Carmela's Secret

By LailaStyles

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Carmela is a care-free girl with no worries. She does what she wants, when she wants. She's not familiar with... More

Not meant to be
He can sing
An old 'friend'
Sunsets and Blondes
Luca-zero Carmela-one
True colours
Some things are best left unseen
Stuck inside this box
No go zone
Friends again
Wrong man
History class
Doctor's Appointment
Forgot my keys
The Truth
Never heard of him
A kiddy surprise for a stubborn adult
death wish

Getting organised

96 5 2
By LailaStyles

Hello pretty people, I've updated :) Nothing major happens here but basically eveything adds up to the next chapter which you should all anticipate cause that's where the fun starts! Enjoy lovelies. 


Chapter 17:


A loud blaring noise coursed through the house. I opened my door and peeked through. Luca, Nate and Jonah were already standing in the hallway. “What’s going on?” I asked. Ella rushed upstairs in a panic. “Outside now” she ordered. I didn’t think twice and followed everybody downstairs. Ella was waiting by the door. She had a stopwatch in her hand. “4 minutes, too long” she said and I stopped. “What are you talking about?” Luca groaned and Jonah shook his head. “I planned a fire alarm to see how fast you would all be,” Jonah explained. Nate grumbled something along the lines of “Stupid bullshit” and walked back upstairs. Luca chuckled. “I wasn’t that bad as a teenager” he commented. “Ella, thank you. You can go back to bed” Jonah thanked her and he turned to luca and I. “where’s Cynthia? Why didn’t she get up?” I asked him. “She didn’t come home last night,” he answered. I gasped lightly. “That’s weird, is she answering her phone?” I questioned. “No.”


I woke up early, around 6:30 am early. I couldn’t move out of bed though, so I called Luca. “Hello” he grumbled over the phone. “I’m bored” I whined. “Sleep, its still early,” he groaned. I heard him shuffle around and I frowned, until I realized he couldn’t see me. “Come to my room” I pleaded. “You already broke it off with Cameron? Ill be right there” luca shut the phone and moments later I heard his door open. I sat up in bed and waited for him to come in. He opened my door and smiled at me. “I didn’t break up with him” I said irritated. He stood at the door and frowned. “I’m getting out then, taken girls are off limits” he turned around and my jaw dropped. “I didn’t call you in here for a goddamn booty call! Come talk to me, we’re friends aren’t we? Friends talk to each other  ” I spoke loudly. He turned back towards me with a smug smile on his face. “I know, I just like seeing you get all worked up, it’s kinda hot.”


Luca walked towards my bed and sat down next to me. He pulled the blanket up and got under it. We both lay next to each other and stared up at the ceiling. “Asshole” I insulted him. “Never get tired of hearing that.”


“What are your plans for today?” luca asked me. “I’m yours today, Cameron’s working all day “I replied. Luca giggled almost too creepily. “Freak” I offended him. “Do you live solely for the purpose of insulting me?” luca asked as if he was completely fed up with my wounding words. “Sure.” “I know where we’re going” luca shot up and ran into my bathroom. I sat up too and wondered what the boy who was raiding my toilet cupboards was searching for. He came back out a couple minutes later with nothing in his hands. I looked at him in a confused way. “I needed to brush my hair” he shrugged his shoulders. I noticed his fluffy hair was indeed brushed back and it looked much more appealing. That is if you liked the clean-cut hair. I go more for Anthony’s type of hair, long and luscious.  But clean cut aint too bad either.


I walked over to my closet and opened it wide. I pulled out my jeans booty shorts and a plain white tank top. “Turn around” I ordered. Luca smiled at me and complied. I swiftly stripped off my tights and pulled my shorts up, buckling the button. I then pulled my shirt over my head and slipped on the tank. “You can look now,” I said and luca turned around. “You have a nice butt” he complimented in a smug tone. I smiled before speaking. “So do you.” luca chuckled at me. I looked into my closet again and pulled out a black and white striped cardigan. I pulled that over my singlet, it went down past my nice butt and stopped at my knees. “You should get dressed too, you look like crap besides your hair” I tried to hurt his ego. He really was a pretty boy.


Luca sighed dramatically. “If you wanted me to strip you should have just asked.” Luca continued to pull his clothes off one by one until he was almost naked in front of me, wearing nothing but his boxers. His hand held onto the elastic material with the words ‘Calvin Klein’ written on it. He pulled down the edge slowly and I started laughing, No scratch that I was laughing so hard it was probably not classified as laughing. I had to clutch my stomach at one stage.


