Nobody Can Save Me

By SonataNocturne

6.3K 362 372

Rob is dealing with depression and self-harm. Shutting himself up he doesn't notice that he isn't alone. More

I'm my own worst enemy -foreword-
Keep it locked up inside 2
The silence splits me open 3
Thinking everything's about me 4
It's all too much to take in 5
Cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass 6
Set the silence free 7
'Cause beyond every bend, is a long blinding end 8
Sharp edges have consequences 9
I've been searching for the courage to face my enemies 10
All you're ever wanted, the truth I couldn't speak 11
But you were lost in the beating of the storm 12
In my carelessness I left you in the dark 13
The sound of your voice, painted on my memories 14
I'll pick you up right off the ground 15
We swim against the rising waves 16
There's a seat here alongside me 17
I wanna find something I've wanted all along 18
When life leaves us blind 19
Without a sense of confidence 21
I'm breaking the habit tonight 22
Forget the wrong that I've done 23
I can't wait to see tomorrow 24
And I'm just trying to get it right 25
Remember you're loved 26

I can't convince you to just believe this is real 20

174 9 1
By SonataNocturne

A/N: Boring and fluffy, sorry lol. The cocoa thingy I did read online, had to use it!



Next day they were having just a normal day inside before they would head to the interview later. Brad had made some coffee and the drummer was sitting cross legged on his couch reading a book. That wasn't a surprise for Brad and he adored the sight. But the drummer hadn't really had talked after he had confessed his feelings. It really wasn't even a confession. Rob should have already realized the guitarist had strong feelings and wasn't playing with him.

"Here", he handed a cup of the black liquid magic for the drummer and sat beside him.

Rob nodded and gave him a quick smile before turning his eyes back to the book. And pushed his glasses with his index finger. The guitarist wanted to sigh but he didn't want to be annoying. He would have wanted to talk and hear what the drummer was thinking but maybe the other just needed some time. Instead he concentrated to study those beautiful features. The lips that were serious and the dark eyes that had so much emotions behind.

"Brad. You're staring at me again", the drummer slammed his book shut.

The other frowned cause of the tone. Rob was mad. "Yes I was. But... Why are you mad?"

He reached to touch the drummer but he stood up almost pouring the coffee on his lap. "I'm not mad."

"Oh yes you are. I haven't seen that look many times on your face but I do recognize it. Why?", Brad leaped after him.

"No I'm not", the drummer tried to leave but Brad grabbed his arm.

"Stop! And stop lying to me!", Brad grunted. Hate it when he won't talk, he thought.

But when he got the other to turn around it wasn't anymore pure anger. It was more like sadness laced with anger. And then the tears started to fall. Brad sighed and pulled him into a hug.

"Please talk to me okay? I want to know if I did something to make you this upset so I won't do it again", he whispered after a while and gently guided the drummer to sit back on the couch.

Rob muttered, "But that's it. Cause you can't say you love me. Next thing you will leave me alone. I know it."

Brad sighed heavily again and entwined their fingers. "No. I'm not going to leave you. I just said it out loud. It... it doesn't mean it is a new feeling. And I'm going to say it again, I love you Rob. I really, really do. A lot. So stop running. Cause there is nothing you can do that could chase me away. And I am saying that as many time as is needed so that you will believe it."

Rob wiped his eyes and wondered what he should say. He wanted to just let go but then there was this other voice telling that it would all fall apart anyway.

"Don't. You will draw blood next", Brad laughed little and pulled the lip free that the drummer was chewing. Another habit the drummer couldn't stop.

You're too good to me. Too good to be true", Rob said finally.

Brad shook his head smiling and pulled the hand he was holding to his lips. "And you're an idiot. And you think too much, again!" Wish I could just put all of his bad thoughts and emotions to a box and lock forever, he thought.

"Don't be so mean", the drummer said pouting but his eyes had gotten the sparkle back.

"I won't. If you try to stop the over analyzing and trust me", Brad tilted his head.

"I try. But... you know how hard it is when you second guess yourself all the time. And he others, what they think about you. I'm scared that I am not enough. That someday you get fed up and leave", the drummer mumbled.

"I don't, not really... But you can help me to understand. Cause I want to know what you feel", Brad smiled and leaned to kiss the tip of his nose.

"Okay...", Rob sighed.

The guitarist mumbled picking up some invisible lint from his shirt, "So was this the reason why you panicked then in the hotel room? Cause... they are just three little words but I kinda hope you feel the same."

"Yeah... And... Well I was afraid but I thought that if I said it out loud you will say it back just... for pity. And not really mean it", the drummer sighed again ready to escape.

"Aaaaand no Robbie. I don't do 'pity' really", Brad shook his head and climbed on the drummer's lap straddling him.

"Are you trying to distract me again?", the other laughed.

Brad laughed back and wrapped his arms around Rob's shoulders. "Well not really but I can do that too if you want."

"Or you're just horny", Rob shook his head.

"Well... Yeah", the other chuckled.

Rob smirked and played with Brad's curls. "Jeez..."

"You know I read this thing earlier today when you were having fun with your boring book", the guitarist nibbled his lip just to get a small taste.

"Don't mock my book. It isn't boring. What was that?" Rob rolled his eyes.

"We are like cocoa and marshmallows. You're hot and I wanna be on top of you", the other smirked like he had just told a great joke.

"Delson! I have one word for you.. cheeeeeesy", Rob laughed and kissed the now pouting lips.

The guitarist grabbed Rob's head to kiss him properly. "Well it's true anyway."

"But even though I would love to fuck you right now I think we should get ready for the interview. Don't worry, I will handle the talking. You can just concentrate on looking pretty", he mumbled against Rob's mouth.

"Right....", Rob rolled his eyes.

