
By TashaAmy1803

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Twilight/ Dirty Dancing crossover Allison Rose Cullen was raised in the family but not completely treated lik... More

Disclaimer and Authors Note
Chapter One - Prologue
Chapter Two
Chapter Three - Meeting Jack
Chapter Four - New Friend Problems
Chapter Five - Teach Me
Chapter Six - Training
Chapter Seven - Connections and Bravery
Chapter Eight - Cry to me
Chapter Nine - Don't ruin it!
Chapter Ten - You Don't Fool Me
Chapter Eleven - I Love Him
Chapter Twelve - Don't Leave Me.
Chapter Thirteen - Time of my life
Chapter Fourteen - 7 Days
Chapter Fifteen - One Year Later
Chapter Sixteen - Answers
Chapter 17 - Mr and Mrs Cassidy Sr
Chapter 18 - Treat her better
Chapter 19 - Oh my gosh!
Chapter Twenty - A.R.C & J.C.C
Chapter Twenty One - The Wedding Part One
Chapter Twenty Two - The Wedding Part Two
Chapter Twenty Three - Mr and Mrs Cassidy
Chapter Twenty Five - Breaking Dawn
Chapter Twenty Six - Newborn
Chapter Twenty Seven - Longer than we thought
Chapter Twenty Eight - What?
Chapter Twenty Nine - Shut Up!
Chapter 30 - Welcome
Chapter Thirty One - Happy Family
Chapter Thirty Two - New York
Chapter Thirty Three - Happy Birthday Faith and Johnny
Chapter Thirty Four - Just Like your Mother
Chapter Thirty Five - Summerland her we come!
Chapter Thirty Six - Summerland
Chapter Thirty Seven - Sorting things out
Chapter Thirty Eight - Morning After
Chapter Thirty Nine - Summer Fun.
Chapter Forty - Happy
Chapter Forty One - Cassidy Number 5
Chapter Forty Two - Baby Time
Chapter Forty Three - Baby Cassidy
Chapter Forty Four - Mourn
Chapter Forty Five - Jacob's Arrival
Chapter Forty Six - Family Life
Chapter Forty Seven - Spending time with Jacob.
Chapter Forty Eight - Working at the Car Wash
Chapter Forty Nine - The Volturi Invites You....
Chapter Fifty - No More...

Chapter Twenty Four - Don't Leave Me

875 18 0
By TashaAmy1803

A car horn, that's what I could hear, followed by groaning. My eyes fluttered open to look at what was going on. The last thing I remember was a dear running out in the middle of the road. I turned my head wincing. I was upside down in the car.

"Jack?" I turned my head. There was Jack hanging down being held to the seat by his seat belt. I could smell the fresh warm blood oozing out from his wounds.

"Jack wake up. Jack wake up please. Help! Somebody help!" It was no use though, We were 10 minutes from the town behind us and another 15 away from the house by my guess. I tried to move. grunting as I forced the belt to break. I dropped down.

"Jack, baby. Wake up. Wake up for me." I tried. I had to do something. Come on Ali, come on. I broke the wind shield open with my boot and crawled out.

"I coming baby, stay with me. Stay with me." I muttered beginning to cry. I lifted myself up and looked at where we were. We had come down a ravine when we swerved and rolled over. Dragging myself to Jack's side I broke off the car door.

"Jack. come on." I needed him to wake up but he wasn't.

Okay." I grabbed his seatbelt with one hand and the rest of him with the other and pulled. The belt broke and he dropped down gently. I grabbed him and pulled him out.

"There we go. Jack. Jack I need you to wake up. Jackson!" I tapped his cheek. Closing my eyes I listened for a heartbeat. There was one but it was faint.

"I need to get you to Grandpa." I picked up. I felt dizzy but I had to ignore it. I wasn't going to lose him.

Using my speed I thanked the stars I was half vampire, I ran to the front of the house where I keeled over.

