Wild Fire (Teen Wolf)

By Calla_Lily_8970

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"She is Beautiful but she's Beautiful in the way a Forest Fire is Beautiful. Something to be admired in the d... More

Wild Fire
Chapter 1 - Pack
Chapter 2 - Blood
Chapter 3 - Gone Girl
Chapter 4 - The Dog Family
Chapter 5 - Control
Chapter 6 - Hell's Day
Chapter 7 - Allies
Chapter 8 - Truths
Chapter 9 - Rave
Chapter 10 - Dusk
Chapter 11 - After Dark
Chapter 13 - Lost and Found
Chapter 14 - Free
Chapter 15 - Unthinkable
Chapter 16 - Wild Ones
Chapter 17 - The London Sisters Part 1
Chapter 18 - The London Sisters Part 2
Chapter 19 - Moments
Chapter 20 - Battlefield
Chapter 21 - Quiet before the Storm...
Chapter 22 - ..And what a Storm it will be
Chapter 23 - Fierce
Chapter 24 - Aftermath
Chapter 25 - Royals
Author's Note
The War to Come
The End Part One
The End Part Two
The End Part Three
The End Part Four

Chapter 12 - Teachings

3.1K 102 16
By Calla_Lily_8970

The were-coyote glares down at her hand probably giving it a silent command but in my eyes she's about ready to strain herself. Her chest heavies up and down with deep huffs of breath comes from her mouth. We sit here in silence as I give her time to do this one thing. The poor girl has been sitting like this for 5 minutes now going on 6 and I'll feel bad if I disturb her. She is so concentrated on this task and it's the first task I have given her since she walked in.


She breaks her fierce glare at her hand to look up at me to give me that look. The annoyance in her eyes amuses me but when she sees the outline of a smirk on my lips her glare intensified causing me to keep a straight face. She looks back down at her hand and I do nothing to stop her or disturb her again.

Crazy female shifters, I think quietly to myself.

You have to admit her determination is inspiring but also a tad creepy. She reminds me somewhat of my family with that never giving up attitude. But the bold way she carries herself reminds me of Peter and her bluntness makes me think of Derek. Not that there not good qualities to have but I don't want her over thinking something so simple. It's not like I can try to help her without her ripping my head off.

This girl reminds me so much of myself that it's scary. Maybe that's why I'm helping her not just because I feel guilty about her not being able to shift. She's just a girl who fate decided to screw over early in life and the least I can do is help her out. She lost her mom and sister and she was the cause, I can only imagine how much guilt she's been carrying. Then we come along and make her turn human again when I can clearly see that it was the last thing she wanted. This is the least I can do.

Currently I'm leaning against the steel table and watching Malia who's watching her hand while she sits on the chair facing toward me. My hands tap lightly against the table and wait patiently for her to either give up or when I start to get annoyed. So far she looks persistent as ever and doesn't look like she'll be giving up anytime soon and as for me; for once in my life I'm level headed.

Malia is a good distraction from what happened last night from the Oni marking Scott and the other Kira. I won't make Malia get in on this madness because honestly I don't even want to be in this fight but I'm kinda forced to. Malia is still adjusting to this form.

I roll my shoulders and tilt my head back toward the ceiling and close my eyes. I haven't felt this relaxed since my last full night of sleeping that was weeks ago. Last night -when we got home- Derek made me take the stupid pills much to my resistance but damn that guy doesn't take no for an answer. In the end my betas plus Peter held me down while Derek shoved the 3 pills in my mouth. It was very unpleasant. I also remember what Deaton had said after they did that "take a pill and if it doesn't work take another but no more than 2".

...That was my bad but I slept like a rock until about noon today. I don't know if the night terrors haven't came because the pills or the fact that Derek was there.

When I hear a deep sigh from beside me I open my eyes and glance at Malia who's shoulders sag in defeat. Finally, I thought we'd be here until dinner time.

Malia looks up at me like expecting me to do something.

