Hawkfrost X Reader (Female bi...

By -NightStars-

38.4K 685 765

Hello! I found that even though I have a whole book of Warriors X Reader oneshots, I really enjoy writing the... More

How Do You Really Feel?
No Turning Back
Prove It.
The Truth
Two Nights
Dreams and Secrets.
Thought you knew
Claws of the Enemy
Not Leaving You Alone


3.2K 51 49
By -NightStars-

Y/N = Your name (Y/A/N = your apprentice name, and so forth.)

I'll insert things like "O.C. Fur" or "O.C. Eye color" in places where you need to insert these things.

Quick A/N: Okay, so I know I've been doing a lot of Hawkfrost X Readers, but honestly I'm completely out of ideas. I mean, I could do Scourge, or Tigerstar, but I want to write about a prominent character I haven't thought of. If you have any ideas, PLEASE comment them! Okay, on to the story!


           You awoke to a sharp chill piercing through your fur. Blinking away sleep, you realized it was barely even moonhigh. Reluctantly, you sat up, only to realize one other thing: Hawkfrost wasn't there.

           You hissed in annoyance. Is this going to become an everyday thing now? You sniffed the air, mouth open, finding his scent leading forward toward the ShadowClan border. Your (O.C. Fur) pelt pricked with anxiety. Is he meeting someone that he's not telling me about? You shook your head, trying to convince yourself that he would never do that. Hopefully. You winced.

          Finally, your curiosity got the better of you, and you padded cautiously after his scent trail. Careful not to make any loud noses, in case he was doing something he didn't want to be found out about. With a jolt, you realized that his scent was fresh, and he was downwind. He'll scent me before I find him. You curled your claws into the muddy grass, trying to come up with a plan. You searched your surroundings to see where you could hide if it came to it.

          A large reed bed loomed in front of you, which appeared to have water on the other side. To your left was a large pile of wet, muddy rocks, gleaming in the dull light of the moon. Behind you was the way back to camp, the only obstacle a small stream shallow enough to wade across. Then, to your right was a thick group of bushes, leading off into ShadowClan territory. That's where Hawkfrost would come from. You were wondering whether you should go on or not when you heard a loud rustling in the bushes behind you.

          Great StarClan! You sprang around, hoping it would be only a rabbit. An extremely clumsy, loud-footed rabbit. You unsheathed your claws, preparing to face whatever appeared. You didn't need to wait long.

          A large russet-furred creature appeared from the growth, its eyes gleaming wildly as it spotted you. Fox! Hissing defiantly, you watched it as it attempted to trap you between the rocks and itself. Its jaws opened to reveal claw-like teeth stained with blood. You frantically looked around the fox, trying to estimate how far away the reed bed was so you could plunge yourself into the water. At least foxes are so stupid that they can't swim.

           As soon as you prepared to leap for the reeds, the fox's tail swatted you in the face, blocking your escape. But that wasn't going to stop you.

          Rearing up, you balanced on your hind legs, something you'd seen a ThunderClan patrol do once when they were fighting off a dog. A small nagging feeling in the back of your mind told you that you'd seen it somewhere else too, but where exactly, you couldn't put your paw on.

            Your claws unsheathed, you sliced at the fox's tail, blood spattering across the grass. It squealed in rage as it plunged, jaws open, for your neck. But you were quicker. Ducking your head, you waited until the fox's chin was above you, then you sliced through its throat, raking your claws all the way down its chest. Stepping back, you watched the steady flow of blood pour from the gash. It gave one final attempt to run, but it tripped and flopped over onto the ground into a pool of its own crimson blood.

          You forgot everything about why you'd come this way, feeling tired and shaky. Too tired to even stand, you sank down into the grass, curling your tail over your now bloodstained paws. You fell into a dreamless sleep instantly.

          A soft tongue lapped at your paws. Only opening your eyes halfway, you spotted Hawkfrost's huge figure curled around you, now cleaning the blood from your fur. You realized it was almost sunrise, the milky sky showing the first pale orange of the day. The small area around you buzzed with life. Birds above chattered to each other frantically, while hopping from branch to branch. Small frogs croaked in the reeds, seemingly in a conversation with the gently lapping water. The leaves in the trees rustled with a slow breeze.

          You shifted in surprise as Hawkfrost began cleaning your flank. Did I get blood everywhere? You wanted to look, but that would mean alerting Hawkfrost that you were awake, and the feeling you felt at this moment was the nicest thing you'd experienced in a while. It wasn't a rushed feeling either. It was a soft, gentle side of Hawkfrost that only seemed to appear when he was with you. That just makes it more special. You purred, causing him to pause. Opening your eyes, you saw protective affection in his ice-blue gaze.

           "Are you alright?" was all he said. He didn't ask what happened, or how it happened, or why you weren't where he left you, but instead, he was concerned about how you felt. New waves of happiness flooded over you, warming your pelt.

           "Yes, I'm fine." You sat up, nuzzling his warm chest fur. "I can't say the same for the fox, though." Hawkfrost purred. "I saw you fighting it last night. It was smart of you to use that move." He licked your ear, adding in a whisper, "Most of our Clanmates would have either run away or yowled for help, waking up the whole forest."

          Sudden uncertainty bubbled in your belly. Cautiously, you asked, "Wait... If you saw me fighting it, why didn't you help?" You looked up at him, his gaze unchanging. "It's complicated," he shrugged. "but basically, I couldn't." He licked your ear again. "But you didn't need the help anyway."

          You weren't about to let him get away that easy. "Why is it complicated? I'm sure I'd understand. I'm not a kit, Hawkfrost." You heard him sigh loudly, annoyance mixed with affection. "I know you're not, (Y/N), but..." He searched for words. "Telling you would mean putting you in danger, and I couldn't live with the guilt if something happened to you."

          Indignation rose in your voice. "Excuse me? I just fought off a fox by myself, using a move only ThunderClan knows. I think I can defend myself from a cat or two." You stepped away from Hawkfrost, looking him straight in the eye. Even though he was taller, stronger, and simply just better, you wanted to let him know that you were just as skilled a warrior as any cat. What he said next you weren't expecting.

          "The cats who would be attacking you aren't normal cats." Hesitantly, he added in a quieter voice, "They're dead."

          You tilted your head. "So... They're StarClan cats?" His gaze showed amusement for a moment. "No. Not StarClan." He drew you closer with his tail, bringing you back into his chest fur. Then, he whispered quickly, "Do you trust me?"

          You could only manage a muffled, "Yes."

           He whispered again, "Can I trust you not to sell me out, even though it may mean lying to Leopardstar?" His icy eyes showed nothing.

          You didn't like where this was going, but you were afraid what would happen if you refused, so you nodded and replied, "Of course. I told you, I trust you, Hawkfrost." You licked his chest fur, trying with everything in you to convince him you weren't going to betray him. Even if it means lying to Leopardstar.

          He touched his muzzle to yours. "Then meet me right in this spot tonight at moonhigh. We can't have our Clan losing their trust in you, so we can't hang around each other while we're at camp. Unless of course, we're on the same patrol, but there's a slim chance of that, since Mistyfoot seems to want to keep you away from me." He sighed, then stood. "Promise me you won't betray me?" His gaze searched yours, as if he expected you to go against everything you'd just agreed.

          "I promise."


Muahaha! Now, I have to make a part 4! I tried to leave it on a cliffhanger, but it's not that great. Oh well. Comment any requests, or suggestions, below!

And as always, may StarClan light your path!

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