Unraveling ❖ Stiles Stilinksi...

By mei1524

945K 26.2K 6.5K

Pulling away reluctantly, with swollen lips and messy hair, Stiles kept his hands on her waist as he stared a... More

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Season 3B
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter: 29
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32:
Chapter 33:
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35:
Chapter 36:
Chapter 37:
Chapter 38:
Chapter 39:
Chapter 40:
Season 4:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42:
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44:
Chapter 45:
Chapter 46:
Chapter 47:
Chapter 48:
Chapter 49:
Chapter 50:
Chapter 51:
Chapter 52:
Chapter 53:
Chapter 54:
Chapter 55:
Final Book

Chapter 10:

17.6K 522 113
By mei1524

Chapter 10:

Stiles followed after Emily after she muttered something to the guy who drove them to her place before she got out. He sent the driver one last glare before quickly rushing after the brunette. He hadn't liked the way the blue eyed adonis looking guy had been looking at Emily throughout the ride.

After much persisting, she had finally told him that she had been feeding off the guy because she hadn't felt like going to the hospital to get more blood and compelled the guy to do whatever she wanted. She had also said that the driver whose name was Stan, knew that she was a vampire but just couldn't say anything as long as she compelled him.

He knew she fed on people and it shouldn't bother him but it did. It felt like a very intimate gesture and he prefered if she just drank from him. But, he couldn't exactly tell her that especially since she was currently sick.

"So, what are you going to do..." His voice trailing, after following into her house they had gone down to the base where she apparently had a locked cellar. He stared at the chains on the wall and watched as she drank from the blood bag she had gotten from the fridge.

"You're going to lock the door behind you and leave." She said bluntly, dropping the blood bag on the floor. Her skin felt clammy and she could already feel a headache coming. She knew it wouldn't be long before the hallucinations hit her.


She tensed.

"I told you I was staying here." Stiles said right back. He let out a woah as he caught her when she suddenly stumbled. He stared at her in worry. "You need to lie down." He murmured, glancing over at the small cot that was inside the cellar and laid her on it despite her small struggle.

"No." She protested weakly. She groaned. "You have to leave, Stiles."

"I'm not leaving you like this." He told her gently, laying her head in his lap as he softly ran his fingers through her brown hair.

Emily scrunched up her face, holding back a grimace when she heard a voice she hadn't heard in so long.

"Emily, my love."

Stiles placed a hand on her forehead, wincing at how warm she was. "I'll be right back." He quickly placed her head down before heading upstairs to get some water and a cloth to hopefully bring her fever down in hopes that it would at least sooth her. When he came back downstairs with the bowl of water and cloth, his brows furrowed when he saw she wasn't in the room. He set the bowl down on the chair. "Emily?" He turned around when he felt his hairs on the back of his neck stand up and his expression filled with relief when he saw her standing near the doorway. Except when he saw the furious expression on her face, he stiffened. "Em?"

"I'm going to kill you." She hissed, quickly shoving him against the wall, choking him. "You have to pay for everything that you did."

"Em, it's me, Stiles." He managed to choke out.

Her expression quickly dropped and the raging look in her eyes quickly switched to regret. "Stiles." She breathed out, pulling away from him as he began to catch his breath and stepped back when he walked towards her.

"It's okay. I'm okay." He assured her, seeing how affected she suddenly seemed.

"Please, go. I don't want to hurt you, Stiles." She said, the last thing she wanted to do was attack him like that.

He shook his head, walking towards her. "I don't care. I am not going to just leave and let you go through this alone." He said, grabbing her gently by the shoulders as she avoided eye contact with him. "I'm fine, Em. You don't have to worry about me. I can take care of myself." He led her towards the cot once more and helped her lay down.

He picked up the cool bowl of water and wet the cloth before placing it on her forehead. Her eyes fluttered shut, seeming to find it soothing. He smiled a bit to himself as he ran a finger over her cheek and it wasn't long before he found himself somewhere else.

There was a girl, maybe around ten or so and seemed eerily familiar to him. Before he could even question who she was, he took notice of her fearful expression as she cowered away from a tall, dark haired man who had a frown on his lips. But what really caught his eye was the way they were dressed. They were wearing clothes from the 1810's.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Emilya?" The man snapped. "You can not keep treating the humans with respect as if they were one of us! They are nothing but prey to us to feed on!"

Stiles's eyes widened when he looked at the girl who he now knew was Emily. Of course it was her. The brunette hair and the hazel eyes that he adored. It was her. But, why was he seeing this?

"But, father, Mama was-"


Stiles was stunned, staring at the girl as she fell to the ground and let out whimper, tears in her eyes. He felt anger surge through him. The man's yelling was drowned out as he felt himself drifting.

He gasped, breathing heavily as he stared down at Emily who was looking up at him through a weak glare. "Emily, was that guy really your dad?" He blurted out in shock.

She coughed. "You shouldn't have seen that." She mumbled weakly, hating how her mental shield seemed to be down.

"Why did... How did I see that?" He asked, looking at her.

She swallowed, too weak to push him away. "It seems like my mental defenses are down which makes it easy for someone to go in my head." She explained tiredly. "Stiles, please just go. I don't want you to see anything." She muttered, her voice softening as she fell unconscious. The memories of what happened long ago seemed to resurface.

Stiles once again found himself drifting as he wet the cloth again and placed it back on her forehead.



A young man was running through the woods, hearing the heavy footsteps chasing after him. There was no way that he would ever get home without bringing the men who were hunting him and he wasn't going to endanger his family because of a stupid mistake on his part.

The arrow whizzed past his head, barely hitting him as he dodged out of the way. He could already feel himself tiring out, pushing his body to keep moving despite the obvious effects the wolfsbane in his system. He clutched his arm, wincing at the stinging sensation. He could feel them beginning to creep behind him.

