Just Friends... (Mature Cont...

By katie-holla

166K 2.3K 113

It has always been Bella and Ethan, Ethan and Bella. Nothing could tear these two best friends apart. One nig... More

Just Friends...
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 3

13.4K 176 6
By katie-holla

"What's going on?"

 I smile, "Want to go to my room?"

 Jess nods, "Sure."

 My mom gives Jess a hug when we walk in, "Hey, Jennifer!" She greets my mom.

 "Hey Jess, thanks for letting Bella stay the night at your place last night." 

Jess raises an eyebrow, "Uh, yeah sure, she's always welcomed at my place!"

 I let out a quiet sigh of relief, "Okay, mom, we need to get studying." My mom gives Jess one last hug goodbye, then we go up to my room.

"So tell me everything." Jess starts.

"Okay, so you know how Ethan and I have been friends since 1st grade?" 

Jess nods, "Yeah, when he defended us when the boys wouldn't let us play with them!" 

I smile, "Yeah! Well since you were in Colorado, things have changed, like a lot." 

Jess raises an eyebrow, "What do you mean?" 

I whisper, "I lost my virginity to Ethan and Matt Davis's party." 

Jess's jaw drops, "You lost your virginity to Ethan at Matt's party?"

 I look at her with my eyes wide, "Shh! My mom doesn't need to know!" 

Jess laughs, "Okay, how was it?"

 I blush, "Better than what you would expect, we were drunk, but alone so it was peaceful, but holy crap, it hurt so bad at first. I bled on the bed. I don't think Ethan knew I was a virgin, until things started to happed. I don't know maybe he did, but he made sure I was okay with everything as it happened. I didn't want to say no because we were drinking and he was being so sweet. Ugh, okay I am rambling."

Jess laughs, "So where were you last night?"

 I smile, "Well okay, so I lost my virginity at Matt's, then the next morning I woke up at Ethan's and we did it again-" 

Jess cuts me off, "Wait. You've done it more than once?"

 I nod, "Actually 3 times, he was being so sweet last night, and so we did it in a field in the back of his truck."

 Jess smirks, "Kinky." 

I shake my head, "I knew you would say something like that."

 Jess laughs, "So, is he like big down there?" 

I giggle and nod my head, "Not like I would know what to compare it to." 

Jess hits me, "I've only had sex with Alex, and it is because we are dating, you know that." 

I nod, "Okay." I say with a wink.

Jess and I decide to go to the lake. There is a lake in our town and whenever it is hot, kids go there to tan, swim, and even hook up. I slip on my swimming suit, "How does this look?"

 Jess laughs, "I think we are going to my house for swim suits, okay?"

 I roll my eyes, "Okay." My swimsuits are all from freshmen year and even though I have grown a lot since then, I am still petite enough to fit in my old suit. It is a one piece, so having a bikini might be nice for a tan.

We get in her Neon and drive to her place. "Here!" 

Jess and I race to the door. Her parents are at the store shopping since they have been in Colorado. "Okay, what swimming suits do you have?"

 Jess puts all of them on her bed, "There are only bikini's." I say mumbling, Jess looks up, "Bella, you have the perfect body, you need to flaunt it sometime okay?"

 I nod, "Fine." I know she won't let it drop, but also I am kind of nervous to be wearing this. I slide on hot pink bikini bottoms and a bandeau for a top. It honestly does look good on me. My boobs look perky, I wonder what Ethan would think."Ready?" I say to Jess.

"Yeah, let's go!" 

When I get in the car I put some sunscreen on, "What are you doing?"

I give Jess a confused look, "Putting on sunscreen?" 

Jess grabs it and throws it in the backseat, "You need a tan. You are as pasty as it gets." 

I give her a shocked expression, "Bitch." I smirk.

 She slaps my on the leg, "Says you. My slap made a mark so quick pasty girl."

I laugh, "I'm excited!" 

She looks over at me, "For?" 

