Heavy Crown ♚ H.S [ON HOLD]

By macklemcvey

1M 38.2K 55.4K

❝Heavy is the head that wears the crown.❞ - Shakespeare, Henry IV [WARNING: This story contains explicit co... More

Heavy Crown ♚
Trailer ♚
Playlist ♚
Prologue ♚
| I |
| V |
| XI |
| XII |
| XIII |
| XVII |
| XIX |
HC One-shot Contest: CLOSED ♚
HC One-Shot Contest: Winners ♚
HC One-Shot Contest: Winner's One Shot ♚
| XXXI |
on hold yay (not)
| XLII |


18.4K 717 890
By macklemcvey

man this chapter is so damn long.

also just realized that I'm v sure almost all of my books has at least one character who has a nightmare. Nightmares are like my thing man.

Enjoy enjoy and excuse excuse errors lovelies x



   "Save us."

Harry's gaze flickered to the bodies of the missing children that were nailed to the wall. He felt his heart plummet in his chest when all their heads suddenly snapped towards where he was standing, emitting a disgusting, bone-chilling crack when their heads turned. They repeated their words against in unison, causing Harry to step back in fright. The one closest to him began moving her arm, making Harry's frightened gaze flicker to her, throat going dry when she pulled her arm up sharply. She emitted a stomach-lurching, sickly noise when the nail that had the arm pinned to the wall, tore through her flesh.

"You promised my Papa you'd find me," the girl spoke in a sad voice, bleeding arm reaching out for him as Harry gasped and stumbled back.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I tried!" Harry stammered loudly with a pained expression.

"You didn't try hard enough."

Harry whimpered in response, and turned to run down the stairs that was nearby. But when he turned, he found that there was no staircase but a wall. A wall with another dead body nailed into place with the bloody symbols painted on them. It was Reina. Harry let out a gasp, tripping when he backed away in fright and shock, falling onto his ass. His heart was battering against his rib cage wildly, his stomach was lurching due to the sickening smell of blood that was dripping on the floor from the body, drops hitting floor audibly. Suddenly, Reina's head that was limp snapped upwards, dead, silver eyes gazing straight at Harry as her pale, pink lips parted to speak.

"I told you not to make promises you can't keep, Harry," Reina uttered lowly, giving Harry the chills as he shuffled backwards as far away as he could. "This happened because you failed to keep your promise. You failed to protect me."

"N-No," Harry whimpered with a shake of his head, lower lip trembling. "T-This isn't real."

"It's your fault," she just kept repeating before he also heard the dead children chanting the same phrase.


"It's all your fault."


Harry awoke yelling loudly, sitting up suddenly with his eyes snapping open. His chest was heaving as he breathed in and out heavily, gaze darting to Reina whom had surprisingly not heard his yelling and was sleeping quietly. He sighed heavily in relief, seeing that she was safe and sound right next to him.

But the longer he gazed at her, the more images of the nightmare he had flashed before his eyes, and worried his heart more than he can handle. He rolled out of bed and headed towards the balcony to get a gulp of fresh air so that he could calm his nerves before returning to bed. His ruby, velvet robe was pulled on untidily while he trudged towards the front of the balcony, shaky hands finding the stone railing.

Reina on the other hand, rolled over in bed to cling to her husband and cuddle him in her sleep, but was disappointed to find a vacant spot instead. Her eyebrows lowered and her eyes fluttered open, a soft groan escaping her lips as her gaze settled on the empty space next to her. She wondered where Harry was, hands pressing against the bed to push herself up into a seated position. She looked around while yawning, spotting the open balcony doors, and assuming that he was out there.

She exhaled in relief when she stood by the open doors and found Harry standing at the front, head hung low with his shoulders hunched, muscles prominent in his bare back. She called out his name quietly, and he immediately straightened his back. He didn't turn around because he didn't want her to see his teary eyes, rubbing them harshly with his knuckles. He detested crying and he didn't want to cry over a silly nightmare, even though it scared him shitless. Reina frowned lightly when he didn't respond, walking towards him and slipping her arms around him from the back, kissing his shoulder blade.

