Wild Fire (Teen Wolf)

By Calla_Lily_8970

108K 2.8K 384

"She is Beautiful but she's Beautiful in the way a Forest Fire is Beautiful. Something to be admired in the d... More

Wild Fire
Chapter 1 - Pack
Chapter 2 - Blood
Chapter 3 - Gone Girl
Chapter 4 - The Dog Family
Chapter 5 - Control
Chapter 6 - Hell's Day
Chapter 7 - Allies
Chapter 8 - Truths
Chapter 9 - Rave
Chapter 10 - Dusk
Chapter 11 - After Dark
Chapter 12 - Teachings
Chapter 13 - Lost and Found
Chapter 14 - Free
Chapter 16 - Wild Ones
Chapter 17 - The London Sisters Part 1
Chapter 18 - The London Sisters Part 2
Chapter 19 - Moments
Chapter 20 - Battlefield
Chapter 21 - Quiet before the Storm...
Chapter 22 - ..And what a Storm it will be
Chapter 23 - Fierce
Chapter 24 - Aftermath
Chapter 25 - Royals
Author's Note
The War to Come
The End Part One
The End Part Two
The End Part Three
The End Part Four

Chapter 15 - Unthinkable

3K 96 14
By Calla_Lily_8970

"Give it to me" I bark with my eyes narrowing dangerously.

He matches my sour look with a deep frown and his eyes flash an electric blue in warning.

"And enlighten me why I would do that?" He exhales sharply to show his annoyance and I feel my teeth clench.

"Because I'm an alpha" my own eyes flash crimson and I feel my grip tighten on the object threatening to break it. "Give. Me. It. Now" I say slower as if he couldn't comprehend.

Peter gives me an are-you-serious glower before even thinking of a reply. "So what?!" He nearly yells "just because you have the red eyes doesn't mean anything if I'm not in your pack."

"1st of all, I have gorgeous eyes." My reply is instant and he rolls his eyes at that one. "2nd of all, if you want to be in my pack Peter all you have to do is ask" I fake sweetness with a fake ass smile until it returns into a frown like before.

He leans forward from across the steel table to answer me "I'd rather lose my finger again" he holds up his crippled hand and I cringe at the sight of the sewed up finger he has.

Instinctively I lean back as he shoves it in my face. "You never did tell me how that happened. I don't wanna know do I? oh good god get it out of my face Peter" I smack his hand away and he flinches and sucks in a breath and I realize that must of hurt.

Oh well, he's a big boy.

"Hunters did it, sweetheart. What do you think happened?" He asks in confusion.

I huff out a whatever before getting back to my point. "Give it, Peter" I demand but all he does is give me a pointed look.

"You realize that we're never going to settle this right?" His free hand rubs over his face like he's tired.

Bitch please, I can go all night.

As much as I hate to admit but he's right. I can go on forever but do I want to? Nope. Not one bit. I have bigger fish to fry and I can't spend my time bickering with Peter.

"Then what do you suggest, mister" I ask with a slight snap to my voice.

He rolls his eyes at my tone but continues anyway. He sticks his fisted hand out and hovers it over the table without breaking eye contact.

When I realize what he's doing I give him a look. What is he, a child? I haven't even seen Kira do this since she was 6 years old. He can't be serious.

"Wow." I mutter under my breath "you act even younger than me."

"Do you have a better way?!" He raises his voice "I'd love to hear it, Katerina."

I ponder that for a moment... I can't think of anything else we can do. I mean if we duke it out then I'd win because I'm stronger. If we play "who's the most obnoxious" then Peter would win. There's not something that we both equally can do. I guess this could work. I don't see why not. It's a game of chances and luck, you don't have to be smart or strong for a game like this. You just deal and who ever loses, too bad.

"Screw it" I growl under my breath but reluctantly sticks my free hand out and clenched it into a fist. My hand hovers beside Peter who smirks.

On a silent signal we both move our fist up and down 2 times and the last time our hands come from their clench position and forms one of the 3 shapes. Mine was flat like paper. Peter has two fingers sticking out as scissors.

Scissors beat paper.

Peter's smirk widens and he gingerly takes the chocolate chip cookie out of my fingers. "I'll take that, Ms. London"

My eyes are wide and my blood boils with annoyance. I never win at rock, paper, scissors anyway. I don't know what possessed me to play the stupid game with him.

My lips curl over my mouth to bare my lengthening fangs and a snarl rips through my throat but that doesn't effect Peter.

He sits back on the chair and props his feet up on the table. He takes a bite of the cookie and looks at me "fantastic" his voice is muffle due to the food in his mouth and I have the urge to smack him a couple hundred times.

I take a threatening step toward him as he lounges. He's a smart ass and I have a short temper, I don't think anyone would really question why he would be strung up over the tarriest by his stupid sewn up finger.

