Season 1 Corpse party (skylox...

By Space_Craigo

259 24 0

*Warning this story will have death and boy x boy* it's kinda based off corpse party (the game/anime) by the... More

Chapter 1 - where are we?
Chapter 2 - What happen
Chapter 3 - Parting ways...
Chapter 4 - Save her!
Chapter 5 - Ghost boy...
Chapter 6 - Jerome!
Chapter 7 - New people...
Chapter 8 - Ty's hurt!
Chapter 9 - The Charm
Chapter 10 - Don't die on me!
Chapter 11 - Alone...
Chapter 12 - Going insane...
Chapter 13 - Running away
Chapter 15 - Biggums!
Chapter 16 - Ross...
Chapter 17 - Slow down!
Chapter 18 - End?
short Thank you!

Chapter 14 - Finding her...

6 1 0
By Space_Craigo

(Seto Pov)

I gasped "S-Seto r-run" Jerome whispered I stared at Jessie...

"W-Why?" I asked scared she giggled "r-run!" Jerome requested me to run...

I was too startled to run... and I couldn't leave Jerome to die!

Jessie pulled the knife out and stabbed him again in the gut Jerome screamed in pain

I stood up "your going to leave him?" she giggled I felt angry and afraid

I ran up to her and pushed her off Jerome, Jerome fell on the ground in pain he groaned

"S-Seto" he whispered I pushed her to ground holding her down she kept giggling with big grin

I pushed harder on her neck I felt so angry then I was less scared... everything around didn't matter I just wanted to kill her!

"Seto?" Bruce's voice said shock I let go of her and looked behind me

Bruce was standing there surprise he looked alarmed... I looked at my hands seeing them blood stained from Jessie who had blood on her... she kept grinning

"B-Bruce?" I whispered shock

what was I doing not long ago...

I felt pain in my leg I screamed out in pain

"Seto!" Jerome and Bruce shouted...

another pain in my gut I watched as Bruce ran over and pushed Jessie on the ground...

I grabbed my gut everything fading... was I going to see Ty... see everyone who died?

I felt someone holding me... I couldn't keep my eyes open...

"S-Seto w-wake up!" Jerome's voice begged everything was blurry

"I'm s-sorry" I whispered then everything went dark...

I felt like I was flouting... am I dead? Everything was white...

I stared at Ty shock but happily run over to him and embraced him...

Ty embraced me back "hey Seto" he whispered he's voice sounded safe, clam...

"T-Ty I'm so sorry that this happened" I whispered, he didn't respond but hugged me harder

"Seto" he whispered in my ear I let go of him and looked up,

"it's not your time" he whispered he gave me a small smile I didn't know what he was on about.

"you have to go back to the people who need you" Ty said giving me a picture of all our friends but when I looked at it the spot that Ty were

I felt tears run down my cheeks he was not there in the picture... he wasn't wrapping his arm around me or Adam anymore...

I looked back at him "d-don't leave us" I whispered

I wanted to stay with Ty. He acted like a brother to me, he gave me a small sad laugh

"Seto, I've been there for you for the first time when we met, you can move on and live your life" Ty said giving me a big hug,

I kept crying not wanting to let go "I believe in you and the guys" Ty said letting go of me

he was slowly fading away... "T-Ty" I gasped wanting to stay with him, he waved bye to me

"take care of the guys" he whispered to me...

I opened my eyes to see Bruce's face he was red as he pulled away "Seto!" he gasped he pulled me into a hug

"don't leave me Seto" he whispered he was sobbing over me "glad you're ok" Jerome said happily

I took a peek at him then around the room we were inside the Nurse office I looked down at my belly seeing it's all wrap up nicely same with Jerome's but all I kept thinking about was Ty...

I started to cry letting all the tears run down Bruce kept hugging me telling me that everything is going to be fine...

(Bruce Pov)

Seto kept crying he almost died "we have to find everybody" Jerome whispered, I nodded my head

"you two got to take it easy ok?" I said eyeing Jerome. Jerome looked away from my eyes

I sigh not wanting to lose anymore friends...

We all left the Nurse office "we have to find Jess" I said but Seto gasped at Jessie's body...

I sigh not wanting him to find out what I did...

"w-what happened to her" he asked anxious, Jerome looked at me then back at him.

Her body was full of blood and she was stabbed in the neck by the knife... her left cheek was cut open and her smile was gone with sadness and fresh tears running down her cheeks...

I hold Seto's hand and walked away from her... Seto was shacking now

"d-did you do that?" he asked looking up at me... his light brown eyes full of concern, his cheek cut from the first attack... I didn't say anything...

I was angry I wasn't thinking...

Seto kept walking next to me but kept looking at Jerome then back at the flour.

We all kept walking down the hall I heard a girl scream "t-that may be Jess!" I gasped out I ran down the hall to find the room that had the screaming

"Help!" she banged harder on the door I tried opening it "Jess is that you?!" I shouted Jerome and Seto ran over to me

"B-Bruce Help me!" she gasped she kept banging harder I pulled the door with all my power but it didn't move!

Jerome tried helping but nothing! She kept screaming "S-Stay back!" she cried out

what was going on in there?!

"GIVE IT" a voice shouted, Jess screamed in pain I banged harder on the door

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" I screamed.

(Jerome Pov)

Jess slowly stopped screaming... Bruce kept banging on the door trying to break it or open it...

"JESS?!" he yelled out nothing came out of the door...

the door opened, we all gasped

she was stabbed open her insides were everywhere Seto gasped and turned around

I heard him throwing up... I didn't believe what I looking at...

"J-Jess" Bruce whispered he dropped to the ground...

I looked closer seeing her right eye gone... her other eye full of horror her eye was closing

"s-she s-still alive!" I gasped out Bruce looked at her and came closer to her

"J-Jess you're going to be fine, don't worry" he gasped more tears were coming from Jess it looked like she looked like she was trying to speak but nothing came out...

"Rest" I whispered I hold her hand "think of something happy" I said she looked at me a tiny smile came but then she stopped breathing...

I felt myself wanting to cry... Bruce didn't move

Seto was shacking now... I came over to Seto and squeezed him

"it's over just don't look" I whispered Seto was so used to have Bruce or Ty with him all the time... but Bruce was not himself...

when he killed that girl... he lost it he was smiling like he enjoyed it...

"I-I want to go home" Seto whispered he hugged me harder hiding his face...

I sigh can't Bruce see that this is breaking Seto into bits...

"Bruce... we have to go, we have to look for everybody before this happens to them" I said not caring if Bruce wanted to stay with Jess...

we had to do something right now before more people die... I felt an angry feeling but I remembered about Mitch... how he was broken... I needed to find him.

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