The Baker Street Baby

Par ageplayfandomwriter

63.5K 1.6K 759

What will happen when Sherlock Holmes goes to sleep as his normal mature 6 foot self and wakes up back as a 2... Plus

Chapter 1: The Prologue
Chapter 2: This Can't Be Real
Chatper 3: A Woman's Touch
Chapter 4: The War Begins
Chapter 5: The Uninvited Guest
Chapter 6: The Sleepless Night
Chapter 7: The Crazy Morning
Chapter 8: Paging Dr.Watson
Chapter 9: The Day That Couldn't Get Any Worse
Chapter 10: The Discovery
Chapter 11: The Day Has Finally Come
Chapter 12: Your New Home
Chapter 13: The Mad Man And His Box
Chapter 14: The Rescue
Chapter 15: Christmas Eve
Chapter 16: Christmas Day!
Chapter 17: The Cure
Chapter 18: Another Trip To The Hospital
Chapter 20: The Doctor Is In
Chapter 21: The Babysitter
Chapter 22: A Rainy Indoors Day
Chapter 23: Roadtrip
Chapter 24: A Heart-Breaking Goodbye
Chapter 25: Where's John
Chapter 26: A Second Doctor's Opinion

Chapter 19: A Doctor Needed

1.2K 36 4
Par ageplayfandomwriter

John stood back looking at the sicken Sherlock. He was pale as a ghost hooked up to the IV machine and two other different machines. Rory stood back looking at Sherlock as well. "It's a good thing you came. He isn't doing well. He's currently running a 102.8 fever that doesn't seem to want to go down."

John nodded looking at Sherlock with these worried sad eyes. Rory was about to reassure John when his pager went off. He looked down at it then back at John. "I'm sorry I'm need in another room. If you need me just press the button again, that calls for me." And with that Rory left the room.

Now with the room silent John looked back at Sherlock. All that was heard was the beeping of the monitor. What had he done to him? All he wanted was to have his lover back to his normal self but was it the right choice? Was he to blame for making him go through with this?

He stood there conflicted. Was he to blame or was this all Moriarty still? He shook out of it, he shouldn't be worry about this nonsense, he had to worry about Sherlock. Just as he sat back down Sherlock started to come to. "John?" He said softly and weakly.

John stood up taking Sherlock's hand. "Sherlock thank God your okay, how are you feeling?" John asked eagerly. "I'm fine, just alittle dizzy. What happen?" He asked looking up at John like a worried child. John sighed "Nothing, you just fell asleep for a little bit that's all. While you were asleep Rory came in and suggested that you have some IV injections just incase."

John hated to say that but they way Sherlock looked at him made him have to lie. Sherlock looked so afraid of what was happening, John was really the only one he trusted in this situation. Sherlock looked down at his arm and jumped alittle. He wasn't very fond of needles. No one really is!

John squeezed Sherlock's hand making him turn away from his arm. "Don't look at it, it will only make you feel worse. This will help flush out whatever is in your system. Trust me you'll be fine." John smiled. He leaned forward and kissed Sherlock's head. "Now I suggest you watch more tv to get your mind off of all of this." John grabbed the remote to turn the tv on but Sherlock stopped him.

"Could we instead do something different?" He asked shyly of John. He nodded setting the remote down. "Well what do you suggest?" Sherlock thought for a second then the idea popped into his mind. "Why don't you look up some cases and I'll try to solve them?" Sherlock said with a smirk. John smiled grabbing his computer. He sat on Sherlock's bed and began to read him the news.


After a couple of cases Sherlock was fading asleep again. His eyes were getting heavy as he rested his head back. John quickly and quietly got off the bed and back into his chair next to the bed. He was happy he didn't wake him, Sherlock needed the rest. He sat back in his chair when suddenly the door to the hospital room swung open.

John jumped up and Sherlock jumped awake as their eyes laid upon Mycroft who was standing in the door way. Sherlock face started to turn red as everything that happened the day before started to play back in his mind. John started to walked over to him. "Mycroft what brings you here?"

"I heard brother dearest was in the hospital and I wanted to make sure he wasn't dead. I can see he's fine. But I wanted to tell you something." Mycroft said entering the room. Sherlock face was a bit pink as Mycroft looked over at him. All he was wearing was a stupid hospital gown and a diaper. He hope on everything that is good in this universe that Mycroft couldn't see the diaper.

"What do you want to tell us?" John asked crossing his arms. "Well two things actually. One I want to apologize to brother dearest for embarrassing you yesterday at the royal palace. It was quite rude of me to talk to you that way in this situation." Sherlock looked at him stunned. Was that actually his brother talking?!