Luca looked offended and I tried to stop laughing until you could only hear me giggling. “What’s so funny?” luca finally asked me. “Nothing pretty boy it’s just a really cute guy is stripping in front of me. I just thought imagine Cameron walked in, that would be hard to explain” I lied for the sake of not ruining his ego. Honestly I didn't know why I was laughing. Probably because I felt a little flustered. I mean luca was gorgeous I would classify him a model. His body, his chiseled jawline and his gorgeous hair were many of the things that made him flawless. Of course I would never tell him that. It’d inflate his ego way too much.


Luca shamelessly walked out of my bedroom and into his I was assuming. I followed him out but stopped once I saw Nate looking at me. “Hey lil boy” I greeted him. “Why are you so happy for?” he asked me as if accusing me of something. I stopped smiling and tilted my head. “What?” I asked him completely unaware of what he was intending. “Luca just walked out of your room in his boxers and you’re happy.” My jaw dropped. He thought we had done something. “No no no no no NO” I shouted shaking my hands a little too much. “We didn’t do anything, luca is an idiot” I defended myself. Luca walked out of his room wearing jeans and a plain white t-shirt. “Don’t lie cammy, you shouldn’t have to hide it. Wear it like armor” he said in his jerkish way. “Did you just quote game of thrones?” I asked. “Is that where I heard it?” he asked himself. Luca walked down stairs and I followed him. Nate followed us down too.


“My lovely lovely children, come here” Cynthia greeted us once we reached the bottom. Nate rolled his eyes and luca hugged his aunt. I hugged her too and walked over to Nate. “What’s wrong?” I asked him. “Nothing, she’s being weird” he replied. But there was obviously something there.


“I have something to tell you all” she announced. We all turned our head to face her. Luca had the fridge door wide open. Nate, a plate of toast and I was holding a water bottle in my hand. “Sit down” she ordered.  We all took a seat not tearing our gaze away from her face. “I’ve been at the doctors for a long time now, you all know of how I have problems with my lady parts” she started. I saw luca and Nate grimace. However they were still interested. “Jonah and I have been trying for a year now, we’re finally pregnant” she finished. Nate’s jaw dropped and luca just looked at her emotionless. I jumped up and hugged her. “Congratulations, oh my god I’m so excited.” I hadn’t seen a baby up close in forever. “Aren’t you excited boys?” I asked them. Luca smiled at her. “Congrats.” Nate just stared at his mum. C’mon boy don’t ruin this for her.


“Do you know the gender?” he asked finally. We all turned to face Cynthia again. “Not yet.” We all pretty much continued our morning routine from there. Nate disappeared after breakfast. “Anthony needs my help with the wedding prep, ill see you later,” luca announced.


I contemplated on calling Cameron. I cleaned up my room a little. As I lifted a pair of jeans that was lying on the ground a piece of paper fell out. I picked it up. Shawn 0435 6785 22 it read. I remembered Shawn, I had asked if he gave guitar lessons and he gave me his number. I picked up my phone and dialed his number.


“Shawn, who’s speaking?” I heard his voice say. “Hey Shawn, its Carmela the girl from the shopping center, I was with lily” I greeted him, reminding him of my identity. “Oh right, hey” he replied. “Hey, um I was wondering if you weren’t doing anything today maybe I could come in for a lesson?” I asked hopefully. “Yeah sure, ill text you my address.“ Shawn shut the phone after that before I could ask any more questions. When should I come? Should I bring anything? How much was a lesson?


I decided on leaving now. So I tied my hair up and got into my car. I arrived at an apartment block in the city. His room was on the 3rd floor, door 122. I got in the elevator and pressed the number 3. 122… 122… ah! Here it is. I knocked loudly on his door. Minutes later it swung open. There was a girl; she was in a male’s t-shirt. Nothing else. “Hey” she said. “Is there a Shawn here?” I asked nervously. He wouldn’t invite me over if he had a girl here, would he? Then again he hadn’t given me a time to come. Maybe I was supposed to come a little later. “Yeah hold on, SHAWN!” she yelled. I let out a breath.


I was currently seated on the couch in his not so clean living room. The half naked girl was in front of me. “So who are you?” she questioned. She twirled a piece of hair around her finger. “I’m cam, I’m here for a guitar lesson,” I briefly answered. “Look if Shawn’s busy I can come another time.” I stood up to leave this awkward meeting. “No no he’s in the shower, he’s almost done,” she insisted. 


