Chapter 22

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My eyes nearly pop out of my head. "How is this possible?" I can't believe this, "Have you guys had unprotected sex?" I start to say no, "That one time, Bel." I think back to it, in the apartment on the couch. Why are we so stupid? "Oh my gosh." I feel like I'm going to be sick again and the doctor notices. She hands me the trash can, "You are about a month in. I'll give you some recommendations on where you should go next. You have a Charlotte address now, correct?" Ethan answers for me, she takes the trashcan with her as she leaves. I look at Ethan, he looks like he has seen a ghost. 

"This can't be happening." I whisper. Ethan holds my hand, "It will be okay." The doctor comes in with a couple of forms, "Here are some wonderful doctors out there."  I look over them and my hands won't stop shaking. We were always so careful, "Thanks." I say and we stand up to leave, "Congratulations you guys!" I smile and we leave when we get to the truck I can't help but cry. "Bella." Ethan rubs my back, "We can't be pregnant, we're too young." I look up at Ethan and he wipes a tear away, "Let's go home." We head back to Charlotte, I don't know what we're going to do. Do we keep our baby? Put it up for adoption? I don't know how we will afford a baby while going to school. I rest my head on the window, I just can't believe how dumb we are.

I wake up to Ethan parking the truck, "We're here." I get up and grab the bags, "Do you have the key?" He nods and unlocks the door. I want this to be a dream. "I'm going to bed." I hurry to the bedroom and take my jeans off. I feel like crying again, I wish I was happy. I toss and turn, I just can't wrap my mind around being a parent this young. "Bella?" Ethan says opening the door, I turn over and look at him. You can tell that he has been crying, "I'm sorry." I sit up, "Don't be sorry." He comes and sits on the bed, "I should have used a condom." I hug him, "We both didn't care." I kiss his cheek, "What are we going to do?" His voice cracks as he holds me. I shake my head, "I wish I knew, I don't know how our parents are going to take this." 

We lay down and Ethan plays with my hair, "We can work and save up and go to school." Ethan wraps his arm around me and pulls me into him, "I have my trust fund from my mom when she passed away." My eyes go wide, I forgot all about that money, "Ethan, how much is in there? We could use that towards the baby and work for school." Ethan shrugs, "I have no idea, but didn't your dad leave you one when he um, died the first time?" I turn and face him, "He may have, I'd have to ask my mom. I never really thought about it." Ethan kisses me, "Maybe all of this will work out." I feel a tear fall, Ethan wipes it away, "I love you so damn much." I smile and kiss him back, "I love you." 

I wake up and it is still pretty dark in our room, I reach over and it's 2 AM. I groan, "Bella?" I jump, "Ethan don't do that." He walks back to the bed, "Sorry baby."  He wraps his arm around me, "We will be okay." He kisses my head, I love him so much. We lay there for a little bit before I turn around and face him, "What are we going to tell our parents?" He slides his hand down to my waist, "That we're in love and that we can handle it." I laugh, "They're not going to buy that." He kisses my forehead, "I know, but at least we are trying our best." I move so that we're closer together, "I'm sorry I was so closed off earlier. I just couldn't believe how stupid we were." I wrap a leg around him. "It's okay. We were both freaking out earlier, but I know everything will work out for the best, okay?" I nod and he kisses me, I deepen the kiss and he wraps his strong arms around me. "I love you." I whisper, he kisses me again, "I love you, too." 

He positions me so that I'm laying on top of him, I look down at his shirtless chest. I have no idea how he stays so fit and what he sees in me. "What are you thinking about?" He whispers, I can't help but laugh. "How did you know I was thinking about something?" He pulls me down so my face is right next to his, "Because you make the cutest thinking face I've ever seen." He kisses me again. I shake my head, "You're crazy." He smirks, "Crazy about you." I roll my eyes, "That was smooth." I slide off of him, "Where are you going?"I shrug and walk out the bedroom door to the kitchen.

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