I sigh "You're over thinking it. Here. Watch one more time" I raise my hand palm up with my fingers curled slightly. With a sound of ripping flesh my claws erupt from my fingertips. "Just imagine them being there. Okay? It's easy"

She hangs onto my every word and then nods when I finish. She takes a deep breath in and looks back at her hand. When I see her shoulders tensing I speak quietly "relax" and lets out the deep breath.

Her eyes widen when claws form out of her finger nails causing them to be longer and sharper to the point. A wide smile tugs on her lips and she looks up at me in excitement. 

"Oh my god, I did it!" She exclaims loudly that echos through the loft. She's practically jumping up and down in her seat. Her excitement is adorable and I'm sure anyone could see the prideful look on my face. She's not a werewolf but she's close enough in my eyes.  

She laughs out loud and raises her hand up to show me she did it. My lips form a large smile and she's excited as a pedophile at a wiggles concert. I would be too. This progress sends her to the next step. This is all like a mind game and when you've mastered something you go to the next hardest thing.

"Good job, lovely" I praise her with a small giggle at her happy mood.

She looks back at her hand and in seconds her claws go back to being finger nails which sends her into another state of excitement.

"Did you see that?!" Malia's eyes shine with so much joy and she grabs my arm and shakes it.

"I did. You did it." I put my hand over hers that's gripping my arm. I knew inviting her over would take my mind off things. She's such a bundle of energy.

I hear the loft door slide open but I don't think she did from her still growing out her claws back and forth on one hand while the other hand is still gripping my arm tightly. I take my eyes off her and look up to see who just walked in.

My eyes narrow slightly "what are you doing here?" I ask him.

Peter shrugs his shoulders as he walks into the room. "Bored" he says it like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Plus I feel like annoying someone and I can't find my nephew" he gives me that sarcastic smirk.

I roll my eyes. "Well I'm busy. Go away"

He just now notices the girl in the chair. "Is she having a seizure or something?" referring to her excited motions that look almost spastic. 

Malia looks over at Peter and gives her nails a break. "No. I'm teaching her some things" I answer.

His face lights up in recognition "She's the shifter you were telling us about about isn't she?"

Malia cuts me off when I open my mouth "I'm Malia." she introduces since we're talking about her like she's not even here. "Who is this?" She looks back to me with confusion.

"No one. Just an asshole named Peter. Just ignore him" I tell her.

Peter scoffs "You're so funny, London" he mutters sarcastically.

"I'm hilarious, Hale" I snicker "Anyway, Malia is a were-coyote and I'm cleaning up Scott's mess by helping her shift again"

He leans against the steel table on the other side of Malia and his eyes narrow when I say the word were-coyote. "A were-coyote?" he muses "It's been awhile since I've seen one of them" I nod in agreement. Even Peter hasn't seen many around.

Malia looks up at Peter "Your'e a werewolf too, like Katerina?" she asks with a slight smile. I guess it amuses her that she's being taught by wolves and not her own kind. It's close enough. I mean wolves and coyotes are cousins.

Now we have a fox running around town too. Huh... now we just need a dog and some jackals and it'll be the complete Canidae family in Beacon Hills. Just keeps those bat shit crazy cats out.

"Not like Katerina. I'm better" He smirks and it doesn't waver as I slap his arm. Malia laughs at us. "But on some terms yes, like Katerina." he sobers slightly "What has she taught you so far?"

In response Malia raises her hand and grows her claws with a smile.

"Ah, the seizure. I see now" he mutters. "How about growing your canines?"

"What are you doing?" I ask "Helping me or something?"

He stares blankly at me then nods once "Duh. What's better than one werewolf that can shape shift?"

My answer is instant as I cross my arms over my chest "Two alphas that can shape shift." The smart ass comment earns me a glare. I gotta admit that was nasty of me.

 "I was an alpha once too, sweetheart. Even a shifter" I opted to keep my mouth shut about the tiny fact that he was a mutated shifter. "Moving on." His canines grow longer like the claws did and pointed and with that his eyes glow the electric blue.

Malia watches him with amazement. The girl is lucky to have the two of us as her teachers because out of all of us I believe we know the most. It's also amazing how Malia connected with both me and Peter is such little time.


Just a filler! Hang with me.

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