw locking and his eyes looking everywhere but at her. Allison noticed his reaction and raised an eyebrow wondering, maybe he knows something. 

Stefan quickly came up with an answer, stuttering slightly from being caught off guard, "Um, well, I don't know. I guess it's pretty horrible, but I'm sure they'll catch whatever is doing it." He smiled kindly at her hoping it was a good enough answer. Allison only nodded once, but she didn't let her eyes leave Stefan's face. 

Elena, who had not been paying attention to Stefan and Allison's conversation suddenly came up with a brilliant idea to get Bonnie to like Stefan. "Here's what were going to do. Are you free tonight?" She asked. Stefan thought about it for a moment before responding, "yes." Elena nodded, "Perfect. Dinner. My house. 8 o'clock. You, me and Bonnie-" She was cut off by Allison suddenly coughing into her hand as she was staring at her intently. Stefan chuckled lightly at Allison's behavior. Elena laughed, knowing she couldn't leave Allison out and continued, "You, me, Bonnie and Allison." 

Allison placed a hand dramatically over her chest with fake enthusiasm, "oh, why thank you Elena. I knew you wouldn't forget about me of all people." Allie shook her head at Elena and Elena simply rolled her eyes at her before carrying on. "Anyway, you and Bonnie will spend quality time together and she will get to see what a great guy you are. Mission accomplished."  She smiled gleefully. 

Allison put a hand on Elena's shoulder and said, "well, sounds like a great idea Elena. I'm gonna go to my favorite class. See you guys later." Elena laughed at her friend. She knew that Allison was going to Art class. That was the only class that Allison seemed to ever really enjoy. Stefan turned to her and asked, "what are you laughing at?" Elena shook her head and continued to laugh. "It's not really comedic funny, it's just that Art is the only class that Allie goes to and actually does the work." 

Stefan smiled and asked, "is she an artist?" Elena nodded and smiled sadly, "yeah, well not so much as she was two years ago. She kind of lost her way when her mom was shot." She sighed sadly, remembering that day like it was yesterday. Allison wouldn't let anyone in. She had put up walls to stop people from getting too close, and she had done things that she was sure Allie wasn't too proud of.

Stefan's brows furrowed at this, "that's terrible, wait... I thought she had a brother as well?" he asked. Elena found herself grimacing at the mention of Allison's older brother and let out a shaky breath before answering. "Yeah, she did. He went missing last year. Don't bring her brother up tonight, okay? She'll get really angry and upset and I don't know what she'll do. She's kind of temperamental and unpredictable.

Stefan nodded straight away not wanting to hurt Allison's feelings. Seeing that Elena didn't like the topic they were discussing he decided to change the subject.

Allison was in Art class working on her prep sheet for her art exam that was in a few months. Her theme was on shadow, how it could manipulate how things looked by making them bigger or scarier than what they really were. The blaring sound of the schools bell was heard and Allie sighed. Tanner's class was next.     

Allison waltzed into the classroom ten minutes late catching everyone in the classrooms attention. She didn't seem to care and was about to walk to her desk, but before she could get to her seat Tanner grabbed her shoulder stopping her from going anywhere. She turned to him, her expression showing that she didn't really care about what he was going to say. 

"Your late. Don't think I'm going to let you off the-" He was cut off by her waving a hand dismissively and in a cocky tone she told him, "yeah, yeah Tanner, whatever. You can keep me in detention if you wan't, but we both know that it's more of a punishment for you then it is for me." She said with a smirk. She walked over to her desk and plopped down. Mr. Tanner stared at her in bewilderment and Allison simply waved her hand at him, a sign that he should carry on with his lesson. 

He sighed and glared at her as he continued with the lesson. "World War II ended in? Anyone got anything?" he asked annoyed. He breathed out a heavy sigh that showed just how fed up he was. His eyes peered around the class looking for someone to pick on, landing on Allison for a moment, he thought about how he could try and humiliate her because she obviously didn't know the answer, but Allison caught on quickly and smirked up at him, "don't even bother." she drawled. He glared icily at her, but his attention was diverted by Elena and Stefan chatting behind her.

He smirked nastily, "Miss Gilbert." Elena, hearing him call her, turned waiting for him to ask her the question that she hadn't heard. Mr. Tanner raised an eyebrow at her then asked a different question from before. "Pearl Harbor?" Elena's brows creased as she tried to think of the correct answer, but only managed a few unhelpful stutters. 

"December 7th 1941" Stefan answered for her and Elena smiled at him in relief for saving her from getting 'Tannered'. Mr. Tanner laughed snidely. "Thank you, Miss Gilbert" The class began to laugh and Allie said "Hey, you made a funny Tanner." The class began to laugh harder at her remark. Mr. Tanner shook his head at her and brought his attention back to Stefan. Stefan only nodded at Mr. Tanner's comment and said "Anytime" earning more laughs.

Mr. Tanner stared at him, "very well, the fall of the Berlin Wall?" 

"1989. I'm good with dates sir." Stefan answered.

Mr. Tanner's eyes glided around the classroom warily until they landed back on Stefan. Deciding to give his new student a test he asked, "are you? How good?" His eyes roamed the class again until, again, they came back to Stefan, "keep it to the year." Stefan nodded and waited for him to ask the first question.

"Civil Rights Act?" Stefan pretended to act like he was thinking about it before answering confidentially "1964." Tanner grunted, not expecting him to get it right and thought of another question. "John F. Kennedy Assassination?" Stefan smiled slightly but again answered correctly, "1963." 