I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know, I have been going out so much lately. Ethan and I went to that party, we went bowling, and now I am going to the lake. I never get out of the house much since it is just me and my mom." 

Jess laughs, "Well! It is our senior year! We deserve this!"

We park right before the beach. We jump out and grab out towels. Jess sees her boyfriend, "Alex is here!" 

I turn and look over at him, "Oh." Jess runs after him leaving me behind. I drag our stuff onto the beach and I lay out. I grab my phone and plug my headphones into it, I listen to Spotify and end up falling asleep.

 "Bella." I hear someone whisper in my ear and a smile appears on my face.

 "Hi." I say, keeping my eyes close. I must be dreaming because that sounds exactly like Ethan's voice.

 Ethan replies, "Miss me?" 

I shake my head no, "Not at all." 

"Don't try to hide it, come with me into the water." I open my eyes and sit up and look at the time on my phone. I took a quick thirty minute nap, the sun feels amazing. I stand up and stretch. 

"Okay, but I haven't swam in so long, I don't think I will remember how."

He shakes his head, "Give yourself some credit." He grabs my hand and brings me deeper until we are about 4 feet deep in water.

"Okay, this is far enough." I whisper and go under the water to get my hair wet. I wave and go back up for air. "It feels funny seeing you underwater."

"Doesn't that hurt your eyes?" 

I shake my head, "I used to do it when I was little." 

Ethan grabs my hand under the water, "What are you doing?" I say pulling my hand away.

"Calm down, no one can see us, plus we're just friends, now come here." I swim into Ethan's arms, "Hi."

 I smile, "Hi." I feel him grab the back of my swimsuit, "Ethan, don't you dare!" He pulls off my top, "I'm going to kill you!" 

He swims deeper into the water, "Catch me if you can!" 

I shake my head, "I can't swim that far you know that." Ethan holds my top in the air, I look behind me and see people looking out into the water, "Ethan please!" 

He shakes his head no "Come on Bel." I go underneath the water and look for him. I will get my top back. I see his legs  and I grab them. He tries to twin away, but I grab his trucks and pull them down quickly. I swim up for a gasp of air and see his eyes go wide.

"Touche," I laugh and swim closer to shore, where I can touch, "Come and get them."

 Ethan smiles, "Okay, swim towards me and I'll swim to you."

 I shake my head no and he comes closer, I slip his trunks on over my bottoms, "Give me my top first." I say.

"Why should I?"

"Because I am a girl." Ethan hands it over and I put it on and swim to shore. "Missing something?" Everyone turns and looks at me and see's Ethan's shorts on me.

"Wait, is Ethan naked?" Jess asks.

I nod, "He stole my top, I stole his shorts." 

Ethan is in the water waiting for me to get in, "I'm not coming in!" I yell out to him. 

He gives me his puppy dog look, "I'll give you anything!" 

I slowly get back into the lake, "Back massage?" 

 "Anything!" He pleads with me. 

I swim out into the water and meet him in the middle, "You're evil."

 I smile, "Your point? You love it."

 "Give me my shorts. They look better on you though." He winks.

"Whatever here." I slide them off and go under the water and slide them on for him. I look up and see his cock growing. I smile, someone is excited. I go back up for air and give Ethan an evil grin, I go back down and slide his trucks up higher, making sure I touch him. I see him flinch, I raise up in the water, "Okay?"

 "Your touch, it drives me crazy." He whispers.

It is my turn to have some fun with him. "Do you want me to touch you again?" 

He gives a pleading look and slowly nods. "Yes."

I use him for support as I give him a hand job in the water. "I don't want to come out here, I want to come in your mouth." God, I love it when he talks dirty to me. His breath is continuing to hit as he is getting closer. The water makes my hand move fast and easy over him. If I wasn't in the water, there is no telling how soaked I'd be. I want him to kiss me so badly. He breathes short breaths into my ear, "I'm going to come."

 I smile, "If front of all these people?" 

Ethan's eyes go wide, "I can't believe this! I forgot where we were. Bella, what are you doing to me?"

