By AskingAlexandria8898

37K 958 101

Five girls. That's all it took, the man was completley satisfied now. They are the perfect DOLLS. Or so he th... More

DOLLS- Chapter 2
DOLLS- Chapter 3
DOLLS- Chapter 4
DOLLS- Chapter 6
DOLLS- Chapter 7
DOLLS- Chapter 8
DOLLS- Chapter 9
DOLLS- Chapter 10
DOLLS- Chapter 11
DOLLS- Chapter 12
DOLLS- Chapter 13
DOLLS- Chapter 14
DOLLS- Chapter 15
DOLLS- Chapter 16
DOLLS- Chapter 17
DOLLS- Chapter 18
DOLLS- Chapter 19
DOLLS- Chapter 20
DOLLS- Chapter 21
DOLLS- 22 The Final Chapter

DOLLS- Chapter 5

1.9K 49 4
By AskingAlexandria8898


Chapter 5

The Dinner

Scarlett's POV

I can't do this.

Jack was looking straight at me. His brown warm eyes, and his slick black hair. I quickly broke contact with our eyes. I slowly sat down at the edge of the table, like this morning. Suddenly Jack got up and moved a seat toward me so he was sitting right beside me. Jack smiled and took a plate from Kaylnn.

"What are we having for dinner tonight girls?" Jack looked at Georgia who gave him a fork and knife.

"Home made pizza!" Delilah smiled and gave me a long stare. "We thought we would celebrate that Scarlett could join our family."

"Sometime I have to cook for you girls." Jack insisted as he took a slice. "So what did you do today Scarlett?"

"Oh. Well I mostly got to know these very nice girls. They really made this place feel like home." I lied. But I went along with his fantasy.

"Well this is your home. But it has come to my attention that a glass plate is missing." His eyebrow rose and I quickly took a bite of my cheese pizza Georgia gave to me.

"Oh yes. Sorry Jack, we were cleaning dishes and I gave it to Delilah and it slipped out our grip." Georgia tried to be as fragile as possible.

"We will discuss it later. Because mother will find out." Jack looked at Chloe who was pushing her bangs away.

"Chloe!" Jack raised his voice and I jumped in my seat. Jack cocked his head at me and smiled, he then faced his attention to Chloe. "What's wrong with your hair?"

"Sorry Jack, my bangs are growing out." She sat down across from him and beside me. "Maybe you could cut it to make me perfect again." my mouth went in a 'O' shape. I can't believe she just said that, I quickly closed my mouth when Jack looked at me.

"Of course Chloe." Jack smiled and started eating his pizza. "After we eat we should all watch a movie together." They all smiled and agreed, but I kept eating my pizza. "Scarlett?" I looked up at him and wiped my mouth with a napkin.

"Ok." I smiled but he looked unhappy. "Yes, I would love to watch a movie." I looked at Delilah who was just starring at me.

After dinner I helped wash dishes and clean up. Me and Chloe chatted by the side while everyone else put the dishes away.

"Is he going to hurt you?" I crossed my arms and felt uncomfortable.

"Of corse not. It's just a hair cut." She laughed but I ignored her and went to help Kaylnn put dishes away. Once we were done we all walked together in the living room and Jack was sitting there in the middle of the purple couch.

"Scarlett, come sit with me." Jack smiled and patted the place beside, I was completely disgusted and slowly made my way to him. When I sat down he put his arm around me and forced my head on his shoulder. "I love your dress." He whispered in my ear, I shivered and closed my eyes. But the movie started and I tried to make it a distraction to me, but I could feel every breathe he took. The tears fell slowly down my cheek and every minute felt like an hour. What made it worse was that we were watching the 'Titanic', so every time I heard his name my stomach would fall.

The credits were going up the screen and Jack sighed. "I love that movie." He said aloud and Georgia agreed. I looked at Chloe who was about to fall asleep. "Chloe, come with me sweetie." Her attention was caught and she immediately stood up. Jack kissed my head and held Chloe's hand, when I could no longer hear her foot steps I began to cry.

