Her ≫ Fairy Tail Fanfic

By celestia-starlight

46.8K 1.6K 1.2K

The day she disappeared was the day a part of him left with her. ... More

Arc One: Hate and Infatuation
Chapter 1: Fragile Promises
Chapter 2: My Heart
Chapter 3: Not Mine
Chapter 4: Goodbye
Chapter 5: The Reason
Chapter 6: Leaving
Help 1
Help 2
Help 3
Arc Two: Reignite
Chapter 7: Death Plan
Chapter 8: Memories
Chapter 9: True Possession
Chapter 10: Feelings
Chapter 11: Ideas
Chapter 12: The Plan
Chapter 13: Hooded Figure
Chapter 14: Thoughts
Chapter 15: Final Plan
Arc Three: Like Never Before
*** Chapter 16: Eternal Destiny ***
Chapter 17: Building
Arc Four: Regret
*** Chapter 18: Dragon Mating Season ***
Chapter 19: Just An Infatuation
Chapter 20: Mate
Chapter 21: Threats from E.D.
*** Chapter 22: Let Her Go ***
*** Chapter 23: Funeral ***
Chapter 24: Forget
*** Chapter 25: Winged Fate ***
*** Chapter 26: Photograph ***
Chapter 27: New Magic
Arc Five: Once Again
Chapter 28: the GMG's
2K: Special Oneshot
Chapter 29: Ulna
Chapter 30: Prelims
Chapter 31: Shocking
Chapter 32: Who?
Chapter 33: Participants
Chapter 34: If Only
Chapter 35: Her Death
Chapter 35.5: Thank you, Eternalis
*** Chapter 36: So Much ***
Chapter 37: Heaven And Hell
Chapter 38: Eavesdroppers
Chapter 39: Powerful
Which one?
Chapter 40: Ready
Chapter 41: Miss Fiore
Chapter 42: Danger
Author's Note of Sadness
Arc Six: Wounds of War
Chapter 43: The End
*** Chapter 44: The Price ***
Chapter 45: Preemption
Chapter 46: Fury
Arc Seven: Reconcile
Chapter 47: Us Back Then
25K: Special Oneshot - Part One
Chapter 48: Never Again
Chapter 43: Amnesia

Aohturs Ntoe

391 12 21
By celestia-starlight

I bet you all were able to read that, right?
Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I. Am. DYING.
So literally today in class when I was asked to describe my life in a brief summary, I was like:

"life is like a cup of coffee
it's warm, but it soon cools down
just like life

you must move on from your mistakes
or the world will leave you behind

but both coffee and life fail sometimes
like when a country chooses a sexist yam for president
and when you mistake salt for sugar

life is just like a salty cup of coffee."
So here's how my winter break went. I went somewhere cold to visit relatives, but then I signed up for a fencing camp (no idea why I did that) and it was HARD. believe me when I say my muscles had gone through Tartarus (and never came back) and were like rocks. Within a single week of fencing (and working out) my biceps were reaaaaaaaaaaaly hard. Okay. So when I was flying back on Dec. 31, my flight was cancelled. I called right away to rebook, but they said that there were no flights back to where I lived until TWO DAYS LATER. The only option was to upgrade to a higher tier for a flight early next morning, and that upgrade costed $845 CAN. Well, I was flying with my family to Hawaii on the 2nd, so I had to get back ASAP. (Obviously, I had to repack as well). So I paid for the upgrade, got 3 hours of sleep at a crappy hotel, and flew home the next morning. Oh yeah, and I SPENT NEW YEARS IN THE AIRPORT! When I got home, I found out that they had lost my fencing bag. UGHHHHH. Like half of my essentials were in there. I had no choice but to try to replace them with extras that I had or to buy new ones. Hawaii was okay, but my sister got a pink pineapple who she named coCOnut, so... Anyways, once I got back on the 10th of January, I immediately repacked again for my trip to Washington, DC for a fencing competition. Ahh, yes. That's why I signed up for the camp. Okay, so back to the story. On the way to Washington, I was really lucky. Another dude, my friend and I connected in Montreal, while some of my other teammates were connecting in Ottawa (because their original Toronto connection had been cancelled). When they got to Ottawa, their connection to Washington was cancelled. They then flew to Toronto, but then their connection from Toronto to Washington was cancelled. By then, it was like 10pm and every single flight from Toronto to Washington had been cancelled. So they had to stay at a hotel for the night. Next morning, they flew at 5 from Toronto to Montreal, then from Montreal to Washington. Only one person missed his event. He was really unlucky... missed his prime event, and his secondary one too (cuz he overslept lmao). I was tired and out of practice, but I did okay. I also got back to my hometown without a hitch, but... Once again, the rest of them weren't so lucky. Someone even had to fly somewhere then change airports then fly to like three other places before they got home. Plus, Washington was so f****** cold!Ooooooookkkkkkkkaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy. I had an adventurous winter break. It was horrible. But not.
And now, I have to prep for two debate tournaments; one at Stanford and one at Berkeley. It's about the capital gains tax and it's seriously hurting my brain.
I'm seriously sorry I haven't posted in so long. I hope y'all forgive me. 😞 😢 😢
Anyways, au revoir, mes amis!
LoL (Lots of Luv),
Celestia (or Star-chan or whatever u wanna call moi)
Ugh... je vais mourir...

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