I go under the water and finish him off with my mouth. I nearly run out of air when he cums. I come up for a breath, swallowing him. "I have never, ever done something like that before." He hugs me. "I owe you. You have no idea."

"I know, you owe me a back massage, and you better make me cum over and over and over-" he covers my mouth.

"If you keep saying this, I will fuck you in this lake right now." He is so serious. I feel like my heart is going to beat out of my chest. 

"I wouldn't mind if you did that." I whisper, knowing only he can hear me. What am I doing? People are going to know something is up and he won't be mine anymore. I like having this secret of ours. I like how much Ethan wants me. I look over at the beach and a lot of people left, it is the afternoon and I am sure people have been here for hours. I see Jess waving over to us. "We better go see what Jess wants." We swim to shore to talk to her.

"Hey! Do you guys want to have a chicken fight?" I nod in excitement, this will be so fun!

Jess is on Alex's shoulders and I am on Ethan's, "You're going down!" I yell laughing.

 "Whatever!" I push her and she screams.

 "I wasn't ready!"

 "Fine! You go." She pushes at me and Ethan steps back.

"I'm winning!" I yell, I push her again making Alex loose his balance.

"Alex!" Jess screams as she falls back into the water.

"Ethan! We won!" I give him a hug and accidentally kiss him, it is so passionate. Then I remember where we are. He isn't the one who pulls back, it's me, "I'm sorry." I whisper, I can't believe I just kissed him in front of everyone.

 He gives me a concerned look, but I turn around to see Jess yelling at Alex.

"Sucks to suck!" Ethan yells at them, they turn around and swim towards us.

 "What are you--." I was cut off by being dunked under water by Jess.

 "You bitch!" I yell splashing water at her.

We get out about an hour later and lay out on the beach. "Why does it have to be so hot?" I say rolling over onto my stomach. 

Jess laughs, "What?" 

I turn and look at her, "Come in the shade with me." 

Jess groans, "Fine. We have to leave soon, I have to work."

 I raise an eyebrow, "Since when do you have a job?" 

She throws some sand at me, "I work at Orange Leaf, you know the frozen yogurt shop?" 

I nod, "Oh yeah! I can't believe you work there!" She grabs her towel and starts to walk over to the shade. 

"I need the extra money, my parents told me the are going to slowly cut me off when I go to college." 

My jaw drops, I can't believe they are going to cut her off. She is an only child, "Jess! I'm so sorry. I'll tip you all the time when I get Fro yo." 

She smiles, "Thanks." 

We lay in the shade and it is so relaxing. I think I am sun burnt because my body is a little pink and super warm.  Suddenly I am shaken, "Jess and Alex left." 

I must have fallen asleep from my sunburn, I turn over and look at Ethan. His blue eyes and perfect smile are looking at me.

"Okay." I lay back down and Ethan starts to rub my back.

"No, Bella, wake up." I turn over onto my back and notice it is dark out.

 "How long was I asleep?"

 Ethan chuckles, "A few hours, we are the only ones here." I look around and there is no one at the lake.

 "Where did they go?"

 Ethan shakes his head, "No idea." 

I smile at him, "Why did you stay here?"

 Ethan lays down on the sand, "Because you are my best friend." 

I get up, knowing that we will literally have sex if I keep laying here. That wouldn't be the worst thing to happen, but still we are in public. I start to walk over to the water, "Do you think the water is cold?"

 Ethan gets up behinds me, "There is only way to find out." The next thing I know Ethan is picking me up and throwing me into the water.

 I let out a scream, "Ethan!" I swim back to the shore, "You're so lucky the water isn't cold!" Ethan is standing in the sand with his toes in the water, clutching his stomach from laughing too hard.

I splash water at him, "Are you going to swim with me?"

 Ethan goes deeper into the water, "That is what I thought." 

He swims over to me. "Hi." 

He grabs my waist, "Hi."

 He leans in to kiss me, I raise my arms up and rest them on his shoulders, right before his lips touch mine, I dunk him beneath the  water. He rises up for air, "Bella!" 