“What’s your name?” I asked her in order to make conversation. “Angel.” “So Angel how do you know Shawn?” I honestly didn’t care. I just felt really awkward. “I’m his friend,” she answered. I nodded my head. Friend my ass. I opened my mouth to speak but a door being opened stopped me. We both turned behind us and Shawn came out in only a towel wrapped around his waist. Oh thank god, I thought he would’ve just walked out in the nude. “Oh hey you’re here, gimme 2 minutes” Shawn ran into another room and emerged two minutes later, dressed. “Hey Angel get outta here” he kissed her briefly and she left the room.


“Do you have any experience with guitars?” he started off. “Nope.” He handed me a guitar and explained how I should hold it. Once we were both settled he began. 

“ Okay so first we have to identify the parts of the guitar. Now this here is a wooden guitar; the difference between wooden and metal guitars is that Copper-wound strings vibrate to create sound while the wooden body vibrates that sound to create the warm tones we associate with a guitar.” I nodded my head in understanding. “The strings run between the headstock of the guitar, where they are attached to tuning pegs that can be rotated to tighten and slacken them, and the bridge, where they're fixed to the guitar's body….” Shawn really knew his guitar history. He continued to explain all the parts of a guitar to me. “Just like a chef, we need to know our instruments, now that’s all for today, next time you come in we’ll actually play something.” I thanked Shawn and paid him for my lesson. Next time I come remember to bring a notebook.


The drive home was boring. I was alone and the radio stations played the same songs over and over again. So once I got home I wrote down everything I now knew about guitars in a little notebook and took a nap. “Wake up sleepy head” I heard faintly. Who was waking me up? “WAKE UP MISSY WE GOT A WEDDING DRESS TO ORDER!” lily then shouted very loudly. I shot up and we bumped heads. “Ouch dammit Lily” I whined. She lay back and rubbed at her temple. “I cant be bruised Carmela I’m getting married in 2 weeks.” “2 weeks? I thought you had ordered your dress already?” I asked now completely awake. “ I thought you were going to order it for me” she whispered. “Oh my god how are we going to get your dress in two weeks, this isn’t possible.” I was pacing the room trying to figure something out.


“I’m going to cry I can feel it” lily told me. I groaned loudly. “Think positively please” I pleaded. She was going to make me cry. I haven’t even bought my dress yet. We were so disorganized. “Hey what do I wear?” I asked her. She looked up at me. “Well you’re one of my bridesmaids so you have to wear red, it’s my theme color” she explained. “You can’t have only one bridesmaid” I broke it to her. “I know my friend from New South Wales is coming up for the wedding.” “Is she wearing red?” I asked her and she nodded her head enthusiastically.


Ella rose knocked on my door before coming in. “you’re staying for dinner right Lillian?” she asked Lily. “Yes please” she replied. Ella turned around and shut the door. That’s when it came to me. “ELLA” I screamed. She came back in hurriedly. “What happened you scared the living daylights out of me” she held her hand to her chest where her heart was. “Sorry, how are your sowing skills?” I asked her curiously. Lily looked at me confused but then realization hit her and her grin turned huge.


“You’re giving me two weeks,” Ella repeated and I nodded. “Yep” I smiled at her innocently. “You girls are going to kill me but id be delighted to make your wedding dress for you” she looked over to lily and lily smiled. “Thanks Ella rose, you’re amazing.” We all came together for a group hug.




Once lily finished writing down all her details of her dress we swiped Anthony’s credit card and headed to the city. I still needed a dress. And lily insisted she choose it since I’m HER bridesmaid. I didn’t mind it’d save me the headache.


We went into 12 different stores. She would ogle at so many different dresses but none were ‘the perfect one.’ To top it all off we had to not only buy me a dress but buy one for Danielle too, Lily’s other bridesmaid. Lily didn’t want us to both have the same dress just same color. So while she was off searching for mine I looked for another.


My phone rang and I answered it. “Come to the back of the store, I found your dress!” Lily sounded enthusiastic. I was dreading the sight. It had better be a nice dress. I walked over to where she and a sales lady were standing. “Look” she whispered dramatically. I looked up to where my dress was hanging. It was a strapless mermaid dress. The bottom was made up of ruffles. It was a simple yet elegantly gorgeous dress. “I love it.”


“This isn’t fair” lily crossed her arms against her chest. “You look so good, you might look better than me.” I laughed at her. “So I really look good?” I asked as I looked in the mirror. It really fit me perfectly and it was a stunning dress. “Hell yeah what do you think?” I turned to face the sales lady. “Flawless” she stated simply. I smiled. I haven’t worn a dress like this since forever. I felt genuinely beautiful.