"Hey don't be a sore loser" he points his finger at me and I narrow my eyes "Possession is 9/10ths of the law, sweetheart"

I scoff at his bull shit "You're an ass" I snap at him which only causes him to chuckle. I take another step toward him.

Before I could lay a claw on him a familiar voice hit my ears and has me freeze in place.

"While I think it's smart to bring me with you, I still think this is insane" I cringe in distaste when I recognize the voice of Allison outside the loft door with Lydia whose girly perfume is bombarding my nose.

My eyes catch Peter's and he rolls his eyes obviously feeling more distasteful about an Argent being here.

"I tried to find Stiles and I lead everyone in a mental institution. I call that a colossal failure" sure enough there's that strawberry blonde talking about what it seems like a personal issue. "Look I really need to figure this out and they are the only ones offering help"

Peter shakes his head when I point at myself questioningly and simply points to himself like that explains everything.

"It's not a offering. They want to manipulate you into getting what they want" Allison shoots back.

Peter points to me this time with a smirk and I flip him off. I may manipulate some... or a lot, doesn't matter, but what would I want from two teenage girls? I'm more into taking things from adults who have a better chance at defending themselves. But teenagers? I don't manipulate them, that's a waste of time, I just steal whatever I want from them.

Peter on the other hand...

The loft door slides open which makes both of us look over at the two. I don't care about Lydia, my attention is instantly on the hunter. I hate hunters and I don't trust them.

"The hunter and the banshee" Peter muses and stands to greet them. Wait, he knew they were coming? Why? And Banshee, really?

A banshee is just a schizophrenic supernatural that can hear voices in their heads. They don't scare me it's just they freak me out and their screams burst my ear drums. Not my top 5 favorite supernatural I admit.

"You brought a hunter into my home?" my tone is emotionless but on the inside I'm burning with annoyance. My head tilts to the side slightly as I examine the girl for any weapons. I know she does but it says a lot about a hunter if you can see them. When weapon's are exposed for someone to see it shows they are reckless and thoughtless.

When I see no weapon visible my lips form a straight line. I should have known the Argent family would keep them hidden because I hate to admit but there the best hunters I've seen in my lifetime with a damn perfect aim.

Peter stands beside me and matches my stance with arms crossed over his chest. "She goes" he nods at Allison who glares back at him. Tension is rising but I guess we can't do much about that. Her family did kill Peter's and he didn't help the situation when he killed her psycho Aunt Kate.

I glare furiously at the Argent and my eyes flash crimson in warning "You heard him. Shoo" I snap in a very bitchy tone but I don't play nice with hunters who play with fire. Well technically I hated the Argent's before the fire for just being themselves but after the fire it gave me motive.

Her glare shifts to me but Lydia cuts in with a grimace on her lips that tell me I won't like where this is headed. "Yeah" she drags the word out "The last time I was alone with you I almost bleed out on the Lacrosse field. She stays"

Well that goes to show that Peter makes friends where ever he goes.

"You really think I was trying to kill you? When I bit you, you were my back up plan. Not to mention the bite was what draw out your powers. I was the spark that lite your fire, sweetheart" Peter smirks smugly at her now and for once I'm thanking he's not doing it toward me because it irks me.

"You nearly killed her" Allison cuts in with a smart ass tone.

"Powers don't come without a little pain, girl" a mean smirk graces my lips at the thought of how I embraced my alpha status. A little pain can change you entirely. Allison gives me that glare again since I interrupted. So she could and I couldn't?

Allison turns to her friend "They're insane" I chuckle at her comment. "Let's go" she grabs her hand and Lydia hesitantly follows her toward the loft door.

"How did we end up being teachers to teenagers, Peter?" I mutter quietly so they couldn't hear and I don't look off the girl's leaving.

"Because despite your morality to help Malia I know you want something from her like I want something from them" my smirk grows and he talks louder for the girls to hear before I can respond "You want the truth, Lydia? The scream doesn't give you power it drowns everything else out so you can hear"

Lydia freezes and Allison stops to look back at her. This isn't Allison's business. If Lydia wants to learn what she is then we can help her.

"But you want something in return?" Allison says emotionless.

"No, I dedicated my life into helping out narcissistic teenage girls" Peter replies sarcastically. "Yes, of course I want something in return" he leaves his spot by me to walk around the table to fetch a cylinder box that has the 3 spiral triskelion on the top that looks like Derek's tattoo. He unscrews the top off and tilts the cylinder in a slanted upside position so something fell out of it.

Not just something. 5 small things fell from the cylinder box that looks an awful lot like claws. When I peer closer I see they are claws from a werewolf. I don't know weather to be concerned at Peter's morbid keep sake or freaked out. Either way it's not really normal.

