Here Be Dragons (Completed)

By NikoleKnight

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"Here be dragons" A phrase meaning dangerous or unexplored territories, frequently used in the 1700s and earl... More

Volume 1: I


4.3K 380 194
By NikoleKnight

***Man, these boys are getting feisty. To be honest, it took a bit of a darker turn than I expected so hopefully you all will forgive me (and the boys) for it. For your reading pleasure, I present: Game Night Part 3!***

I was cold, I was wet, and I was angry. 

The wall of greenery loomed before me, mocking me with its silence, as the rain pitter-pattered over my head and soaked me through to my black socks. My sneakers squished with every step, I could barely see from the waterfall pouring down my face, and I'd found yet another dead end. I still tasted the bitter copper of Nathan's blood on my tongue and the skin around my throat was chafed and sore from Victor's wire. All in all, I wasn't a happy camper.

I'd left Sean, being cautious with my steps since he'd warned me of Silas's possible proximity, but at least ten minutes had passed and I still hadn't found anyone. The hairs on the back of my neck tingled and stood on end, cluing me in that I was still being followed, but whoever it was wasn't interested in making a move on me...yet. If I had to guess, it was most likely Luke since he seemed the type to flitter about and wreak havoc on everyone just for the fun of it instead of sticking with the intended agenda, and I secretly hoped I was right. Luke was a wildcard, of course, but he still seemed safer than any of the others at this point, save for Gabriel-though he'd instilled a certain amount of doubt in my mind about our alliance before our game had started, so...

It happened quickly. One moment, I was retreating back to the last crossroads in the maze as I swiped the rain from my eyes and the next, something shiny was careening towards my body at high velocity. I was barely able to dodge the hit and, according the ripping sound and the sudden draft I felt over my mid section, I apparently hadn't been fast enough. My shirt was split almost perfectly in half by a vertical cut that started just under my collarbones and I spared the minutest of moments thanking whatever god might exist that the blade hadn't cut through my bra or else our game would have taken a rather naked turn. 

I faced off with my newest assailant and I almost rolled my eyes at the pure coincidence that it was Silas who had ruined my shirt to put my bra clad breasts on display. Who else would it have been, really? His dark eyes ran hungrily over my body and a sultry smile spread his full lips as he took in the adjustment he'd made to my outfit before his dark brow rose suggestively and he straightened his stance. I did my best to appear apathetic but his grin only widened so I wasn't doing as good of a job as I'd hoped. 

"Aggele Mou, it's good to see so much of you." He rumbled, his voice carrying over the sound of the rain rather easily and I fought the urge to cross my arms over my chest in modesty. 

 "Gabriel's going to kill you." I wagged my finger playfully and he shrugged, unconcerned.  

"Worth it." He quipped and I responded with an unladylike snort. Men!

"You missed." I scoffed, waving my hands in front of my bra, and he released a deep, sexy laugh at my words.

He swung his blade in his hand as he contemplated me before he leveled a pantie dropping smirk in my direction. "If I was wanting to get you out of your bra, I wouldn't need a knife to do it." 

"No, you'd need much more than a knife seeing as I'd cut your hands off before you even got done with the first clasp." I snapped, flicking my razor open and couching down into a defensive stance. 

If he was at all intimidated, he didn't show it and instead chuckled again. "I think you highly underestimate my proficiency in removing women's clothing."

"Why? Do you and North play dress up?" I smirked coyly as his chuckle turned into a loud guffaw. 

"Oh, Aggele, I think I'm gonna like keeping you around. You've got..." He furrowed his brow like he was searching for the correct word, "Balls." He finally decided though I could tell it wasn't exactly what he meant but I'd take it.

"Thanks, though if you want to keep yours, I suggest surrendering." He, once again, was completely unaffected at my threat and instead brought his blade into a tighter grip in front of his body. 

He took another moment to study my almost bare chest and his sexy grin was quickly back in place. "I'll try not to cut you up too badly." He offered and I flipped him off. 

"Time to nut up or shut up." I challenged, my monster clawing at my chest to attack the smug Greek before me. "Show me what you got, Casanova." 

And he did. 

He lunged at me, surprising me with his speed considering how big he was. I was still faster given my smaller physique but I was loathed to admit, I may have underestimated him. We danced around the corridor, him swinging his longer blade as I ducked out of the way. His weapon was better than mine in this moment because I couldn't get close enough to him to use it but I kept my head clear and level as I awaited the right moment. All I needed was an opening to get closer and his ass would be mine. 