The next week luca insisted on seeing my dress. “Stop it luca it’s a surprise” I reminded him. “Oh c’mon pleeeeeaaasssseeeee” he dragged. I glared at him and he stopped annoying me. Lily barged in the kitchen with Anthony in tow. “What do you mean no chandelier?” lily asked him. She looked irritated. Lily’s phone rang. “Here speak to Danielle” she said and handed me her phone. “Hey Danielle, how are you?” I asked her. “Lily you sound weird” she told me. “Its cam not lily, I’m the other bridesmaid” I introduced myself. “Oh heyyyy!” she said. Anthony and lily were still arguing. Luca looked at me and picked up a knife and faked stabbing himself multiple times. I walked over to him and took it off him. “Bad boy, no playing with knives” I scolded him. He put his head down and pouted his lips. I walked out of the loud kitchen to speak to Danielle. “So where’s lily?” she wondered.


“She’s in the bathroom, what’s up?” “I found a dress, its really pretty and its red. Dad bought it for me. I’m going to send you a photo okay,” Danielle announced. I sighed in relief.  A ‘Ding!’ was heard and I looked down and opened the message. “Its gorgeous Danni” I gushed. “I know right! Did you get your dress?” she enquired. “Sure did. It’s a gorgeous one.” “I cant wait to see it and get our hair and makeup done.” I agreed with her. She then told me how she would be here two days before the ceremony and how she had to make sure her dress wouldn’t get worn out. I laughed. We said our goodbyes.


“What is going on in here? You’re getting married in a week’s time and you guys are arguing like siblings. Stop it! Tell me what the problem is?” I screamed out. They both stopped bickering and turned to me. “I’m going to explain” lily said. “May I?” she asked her fiancé in a mocking way. He stuck his tongue out at her. “There are two houses we are currently looking at. The bigger one is the better one obviously but Anthony doesn’t want it because the staircase has a frikkin chandelier” she spat. I physically pulled my head back. Luca snickered. “Anthony you’re an idiot, chandeliers are gorgeous, you’re getting the big house” Anthony huffed in annoyance and we all rolled our eyes. “You know what else is gorgeous?”” luca asked. “What?” his best friend asked. “Carmela.” I smiled.


“Hey baby what’s happening?” Cameron asked me. “I miss your entirety” I replied cheekily. “That sounds kinky” I heard the smile in his voice. “Can you come over?” he questioned. I looked over at the trio I have become so close to. “Sure.”


“You look lovely” my boyfriend complimented me as he opened the door. “No I don’t,” I countered. He hugged me and lifted me over so I was slung over his shoulder. “You’re bloody crazy,” I teased. “You love the view but” he chuckled. “I cant deny that.” He let me down and I fell back onto his bed. He started to tickle my hips and I started off giggling then I laughed out loud. He pulled my jumper over my head. I was wearing only a bra underneath. “You come prepared,” he whispered huskily. I saw the lust in his eyes. Next thing I knew we were naked and I felt all of him on all of me. He kissed me with so much force I’m sure it would bruise but I didn’t care. I kissed him back just as hard. His moans were driving me crazy. I tugged at his hair and he lifted his head. I kissed his neck as he breathed near my ear. His breath was warm. I turned us around so I was the one on top. He smiled goofily. His smile was too damn gorgeous. And his hair was so messy from the amount of times I brushed my hands through them. His purple lips were such a turn on I couldn’t help but forget everything I knew.


I ended up falling asleep over at Cameron’s. I woke up to him lying next to me with only a pair of boxers on. I kissed his flushed cheeks causing him to stir. His eyes opened half way. His goofy smile came onto his face again and I giggled. “Morning beautiful” he greeted me. “Morning.” I watched him get up and walk into the bathroom. I went in after him. He was in the shower while I was brushing my hair. It was so tangled. Cameron finished fast and wrapped a towel around his waist. “Don’t keep me waiting too long” he teased. I then took my shower and brushed my hair and teeth. I put on a pair of Cameron’s boxers then pulled my jeans over them. I proceeded to slip on my bra and jumper.


Cameron dropped me off at home after breakfast; he had to work at the clinic today. I didn’t mind though because my house was always cramped with people lately. Literally everyone I considered a friend was sitting in the living room this time. Lionel jumped up to greet me and I laughed into his shoulder. “What’s going on in here?” I asked no one in particular. Everybody smiled at me. I was getting excited all of a sudden. I didn’t even know what was going on. “Tell me,” I urged.


“We got you a new puppy!” 

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