"These are the only remains of my sister, Talia, after the fire." Peter informed us and my concern bracket just flew higher. I loved Talia like my 2nd mother but seriously? They kept her claws in a way to remember her. I understand that even the claws left by the powerful alpha are useful but... seriously?

Allison walks back over to us hesitantly like we might bite. Peter I don't know about but me on the other hand bites hard. She moves pass me and I refrain from any action popping into my head at this very second. So many ways just to break her pretty little neck...

"Before the fire Talia stole a specific memory of mine" Peter continues as she picks up one of the claws to observe it. "Something only a very powerful alpha can do-" smugness rises in my chest just thinking about how easily I can take a memory away "-that memory is locked in those claws"

Why would Talia do that? It had to be for a reason because I know she hated to do that to her family but they were all just troublemakers. I would know because my parents had to do that to me and my sisters... we were troublemakers too...

"Why would your sister steal a memory from you?" Lydia asks strolling back over to stand by her protector.

Peter gave her a pointed look "Well if I remembered the memory then I would be able to tell you" the annoyance in his voice is clear and I'm betting on when he'd snap at these girls.

By the looks of things I give him 20 minutes tops.

Both me and Allison look in between these two head strong people that are both so stubborn that it brings tears to my eyes. I know whats going on in both of our heads right now and when we look at each other it's like a silent agreement passes between us. When this turns bad-which it will- I'll hold Peter back while she holds Lydia back.

Lydia smirks but it's strained as she moves closer to the claws. "What do I do?" she asks him.


Kill me. Kill me right now.

I burry my head in my hands in attempt to ignore them but their arguing has been going on for 10 minutes and it's racking my nerves. My elbows dig into my thighs and my teeth grit together so furiously that I think they might chip at any moment.

"Focus!" Peter yells at her for the 5th time in the last 10 minutes and I'm really sick of the word.

We all should have known this wouldn't have worked and I should have left when they walked in but noooo, my stupid curiosity screws me every time. I've heard the saying "Curiosity killed the cat" or wolf in my case but the stupid side of me always has to be involved. Why can't I let stuff slide?

"I am focusing" Lydia snarls back. For a human she's quite good at it.

I raise my head and stand from my position on the couch "She's new at this, Peter" I try to reason with him but who ever gets through to the Hale family deserves a fucking medal because it's never been done. I make my way over to their little group. Peter who looks overly annoied leans against the table, Lydia is currently pacing like that will help her focus, and Allison who looks ready to shoot herself with her own crossbow.

"She's not focusing, Kat" he snaps at me now. I roll my blue eyes at him but say no more. This is between him and Lydia. His attention goes back on to the banshee "I can see the wheels spinning behind your eyes. Your hearing is attuned to a level of the universe that no one else can hear but only if your listening"

Lydia turns back around to pace back toward the other wall "I'm trying"

That seemed to be the tipping point and I can literally see something snap in Peter's eyes "Try harder" the loft fills with his snarl that sounds more animal than human. When he took a couple steps toward her is when the shit really hit the fan.

Allison whips out a large wand type thing and aims it at Peter. She presses a button and shock waves ignite around the teaser that's built to take down werewolves.

At the threat in my home and near Peter the loft fills with my own growl and my eyes heat up telling me that their the color of blood I will spill if Allison does anything. I really don't care what Scott will think of me if I killed her. I just want her gone however I won't advance toward her until she does anything to actually harm him.

I knew she had to have had a weapon somewhere hiding under her coat. She's lucky she didn't point it at me or there would be a deep slit going ear to ear on her little body.

"You Hale's never could keep your anger in check" I spit out venomously at him but they both ignore me.

Exactly the second later Peter whips out his claws and of course he chooses now to be a smart ass when their is a weapon at his throat. It's surprising he's not dead...again. "Your aunt had one of those" he motions toward the teaser "Auntie Kate" he taunts.

I throw my arms up in the air in frustration. Out of everything he could say-literally everything- he chooses to bring up the aunt he killed right in front of her eyes. Does he have a fucking death wish? He's just asking for it now.

"Stop it" Lydia mutters silently with her back still facing away from us and the action that's going on.

"Didn't do much good when I ripped her throat out, did it?"

"Dammit Peter" I gaped at them. My eyes shift between them nervously.

"She didn't shove it up your-"

"STOP IT!" Lydia interrupts the foul language Allison was about to spew off and she throws the claws in her hands toward my head. My head?! Why is it always my head? Why not Peter or Allison's head?

I duck in time for the claws to skim the top of my head and by the way, just for the record, the sharp ends of the claws were barreling toward me. Not that my safety ever means anything.