"Wow Mycroft I didn't know you cared!" Sherlock said sarcastically back. John gave Sherlock a stern look. He knew he shouldn't have said that, he was lucky enough he even said it to him in the first place. After John gave him that look Sherlock looked down and muttered "Thank you." To Mycroft.

Mycroft smirked "Your welcome Sherlock. And as for the second thing I need to talk to John about that privately. If you don't mind Doctor Watson?" John looked back at Sherlock then at Mycroft. "Not at all." Mycroft walked out of the room and so did John. But before John did he reassured Sherlock that he would only be a second.

The two talked right outside the door of the hospital room. Sherlock tried his hardest to listen to what they were saying curious to what it could be that Mycroft wouldn't want him to hear. But now that he was alone he realized there was a problem. He had to go to the bathroom again.

Now normally he would just get out of bed and go but now he was hooked up to three different things in the room. One was attached to his chest, another on his hand and another was the IV. He was trapped to this bed which was a problem for him and his bladder which would stop telling him it was there.


Mycroft and John talked outside the room about you guessed it, The Doctor. "John this man isn't to be trusted! We already saw that he messed up Sherlock! What are we to do? Hope he makes it better again? I'm telling you, let me make a couple of phone calls and I'll have Sherlock studies in one of the finest hospitals." Mycroft argued.

John shook his head. "He may have messed up this time but when Sherlock was taken that man helped me. He may be a bit mad but he's the only hope for what ever the hell is happening to Sherlock. I already had Rory call him. He should be here soon."

Mycroft nodded. "How's he holding up?" He asked seeming surprisingly genuine. "Not so well. He's running a 102 fever that won't seem to go down. It seems like the longer he's like this, the sicker he's getting." John said a bit sadden.

"What happened back at Buckingham Palace? I left you guys there for one second and then....that happened." Mycroft asked. "Sherlock's mind is still stuck as a little kid. His bigger mind is fighting to stay but every now and again his little mind takes over. He never realizes he had to go to the bathroom until it's too late." John explained.

Mycroft nodded "Well I'm happy he has you Doctor Watson because I wouldn't know what to do with him." John smirked. "Are you going to stay?" John asked. "I think he would feel more comfortable with you in this situation if you were around more." Mycroft thought about it for a bit and nodded. "I guess, if you feel it's best for brother dearest."


The two walked into the room to find Sherlock shaking alittle bit and trying to take off all of the wires on him. John quickly walked over to the side of the bed stopping him. "Sherlock no! You have to keep these on." But Sherlock started to fight with John. "I don wat to be tied up!" He said starting to sound little.

He kept fighting with John until his brother spoke up. "Sherlock you stop this instant and listen to John!" Mycroft said sternly. Sherlock instantly stopped. He had never had Mycroft speak to him like that before and frankly he didn't like it. John helped put the wires back on Sherlock while he was distracted.

John leaned over and whispered to Sherlock, asking him what was the matter. Sherlock was still fidgeting a bit which started to look a bit more and more obvious what was happening. John looked at Mycroft who didn't know what to do in this situation. "Mycroft couldn't you go down to the cafeteria and grab Sherlock and I some dinner?" Mycroft nodded silently thanking John as he left the room.

Once Mycroft left the room Sherlock started to hold himself again. John turned around and sighed. "Sherlock why do you make this hard for himself? Just use the diaper. Mycroft isn't here anymore and you know I won't judge." John said but Sherlock shook his head. "John I'm 27 years old I can't do this." He said sounding a bit more upset.

John walked over and sat down on the bed with Sherlock. He started to rub Sherlock's stomach, applying pressure here and there without him noticing. "Sherlock if you good and use your diaper right now you can change yourself." John said softly. But Sherlock shook his head. He refused to let this happen.

But the more Sherlock tires to hold back the more his body shook and ached in pain. After alittle bit his weakened body couldn't take holding it any longer. Sherlock finally let go. Soon the silence of the room was broken by the soft hissing of Sherlock's diaper. Soon the diaper was even more bulky than before.

To Sherlock's surprise it wasn't as bad as he thought. It was just a bit bulky, but other than that it wasn't that bad. But Sherlock thought were interrupted by an angry John. "Sherlock you can't keep doing this to yourself." He said crossing his arms.

Sherlock didn't look at John. He knew he was right but he couldn't accept the fact that he had to use them. John sighed walking over to one of the cabinets grabbing another diaper. Sherlock put his hand out to get it but John shook his head. "Oh no, we had a deal and you didn't listen to me so I'll change you." Sherlock rolled his eyes and leaned back. John laughed "Keep it up and I'll spank you infront of Mycroft."

