The Uchiha's (Sasuhina) Compl...

By littlebear9297

106K 3.4K 1.3K

This story is my first SASUHINA. At first it was meant to be the struggles of Sasuke being a parent without H... More

Chapter 2. 🌼
Chapter 3.🌸
Chapter 4.πŸ…
Chapter. 5 🌺
My lovely readers 😘
Chapter. 6 🌷
Chapter. 7 🌹🌹🌻🌻
Chapter. 8❄️❄️
Chapter. 9πŸŒ¨β„οΈ
Chapter. 10 🌡🌡
Chapter. 11 πŸ’
Chapter. 12 πŸŒ¨β˜€οΈ
Chapter. 13 ⭐️⭐️
Chapter. 14 ✨
Chapter. 15 ?
Epilougue ??
New story 😍😊

Chapter 1. 🌻

21.1K 394 213
By littlebear9297

The rain fell heavily, and fast making it almost impossible to walk outside, it seems like even the heavens are feeling the sadness of the Hidden leaf village, for it has been exactly 3 months since Uchiha Hinatas death.

The lovely and gentle ex heiress of the great Hyuga Clan. Everyone still continues to mourn for it was thanks to her that they were still alive. She was able to defeat a great enemy, that had almost ended the whole Village.

It was thanks to that bravery that everyone was able to live on but at what cost. She left behind a husband and kids, not just 3, but 7 lovely kids.

6 boys and a beautiful baby girl that is the exact image of the late mother.

The little girl with her beautiful pale lavender eyes that hold the Byakugan unlike all her older brothers that all hold the sharingan, with her lovely black/blue hair and pale porcelain skin. It was like a revived Hinata.

She even had all her shyness, absolutely adorable when she gets flustered, which is often, and starts poking her pointer fingers, the exact same way as her mother used to. It brings to many people slight sadness for that was Hinatas little mini me down to the bone.

And sometimes it is very hard to many, that Hinata was not able to live long and enjoy a lovely daughter. Everyone knew how much she and her husband wished for a baby girl.

Everyone can still remember how happy she was when she finally had a beautiful baby girl. They named her Miyoko which means : A beautiful and Charming child.

If only Hinata where alive to keep on loving her children. Everyone always wondered how Sasuke and Hinata came about, not even close friends knew about them. That's why when Hinata left and came back from a mission with Uchiha robes many were surprised, outraged, curious, dumbfounded and in disbelief, it took getting used to.

Many thought at first that the Ex Avenger had forced their Hime. But it soon came announced that it was a clan matter and no more talk about it, that was that and no one could interfere in the matter.

Everyone saw how her eyes sparkled even more after getting married. Everyone saw how she looked more happy, she smiled more so no one asked.

After 5 months of marriage everyone noticed a baby bump and after a while Sasuke and Hinata Uchiha had their first children, yes you read that right, twin boys.

Hikaru & Haru Uchiha they had their mothers hair but their fathers everything else including the Sharingan.

After a year when the twins turned 1 Hinata became pregnant again with her 3rd child. Many were surprised at how quickly that came about. But no one dared ask not even friends, they would see Sasuke out more often. But no one could catch a glimpse of emotion, his face was always unreadable.

Well that is Sasuke Uchiha after all.

The day came when Hinata had her 3rd child Saburo Uchiha that had the late Itachi Uchihas markings on his cheeks with Hinatas more pale complexion. But Sasuke's obsidian hair and eyes just like the twins.

When everyone was sure that Sasuke was done with children.
Because rumor was that he would get irritated with his kids and hit them. Of course no one knew the real Sasuke except Hinata and her kids.

They were a private family and that is how they liked it.

After the Uchihas 3rd son was born a month later the new Hokages first and only son was born and everyone stoped talking about the Uchihas for everyone was saddened for their Hokage, because his wife had died at child birth.

That's when everyone noticed that The Hokage would leave his new born son in the care of the Uchihas. Everyone would always wonder what went on in that district but no one ever aprouched.

2 years later Hinata was pregnant again and a close friend told one person, who told another, that they were hoping for a girl. Of course everyone was still floored and very curious on how Hinata was able to still continue to have kids.