His knife clanged against the cobblestones as he heaved another mighty swing that swiped so close to me I could hear the rush of air by my ear, and I saw my chance. I slipped around him as his blade continued its downward stroke, the momentum carrying it farther than he intended, and I flicked my razor down on his forearm. What I didn't expect was him to abandon his weapon in order to dodge the strike and now that we were closer, he easily grasped hold of me with his long arms and swung me around, tossing me carelessly into the hedge. Thorns and sticks pierced through the wet material at my back and I snarled at the inconvenient pain that tickled my skin from the scratches. 

"Now, now." Silas purred, his hulking body immediately blanketing me as his hand gripped my wrist to keep me from using my straight razor to slit his throat. "Enough foreplay."

I glared up at him, hating the way my body craved the heat of his as my back protested from the discomfort of the shrubbery behind me. "If this is your idea of foreplay, then perhaps Casanova wasn't a good nickname." 

I brought my knee up to crush his testicles, but he'd been expecting it and turned his hip to block me. "Are you not having fun?" He chuckled again, leaning down to brush his nose against my cheek. "I quite like where this ended up."

The rain had lessened somewhat and instead of a deluge it was now a mere torrential downpour, and I shook my head to clear my face of water as I considered my options. Silas was obviously stronger than me and I didn't stand a chance against him in hand to hand, but I had something he didn't, something he had a certain eye for and was always good for distractions. Correction, make that two somethings. 

I had breasts.

I arched my back subtly to bring the tips of my breasts against his chest as I glanced up at him from under my lashes and licked my lips ever so slightly. "Well, are you gonna fuck me here or take me back to your room first?" I cooed, watching as his eyebrows shot up in surprise, and his eyes dilated before narrowing in suspicion. 

Come on, Sang, bring it home!

Waiting for his gaze to drop to my mouth, I parted my lips and shifted my weight to rub my chest against his in a way that had my blood warming pleasantly, and Silas responded to my seduction much easier than I expected him to, given the circumstances. His huge hands released my wrists, dropping to my hips before lowering to my thighs and lifting me easily into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist automatically and I found myself taken completely by surprise as he crashed his lips against mine in a crushing kiss. His mouth moved against mine in a sultry dance and I was momentarily distracted from my original plan by the pure talent of his kisses, melting into his hold as I enjoyed the feeling of his soft, full lips. His tongue slicked over my bottom lip but instead of opening for him like he was requesting, I pushed back and captured his lower lip, sucking it into my mouth to suckle the plump flesh.

His deep groan vibrated through me as he pressed me against the foliage, the thorns and sticks scratching my back forgotten, and I swallowed the delicious sound and forced my tongue through the seam of his lips to plunder his mouth. He tasted like spices with a bite of something sharp, like alcohol, and I found I quite liked the flavor of him. His tongue parried with mine for a never ending moment until I broke the kiss with a cry from the way he ground his hips against me, his obvious and well endowed erection sliding against my core exquisitely. 

The rain continued to fall around us, the water showering over my face as my head fell back to allow him to ravage my neck and the chill of the rainfall contrasted strangely with the fire that burned through my blood. I undulated in his arms to increase the friction and he moaned into my skin in approval, spurring me to continue. I had half a mind to let him take me here in the maze-shit, the maze! 

My eyes flew open as my mind slammed back into my body, reminding me of exactly what was happening and what was at stake. One of my hands was buried in Silas's silky black hair while the other that held my razor grasped his shoulder to keep my balance in his arms. I'd wanted to distract him but I'd subsequently distracted myself as well, and I cursed my stupid hormones for surrendering to the high that his ministrations brought me. I had to get back to business and quickly, before someone found us. 

Silas slid one hand over the bare skin of my torso while the other grasped my chin and forced my mouth back to his and I gave myself one last moment to enjoy it before capturing his bottom lip once again. I glided my tongue along his lip like an apology before utilizing my teeth and sinking them into his flesh hard enough to break skin, and for the second time in half an hour, my mouth filled with the metallic taste of blood. He yelped, a sound I didn't think he was capable of making, and ripped his mouth away from mine to stare down at me in shocked hurt. His dark eyes bored into mine as we both panted for oxygen and I watched in evil fascination as his pink tongue glided over his lip and turned crimson from the blood that trickled from my bite. 

