The Gucci Guy | KTH βœ”


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"Do you even know who I am??" he asked in frustration. "No. Are you some president here or something and I wa... More

1- New in Town
2-Worst First Day
4-Too Close
16- No More Dread
17- Untrue
22- Wash Away
23- Sweeter than Sweet
24- Bright
27- Mistaken
28- Am I Wrong?
31- SΒ° βˆ†Β° VΒ° EΒ°
34- Far Away

11- A Gucci Night

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The warm water gave my hands some comfort when I washed them.

No, I didn't take a bath in the Gucci house. Like the Hell I will. I was only washing my tear stained face before changing.

Then I went to the clothes and started putting them on. I heard some giggles from outside,"pretty soul mate is staying here tonight, yaaay!" That must have been Eun Jin.

"Sshhh, calm down! Go to bed, now!" I heard Taehyung scream-whisper.

I sighed at the little girl. She was cute but I didn't like the idea of her shipping me with Taehyung, did I?

I started thinking about it as a stupid tiny voice screamed of the opposite in my head.

"Shut up," I whispered to myself. Oh, my gosh, I was going crazy. Great.

Just as I was about to leave after finishing, the hem of the blouse got stuck at the tip of a hanger on the wall at the level of my waist.

I tried to remove it but I didn't try too hard because I didn't want to ruin this fancy Gucci. But it didn't work,it got somehow reeeaally stuck and I couldn't move.

I didn't have Any other choice but to do it. I had to do it, oh, how I hate my bad luck.

"Ta- Taehyung?" I called awkwardly.

No answer.

"Umm, Taehyung!" I called a little louder now.

I heard some footsteps moments later approaching the bathroom.

"(Y/N)? You called?" He said from the other end of the door.

"Umm, yeah. Can you help me? I'm... Stuck." (A/N: Man I should change the name of this book to Stuck 😂)

"Do you... Do you have your clothes on?"

"Seriously? Like I would tell you to come in if I wasn't. Come on!"

"Okay, okay, big mouth." He said as he got in, looking at me in wonder.

He looked at the area where the blouse was stuck.

"How did that even happen?" His eyebrow jerked up.

"I don't know, just do something!"

He went to the sink and stood in front of the mirror, looking at my reflection, and he laughed,"but you look good like that, I think it suits you."

"Taehyung, I swear to god I'm gonna kill you if you don't help me!"

"Okay, okay. Just let me.. Umm.." He came closer to me and tried to remove the hem of the blouse carefully. He kept trying and trying until he finally did it with a little too much effort that I stumbled behind, almost falling in the bath tub while he tried not to fall on top of me again.

I was trying to get up but all my efforts died out when I locked eyes with him as he looked at me with something different. He was different.

He was too close again, making my heart feel like it would burst out any moment. He bit his lip, looking at mine then back at me and I lost control of my grip on the edge of the bath tub, which caused his already too close lips to crash into mine.

They tasted sweet like cake and Gucci.

But I moved away as soon as possible and got away from that mess, my face couldn't have blushed more than that in my whole life.

"Eemm... Ugh, thank you.." I mumbled after some moments of awkwardness, still embarrassed, looking anywhere but at him.

"For the kiss? Sure," he playfully said, gaining a punch at the shoulder from me. I puffed my cheeks at him and stomped out of the bathroom.

"Where will I sleep?" I asked.

"How about in my bed??"

"I'm outta here, bye!"

"Okay," he sighed. "You can sleep in the guest bedroom. But it's still close to mine, so- OUCH!" he screamed as I elbowed the side of his stomach hard.

"Its... Over there," he led me to the room, still looking pained.

We reached a fancy but plain, pale-colored room with one large bed.

"Whoa, this is better than my room."

"Would you feel lonely in here? I can sit around and tease you more, you know."

I glared at him, "No, thank you, get out."

"Hey, I'm the one who owns this place."

"Technically, you're not. Its for your parents."

He sighed in defeat,"fine, I'm going, I'm sleepy, anyway."

He left the room at last. And as soon as he did, I threw my exhausted body at the comforting pillows on the luxurious bed, feeling my drained muscles relax after a long, tiring day.


"You were never meant to be born." The horrible scene flashed again, like an old tape that played on and on again. But this time was different, it didnt end with a scream or a black out. Suddenly, my small body was sucked to the ground and I fell downwards, landing into another hazy place. But I wasnt alone; I found my two best -well, only- friends talking to each other. They were as old as me. This didn't look like a memory like the memory of that night.

"I knoow!" Ji Sun said.

"We're so lucky she left." Soo Ra exhaled.

"She was so weird and I was just trying to be nice, you know." Ji Sun frowned.

"Yeah, but now (Y/N) left with her mom. Honestly, I feel bad for her because of her dad."

"G-guys? I'm standing right here, don't you see??" I said in shock, feeling paralyzed.

But they didn't answer. They didn't even seem to hear me. It was as if I was air or a ghost or something.

"Yeah, but mostly, she's pathitic. Her dad just left them many years ago. Like, dude, get over it."

My heart couldn't bear it any more. My ghostly body trembled while I fell to my knees; my two best, only friends were just pretending to like me.

"They're all like that." I looked up to see what looked like a reflection of me who spoke harshly, her eyes piercing into my soul. "They all hate you. And you know why?"

I gulped as a lump formed in my throat, urging me to cry.

"Because you're useless. No one will ever care for you."



"N-no... NOOO!!" I cried.

Moments later, I felt someone shaking me,"(Y...(Y/N), are you alright??!"

I felt as if I was floating in that realm between dreams and reality. But I managed to say,"everyone hates me.. I'm just a useless piece of crap.."

My tears couldn't stop again.

"Ssshh, don't say that, (Y/N). You aren't useless at all, you-"

I was about to go back to that dream world but I managed to feel strong arms wrap around me tightly, hugging me and I heard,"you make the world prettier with your smile. You make my whole life better." With that, I was already snorting in hazy dreams.


A/N: Ugghh, what is this. I'm honestly not satisfied with this chapter. I think I'm running out of ideas even though this is more than 1000 words, wow. I think I'll have to stop writing for a while until inspiration hits me again. Sorry, but I don't want the story to suck more than that. But I hope more inspiration comes soon ( ; _ ; )

Thank you for reading. Love you all , love yourselves 💜✌

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