The guitarist tilted his head. "Seriously. So I can fuck you when we get back. Besides we didn't test the jacuzzi yet."

The other blushed furiously thinking about it. "Stop!"

"Yeah... Was getting tiny bit too excited", Brad smirked.

The drummer sighed heavily and smirked helping the other back up from his lap.

"But.. Are you better now? And not so afraid of the words?", Brad grabbed their cups and headed to kitchen to change the cold coffee to fresh, hot one.

"Better yeah. Takes some time to sink in. The words I mean", the drummer answered.

The answer satisfied Brad cause there was a smile with it. He knew that the blurt had been a bad idea. But then again if the feeling wouldn't have been mutual he had at least tried. Cause when Rob said it in the hotel room it had been even more of a blurt than when he himself said it. Maybe there was still truth behind the words. At least he wanted to believe so even though the drummer didn't say it straightforwardly. Will ask again. After the jacuzzi, he thought smirking.

"Would you like to make some food when we get back from the interview. It shouldn't take long. I don't really know how to cook but....", Brad asked sipping his fresh coffee.

Rob nodded smiling. "Sure. That could be fun. As long as you don't make me eat anything nasty."

"Don't know what is your nasty but I assume you will tell me", the guitarist laughed. It has to be something weird like pickles, onions, or... ice cream. Who doesn't love ice cream?, he thought.

The drummer laughed. "Well I need a change. The drive wasn't long right?"

"Yup. We should get going though", Brad answered kissing the other before letting him go.

Rob walked to the bedroom and searched his bag for clothes thinking about the talk. Brad had really startled him yesterday. The fact that there were deeper feelings was scary. He couldn't back down even if he wanted. He surely didn't though. But if there weren't deeper feelings from neither of them then maybe a sudden end wouldn't feel that bad. The guitarist earned every cent of his trust and he wanted to give it to him. He just wasn't sure was it possible. Letting go was scary too, even more scarier than the feeling that now had a proper name.

He got back to the living room after he had changed and was greeted by the guitarist who was pulling his coat on. "Ready?"

"Yup!", he nodded and got his own coat and followed him to the car.

The interview was done on an local magazine's headquarters and the drive there was over quickly. Brad was in a good mood despite the previous conversation. He felt like it was a step forward.

"Hello, nice to meet you both. Glad you made it. I am Alice Thornton", a pretty thirty something year old woman greeted them.

She had pixie cut dyed in deep purple, very subtle makeup and wore black jeans and a t-shirt with a logo Brad didn't recognize. They sat down on a bright red couch and Brad crossed his legs feeling so weird that he couldn't touch the other.

"So! If it is fine for you both I would like to start with the questions. You had a small European tour tour and after a while you are heading back there. And Madison Square Garden! How do you feel about the tour now when you look back?", she smiled looking at them both after pressing a play on a recorder.

"We love touring. Meeting the fans, playing shows, seeing different cities and countries. Only thing missing is home and the friends here in States. Madison was of course amazing", Brad answered shortly smiling.

"I believe you had a problem in UK? You had to replace Mr. Bourdon for one show?", she read from his notepad.

"Yes. Mr. Bourdon was sick and the doctor ordered him to stay in bed. It was once show and the bass technician did fill the place very well. We will be scheduling a new show there anyway", Brad answered again, feeling now that the woman was trying to dig up something there wasn't even buried. Except their relationship but no way in hell she could know about it.

"And now your singer is sick and you cancelled two shows? How does that really feel? All of you others are ready to play and then someone can't. And then fans are disappointed", she said.

"It happens. We are humans after all. And if you want you can look online to see how many shows we have cancelled. I think the number is between ten and fifteen now and third of them weren't even cause of some member was sick. Last year Chester broke a wrist during a show and we continued the show still. We will make it up to the fans as I said", Brad answered feeling slightly annoyed.

"How about you, Mr. Bourdon? How did it feel when the others played a show without you? You are a member of a band anyway...", the woman tilted his head.

Rob cleared his throat. "Well.. Of course I didn't like it. I wanted to be there too. But I really didn't have a choice. The doctor said that if I would have even made it through the show I could have gotten worse. So I just hoped that the fans will forgive me and the substitute drummer wouldn't mess up."

"And I heard he played excellently. So my next question would be that what do you do in your free time. Like now when Mr. Bennington is sick", she moved to other subject.

"We... It depends where we are but the normal stuff. Like, TV, movies, games, books. You know, boring things", Brad laughed. And fucking. Which is so not boring with Rob, he thought.

"Is there something in the past tour cycle that you regret? Like not visiting a city you would have wanted or dropping a song from the set list you love to play?" she stared again the notepad.

"Well... Nothing like that. Those come and go. If we missed a city we probably play there on next tour. But I do regret one certain fight. I feel bad about it still. It really could have been avoided if I would have been more careful before it blew up. Hopefully the other person hears this and understands how sorry I am", Brad answered feeling a slight bump on his leg. When he glanced Rob his look told everything he needed and the warmth spread to his heart.

"Oh... I see the time flies! I want to thank you both for giving this brief interview. Would you mind if I would take a photo? I'm not a professional but would be nice to add something to the article. Which I hope I get to publish later today already", she asked grabbing her phone.

Brad glanced at Ron who nodded his acceptance. The woman took the picture, thanked them again and lead them out from the building.

"Lucky it was so quick", the guitarist smiled when they get back to his place.

Rob nodded. "I was just thinking that she would next ask why I was sick when she suddenly changed the subject."

"I'm so happy it wasn't anything serious then", the other brushed his arm.

"So... How about the cooking, movie and maybe something involving bubbly, hot water?", he continued.

"Sounds like a plan. But no onions in the food!", Rob sat down on the couch.

Brad rolled his eyes. "I knew it."


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