Again everyone talked but no one dare say anything directly to them they would see the family along with the Hokages only son when at an outing. Everyone always extremely curious about The Uchihas.

They would see Hinatas big pregnant belly and Sasuke carrying his 2 year old son along with the 2 year old Uzumaki and his 3 year old twins holding onto his pants while walking beside him on each side. Everyone started to be a little less afraid of the great Uchiha for he no longer looked so scary with so many toddlers around him. Hinata like always with her happy sparkling eyes and shining wide smile along with the great stoic Uchiha.

Everyone was hoping that this time she would get her wish of a little girl. Even though she did not get her wish she was not disappointed when having another set of twin boys which were named Suoh & Ryuu Uchiha and those two looked like an exact replica of Sasuke nothing of Hinata besides the big bubble eyes of her. But nothing else, Sasukes look a likes to the bone.

And after a while everyone thought that they would be done having so many children when passing by the district many could hear the laughter and screams of children playing so many just stopped rumoring, for they have never seen anything suspicious that they could rumor about.

Everything went fine the Uchihas were happy as far as anyone knew and everything was fine.

Until exactly 4 years after the last twins were born lady Hinata was pregnant again many people thought "well we knew Sasuke Uchiha needed to revive his clan but wow this is insane".

And after 3 pregnancy's 5 boy's and basically adopting the Hokages only son that was inseparable from the Uchiha Family they finally had a Little girl.

And everyone thought that everything would be wonderful sadly Hinata was not able to be happy for long. Two months after Miyoko turned one the inevitable happened.

An enemy came along and was about to strike The Village with a great chackra infused ball. Everyone was down Hinata knew that she had to do something Naruto was Knocked out and Sasuke was out of chackra and barely conscious.Through hooded eyes he could see Hinata hover over him and place a soft kiss and murmur in his ear, in her soft sweet voice.

"I have always beleaved in you, you are an amazing Otousan. You guys are all my happiness. Thank you Sasuke for giving me so much happiness".

Everything happened so fast the last thing he felt was a kiss on his lips, and a squeeze and warmth of her body. But he was to weak to move much and his only arm barely lifted. He reached out to her, he felt her soft face, he saw her lovely pale lavender eyes, her long soft beautiful hair, and her smile that he loved so much.

Through his weakened state he murmured her name that has gone past his lips far too many times to count but he loved it. "Hi-I-na.... H-in-ata No" he reached out his only arm towards her willing her with his mind to comeback to him, for he knew that he would rather die with her, than live withought her. Call him selfish he loved his kids unconditionally, but Hinata was his everything.

He has cried many times in front of her and he is no longer ashamed to admit it but with all his last strength he possessed, tears slipping from his eyes at a rapid speed, he rolled to the side with his last strength and with his only arm tried to reach out to her again.

He saw through his blurred vision , his whole world stand up to the enemy. Her hair waving in the breeze, her face scraped up, her vest no longer on her body, only her fish net shirt, and her black pants ripped in many places from the battle, blood all over her, Making it difficult to distinguish if the blood was even hers.

Sasuke is sure he looked far worse. But he gave no care in the world.

With her back to him he saw her turn one more time to him and smile wide, her eyes sparkling,with tears running down her rosy cheeks. Each tear that fell cleaning the dirt of her lovely pale skin.

He saw her lips moving and unfortunately at the last second he comprehended what she had said, but it was too late. She activated her Byakugan swirled around and with her twin fist lions punched the Enemy, her arm going through his chest.
He was so concentrated on the chakra infused bomb he hadn't enough time to stop her.

Everyone that was conscious saw that in mere seconds the Chakra infused ball became smaller but no one was quick enough. The man grabbed Hinata by the hair and punched her in the stomach and they both exploded no body left behind no nothing just a small sparkle left in their spot.

Sasuke could not breath so with his last breath before falling unconscious screamed out with all his might her name one last time. Some that were conscious but in pain, saw that he tried standing but failed and fell face first and into a state of unconsciousness.

After everything there was chaos many villagers started helping the ninjas but no one had much experience like the ninjas.

