Chapter 24

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"Good morning." Ethan wakes me up. I groan and roll over, "I need more sleep." I say burying my face into the pillow. "Jess said you guys have to get ready to go." He tugs at the sheets, "Get your naked butt out of bed." I groan again, "Five more minutes." He scoops me up, "Bella." I barley open my eyes to look at him. "I'll put you in a cold shower." My eyes go wide, "You wouldn't." He smirks and looks at the door. "I'm up, I'm up!" 

I leap out of his arms and stretch, "I hate you." I look through my clothes, "No you don't." I laugh, "What if I do." Ethan gets close to me and slaps my behind. "If you really hated me, you wouldn't let me do that." I turn around and hit his chest. "Brat." I change my clothes for the spa. "What are you guys doing today?" Ethan asks me, "Spa day." Ethan nods, "What are you guys doing?" He smirks, "Guy stuff." I roll my eyes and slide on my sandals. "Bella." Ethan whispers, "Why are you whispering?" He shrugs and pulls me into him. "I miss it being just us." I kiss his cheek, "Soon it will be." He wraps his hands around my belly, "I can't wait till our baby is here." I smile, "Me too." My mom calls my name to come downstairs. "Got to go, I love you." He kisses me goodbye and I run down the stairs. 

"Ready?" Jess and my mom look over at me and I grab my purse, "Yes!" We go outside and get in the car. "How far away is this place?" Jess looks on her phone, "About an hour, we're going to get breakfast first." I relax in my seat, "Good, I am starving." We stop to eat at my favorite place, "Shirley's!" I say as my mom pulls into a spot. We hop out and walk inside, "Booth please." My mom says to the waitress. She shows us our table and hands us menus, "Well, I know what I want." I say closing the menu after a few seconds. My mom flips through it a few more times, "You always get the same thing Bel." I shrug, "Chicken strips are my favorite, I could never say no to them." We tell the waitress what we want to eat and a short while later our food is served.

"I am stuffed." I say eating the last fry on my plate. "My mom laughs, "I wonder why." Jess laughs and finishes her food shortly. "Ready ladies?" My mom finishes paying and we go to the car. "I can't wait for the spa!" I hug Jess, "Thank you for being literally the most amazing friend ever. I love you." She hugs me back, "You are my sister, never forget that." I end up falling asleep halfway to the spa and Jess shakes me awake when we arrive. 

The spa is pretty secluded, "It's beautiful here." There is a pond with trees behind it with a small dock you could fish off of. "I'll go sign us in." My mom and I look around, it is really nice. We go and join Jess inside. I can't believe Jess found this nice of a place, "Mom how much is this?" She shrugs, "I'm not sure, I think Jess paid for it." My jaw drops, "She can not be paying for all of this. I have money in my savings I can use." My mom shakes her head no, "You need to be saving for your baby." My hand is lingering on my small bump. "Mom, seriously." Jess comes back to us, "They are ready! We are getting massages first." The receptionist takes us to a room and on the way I lean over to Jess, "I'm paying for this, I am not taking no for an answer." She laughs, "I already took care of it Bel." I roll my eyes, "This had to of been a fortune!" She shakes her head no, "It is fine, like I said you are my sister. I can do this for you." I groan, she is so stubborn.

We all change into robes and lay on the tables, they are each separated by room dividers. My masseuse greets me and asks what I am looking for in my massage. "Total relaxation." She rubs her hands together, "We will maximize this as much as possible." She gets every knot out of my back, some I didn't even know existed. She asks me about my day and what brings us to the spa, "Well, my wedding is coming up so we thought we would have a spa day." She pauses, "Well, we are so glad you came here to spend the day with us." She massages me some more and after a hour the relaxing music stops and she explains that it is time for the mud bath. "Okay." I wrap myself in my robe, Jess and my mom follow behind us.

We soak in the mud bath and it actually feels really good on your skin. "Jess thank you so much for today." My mom says, seeping down into the mud. "No problem, really! It was the least I could do." I smile at her and lay my head back, "This is so nice." They agree, "I can't wait to get our nails done after this." I pull my hand out of the mud, "Ew." Jess laughs, "You rinse off silly." We soak in the mud for about half an hour until our lady comes and gets us."It's time for a quick rinse." We are directed to the showers and I rise as much mud off as I can. I feel my belly, I can't get over that I have someone growing inside of me.

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