"Scarlett, please don't cry." Kaylnn rubbed my arm. "You have been very brave." Kaylnn looked to Delilah and looked back at me.

"I-I C-can't do this A-anymore." I stuttered through my sobbing. Georgia ran to me with a tissue and wiped my tears.

"I promise to you I will never leave your side, you are safe with us. As long as we are together, nothing can hurt us." Georgia hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead. "Let's get you cleaned up." Georgia linked arms with me and brought me to the upstairs bathroom. I took a quick shower and wrapped a blue towel around me. I walked slowly to the door until I heard something, I placed my ear on the door and made out some of the muffled noise.

"You're a bad doll!" Jack yelled, then there was a hard slap. I jumped and held my hand over my mouth. "You can't do anything right!"

"Jack, it wasn't my fault! It was an." but another slap cut off her voice. Then heavy foot steps trailed toward me and I backed away quickly. But the foot steps went passed me and walked down the stairs. Once Jack  

was gone I ran out the door to check who it was but no one was there. I sighed and walked to my room to see Georgia going through my closet.

"Here." She said pulling out a very short night gown. "I know it's provocative but it's Jack's orders." She threw it to me and turned around waiting for me to put it on. So I got out my underwear and slipped that on before putting on the night gown. "Do all your clothes fit?"

"Yes, thank you." I thought about what happened in the hallway. Should I tell her? "Georgia, did Jack hit you?" maybe that was too straight forward? Georgia looked down for a moment then quickly closed the closet door.

"It's ok Scarlett. Just go to bed." Georgia looked away as I walked toward her.

"Georgia, I am so sorry." I hugged her and put my head on her shoulder.

"Don't worry about me. Just go lay down." Georgia pointed to the bed.

"Stay with me.... Until I go to sleep." I begged, Georgia nodded and I lay ed in my bed. She sat at the end and smiled at me. I smiled back and closed my eyes, after a couple minutes I quickly fell asleep.

_________Sacerlett's Dream_______________

"Can I open my eyes now?" Ryan's question was almost demanding.

"Nope!" I giggled and walked toward him, it was Ryan's 14th birthday and I was really nervous about his gift. He was sitting in a wooden chair at the kitchen table. I walked behind him and stood over his back. I leaned down to him and curved my body so our lips touched. I kissed him, Ryan's head back away at first but then engaged in my actions. I smiled and closed my eyes, we then kissed harder and Ryan opened his eyes.

"So what's the gift?" Ryan rose an eyebrow. I hit him playfully and began to laugh. Ryan then chased me up my stairs and into my bedroom. Ryan then grabbed my waist and place me on my bed, we didn't go far. Just kissing and touching, when I was now under him. Enjoying his lips I slowly opened my eyes.

His brown hair was messy and cute. I looked in his green eyes, he was so beautiful. I closed my eyes again and listened to him whisper in my ear how much he loved me while he was kissing my neck. He then came back up to my lips, sparks flew and I knew I loved him. I then opened my eyes again, but it wasn't Ryan. Instead it was Jack, he was over me! I began to scream and thrash at him, kicking and screaming but he wouldn't move.

I woke up with sweat on my face, I turned to the door. No one. I looked at the end of the bed and saw Jack. 

I was about to scream but jumped out of bed instead. He looked me up and down and I realized I was barley wearing anything. I became embarrassed and tried to cover myself up.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Jack cocked his head and looked worried.

"I guess you could say that." I looked down trying to avoid eye contact. "Are the others awake?" I tried to change the subject.

"You mean the dolls?" I nodded. "Oh. No it's late, you should go back to bed." I nodded again and went under the covers. I sighed and closed my eyes know he was looking at me. But instead of leaving he got in bed with me! I was shaking all over, he came closer to me. Close enough to feel his steady breath down my neck. My heart was beating crazy now, could he hear it? Of course not! I closed my eyes tightly and tried to go to sleep. But that was impossible,

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