"That wasn't how I hoped this would end." He growled, his thick brows pulling down in a scowl and my mouth quirked up with an extra innocent smile. 

"Sorry, Casanova." I responded breathlessly. "Girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do."

He turned his face to the side and spat before leaning in to whisper in my ear, his deep voice barely audible against the pounding of the rain. "Don't know whether I should call you Aggele or Daimonas." I shrugged, inhaling sharply as he licked the accumulating water from my ear. 

"I guess you have to keep me around long enough to decide." I gasped at the slight pain that sparked over my ear as he nipped at my lobe sharply and he pulled away to stare into my eyes, sharing a prolonged moment of eye contact before he unceremoniously dropped me to my feet. My legs wobbled slightly but didn't give out and I was immensely grateful for the fact. 

"Better get that pretty ass moving." Silas wiped away the remaining blood from his lip with his thumb and I made a show of returning my razor to my bra cup, enjoying the way his gaze turned hungry again as he latched his stare onto my barely covered chest. 

"It's been a pleasure." I quipped, smiling sensually before turning on my heels and running. 

"We aren't finished!" He shouted after me, his words turning into laughter and I giggled to myself as I sprinted down the corridor. 

It only took another two turns before I found myself facing an opening at the end of the hallway, and my heart filled with both hope and wary apprehension as I slunk forwards. It seemed too good to think that I'd already reached the exit and I was proven correct as I left the relative safety of the path and stepped into a circular clearing. The pebbled stones at my feet crunched under the soles of my sneakers as I took in the perfectly symmetrical courtyard littered with topiary and several stone statues, and in the center, a tall, three tiered fountain surrounded by a small, circular man made pool. I knew instinctively that I'd reached the center of the maze and my hopes of escape were fully doused as I took in the different doorways that led further into the labyrinth, stretching out like spokes of a cycle tire. 

What was I suppose to do now?

I didn't have time to wonder long as the shadows behind the sculpture of an angel to my right shifted and a figure broke away, stepping into the dim moonlight. His blond and brown hair was slicked back on his head from the moisture of the rain though a few strands dangled in front of his face stubbornly dripping water from the ends and his bright blue eyes sparkled insanely as he took in my barely clothed self. His brows dipped down in frustration as he stared at my chest and he brought his hands to his hips with a frown. 

"What the fuck happened to you?" Gabriel barked and I waved my arms in exhaustion and rolled my eyes. What hadn't happened to me? "Who fucked with your clothes?" 

I mirrored his stance with my hands on my hips and cocked an eyebrow. "Who do you think?"

"Goddamn Greek." He grumbled, glaring at my ripped shirt. "Leave it to him to get you naked in the middle of game night." 

"I'm not naked." I snapped and his lips pursed in annoyance at my snippy attitude. "Now which way to the exit?"

He contemplated me for a moment before subtly closing the distance between us and I loosened my limbs as I watched him suspiciously. The rain had lessened once again, drizzling down from the sky like tears, but it didn't stop me from seeing the moonlight glint off of the pair of scissors that rested in Gabriel's hand. I couldn't decide whether I should be worried about him attacking me or not, so I decided to err on the side of caution as I carefully retrieved my razor from my bra, Gabriel tracking the movement with an ever deepening glower.

"We don't have to do this, Gabriel." I offered but he merely grinned, spinning the scissors around his pointer finger. 

"What's wrong, Trouble?" He advanced on me slowly, his body moving graceful and fluid. "Don't you like game night?"

I hadn't realized just how much I'd come to like Gabriel until I was faced with his terrifying alter ego that, to a certain extent, wanted to kill me. I was strangely averse to hurting him but as he stalked towards me, brandishing a sharp pair of scissors in each hand, I knew I had to stomp down that part of me. Sang didn't want to harm him, or really any of the boys, but I couldn't be Sang, not tonight. I had to be Jane and Jane was itching for more blood. 

"Don't say I didn't warn you." I growled, crouching down and opening my razor. 

A psychotic smile spread over his face giving him a dark, deranged look in the dim lighting and I shoved away my shiver of fear as he lunged at me and the dance commenced. He moved with more expertise than Sean did but with no where near the amount of skill that Nathan or Silas had, and I assumed it was because he didn't spar as much as the aforementioned males. He was quicker than them though given his slimmer stature and I was quickly out of breath as I dodged and weaved out of the way. My exhaustion was heavier now that I'd encountered five of them and I gritted my teeth to stay alert and not get distracted. I just wanted this to be over and my frustration fueled me, giving strength to my weakening muscles. My monster pulsed through my body and I surrendered to her, allowing her to power my movements and when we saw the opportunity, we struck out, swiping our blade across Gabriel's collarbone and growling when we missed him by a hair. 