"What's wrong, my love?" she whispered ever so quietly in concern, waiting for him to turn around. When he did, her brows pulled tightly over her eyes, hands reaching up to cup his cheeks. "Harry, you look so pale, are you alright?"

"I just had a dream is all," Harry mumbled quietly, keep his gaze averted at all costs because he didn't want Reina to see his watery eyes.

"How bad was it?" Reina questioned immediately. She dropped her hands to the sides of his neck before sliding around the back so that her arms were looped around his neck. "It's alright, you can tell me," she murmured when he hesitated.

Reina listened attentively as Harry explained the nightmare, getting more emotional when he described the part where he saw Reina hanging on the wall. Reina cut him off with a warm hug eventually, deciding that she didn't need any more detailed descriptions of the disturbing dream. Reina tightened her arms around his shoulders, stroking his hair as he hugged her back and breathed out in relief because he loved the feeling of her in his arms.

"It's alright love, I'm here and I'm fine," she whispered to him softly in reassurance.

They headed back into the bedroom, hand in hand, before crawling into bed. Reina had expected them to go back into the spoon position they were previously in. But instead as soon as she went to lie down, Harry wrapped his arms around her body and rested his head on her chest, lying on his tummy. Reina smiled softly at his endearing actions, arms coming around his body, holding him to her.

His hand shifted down to rest on her stomach, body shifting slightly so that he could rub her belly gently. He still couldn't fathom the idea that she was pregnant with his child, their child. He always knew that he was going to be a father one day, but now it just felt so surreal.

"When do you think it was conceived?" Reina whispered quietly with a smirk, hoping her question would take his mind off the nightmare. She rested her hand on top of his, dragging her thumb back and forth on his warm skin in comfort.

"Hmmm it's hard to say," Harry shifted his head so that he could make eye contact with Reina, pink lips curled into a smirk identical to hers. "Maybe that time we did it against the wall, or in the bathtub, or on the balcony, or-or by the fireplace!"

"That time by the fireplace...that was dirty," Reina bit her lip with flushed cheeks, making Harry hold himself up over her for a second, hand pressing into the mattress near her hip.

"Very," Harry responded with a wide smirk, leaning into her touch when her hand came up to stroke his cheek. "You were all over me, couldn't get enough of my cock and tongue, you dirty little dra-"

"Oh fuck off, you were practically shoving your cock into every hole-"

"Shhh untrue!" Harry exclaimed quietly, pressing his fingers to her lips. "Don't be so crude, our baby can hear."

"The baby is probably the size of a grain of rice as of this moment, Harry," Reina said with a roll of her eyes, chuckling nonetheless. "You really think it can hear us?"

"You never know!" Harry responded to her, before he pondered for a second. "Do you think it's a girl or a boy?"

"Whatever it is we will love it endlessly," Reina simply said, making him nod in agreement but still he urged for an answer. "I dunno, what do you think?"

"Well I suppose I am expecting a son for obvious reasons, but oh Reina the idea of having a sweet baby girl is so precious," Harry whispered a little too excitedly, making Reina grin hard, heart aching due to how cute he was. "Then I can call her my tiny dragon, so I have my little dragon and my tiny dragon!"

"You are so precious, Harry," Reina told him with a soft laugh, tugging his face down to kiss his lips firmly. "I love you dearly."

"Mmph I love you too, darling," Harry mumbled against her lips, sweet words muffled by her kiss.

Reina smiled softly at his words, never able to stop her heart from fluttering every time she heard him rasp those three powerful words. They soon fell into a deep slumber, all wrapped up in each other's arms and limbs, clinging to one another dearly.


∙ Two days later ∙

"I want you to stay in the castle."