That's all he had to say. From then on Sherlock didn't say a word in fear of that happening. After John changed the wet diaper off Sherlock then put the dry one on he noticed that his hospital gown was also wet from the diaper. John laughed alittle "You had to go so badly, you wet your gown as well."

Sherlock face started to blush again as John went to look in the cabinets for another one. Sherlock sat there practically naked, his blanket covered up his diaper and legs but he sat there shirtless. John sighed closing the cabinet doors "Doesn't look like they have an extra. I'll be right back and grab you one." John said before he left.

Now Sherlock sat in the hospital room alone and only in a diaper. He sighed sitting back feeling his pounding head. The fever was making his feel worse and worse and now without the hospital gown he was starting to shiver a bit. Only problem was that the blanket wasn't long enough to cover himself. If he pulled it to his chest his diaper would show and he wasn't going to take that risk.

Sherlock closed his eyes and waited for John. He heard the door open and quickly opened his eyes to see Mycroft back from the cafeteria. Sherlock's face was now as red as it could ever be as his brother looked at him sitting in bed, in a diaper, with only a blanket to cover himself up with. For sure Mycroft would know that John changed him.

All Sherlock wanted to do was die as his older brother looked at him. But instead of being disgusted or angry with Sherlock Mycroft pretended he didn't even know anything. "I hope you like chicken noodle soup because that's all they had to eat that was descent." He said placing the tray of food on one of the tables in the room.

Sherlock looked at him alittle confused. Mycroft wasn't stupid, he had to know. But could there actually be a chance he didn't? Sherlock contemplated that for a minute until Mycroft held something in his hand. "I also found a box of animal crackers there, I remember you always enjoyed them as a kid." He smiled. Sherlock eyes lit up seeing the animal crackers. It kicked him a bit into his little side again.

He tried to reach over and grab the box but Mycroft kept it just out of his reach. "Nice try brother dearest but you have to eat normal food first." He smirked. Sherlock sighed rolling his eyes. "Mycroft I'm 27 I can do and eat whatever i want!" He said back sassy

Mycroft sighed "Fine go ahead! But just remember, would John be mad at you if you didn't listen to me and ate them instead?" Sherlock stopped looking at Mycroft. John was already mad at Sherlock to begin with, this would push it over the edge. Sherlock leaned back into the bed crossing his arms. "I thought so." Mycroft said pulling a chair over.


The rest of the night went on calmly. John returned with a new hospital gown for Sherlock which had long sleeves to keep him warm. They all enjoyed the soup Mycroft brought up for them. Right after Sherlock ate he fell asleep, his weakened body just giving out on him.

Rory had come and gone from the room, checking up every so often. He had no idea what was taking the Doctor so long but insisted he would be here. He checked Sherlock once more while he was asleep and found that his fever was now a 103. He gave Sherlock some more IV fluids then left the room saying he would call again and see what the hold up was.

John jumped up into bed with Sherlock. He was increasingly worried and wanted to make sure he was okay. Sherlock was still asleep but woke up alittle noticing John next to him. The half awake half sleep Sherlock wrapped his arms around John resting his head on his shoulder. John laughed alittle realizing he wasn't moving any time soon.

John talked to Mycroft for a little bit until it started to get really late. Mycroft told John to just take a nap and that he would stay awake and make sure nothing happen. John nodded and started to drift asleep with Sherlock right next to him. The two were sound asleep together. Mycroft smiled at the two as he rested back staying awake.


Just around midnight the room was silent. John and Sherlock sat in the bed together sound asleep. Sherlock still wrapped around John. As for the watch dog Mycroft, he was asleep in one of the chairs in the room. He had tried to stay awake but failed.

The room's silence was broken when three people opened the door. The Doctor, Rory and Amy quietly entered the room. They made their way over to the bed without waking up anyone. The Doctor took Rory's telescope and started to listen to Sherlock's chest. "Just what I thought." He whispered. "I had a bad feeling the machine messed up." He handed the telescope back to Rory.

"So what now?" Amy whispered back. The Doctor looked at Rory. "Could you move one of these beds?"  Rory nodded "Yeah why?" He asked confused. The Doctor smiled "We are going to push this bed into the Tardis."

I know, I know it isn't Sherlock Saturday but it's been a crazy week! Between my Job and School it's been hell writing but I stayed up all night and I have finished this chapter! If you liked this chapter star it! Comment below any suggestions or complements! Love to hear your guys feedback! Thank you all so much for reading and I will see you all in the next chapter!

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