Percy Jackson, The Heir of Sl...

By darkarchangel2

763K 17.3K 29.4K

Perseus Jackson, or, Percy Jackson. The name most monsters and demigods have heard of. The two time savior of... More

Author's Note
Voldemort? Who?
I'm meeting my grandfather
He isn't bad after all!
Diagon Alley
Annabeth's pissed
Hogshorts here I come
Annabeth would love it
I'm a natural!
we screwed up
You cold hearted monster!
Terrible news
What the hell is going on?
Lady Hecate
Alaska is really cold
I did not expect that
I really couldn't care
we ain't staying here
I'm sorry
I did it, Annabeth
Facing an overjoyed and excited blonde
Ron, back off
This is new
It's just a joke!
Another war?
The enemy is who?
It's not your fault, Percy
Being a teacher is amazing
Kronos is scary
Traitor uncovered.
Give me answers, or die!
Now I'm scared....
Step up your game, lazy pigs.
Don't underestimate us
The war (part 1)
The war (part 2)
Grief and burials

This isn't good.

5.2K 148 94
By darkarchangel2

[Ron] (I realized I haven't done his POV in a long time.)

I followed Harry and Hermione into Hogwarts, leaving the rest of the stunned class outside. We hurried past the Great Hall and charged up several flights of stairs until we skidded to a halt in front of Professor McGonagall's office, panting heavily. 

I raised my hand and knocked frantically on the wooden door and stepped back to stand beside Harry and Hermione. We waited for a few moments before the door opened revealing a flustered  Headmistress. 

"My goodness, you don't have to be so loud! What's the matter?" She asked. 

"When Percy and Annabeth were hosting their class, Percy got attacked by some sort of giant black hound and a titan. A titan that was sent by Kronos to capture Percy." Harry explained. "They're both in the hospital wing right now, Percy got a pretty nasty cut to his arm and the titan stabbed his shoulder." 

Professor McGonagall's eyes widened in shock and horror. "The war started already?" "No. This was probably just a surprise attack." Hermione interjected. "No one else was harmed." 

"I have to go see Perseus right this instant." Professor McGonagall brushed past them and hustled down the stairs, her robes billowing out around her. I hastily scrambled after her with Harry and Hermione on my heels. 

All four of us burst into the hospital wing to see Madame Pomfrey fussing over an irritated looking Percy. He was sitting on a bed with a cloth pressed against his bleeding wound on his arm, and the knife stab in his shoulder was already bandaged. 

Annabeth was sitting beside Percy reading a book she probably got from the library and she glanced up when she heard us enter. Professor McGonagall strode over to Percy and questioned "Perseus, are you alright?" 

"Yes! I've been asked that so many times. I've been injured way worse than this before." Percy grumbled. "What did the titan want with you?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"Basically Krios said Kronos gave him new orders to capture me and bring me to him so that when the war starts, he can kill me in front of all you guys." Percy rolled his eyes. 

I was quite surprised he didn't seem worried or troubled at all that he had titans hunting him down. 

"You're not scared?" I asked in disbelief. "Because if I were you, I'd be running as far away as I could from here." Percy raised an eyebrow and lowered the bloodied cloth away from the gash in his arm. 

"Why should I be scared? I've gotten so many death threats over the years that I've learned to just ignore them. I'll be scared when I see my friends and everyone else I care about die. No, not just scared. Furious. If I die, I die. I'm a demigod. Most of us don't even live past adulthood." 

Annabeth discarded the book and leaned over, clasping Percy's free hand in hers. "If you die on me, seaweed brain, there's no place in the world that you can escape from my wrath." 

I smiled at the two. They really were an amazing couple. I couldn't imagine one living without the other. 

Percy paled as Annabeth squeezed his hand. "Okay..... well styx. I'll make a point of not dying just for you." A smile appeared at the corner of Annabeth's mouth as she released Percy's hand. "That's what I want to hear." 

"We're not going to let the titans get to you, Perseus. I'll tighten the security over Hogwarts." Professor McGonagall turned and left just as Percy opened his mouth. 

"Dam it, she didn't even need to do that. I can take care of myself just fine." Percy cursed. Annabeth rolled her eyes as she picked the book up again and opened it. "Come on Percy, we all know you at least need a bit more security to make sure no titans come creeping in." 

"Whatever." Percy grouched as he rose to his feet and dumped the bloody towel on a table. He then snatched up another cloth and went over to Annabeth. 

She looked up from her book and saw Percy grinning at her. "Wise Girl, can you help me tie the cloth around the wound?" Annabeth smirked as she put the book down again and took the cloth from Percy.

"Of course." She wound the cloth around the red angry gash on Percy's arm and tied it tightly to stop any blood from flowing out. 

"Thanks." Percy turned to us and his expression turned serious. "So that was your first ever encounter with a titan. What do you think?" I glanced at Harry and Hermione and decided to let them answer this question. 

Harry fidgeted with the bottom of his shirt and muttered "Honestly, I was terrified. Krios literally oozed power, Percy. And Kronos is obviously going to be stronger. What are we going to do?" 

"There's no other option but to fight, Harry." Percy sat back down on the bed and watched as Madame Pomfrey exited the hospital wing, grumbling to herself about obnoxious teenagers. "We can't let Kronos get what he wants. And he wants all of us dead." 

Hermione bit her bottom lip nervously. "And I thought Voldemort was the worst possible person alive." 