Reina stood in front of Harry with a deep frown on her face, while he sat on their bed, pulling his boots on. The morning had been a little bit sad and gloomy as the funerals of the mustered children were that day. Harry was currently getting dressed for the funerals, which he was adamant on attending with his father due to the guilt that was churning in his stomach. Reina wanted to come to pay her respects but Harry wanted her to stay in the castle just in case the Messians attack again while they're out of the castle.

"I want you to stay in the castle," Harry repeated under his breath, finishing up with putting on his boots and lifting his head up to look at her. "It's not safe for you to go outside the castle, especially since the cemetery the children are getting buried at is quite far from the castle."

"But I want to pay my respects to the children," Reina said with a sad frown. "I want to see their families too."

"I know, love, and when I do it it'll be from the both of us," Harry stood up and walked towards her, hands findings their place on her hips. "But I'd rather not take a risk, it's far too dangerous."

His forest green eyes gazed pleadingly at her, hoping that she wouldn't argue with him or leave the castle behind his back like she had done before. But Reina understood why he didn't want her to go, and she understood the extra protectiveness because of the baby she was carrying inside of her. Reina cupped Harry's cheeks with her hands, frills of her black, detailed sleeves brushing his skin as she leaned up to place a gentle kiss on his lips.

"I understand, Harry," she whispered to him with a tiny smile, making him exhale in relief. "Just be careful, alright? Take Fredric with you."

"Oh no I want Fredric here protecting you," Harry told her with a shake of his head and a firm tone.

"Then who am I to rely on to protect you?" Reina arched a brow at him, pink lips in a frown. "I need to be assured that you will be protected and kept safe."

"I'll protect myself, you need not to worry, my darling Little Dragon," Harry murmured to her in a sweet tone, fingers cupping her chin with a smile dancing on her lips. He sort of liked that she wanted to protect him too; he found it more endearing than serious since he still can't truly believe that she could protect him.

"Harry," she whined a little, making him chuckle under his breath, hands coming up to cradle her cheeks as he pecked her lips.

"Shhh I have a lot of guards coming with my father and I. We will be fine," Harry reassured her with a kiss to her lips before loud knocking on the bedchamber door was heard. "Alright, I must go now. Stay with Fredric, we need to be cautious at all times."

"Mhmm," Reina mumbled in response, smiling when Harry wrapped his arms around her firmly in a warm hug. "Please give the families of the poor children my sympathies, and let them know that I too really wanted to attend."

"Of course, Reina, I will make sure to do that," Harry told her firmly. "I'll see you at noon for lunch, Little Dragon."

Harry kissed her knuckles sweetly, green eyes gazing endearingly at her before he pulled away to leave, hand clinging to hers as he walked away with him looking back. But eventually, their fingers untangled and he was out of the bedchamber. Harry pulled his leather gloves on as he walked along with four guards whom escorted him to the back entrance where they were going to meet the King and take a more unknown, secure route to the cemetery. He adjusted the gold circular clasp on his raven coat before he pulled the hood up over his head as soon as he stepped out of the castle.

"Your foreigner wife isn't coming with?" the King boomed as soon as Harry stepped into the carriage and sat down opposite his father. "I assumed she'd come for these sorts of things."

"Funerals?" Harry arched a brow at his father.

"Funerals of peasants."

"I made her stay in the castle for her safety," Harry told Desmond, making him scoff a little, as the carriage began moving.

"And she listened?" the King gaped in an amusing manner, making Harry roll his eyes and avert his gaze to the wall of the carriage next to him. "I won't be surprised to find her at the funeral later. She has a habit of going against you."

"Not anymore," Harry snapped in irritation. "She and I are on an equal level now and we communicate well. She doesn't defy me anymore, and nor I her."

"What does it matter if you defy her? Men don't bow down to women," Desmond scoffed, shooting his son a disappointed look. "I thought you knew that, Harry."

"I did, but it doesn't mean you're right."

"Excuse me?" Desmond widened his eyes in slight anger, making Harry exhale deeply, nostrils flaring as his arms folded over his chest.

"You heard me, father."

"I'm disappointed, son," Desmond simply shook his head with a sigh. "I didn't expect for a woman to change your values and beliefs so suddenly."

"She simply helped me open my eyes to the inequality and injustice in our world," Harry muttered quietly, lacing his fingers together on his lap and finally looking up at his father.

The King remained silent after hearing Harry's words, and they both sat in silence until they arrived at the cemetery. Harry was relieved that their journey to the cemetery was safe and quick, and hoped that it'd be same for his journey back. He went out of his way to talk to each of the families whom were there, giving his sympathies to them and informing them of how Reina also wanted to be there.

Some of them were kind to the young Prince, and understanding that it all happened so fast before they could even try to locate the children. The other families were bitter, but didn't say anything in fear of the King and the royals. Harry nonetheless remembered his manners, and promised each family gold while also making sure that they knew he didn't think he could buy their forgiveness with his money.

"No amount of gold will make up for your loss, I truly am sorry," Harry spoke sincerely to one of the families. He recognized the father from yesterday, the sobbing man whom he promised he'd find his daughter. "You've no idea how terrible and guilty I feel for not honoring my promise to you of finding your daughter."

"We understand, my Prince," the man spoke quietly, tone heavy with emotion with his gaze averted. "I just want justice served for my little girl, and for all the other children as well."

"I know my promises aren't the strongest at the moment, but for this, I will make sure that the men who did this will suffer immensely for what they did. You have my word," Harry was firm and fierce with his promise, hands gripping the man's one and squeezing it in assurance.

"I pray that you honor your word, and avenge my daughter's death," the man forced himself to smile gratefully at Harry.

He wasn't too sure Harry will keep his word, judging the way the young Prince was spoiled and bratty with distaste for peasants. But the man senses a change in him, and is sure that it was the foreign princess who has caused this. The man's thoughts dissipated when Harry started speaking again, informing him and his wife of the gold that will be arriving at their houses by noon. He found the prince's actions generous, and briefly wondered why the King wasn't saying any of this to the other families as it looked like it was only Harry doing all the work.

The family walked away once Harry was done speaking to them. He was about to return to his father's side, but was halted when he felt his long cloak being tugged at gently. He whipped his head, gaze darting around before it lowered with a frown on his face. There was a little girl dressed in black, hazel eyes with short blond locks that touched her shoulders. She gazed up innocently at Harry, whom smiled charmingly at her, lowering himself until his knees were bent and his gaze was leveled with hers. The girl was the daughter of the man Harry was just speaking to, a sister to the one whose life was taken by the Messians.

"Hello," she smiled at him sweetly, making him grin back.

"Hello, love," Harry greeted her back with a toothy grin. "What's your name?"

"Elora," she responded, grabbing her skirts and lifting them as she bowed in respect to Harry. "Can I- Can I ask you a question, Prince Harry?" she mumbled politely with doe eyes.

"Of course you can, sweetheart," Harry responded sweetly. "And call me Harry."

"W-Where is Princess Reina?" Elora questioned curiously, making Harry bite his lip while smiling.

"She's at the castle. I wanted her to be safe because-" Harry was about to say that it was because she was pregnant but he stopped himself momentarily.

"Because?" the girl urged, curiosity sparked.

"Because I love her so so much therefore I made her stay in the castle, to be safe," Harry explained to her quietly, making her lips form an 'O'.

"Is it not safe out here, Harry?" Elora asked, bright eyes shinning with worry. Harry internally panicked, unsure of what to say to her.

"These are dark times, Elora. But you and your family are under the protection of the King. Everyone is. You just make sure to take care of yourself and never venture out alone, alright?"

"O-Okay," she nodded in response. "Is it not safe because of the bad people who hurt Elena?"

"Yes," Harry answered a little grimly, heart aching because he knew Elena was her sister, whom she had lost at such a young age.

"W-Will you stop those bad people from hurting other people, Harry?"

"I will, Elora. I promise you," Harry promised her firmly and she smiled in response. "Now come, I would like to give you something."

He led her to his carriage nearby, holding her tiny hand in his large, gloved one as they walked together. He had the servants pick out a huge array of flowers from the royal gardens for the funerals. He asked her for permission to carry her, and she nodded with a big grin, throwing her arms out. He lifted her up and carried her around the cart that had the flowers sitting in baskets, telling her to choose whichever she'd like. She picked out one single pink rose, and Harry smiled to himself, the beauty of it reminding him of his wife.

The little girl kissed Harry on his cheek, and bid him goodbye after she had picked her flower, rushing off to her family. They were grateful Harry managed to lift the girl's spirits up after such dark, and upsetting events.


Reina's silvery eyes skimmed over the large map of Siremeth she had been studying for the past month. Her quill dipped into some pitch-black ink, tapping off the excess before hovering the quill over the map while she scanned it for where she wanted to mark another potential hide-out for the Messians.

Over the past month, she found that no matter how much she tried, none of the men on the Council would listen to whatever ideas she had in mind about the Messians. They wouldn't consider her suggestions, nor opinions and it frustrated Reina to no end. Harry often defended her and tried his best to put forward her ideas, but there was only so much he could do.

So, Reina took matters into her own hands. When her grandmother and stepmother arrived at Siremeth, Reyes had sent a fair number of guards for protection. Instead of keeping the guards here at the Styles Palace, protecting Reina and her family, Reina used them in her plan to find the Messians. She had them living at inns in the city, keeping an eye on things to hear or see anything odd occurring.

Reina informed Harry of her plans, and how she would communicate with her guards often and mark spots on the map where they think the Messians could be potentially hiding or meeting up. Harry contributed by giving her a small portion of guards to aid her own since they were more familiar with the city. But Harry was much more confident that his father's plan and guards would find the Messians, and didn't really think much of Reina's plans.

Reina had her men and Harry's scouting out different areas of the city undercover, living with the commoners and listening in on any gossip or news that could give away the Messians. Every time her men would come up with something, one or two of them would meet Reina in the castle and discuss their findings and mark the map. Now, Reina had a couple of spots marked with notes written next to them, concerning rumors of strange men meeting up on certain nights that her guards have heard.

According to her men, there was going to be a large meeting with some new men that have arrived from out of town. Reina and her guards were certain they were the Messians since these 'new men' met at the same spot a few times before the horrific incident with the children from yesterday.

"Fredric, whom would I have to talk to in order to borrow some men from the Styles' Knightsguard?"

"Why do you want to borrow men-"

"Fredric answer the question please," Reina interrupted him as set her quill down, and picked up her map to gaze at it.

"The Hand, m'lady," Fredric answered immediately.

"Jorey?" Reina grimaced deeply, making Fredric nod curtly in response. "Of course it's fucking Jorey. The Hand is always in charge when the King is gone. Well, fuck me."

"May I ask why you require men from the Knightsguard?"

"You will find out once I speak with Jorey, now please take me to him," Reina requested with a smile, making Fredric nod slowly before turning around to escort her out of the bedchamber.

Fredric didn't know much of her plans, since he was more concerned with the King and his plans to find the Messians. Jorey was in his study when Reina and Fredric found him. He was surprised to find the foreign princess entering the room with her chin held high, looking intimidating as hell in her raven dress with lace and silver detailings.

"And to what do I owe this pleasure, Princess Reina?" Jorey questioned with a sarcastic tone, making Reina smile a little, moving to sit in one of the seats in front of him.

"I am here to request for a portion of the Kingsguard to aid me in a mission," Reina informed him, making his dark brows lower as he set his quill down and folded his arms over his chest.

"What is this mission you speak of?"

"A mission to find the Messians, of course," Reina told him, making him chuckle a little.

"My Princess, men from the Kingsguard are currently on that mission as we speak," Jorey said.

"But this is my mission."

"Alright, what are you trying to do here Reina?" Jorey questioned, getting slightly annoyed now. "What makes you think you can lead a mission to find these Messians? Do you have intelligence of where they are? I would find it suspicious if you do."

"Why? Because I am a foreigner?" she questioned with a roll of her eyes. "You should stop with your suspicions because they are honestly stupid and ridiculous."

"Don't worry, princess, they are simply just suspicions and nothing more," Jorey said with a smirk, and Reina felt her blood boil and fists clench, but she held herself back from speaking out since she needed his help. "Now go on, tell me of your mission."

"The King and his men have been useless in finding the Messians for the past month now, Jorey," Reina snapped in response. "6 children were murdered and nailed to the walls of this fucking palace, naked. They deserve immediate justice and I will not sit and wait any longer to allow for another event such as this, to occur."

"When my mother and grandmother arrived from Vardomos, Reyes sent a few guards from the Dragonsguard to accompany them and protect them as well as me, in Siremeth," Reina continued to speak. "I sent some of those men into the city to look for the Messians, live there and keep their ears peeled for any news that may seem odd to them. I've had my other two, new guards that Harry has provided me with Francis and Alex, and more, to aid my men since they are more familiar with the city."

"Meanwhile, I've been communicating with them, gaining information of different places in the city, and also studying the map of Siremeth to try and determine what sorts of places would the Messians be hiding at," she explained, making Jorey part his lips to speak.


"I have a place in mind where I believe the Messians will be meeting tonight, thus I will need more men in case we get outnumbered. Reyes sent more men a day ago, and they too are currently residing in the city in a few of the inns," Reina told Jorey, making his face change into an indescribable expression. He was impressed.

"Why do you need more men? It sounds like you've got quite a lot," Jorey arched a brow at her.

"Not as much as you think, some of the guards are to remain here to protect myself, Genevieve and my grandmother, under Reyes' orders. They aren't allowed to participate in any attacks on the Messians, that is why I need the Styles' guards," Reina explained herself. Reyes mostly sent the guards to protect her because when Reina wrote to him, she also wrote that she was pregnant.

"Hmm, and does Harry know of this?" Jorey questioned.

"Some of it yes," Reina nodded in response. "But he hasn't been fully updated on it since he has more faith in his father's plans than mine of course."

"Ah and that must anger you, does it?" Jorey snickered, making Reina shrug in response.

"I was irritated, but I understood his perspective, he has faith in his guards and Fredric. Plus, if my plan works, I get to win his trust and faith in my strategic thinking, and prove my value as a member of the Council," Reina spoke with a smile curving on her pink lips.

"Now may I have the men I require for my mission? I don't believe you have a better plan as of this moment, might as well go along with mine since I have a lead," she arched her brow at him, speaking in a challenging tone.

"What if this plan doesn't work? What if these men end up losing their lives even if you are right about it all?" Jorey inquired. "The King will have my head, surely."

"My guards are skilled fighters, and I'm sure the Styles' ones are as well. If they die, they die in the attempt to avenge the deaths of the children, an honorable death. I do not like putting them at a risk like this, but I've asked for consent from the ones I have at the inn and I will do so with the ones you will assign me," Reina explained. "As for your head...I'll protect you."

"You'll protect me?" Jorey laughed with wide eyes.

"I won't allow the King to behead you just because I came to you asking for help," Reina told him strictly.

"What makes you think the King will listen to you?"

"Because Jorey, what the hell is a lion to a fucking dragon?"


"Harry, must you really go with them?"

"I must, I promised I'd avenge the deaths of those children, that means I must be there when we arrest the Messians," Harry grunted in response, doing up the belt that had his sword and its sheath hanging from the side.

Harry and the King arrived by twilight, which was why Reina needed Jorey to get her the guards the needed for her mission. When they arrived, she explained to them what she had done and to her surprise, the King was furious. He was furious that she had ordered a mission without his consent, but Reina fired back saying that nothing was happening with his plans and she wasn't going to let more horrific incidents occur due to the rate they were going at with the investigation. Harry stood up to his father and defended Reina, praising her efforts and pointing out that they might as well go along with her plan now that they have something to work with instead of nothing at all.

Reina had to spend the rest of the evening convincing Harry not to go, since he was so desperate to make those people pay for what they did. She was just worried for his safety since she couldn't be there herself to protect him, she didn't want him to go. Even though she had Fredric and her own guards from Vardomos whom she trusted with her life, she was still worrying as she followed him around, clinging to him, trying to persuade him to change his mind.

She has also been getting updates from the guards whom are undercover and hiding around the area where the meeting is going to happen in the underground basement of a small tavern. They're keeping count of how many men are attending, and there's a lot.

"You can avenge their deaths once they've been arrested! You do not need to risk your life and be there to arrest them! That's the guards' job!" Reina exclaimed, throwing her hands up in exasperation.

"Oh hush Reina, I will be fine. Why are you worrying so much?" Harry found himself chuckling, finding her concern for his safety endearing and not serious. "Do you not have faith in your Prince?"

"I was stabbed during that ambush by those people-"

"Yes but that only happened because you weren't trained to fight," he said as he tied his the laces of his boots looking up to continue his words. "You were vulnerable."

"Vulnerable? Why Harry, I've been trained to fight ever since I was a little girl. I got stabbed because I was distracted-"

"By me," Harry continued her sentence, locking gazes with her. "If I didn't call your name out, you wouldn't have gotten stabbed."

"I shouldn't have brought that up," Reina sighed heavily with a shake of her head, knowing how guilty Harry often got when he thought about the ambush, or whenever it was brought up in a conversation.

Her head hung low and her gaze averted as she fiddled with her fingers, hating how much her heart worried for him and how emotional she was getting. She didn't know it was her hormones raging because she was pregnant, she just assumed that that's how one feels when they're in love. They worry endlessly in situations like this for their lover. Harry finished up his boots, standing up and walking towards Reina to stand in front of her. His fingers pushed her chin up so that her gaze locked with his, his green eyes glinting with sympathy while her pale ones flashed with worry.

"Don't ever be sorry for worrying about me, my love," Harry whispered ever so quietly. "I'm sorry for being inconsiderate. I know I should listen to you and stay, because I don't want your beautiful, sweet heart worrying about me, and I-I can't risk my life because I'm the future king, and a future father as well."

"But I have to, Reina," he carried on, sighing lightly as he dropped his hands to hold hers. "After attending those funerals and witnessing that nightmare toady...I just have to."

Reina's face fell at his words, nonetheless she nodded slightly, seeing that there was no way of convincing him now. He was adamant on going. Reina caught him off-guard when she hugged him fiercely, arms wrapped tightly around his midriff, cheek pressing against his chest. Harry smiled lightly, pressing his lips against her hairline while winding his arms around her shoulders. He pulled back after a few seconds, hands cupping her cheeks while he kissed her forehead, then her nose and finally her lips.

"I promise you, I'll stay away from all the chaos and only go if needed urgently," Harry murmured to her softly.

"I promise I'll come back to you, Little Dragon."


what do you think is gonna happen in the next chapter? 👀👀👀

I've already picked names out for the baby, but like what do you think it'd be if it were

A boy

A girl


I've been lovingggggg the one shot entries! Please do check them out if you're interested in reading they're all so great! There's also still time to enter so if you're on the fence about entering just go for it and have funnnn ❤️

for those waiting on True Colors update, it's coming soon! I now have to inform people this way instead of posting on my profile because apparently no one sees that shit lmaoO.

Until we meet again...


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