Chapter 19

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I look over at Ethan who is fast asleep on the bed. I can't believe he stayed up all night. I look for a shirt and find his laying on the floor. I slide it on, my naked body is a little warmer. I walk over to the bathroom and look in the mirror, my hair's a mess. I brush my hair and teeth and I walk back to the bed and cuddle up next to Ethan. "Hey." He whispers. "Hi." He turns so we are facing each other. "I love you so incredibly much." He grabs my hand from underneath the blanket, "I love you too." I move closer to him and he wraps his arms around me, our legs get intertwined and I realize I never want to leave this spot. Ethan snuggles his head into my chest, "You're the best you know that, right?" I blush and trace circles on his shoulder. "You have no idea how much I love you." I whisper, kissing his head. He looks up at me, "I think I do." I watch as he starts to fall back asleep. I look at each feature of his, like it is the first time seeing them. His perfectly muscular arms wrapped around me, his abs move up and down with each breath he takes, his eyes twitch every now and then and all I want to do is make love to him over and over again.

I open my eyes and notice Ethan is no longer in my arms. "Ethan?" My voice is hoarse. He walks in with a cup of coffee, "Hey Bel." I sit up in the bed, "What time is it?" He shrugs, "A little after eleven." I stretch my arms and get up, "Is there more coffee in the kitchen?" He nods, "Yeah, here have mine." He gives me his cup, then goes and pours another, "You didn't have to give me your coffee." I say before taking a sip. He drinks some of his, "I don't mind." He kisses me on the cheek. "I think we need to get jobs." I say after taking another drink. Ethan raises an eyebrow, "Where is this coming from?" I smile, "Well, I was thinking about it. We are going to be on our own for a couple of years, we can't rely on our trust funds and our parents. We have to have our own savings, too." Ethan nods and walks out of the room, I start to get back up to see what he is doing, but he comes back into the bedroom and sits on the bed. "Here's the job opening section in the paper, we can look here, and if we don't find any in here we can apply for some at the college." I take the paper from him and look at what jobs they have available.

"I can apply for a few of these, one is down at the post office to sort mail, or I could work down at the animal shelter!" I read what the requirements are, "Ethan, doesn't that sound fun? I could help with all the animals!" I smiles, "Yes, but you can't bring any of them home." I roll my eyes and circle the ad. "You can look and see what interests you in here." I hand him the paper back and finish my coffee. I look at my phone and I have a missed call from Jess. I walk into the other room and sit on the couch to call her, "Hey!" She says after it rings a few times, "Hey! You called?" I hear her saying something to Alex, "So, you know how Alex is joining the air force?" I take in a breath, "Yes?" Ethan comes into the living room, "Well, he is being deployed next week." My eyes go wide, "Already?" I put the phone on speaker phone, "Yeah, I guess he passed all the tests and they need him. I'm joining him of course, but we don't know how long we will be gone." Ethan raises an eyebrow and whispers, "Alex?" I nod. "That's so early." Ethan says to Jess, "I know, but we are having a go away party this weekend. We would love for you to come." I smile, "Of course we will be there. Want to text me the address, time, and date?" She laughs, "Of course." We hang up a while later, when I instantly need to throw up.

I run to the bathroom and Ethan follows after me, "Are you okay?" I wipe my mouth. "That was disgusting." I grab my toothbrush, "I'm sorry, Ethan." He shakes his head, "Don't be." I go and lay down again, Ethan joins me in the bed, "I love you." He rubs my back, "I know, I love you too." I mess with the ring on my finger, "I can't wait for the day I marry you." I say cuddling up to him, "It will be my dream come true." Ethan slides a hand under my shirt, "You're amazing." I lean to kiss him, his lips crash onto mine. They trail up and down my body, always finding their way back to my lips. "What do you want to do today." Ethan says in between kisses. "You mean other than lay with you all day?" He smirks, "Well" He grabs my hand and trails kisses up my arm, "We could do that." I feel goosebumps appear on my arms. "I thought we could go look around town." I smile, "That would be fun." I get up and walk over to the closet, Ethan groans, "I thought we were staying here all day?" I shake my head, "Nope." I change my clothes and throw on a baseball cap, "How is this?" Ethan looks me up and down, "Sporty." I take off the hat and throw it at him, "I'm kidding! You look good." He pulls me into him, "I really like these jeans." He grabs my ass. "Ethan!" He smirks, "I can't help it, you look sexy." I can't help but smile. "Really?" He nods, "You always do." I shake my head, "Oh stop."

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