I expected Gabriel to attack me immediately, but he froze, his mouth popping open in silent horror as his eyes latched onto a chunk of blond hair that fluttered from the momentary breeze before getting waterlogged and falling to the ground with a wet plop. My eyes widened as I took in the slightly shortened strands of hair that dangled in front of his face and his shock turned into absolute fury as he leveled me with a hot glare. Oh dear, I'd just made a very grave mistake.

"Gabriel." I choked out, holding my hands up in surrender as he stormed towards me. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to...It was an accident." I stumbled away from him, trying to reason with him but he was past the point of no return. I'd just cut off his hair and he was going to make me pay. 

"Time to collect that fucking braid!" He bellowed before dropping his shoulder and tackling me to the ground. 

A petrified scream tore through my throat as I wiggled out from under him and desperately crawled away, knowing that I needed to get as far away from him as possible. His hand circled my ankle, jerking me backwards harshly and my nails broke as my fingers dug into the pebbles for purchase. I kicked out at him, struggling violently against his hold, but he kept a firm grasp, slapping my thigh hard enough to have me shrieking in pain from the sting.

My survival instinct kicked into overdrive and I twisted my body to swipe my razor at him, pleased when he didn't even try to dodge the hit and my blade sliced into his leg...again. He paused for a second, glancing down to see his pant leg split and blood staining the fabric, but instead of stopping, he merely grunted in annoyance before backhanding me so hard I tasted blood, this time my own. My straight razor flew from my hand and he dragged me farther into the courtyard as all consuming terror overtook me. The one person I thought I could count on to keep me alive was going to kill me!

"Gabriel!" I sobbed out his name as he sunk his fingers into the hair that he loved so much and used it to drag me across the ground until my hands met the stone lip of the pool. 


He heaved me over the edge, his weight crushing my body as he forced my head down until my face was submerged in the icy water of the pool, and my fear took the physical shape of bubbles exploding from my mouth on a silent scream. Panic took over as I thrashed beneath him, fighting to hold my breath but losing the battle as my memories swarmed my brain, turning my panic into full blown hysteria. I could feel my mother's cold hands forcing me onto the stool and the bite of the rope on my wrists and ankles as she secured me. The heat of shower scalded me for hours before it turned bitter cold and turned me to ice as it beat relentlessly against my chest. I screamed and I begged but she never came for me. I almost died there, I would've died there.

My head was brought out of the water for the minutest of moments and I gagged and choked, trying to inhale but not being able to manage it as Gabriel's cheek pressed against mine. "See what you make me do to you?" He snarled before shoving me back under.

The bottom of the stone pool was slippery with algae and scum, and my hands slid against the cement unable to find a grip. I had no leverage against the firmness of his hold on my head and my lungs burned with the need for oxygen, but I couldn't breathe, I couldn't breathe! Dirty, stagnant water rushed into my nose and my body rebelled against my control, the instinct to breathe winning out and my lunges flooded with liquid, and I was drowning. Oh God, I was drowning! 

Suddenly, the weight holding me disappeared and I flailed around for a moment before my oxygen deprived brain was able to get my limbs to cooperate enough to push my torso out of the water. I choked for air, water pouring from my mouth like a river as my lungs emptied of the filthy liquid and I relaxed my muscles and let my body's natural urging take over. After what felt like hours, the spasms in my lungs loosened and I dragged in air, my throat and chest burning from the sudden oxygen flow but I didn't stop my hungry breathing. I'd never take air for granted again. 

I lifted my head as my brain rebooted, searching for Gabriel or any other threat present, and it took me a moment to clear my vision enough to see anything that could answer my confusion over the events of the last few moments. Gabriel was lying on his side near the pool, his back to me, and I assumed he was hurt given the low moans emitting from him. Standing over him was a figure dressed in black, his long blond hair pulled into a wet, messy bun at the nape of his neck and he was holding a brick, a brick smeared with blood. 

"Luke?" I croaked, my voice hoarse and painful, but he didn't turn around. 

"Path by the knight." He whispered softly, the sound hardly audible over the sprinkling of the rain. "Reach the T. Then climb." 

