Chapter 8

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I wake up to my phone buzzing on my desk. Oh my God, I feel asleep studying. I have to be at school in twenty minutes! I see it is Ethan calling me, I look out my window and he is waiting outside.

"Hello?" I answer a little too rushed.

"Ready to go?" He asks.

"I just woke up, give me a few minutes."

I rush into the bathroom and brush my teeth and hair. After that I run into my closet and find a t shirt and slide on a pair of jeans. I grab my materials for school and head down the stairs. I grab a granola bar from the cupboard and head out the door.

"Slow down speed racer!" Ethan calls out to me laughing.

"I can't believe I overslept." I carry my stuff to his truck.

"We will be fine. I will get you to school in a few."  Ethan says putting the car in gear. We start driving towards school when we reach an intersection. "Have you heard from Yale yet?" Ethan asks as we drive. 

I shake my head no, "Maybe I will have to settle for community college after all."

"Hey, don't say it like that. We will be together. We can tell our parents our plan and move in together this summer. We will go to class and everything. You aren't settling, unless you are settling being with me?" Ethan looks over at me.

"It's not that at all. I just have been so distracted and I know we graduate this week, but I am mad at myself. I always let you distract me and that is my fault too, but what if we end up living together and I don't do well in college? This will all be for nothing. I stayed in all the time and studied instead of actually experiencing high school." It flies out of my mouth before I can stop it. I feel guilty, it seems like I am blaming him for my GPA going down. 

"If I am such a distraction, maybe we shouldn't move in together." Ethan pouts. I watch the light turn green, yet he doesn't move.

"The lights green." I say pointing. I am so mad at myself for saying all of that. 

Ethan slams on the gas and I have only a second to look before another car hits us. I watch as Ethan flies upside down beside me as the car flips. "Ethan!" I scream. I feel the tears dripping from my eyes. I watch as pieces of glass fall from the windshield and Ethan's head starting to bleed. "Ethan?" I say not getting a response. I try to shake him, "Ethan! Answer me!" I look in my pocket for my phone, my arm bleeding from the broken glass. 

I call 911, "Hello, 911 what is you emergency?" 

I can barley speak, "I was just in a car accident, we were hit on 25th and Grover, our car is flipped on its side and there is glass everywhere. My boyfriend is unconscious and bleeding. I am also hurt. Please hurry." I say in one breath before crying some more. The lady gives us an estimated time of when the will be here, she wants me to stay on the line, but I can't. I have to make sure Ethan is okay and I have to call my mom. She is coming home today from her work trip.

"Hi Sweetie." My mom says when she answers the phone.

 "Mom?" I say trying to hold back my sobs.

"Isabella? Is everything okay?" I choke out.

 "No, Ethan and I got in an accident he is really hurt. We are waiting on the ambulance to come help us. I'm scared mom." 

I hear her gasp, "Oh my gosh, honey. Where are you? "

 I tell her where we are, "I am on my way, I was almost home. I will be there in ten." I can hear the ambulance coming and I hang up the phone.

 I look down at Ethan, I reach for his hand, "Ethan, I love you so incredibly much. Please wake up."  I get no response

Just Friends...  (Mature Content)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz