Tomb Of Time And Destiny: A F...

Por NataliaRavenX

35.6K 1.4K 449

Highest Ranking: #1 in nalu #1 in fairytail #3 in gajevy #23 in Jellal πŸœπŸšπŸ˜πŸ™πŸ₯πŸ£πŸ±πŸ€πŸ›πŸπŸ–πŸ—πŸŸπŸ” A tomb. F... MΓ‘s

Part One
Part Two
Part Four
Part Five
*Bonus Chapter* Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
*700 views!!!!* Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty-One
Part Twenty-Two
Part Twenty-three
Part Twenty-Four
Part Twenty-Five

Part Three

1.9K 65 40
Por NataliaRavenX

Erza's POV

I snap out of my daze as Juvia shakes me wildly by the shoulders. There were no dinosaurs, instead there appeared to be some sort of battle-scene reenactment going on, probably practice for a nearby live theatre?

'Okay Lucy, I promise I'll stop watching ridiculous Discovery Education shows.' I thought frantically as I watched the group of actors fight each other with freakishly real looking swords.

But those thoughts were dashed away when I saw a man block another man’s sword strike with his own, then plunge a dagger into him with his other hand. Juvia gasped, too surprised to scream. The injured man fell to his knees, clutching the hilt of the knife, his mouth agape. Blood spread across his white shirt in a slowly seeping circle.

I was too shocked to make a sound. No theatre practice I’d seen had had special effects like that. With growing horror, I glanced to my right, where another man was writhing on the ground, groaning. My hand came to my mouth. His belly had been split open, and some of his intestines were bulging out. Blood spread across the ground in a wide pool.

" is real!"

I couldn't wrap my mind around it. I was in the middle of a real battle.

A freaking sword battle.

Suddenly, I could smell the stink of sweat and coppery blood, all around me. Men were wounded or dying. Others seemed dead set on bringing the rest to the end of their lives. Juvia was struggling to breathe and grasp what was going on. I glanced left and saw that one guy wasn’t battling any longer; instead, he stared at me as if I were a female Lazarus, emerging from the tomb in my grave clothes.

I wanted to look away from him....

But I couldn’t.

He was the most handsome guy I’d ever seen, with a model’s physique and a face to match. Big, serious brown eyes, blue hair, and an interesting tattoo on his right eye that was as red as my hair.

I’d never encountered such hotness. (*/////*)

It was then that I noticed the young man behind him, equal in height but a little narrower at the shoulders. His eyes were hard, shifting from me to the man before him. He raised his sword as if to strike. “Behind you!” I yelled.

I watched in horror as he turned around to face his opponent.

'What is he-'


My mouth drops open as the same circle that surrounded the illustration of the man with stars and meteors back in the tomb, appeared in front of him. He is suddenly engulfed in a golden aura and rushes at his attacker at the speed of light, using his bare fists to land multiple blows, disarming his attacker instantly.

"It can't be… That's..Impossible!" I uttered in shock.

"Erza, look!" Juvia gasped out while shakily pointing at something in the distance.

The castle..... The one that was on the next hill that had been such a disaster when we'd first arrived....

It was no longer in ruins....

The walls were erect, the tower intact. Purple flags waved from the battlements, in designs that matched the second knight’s coat of arms, visible on his shield as he raised it to deflect the hot guys repeated blows.

"D-did we.."

"But t-that's impossible!"

I shook my head but the two small armies were still before me and that castle hadn’t changed a bit. Those two groups fighting for what reason? My hand went to my head as I struggled to understand what was going on.

One of the purple knights whistled and shouted at two men nearby, gesturing toward us. The knight with the tattoo glanced over his shoulder and frowned, then shouted at his own men. Suddenly six knights were in a dead run, all heading in our direction.

Any other circumstance I would've been flattered that there was a group of men chasing after me, but I had a feeling these guys weren't in any hurry to ask for my number.

Juvia and I stood back to back unsure of what to do, but when the two groups met, they began to fight one another. My heart pounded, and I turned, intending to escape into the forest behind me with Juvia, but there was another knight- by the color of his tunic I could tell he was from the purple-flagged castle- steadily approaching us. He must have sneaked around the tomb, intending to surprise us. He rose from his crouch and smiled, as if this were some game, capturing us. I could hear the fighting continue behind me, a shout, a cry, as if another had been wounded.

The knight was coming closer. Juvia and I retreated until our backs hit up against the curved wall. I fought for an idea, an escape route out of this terrible nightmare. Desperately, I thought about dashing back into the tomb, but he’d be on us in a second.

This was no dream; our attacker was real, leering, and scanning us. I reached down to grip the bottom of my hoodie- a nervous reflex of mine- only to realize, I wasn't wearing it.

"WHAT THE HELL?!?" I cried out. Beside me Juvia jumped, surprised by my yell, but quicky realizing the reason for my outburst.

"E-erza!!" She said in shock while staring at me.

I was wearing freaking armor.


'At east it's cute armor.' A small voice in the back of my mind said that sounded a lot like Lucy. I couldn't disagree. It wasn't full on body armor, it was just on my torso area and my arms. I was wearing a blue skirt that stopped about four inches above my knees and long black boots that ended about an inch below my knees.

I opened and closed my mouth in shock, probably looking like a fish on land. I turn to Juvia only to see her gawking at her own attire. She was no longer wearing her jeans and hoodie either. Instead, she was sporting a long blue dress that would've been quite modest, had it not been for the two long slits on the sides where her legs were.  Around her waist was a simple brown belt and she was wearing brown thigh boots. She also had a very cute blue Russian-style hat that matched her dress perfectly.

'What the hell did that tomb do to us?!'

My internal panic was interrupted by a low laugh. We whirl our attention back to our forgotten attacker. He is now close enough for me to see he had green eyes that matched his teeth.

He lifted his sword tip, studying me as it reached my throat. I stayed as still as possible. But it was hard. 'Calm down Erza, don't do it. Breathe. Figure a way out...'

He asked me something but in a weird language that interrupted my thoughts and made me pause for a moment. Slowly, my mind translated. “Are you from Bellum?”

"...B-Bellum??” Juvia returned speaking hesitantly, testing the newfound language, frowning in confusion to my right.

“Bellum,” he repeated. “I saw you. Both of you. I saw both of you come out of there. And your clothing…” He moved forward, changing the sword from tip to side at my throat in order to keep me in place, and allow him closer. He reached a hand up to my naturally scarlet red hair and looked at Juvia's equally natural azure hair. “Your hair. No one has such audacious hair colors. Are you Bellum or are you an evil witch?” He spat out witch as if it were a foul word.

“Juvia is no witch. Juvia is from-” Juvia clamps her lips shut. He wouldn’t believe her even if she told him. “Look, you big jerk,” She suddenly said in English, stomping her foot to show her frustration. “You don’t want to know where we come from. It’d freak you out. It’s freakin’ Juvia out!” Juvia yelled at him as she moved her arms in a weird way making the man startled at her sudden behaviour.

He leaned back, as if surprised by her anger and confused by her odd language. But then he turned, sensing the man stealthily approaching him from behind. She had tried to distract him-had been moderately successful-but these men were trained soldiers. That was clear enough.


We had to get out of here.

I just witnessed ice shoot out of a man's hands straight at our assailant. ICE!!!  \(O.O)/

Also, Juvia looks like she just met the love of her life.

A hand clenches my forearm, and I tense and whirl around, ready to defend myself if necessary.

It was the guy that I had seen, he was no longer surrounded by that golden light. He's even more handsome up close, but his eyes were no longer soft in wonder. They were hard, staring at me in consternation. “Come,” he said gruffly in their weird language.

I looked across the field and saw the purple knight, wounded, his arms draped around two of his men. He glared at Juvia, me and the knight beside me, then shouted. The man, our attacker, immediately broke away from the other knight with ice and retreated to join his comrades. My protector’s knights let him pass, unhindered, other than sending him verbal taunts. The battle was over, for some reason. The others mounted their horses, all draped in violet, gave us long looks, and then rode away.

I looked to the men who now surrounded us, staring at us. We were now under the protection- or were we the prisoners?- of the dudes with the red coat of arms.

“Juvia hopes you’re the good guys,” she mutters behind me.

I hope that too….





Meh. -w-

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We'll see you next time!!! If we don't end up killing each other first!!

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