At last when many thought all was lost reinforcements came from the Village Hidden In The Sand, but they were too late it did not matter that they were the closest, it didn't matter that The Kazekage dropped everything to help his friend and his village, the damage was done and the battle over. Many lives were lost.

The Kazekage and his people could only tend to the injured. But that was enough for the Hidden Leaf Village.

After 1 month a lot of ninjas were getting better but some were still unconscious. Including Sasuke.

After 3 months finally Sasuke woke up, and the first thing he saw was that he was in a white room. Out the window that was slightly opened it showed that it was night. But at the far corner there was a lamp that was still on. Odd

He looked around some more and saw a table next to him with a vase of roses. Hearing a small giggle he looked on the floor in left corner he saw 5 futons squeezed together and his kids including the blond Uzumaki on them laying down fast asleep. The only one that was awake was his only daughter she was sitting down playing with Ryuu's hair.

As if feeling his stare she turned her small body towards him. Her black blue hair was cut to frame her lovely round face, her big bubble lavender eyes looked at him and his breath hitched, she looked so much like her mother it hurt. He squeezed his eyes shut images running through his mind of that day.

He opened his eyes when he heard small steps coming towards him. His baby girl was walking to him.


Hinata was extremely excited that she had cried running outside their house while he was training.

He remembered her tugging him from his sleeve, not saying anything and then grabbing his arm, pulling him towards their home.

At first He was a little bit worried but she was smiling big so he was more curious now, his baby girl had just turned 11 months, and when he went inside he saw all his boys around their baby sister while Noboru (Narutos son)was holding her up.

He let her go while Sasukes oldest twins were holding their arms out in a motion for Miyoko to walk towards them, but when she saw her Tou-San standing left of her she turned and on wobbly chubby legs walked towards him slowly but excitedly.

Sasuke knelt down and when at arms reach he hugged her to him. While the boys cheered all at once talking about how she had walked longer this time.

He looked up and saw Hinata with one hand over her mouth with tears falling but he knew by her sparkling eyes that she was happy.

He had become use to this after 6 kids every little thing made her cry but they were always happy tears so he didn't mind.

Flashback over

He looked at Miyoko again she was smiling looking back at him.

"T- t-tou-San sl-lee-pp" she said in her soft voice, poking her two index fingers, big pale lavender eyes darting around avoiding eye contact, with blushing cheeks getting redder by the second, just like her Kaasan. His heart monitor started accelerating the beeping noice getting louder but he just starred at his daughter.

He didn't know where it came from but he started feeling so much anger all over his body he started shaking. Anger at how things turned out. Anger at how life cruelly played with him.

All his boys woke up with a start and ran to him jumping on him, that snapped him out of his angered state seeing all of his boys crying talking at once.

"We thought you wouldn't wake up Tou-San"

"We were afraid we would loose you too"

"We are so glad you are awake"

"Thank Kami you are awake tou-san"

"Tou-San (sob) tou-San (son, sniffle,sob)"

"Promise that you will not leave us Tou-San PROMISE"

Sasuke was at a loss of words he felt his breath come out roughly, his chest tightened and his through clogged up in pain, feeling it hard to breath.

And he reminded himself he is not the only one suffering 7 kids with small, but big hearts also lost their whole world, they lost a mother, a friend, a smile, and a piece of their small hearts.

And with a huge knot in his throat, with tears falling from his eyes, he wondered how long had he been unconscious? How long did he leave his small children to fend for themselves? How long did he leave them to deal with the death of their mother alone? Did they really comprehend that she would never come back? I'm sure they did his children were smart they knew of the deaths of their uncles Neji and Itachi.

How long did he leave them crying not knowing how to deal with their feelings. Whenever they would cry Hinata was there, she was there when something happened,  she was there to talk and comfort them, hell she was there for him also when he needed it, she was the best mother anyone could ever wish for.

And in that room while he tried to hug all of his sons including the blond Uzumaki that was holding Miyoko in his arms. He reminded himself that he was not the only one hurting 7 small hearts were in great pain also.

Sooo what do you guys think ?😁😁 well I hope you guys like it until next time✌🏽 things will start getting a little rough for the kids. 💔

Littlebear🐻🐻 Out ✌🏽✌🏽

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