My ears perk up when I hear the sound of wood cracking behind me and I stand back up straight again and glare murderously at Lydia who looks to be in a haze while looking at me. No, not looking at me, behind me. That's when I notice the other two take a break from bickering to stare behind me too. I slowly turn to see what their all looking at and my eye brows furrow slightly in confusion at the site.

The Sharp part of the claws are lodged in the wooden pillar standing behind me and I think we're all surprised at how accurate she threw those and hard enough that they actually stuck. That's when we turn our amazed stares back around on Lydia who looks slightly pale all the sudden.

She slowly walks passed the two, her eyes never leaving the claws and she looks concentrated. She's hearing something. Finally after 20 minutes she hears something and all it took was an Argent and a Hale to bicker quiet evilly. Lydia walks by me and we all follow her with our eyes, wondering what she can hear that makes her so on edge suddenly.

What could Talia have taken from Peter that was so bad? We should have left this whole thing alone and went out for ice cream or something.

"What are they saying?" Peter asks her "Is it the memory?" Lydia continues her way until she inches away from the claws and by her tense expression what she's hearing isn't what she expected. "What did Talia take from me?"

When Lydia turns back around to face us I feel my own body tense at how shocked she looks. Like someone just killed her dog. Her mouth is dropped to the ground and her eyes reflect too many emotions to count but the one that stands out is pure bafflement. Reluctantly she looks Peter in the eye.

"Your not just an uncle"

At first I think she's joking. That there is no way this could be true but the look she's giving Peter makes it real. No one can be that serious when pulling out the... father card. It's even unordinary to think it.

The breath leaves my lungs and now Lydia isn't the only one shocked. I'm pretty sure all of us are frozen right about now. I open my mouth to say something but nothing processes in my head with the thoughts jumbling together in confusion. What do you say to this? Oh, sorry that your sister took memories away that involved your kid. There's no cards for that in hallmark!

My wide eyes look upon Lydia and my tense posture can't move an inch. It's a lot to process even for me. I can't imagine looking at Peter right now to see the look on his face. Peter being a dad... I can't see it. Not only is he selfish but he has that psycho edge to him... suddenly thinking of that edge I really hope his kid didn't get that trait. I hope it's more like it's mom for everyone's sake.

Why would Talia take away that memory in particular? It wasn't her business and she had no right to do that. Peter has a kid and he has a right to know. It's not like he was planning world domination with it.

I faintly hear Peter say something but it's not clear in my fuzzy state of mind. As I snap out of my thoughts I see Lydia backing up slightly still looking puzzled. "I don't know. I don't know it's name or if it's a boy or a girl. Or is it some mutated wolf baby"

Even in my hazy state I can hear her heartbeat race and when it jumps at her words it means she's lying. Peter must have heard it too because he steps around me in a threatening manner to glare at Lydia.

"You're lying" he accuses with a deep frown. "Tell me what you know!" the air rings with his voice "Tell me" he demands again in a growl and before he can lay a claw on her there's a burst of light in the loft and a zapping noise.

Peter falls to the ground seizing and that's when my self-control withers at the sight of the teaser sparking in the Argent's hand. Both Allison and Lydia's head snap toward me when hearing a snarl leave my lips. Allison steps in front of the banshee with the teaser pointed at me. She knew if she did that then she would have to do it to me too. Or attempt to at least.

That pretty little electric tool may work on omegas but let's see it work on an alpha.

When she lunges toward me with the hunting tool I dodge easily. On the follow through of her swing I spin on one foot with one leg stretched out with my toe claws bared. A move as easy as breathing for me and always hits it's target unlike her toy. I'm careful about what part of the taser I hit and my bare foot makes contact with the handle part effectively knocking it out of her hand and giving her 3 scratches on her wrist that are not very deep.

The Argent gasps at the slight sting and her weapon clashes to the ground. Before she could process anything my hand grasps a fist full of her shirt and yank her close to me so our faces are inches from each other. My crimson eyes glare heatedly into her brown eyes and I have to refrain from tearing her throat out with my fangs.

"there are no weapons in my loft, Argent" I spit out the word like it's acid in my mouth. "The only thing keeping me from ripping into you is the fact that I'll be public enemy number 1 and that makes me out of the loop. Been there, done that. It's not fun" I let go of her and look at them both "Both of you get out" they waste no time in scurrying out the door.


I am so proud of our boy Dylan o'brien for his role in the Maze Runner. The movie was amazing and I loved it! I just feel bad about others out there just discovering him now instead of the hyper active spaz on teen wolf we all know and love.

Remember teen wolf fandom we were here first!! :)

On an unrelated note I have mixed feelings about the cover of this story and I was wondering if my lovelies could help me with that. Send me pictures or ideas on my messages of cool covers and I'll dedicate a chapter of wild fire to you.

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