I laugh, "Yeah? Doesn't feel so great does it?" 

He grabs my waist again, "Hmm." I look into his eyes, I notice his lips are puckered waiting for me to kiss him. I rest my forehead against his, "You look so sexy in this pink bikini. Where did you get it?" 

"Jess. She wouldn't let me wear one from my closet." He gives me a peck on the lips. 

"I am sure you would look just as beautiful in the other one." He is so perfect, he always knows what to say.

I smile, "Well it was a one piece, so you wouldn't have been able to take my top if that was the case."

"Okay, yeah, I like this one better." He laughs hard pulling me even closer to him. 

I splash him, "Once again, pig."

Ethan slides his hand up by body and I feel him grab at my swim suit top, "Not here." I whisper. I grab his hand and swim towards the shore. I don't want to have sex in this lake, we could go to his place, or even go in his truck. I run and grab my towel and put it in the back of his truck. "Do you have something?" He nods and gets in the bed of the truck with me, "Are you sure?"

I nod and kiss him. He rubs his hands along my legs going higher. I moan as he starts to play with my sweet spot.  He unties my top and starts to play with my breasts.He licks them, kisses them, and sucks on my nipples. I can't help but moan. He knows exactly what I need to feel like I am in heaven. I lay back and let him explore my body, he tugs at my nipple, "Bella, you are so beautiful." He keeps kissing my neck. I untie his swim trunks, I hear him moan as I grab his cock. Ethan kisses each of my breasts, and sucking on them enough to give me a hickey. "No one will see it here, just me." My heart is beating so fast. I don't want anyone other than him, no one will make love to me like he does.

His kisses start to trail down my body, from my head to my toes he kisses me, touches me, massages me, or licks me. He has barely touched my sweet spot and I already feel like I am going to cum. He is so perfect, so hot, so responsive and loving. He starts to kiss downward to my sweet spot. I moan in pleasure. He enters a finger into me, then another. He fingers me roughly with need.  My breath quickens as he moves his fingers inside of me faster and faster. I can't hide my moans, "Yes, baby, moan for me." He keeps going. 

"Ethan!" I scream out in pleasure, knowing he loves it when I scream his name. His lips crash to mine and he grabs my hand making me hold his raging boner.

 "Touch me, touch me like you did earlier baby." His breath is so ragged. I give him a hand job, his dick keeps growing and is nearly pulsating. I don't want him to cum. I want him to make love to me. 

"I want you inside me." I say so quickly I don't even recognize my voice.

He hurries and grabs a condom from his glove box. I swear he has condoms everywhere. He has me slide it on and he kisses me one last time before going inside of me. I moan right when he enters, his cock fills me completely. He crashes into me over and over again. It feels like ecstasy. I guess I don't know what ecstasy feels like, but this has so be close to it. "Don't stop." I say. My hands are lacing his muscular arms, my nails are digging into his back, my legs are wrapping around him. I want him so close to me. 

He moans in my ear, "Bella." He keeps thrusting into over and over again. I can feel myself nearly cumming. I want to come with him. He pulls out of me and he brings his dick even deeper. He grabs my legs, making them straight up into the air. I cannot do anything but scream out in pleasure. I feel my legs shaking, I am going to come. I am going to come. I am going to come. "Bella, yes baby, right there." At the same time we finish and he opens my legs and collapses on me. He removes himself from me and kisses my forehead. 

"I don't think I will ever get enough of you, baby. You are so tight, so sexy, so amazing." 

My heart is beating so fast. That was so intense and it can only get better. I look for our suits and slide mine on. I don't want to be just friends with him. I want him to be mine, but I don't know how to tell him. Should I just ask? I can't ruin what we have going on. "Ethan?" I look over at him with his swim shorts in my hand, but he is already asleep. I will have to tell him in the morning, I promise myself I will. I am falling in love with my best friend. I trace my finger along his chiseled chest and whisper as quiet as I can, "I love you, Ethan. Good night."

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