"What?" I gasped, barely able to get to my feet as the almost drowning took a toll on my body. 

The brick dropped from Luke's hand as his head twitched. "Path by the knight. Reach the T. Then Climb." 

My head swiveled on my neck until my eyes landed on the statue of a knight sitting atop a rearing horse, and next to the sculpture was the mouth to another path. He was telling me which way to go, he was helping me. I turned back to him, wanting to thank him but I my gratefulness quickly turned alarm. Luke's hands were in his hair, tugging painfully hard as his body trembled, and I could just barely make out a steady stream of muttering coming from his lips. 

"Not nice, not nice, not nice..." He slapped himself, the smack ringing through the courtyard so loud it made me jump and I hurriedly searched the pebbled ground for my straight razor. "Not nice, not nice, not nice..." 

"Luke, calm down." I called to him as I stumbled, almost falling, towards my razor lying open on the ground a few feet away. "Luke, everything's okay, just calm down." 

My reassurances fell to deaf ears as he murmured and whimpered, staring down at Gabriel's half conscious body as he hit himself again, and I retrieved my razor, tucking it into my palm in case I had to use it against the man who had technically just saved my life. Apparently, his actions had affected his control and he was now losing his mind in exchange for a different one and given the circumstances, I had a feeling the alter to surface wouldn't be a very kind one. 

Gabriel groaned again, his body stirring as he attempted to sit up and the movement snapped Luke out of his funk, his body going rigid for a moment before relaxing. His back was still towards me but I could tell he was back in control as he slowly ran his fingers through his hair, pulling the sopping wet strands into a tail at this neck. He backed away from Gabriel and cracked his neck before turning on his heels and freezing in place as his eyes landed on me. 

My shirt collar had been ripped in my scuffle with Gabriel and the cloth was hanging onto my frame by the sleeves alone, leaving my torso completely bare except for my bra, and I felt something slimy coat my skin as his gaze traveled over my body in an almost lecherous manner. He'd never looked at me like this before though it reminded me of many other men from when I'd worked at seedy bars and strip clubs, but coming from Luke, it felt even worse. Dirty. Why was he watching me like this?

"And who exactly, my Dear, are you?" Luke asked me, his voice oily but cool, like a greasy car salesman who spent his free time stalking young girls and killing kittens. 

"Luke?" I gripped my razor and shuffled back a step, Luke tracking the movement before lifting his eyes to mine-except they weren't Luke's eyes. They weren't warm, melted chocolate anymore, but hard, cold enstatite. 

"I'm sorry." He grinned at me, the depraved smile causing goosebumps to raise over my skin. "Luke isn't home right now. You can call me Lex." His stare traveled over me again and I swallowed hard to keep myself from throwing up in response to his indecent gaze. "In fact, I think I'll have you screaming my name before the night is out. I think I'll like hearing you scream." 

My creature bared her teeth and snarled fiercely at the threat, and I squeezed my razor hard enough to have my knuckles whitening as my adrenaline raced through my veins once again. Been there; done that, and I wasn't planning on revisiting. I'd been used and abused before but I'd sworn that I'd be stronger for it, and I refused to allow anyone to touch me against my will again-Lex included. I didn't want to hurt Luke, but if Lex tried to touch me the way his eyes promised he would, I'd gut him like a fish. 

"Do you want to play a game?" He purred, his tone making me shudder in revulsion. "I have a feeling-"

His words were cut off as someone moved behind me, tackling him to the ground with a roar, and I stumbled backwards as I watched Gabriel roll over top of Luke, landing punches whenever he could manage it. They flailed around, cursing and shouting at each other and though I wanted to flee, I was rooted to the ground as I watched their battle. Gabriel shoved Luke's face into the gravel and raised his head, blood coating one side of his face from where Luke had apparently hit him over the head with the brick, and he leveled his terrified blue eyes on me. 

"Fucking run!" He screamed and I obeyed, leaving them to their scuffle as I sprinted towards the knight sculpture and taking the path that lay beside it. 

Lex wasn't a friend of mine, but Luke was and he'd told me to go this way. I didn't know if I could trust him but it was the only choice I had at this point and I'd take the chance. Hopefully, Luke really was on my side and didn't want me to die. After being nearly strangled, decapitated, stabbed, sliced, drowned, and...whatever Lex was hoping to do to me...I really didn't want to die. I actually just wanted a hot piece of molten lava cake and a nap, but the night wasn't over yet. 

Six down, three to go.

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