Percy laughed humourlessly. "Voldemort is a kitten compared to Kronos and what we demigods have faced. If you wizards were to fight against the titan king, you'd all lose in a heartbeat." 

I was offended that Percy was basically calling us weak, but I thought about what he had said. It was true that if our kind went against Kronos, we would lose. Why? Because we aren't skilled in any form of weapons whatsoever. And the titan that attacked us before, we were barely able to defeat him. 

I glanced over at Harry and saw him scowling, but he didn't say anything. Annabeth cleared her throat to break the tense silence and said "I think it's dinnertime. You guys go ahead, Percy and I will catch up later." 

"Sure." I grabbed Hermione and Harry by the arm and practically dragged them out of the hospital wing. Once the door shut, they both turned to me. 

"You didn't have to drag us out here, Ron, bloody hell!" Harry snapped, rubbing his arm. "I hate to admit this, but I'm scared." Hermione murmured. 

Harry stopped rubbing his arm to stare at her. His green eyes were literally glowing in the darkness of the hallway. 

"You're scared of what, sorry?" "I'm scared for this upcoming war. This is going to be much harder then when we went against Voldemort. People we didn't even know existed until a week ago is going to invade our home." Hermione whispered.

I moved past Harry to sling an arm around her shoulder in a reassuring way. "We can do this. The enemy is going to regret trying to take over Hogwarts. Plus, we have experienced people to help us like Percy and Annabeth." 

"I suppose so." Hermione said, but she sounded unconvinced. 

"Percy's an amazing fighter. He killed Krios in the end, and even I know that titans are extremely hard to beat." I continued. 

"We can talk about how we're all going to die later, I'm starving." Harry interrupted. I laughed and moved my arm off of Hermione's shoulder. "Well what do you know, I'm starving too!" 

"Boys." Hermione grumbled but we walked down the hallway and took the stairs down to the dining hall. 

When we entered, we saw many people gathered around the Slytherin table. I squinted and saw Percy and Annabeth in the middle of the crowd. When we walked past the Slytherin's, I heard many people asking about what happened during the class. 

"Idiots. They can just find out what happened when Professor McGonagall tells them." Hermione mused as we took our seats at the Gryffindor table. 

Sure enough, Professor McGonagall walked into the Great Hall and shouted at everyone to return to their original seats. "Goodness gracious, I can tell you all what happened!" McGonagall shook her head and took a spot at the teachers table. 

The hall instantly went quiet and everyone was staring with apprehension at the headmistress.

Professor McGonagall cleared her throat and explained how when Percy and Annabeth were hosting their combat class, Percy was attacked by a hellhound and shortly after, a titan. Many gasps were heard when the word "titan" came up, but no one spoke. 

Minerva continued on about how the titan had received new orders from Kronos to capture Percy and bring him to be killed to the Titan King. 

That news caused an uproar amongst many of the wizards, but mostly the Slytherin table. They were enraged that a titan dared to attack their fellow housemate. 

(Shocking, they care about someone else. But hey, Percy's just extremely likeable :) )

 Many of the younger students were about to faint when Professor McGonagall described the battle between the titan and Percy, Annabeth, and the Gryffindor students. 

When she was finally done explaining what had happened and how Percy had received his injuries, the hall was silent for a good five seconds before it erupted into cheers at how Percy had killed the titan in the end. 

"That's one less opponent we have to deal with!" A Hufflepuff said excitedly. 

Percy looked overwhelmed at the attention he was receiving and decided to turn some of the attention on us. "Ron, Hermione, and Harry also helped kill the titan in the end. He was about to kill me but Hermione and Ron distracted it while Harry ran over to help Annabeth who'd been hit by the titan." 

More cheers rose up into the air to praise us. I felt myself blush crimson. I wasn't normally used to attention, but I guess hanging around Harry has it's perks. 

"Alright, settle down! Eat, we have two more days until the war starts! I want all of you to train your very best!" Professor McGonagall snapped. 

Everyone quieted down once more as food magically appeared on the tables. I helped myself to some mashed potatoes and glanced up to see Hermione with a frown on her face. 

"Hermione? What's the matter now?" I asked, dumping some gravy over my potatoes. She shook her head and looked up, worry evident in her eyes. "I was thinking about what Percy said. About how fighting Voldemort is like a kitten compared to Kronos. He's right, we can't do this! We're all going to die!" 

"We're not going to die. I refuse to die this easily. What are we going to do, surrender the instant Kronos announces war on us? I don't think so." Harry said angrily. 

"We won't surrender. We can't surrender. We have to fight for what is ours, and Hogwarts is what we fight for, along with our lives." I added. 

Hermione smiled weakly. "When have you two gotten smart enough to say wise words?" 

"Hey!" Harry and I said indignantly. "We're smart!" 

Hermione chuckled quietly and reached over, pulling all of us into a giant group hug. "Thanks guys. Once this is over, we can relax." 

"Hopefully." I muttered but Harry or Hermione thankfully didn't hear me. We broke apart and ate our food in silence, but I was thinking "Why is this war happening in the first place?" 

Word count: 1889

I'm going skiing tomorrow, yay! I love skiing, apart from how cold it is outside and falling down hills...... that hurts a lot, don't try it. 

I'm going to speed up the process of this book and try to finish it by March. Even I think it's been going unbearably slow. 


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