"Help! Please. Help me!" I screamed hunched over my husband. The door opened

"Ali!" I looked up to see Jacob.

"Get Carlisle." I breathed before passing out again.

-Jacob -

"Ali!" I yelled running over to Allison. I pulled her off Jackson as Carlisle came out with the others. He saw Ali and Jack and sped to their side. I pulled Allison up, she had blood lines over her face I guessed they were from whatever happed to her and that had healed

"He's losing blood. Edward, Emmett help me get him inside. Jacob you bring Allison. We lifted the two up and carried them inside. I laid Ali down on a bed and swept some hair out of her face. There was a large boom and we looked out the window. Not far from here and explosion went off.

"Jasper, Emmett go check it out. Jacob." I looked at Carlisle.

"I need to check her over." I was pulled back to look at Bella, who as well was worried.

"Everyone out, please." We all waited outside. I sat near the door with my head in my hands. It seemed like ages. Before Jasper and Emmett came back.

"What's going on?" Esme questioned

"I looks like their car went off the road and down a ravine and smashed into a tree. The car's in smoke, nothing to suggest it was anything other than a accident."

"What happened out there?" Bella questioned mainly to herself I think.

"We won't know anything, soon." We waited for over an hour till Carlisle came out.

" Are they okay?" Edward asked

"She's fine, it looks like whatever injuries she did have, healed. Jack however has internal bleeding. His skull is fractured, a punctured lung from a broken rib. left arm broken. It's not looking good." We all turned to the sound of groaning. A messed up Ali stumbles out.

"Where am I?" I shot up from where I was.


"Jake? How did I get here?" She looked confused at me.

"You were in the car remember?" She looked like she was concentrating.

"Yeah, I was with Jack. We just landed from Barcelona. Why is three days grace hammering through my head?" I clutched on to her head. Renesmee came and held her up.

"Do you remember what happened after?" her sister questioned

"We, we were talking and singing. His smile, he looked at me." She looked past me like she was replaying what happened.

"The deer, it came out of nowhere. The car oh my god, the car we rolled over. I saw it after I got out." She looked at her arms still bloodstained but healed.

"Jack? Where's Jack? Is he okay." She looked at us wide eyed gripping onto me

"His heart Jake his heart is was so faint. I need to see him. I need to." I pulled her into a hug as she sobbed.

"Come with me." Carlisle stated and she followed along with me and Nessie. He pulled back a screen to show the roughed up Jackson. Carlisle told her what was wrong with him. She broke off from me.

"I need your venom." she cleared her throat. "The venom, that we were picking up, give it to me."


Grandpa made his way to his desk draw and pulled out a large syringe with sliver venom in it.

"Everyone leave." I ordered

"Allison." Jake started

"No, go." I wiped away my falling tears and took my husband's bedside. I held his hand.

"Let's leave her too it." They all cleared out and the door shut behind them. I looked at him all wired up to machines.

"This isn't how it was supposed to happen." I cried

"You weren't supposed to be dying, you were supposed back home. Remember? We would go to our New home which we finally saved up for, you were gonna be dressed in this really nice stuff you found out I bought. And it would be just the two of us until you could handle being around people. We had this planned. Even if I was having jitters about the whole thing." I let out a raggedy breath and moved the hair out of his face.

"You're beginning to be the drama queen of this relationship. First interrupting Mr Summers, then calling me your Ali. Even proposing and our wedding you were showing off." I laughed a little.

"But it's gonna be okay. You're going to come back to me and we'll be happy. No more imagining dance partners, I have one and that's you. So when I take all of these wires out and inject you with venom you will come back. Or I will bring you back just so I can kill you." I leant over and kissed him

"Come back to me." I pulled the wires out of him causing the long beep of no pulse. I found where his head was and stabbed the needle. I pushed the venom out into him. Once it was all gone I threw the needle away.

"Don't you leave me."

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