"Martin Luther King?" He asked more forcefully. "68" Stefan answered quickly. The questions were coming in far more quickly each time. "Lincoln?" and so were the answers. "1865." 

Allison turned her body in her chair to face Stefan, but her head was switching back and forth between Tanner and Stefan, like she was watching a ball on a tennis court bounce from one player to the next. She listened for his next question. 

"Rowe vs. Wade?"


"Brown v. Board?"


"The Battle of Gettysburg?"


Mr. Tanner was standing right in front of him now, looking down at him causing Stefan to look up. Mr. Tanner asked his next question with a slight smile, "Korean War?" Stefan answered quickly, "1950 to 1953." Tanner laughed loudly happy that Stefan was finally wrong. Allie grimaced at him. He continued in a happy voice, "it ended in 52." 

He turned his back while chuckling as the rest of the class muttered to themselves. Stefan knew he was right and couldn't hide the smirk that came to his face, "actually sir, it was 53." He nodded at Tanner. 

Mr. Tanner stared at him for a moment and looked around the rest of the class nervously until he shouted, "look it up, somebody!"  Allison quickly grabbed her textbook looking for the answer, but being under pressure really wasn't her thing. "Quickly!" He yelled again. 

A boy across from Stefan appeared to have found the answer, "it was 19..." Allison raised her eyebrows waiting for his answer. "53." "Ha!" Allison bellowed. She looked at Tanner to see him looking at Stefan with a strained smile. Allison turned back around to Stefan and began clapping her hands, soon the rest of the class joined in and clapped with her. 

Allison shook her head at Stefan in bewilderment and laughed again. "Dude, your awesome. You just owned Tanner, up top!" Stefan smiled at her and gave her a high five. 

It was the end of the school day and Allison had promised that she would go watch Bonnie and Elena at cheer-leading practice. She groaned, why did they always have to make her promise to do things? Now because of it she had to spend an hour watching preppy girls dancing around and doing back flips. 

She was about ten minutes late walking out to the field where they were practicing, mainly because her English teacher insisted to talk with her about her minimal amount of homework. They had only been in school about two weeks and she had already managed to miss three assignments. 

Allie was walking across the school parking lot to get to the field when she was suddenly knocked sideways, her legs buckling from underneath her, as she tumbled down to the black asphalt beneath her and smacked her head against the concrete below.  

Damon immediately cut off the cars engine and got out in a flash. He cursed at himself for not looking where he was going. Instead he was watching Elena stretching and warming up, she looked identical to Katherine and plus, he loved to annoy Stefan, but no, he had to hit a girl who was unconscious on the floor in front of him right now. 

Damon knelt down beside her and saw that she had a cut on the side of her head where blood was seeping from it, her legs splayed out, and her right arm was just above her head. She looked like she was just sleeping, minus the cut. Damon sighed and rubbed his hands down his face, wondering what he should do with the girl. He couldn't kill her here, that was for sure. 

"Dammit." He mumbled as he hoisted the girl into his arms and walked her back to his car. She was light, lighter than Caroline was anyway and very petite. Her dark hair dangled over his arms like her legs were. Damon placed her in the passenger seat and then got in himself and drove off. 

Allison groaned as she began to wake up feeling her head pounding. Her eyes fluttered open and she could see a bright light shining above her. Where was she? She moved her head to the side and groaned in pain. Her head was throbbing, and her left hip was killing her. The light wasn't helping at all. Suddenly she remembered she had been hit by a car.

"How you feeling?" A deep voice asked from across the room. She turned her head to where the voice had come from and she blinked a few times. Her eyebrows creased together, wondering what the hell this guy was doing. He was gorgeous, she had to give him that. He had beautiful blue eyes that she swore she had seen before, dark hair that was almost black, and a smirk playing on his lips that made the right side of his mouth go higher than his left. He wore a black leather jacket, denim jeans, a black shirt that fitted his toned body perfectly, and black boots. The way he was dressed screamed danger. 

Allison looked around again confused but sat up immediately. She placed a hand where she had hit her head and winced. She finally mumbled out, "like crap. Am I in the hospital?" He nodded but he still held that same smirk on his face. His eyes stayed on her face, watching her reaction. 

Allie groaned loudly and fell back on the uncomfortable bed. She lay there for a moment before suddenly sitting back up, staring at him again. "How did I get here?" She asked with a slight tone of suspicion.

His smirk stayed in place as he came forward and sat down on a chair, his tone implying that it was pretty obvious as he answered, "I drove you." It was clear that he was dying to laugh and Allison's eyes narrowed as she bit her bottom lip trying to refrain from shouting at him. Instead she nodded accepting his answer.

Suddenly a thought came to her, "were you the one who hit me with your car?" She asked.

He placed his hand on his chin and his eyes went up to the ceiling as if he was trying to think of a distant memory. He was mocking her and that just made the anger spill over the surface. She stood up quickly, probably not the best idea. Her leg wobbled slightly, but she managed to keep her balance. Allie glared daggers at him and her voice rose slightly as she realized that he had, "You did! What the hell? Don't you watch where your going?" She was furious, he could've killed her.

He stood up this time looking more annoyed rather than angry. He pointed his finger at her and stated in an incredulous tone, as if he'd been accused of a crime, "Don't forget, I then brought you here." He gestured with his hands around the room, "Be grateful I didn't just leave you there." He didn't give away to what he would've loved to do.

Allison eyed him and then nodded, "Touche." She smiled snidely at the end. "What's your name?" He raised an eyebrow and his smirk came back again. Allison rolled her eyes, she was really getting sick of that smirk. He answered in a cocky voice, "Damon. Damon Salvatore." 

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