An arm suddenly shot out from one of the trees, pulling him as he yelped, only to have his mouth covered. The hand was soft and definitely feminine. His wide, dark blue orbs flickered down to the perpetrator.

It was a girl. Maybe a couple years younger than him. She was almost as tall as him, her brown hair in a low bun, a strand of hair on the side and her eyes were hazel with flecks of dark green. Her full lips were pink and there was a faint blush on her olive-skin.

"Be quiet or you'll give us away." She whispered in a low warning tone, her eyes flickering to the side with a furrowed brow.

He listened to the fading footsteps and once they were far away, he let out a sigh of relief. He looked back at the girl, his nostrils suddenly flared at the sweet scent that he instantly recognized and pushed her hand off of him and stepped back. "You're a vampire!" He snapped, letting out a growl.

The girl stepped back from him, giving him a wary look. "Yeah, well this vampire just saved your life. The least you could do was be thankful." She muttered, clenching her fists.

"Thank you." He suddenly felt bad for snapping at her, seeing that she was genuinely just trying to help him. "But, why would you help me?" He blurted out, causing her to look at him and he could feel his heart skip a beat at the innocent look on her face. "I mean, you do realize that you just saved a werewolf from being killed by hunters, right?"

She sighed. "Just because I'm a vampire, doesn't mean I'm like the rest of them. I wasn't going to let an innocent person die." She said softly.

He nodded, staring at her for a long moment, doing his best to not show how her beauty affected him. He cleared his throat. "Say, what's your name?"

The brunette frowned at him. "It's common courtesy to give your name before asking for someone else's name, you know." She chided.

He suddenly gave her an amused look. "Sorry, princess, I wasn't taught that lesson." He said, noticing the flustered look she had now. "My name is Mateo Gonzalo. Now you, princess."

"Don't call me that!" She snapped, her cheeks flushed, clearing her throat. "And my name is Emilya Reed."

"Emilya? Fancy name but a little long." He muttered, crossing his arms over his chest as he eyed her which caused her to shift under his dark gaze. "How about I just call you Emily?"

She stared at him, letting a smile slip onto her lips as she nodded. "Okay." She muttered, finding herself at ease with him.

The two not realizing the genuine smiles on their faces as they stared at each other.


"Yeah, I only have a younger sister." Mateo told Emily as they were sitting by the same tree that she had pulled him behind in order to save him from the hunters a few days ago. "How about you, any siblings?"

Emily tensed a bit at his question as she forced a small smile onto her lips. "I have a twin sister. She's actually the older twin." She mumbled, picking the pink flowers that were growing on the small shrub.

"Do you two not get along?" He asked curiously, noticing her sullen look.

"I obviously love my sister but, it's pretty obvious that father loves her more because of how easily she acts like the rest of the Pureblood community. I guess, I am a bit envious of how easily everything just comes to her." She looked upset. "I mean, I can not even drink the blood of the servants without feeling remorseful which father hates."

"Emily, you get to choose the person you want to be, not them." He said, kneeling in front of her as he cupped her face for her to look at him. "I rather like the person you are."

"You do?" She asked, the only person who didn't mind her kindness or her naivety was her mother. But, sadly her mother was gone and as sad as she was, there was nothing she could do about it.

His features softened. "If it weren't for the compassionate person that you are, I would be dead right now and I would not have gotten to see my family again."

Her cheeks reddened by the genuine look on his face and just how close he was. She never felt this way whenever she was around Eli and he was always trying to flirt with her. "Um... you are welcome." She muttered, blinking up at him innocently.

Mateo stared at her expression, leaning in closer and she could feel her eyes fluttering shut. He pressed his lips against her soft one's and she grasped the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer.


Emily walked into her home, ignoring her flushed cheeks as she hoped that she would not run into anyone. Her eyes landed on the servants who were cleaning around and she quickly scurried up the stairs to go to her room. She was still over the moon from the kiss she shared with Mateo.

Once she entered her bedroom, she quickly shut the door as her eyes fluttered shut as she leaned against the door. She clenched a fist over her racing heart and swooned internally.

"And pray tell, where have you been, dear sister?"

She gasped, opening her eyes as they landed on her sister who was laying on her bed. They were identical twin sister's with the exception of their eyes. Nancy had their fathers dark, brown orbs. The older twin also dressed a bit more provocative and was more forward with her flirting. They may be identical but their personalities were completely opposite.

"I-I just went for a walk." Emily said softly, avoiding eye contact as she continued to stay put by the door.

Nancy hummed, eyeing her sister as she sat up on the bed, tilting her head slightly. "Is that so?" She murmured, seeing her look alike nod. She suddenly let smile tug at her lips as she stood up. "Well that's fine. I got to spend the day with Eli anyway. He was quite the gentleman." She said coyishly, amused by the flustered expression her sister took on at her insinuation. She sighed. "I was just kidding you. You and I both know that he only has eyes for you."

"Well I do not love him, so he needs to give up." Emily mumbled, pouting slightly.

The older twin walked towards her sister, grabbing a strand of her hair as she eyed her. "Is that new perfume?" She asked curiously, sniffing the faint scent of roses.

The hazel eyed girl nodded. "Yes, I just bought it recently." She swallowed thickly, waiting as her sister gave her a thoughtful look before muttering a quick goodbye and leaving her room. Once she heard her sister's footsteps gone, she released a sigh of relief.

She pulled out a small bottle of perfume from the hidden pocket in her dress, mentally thanking Mateo for giving it to her in order to hide his scent from the other vampires.

Thinking of the tall, handsome, dark eyed werewolf sent a flutter in her chest. It was obvious to her now, that despite the short time they'd known each other, that she was quickly falling for him. 

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