Just Friends... (Mature Cont...

By katie-holla

166K 2.3K 113

It has always been Bella and Ethan, Ethan and Bella. Nothing could tear these two best friends apart. One nig... More

Just Friends...
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 2

19.8K 195 18
By katie-holla

I wake up with a terrible headache. Where am I? I think as hard as I can.. Ethan and I went to Matt's party, okay we went up the stairs, oh my God. I look all around and I realize I am in Ethan's bedroom. "Ethan?" I look down and see him sleeping. Shit! I can't believe I had sex with my best friend! I look down and see that there is some blood on me, I quickly go to the bathroom and wash it off, I go back into the bedroom and see Ethan still sleeping. Now where is my underwear? I look around the room and see my panties, I quickly grab them and put them on, I hear the sheets rustling. Oh no he's waking up, I go and hide on the other side of the bed, I watch Ethan get up and walk to the bathroom, he lets out a loud yawn. Why does he have to be so cute? Ethan finishes using the restroom and comes back to the bedroom, I can tell he see's me by his eyes opening. 

"Why am I naked?" I raise an eyebrow. I swear I got dressed before we left.

"You don't remember?" I can feel Ethan's eyes on me as he remembers last night, "Bella. I'm sorry." 

I shake my head, I don't need him apologizing to me. I stand up, feeling awkward, "Now, have you seen my bra?"

 Ethan laughs hard, "I think I see it under my jeans, can you toss me them?" 

I nod, I grab his jeans and my bra, I walk up to him, "How drunk were you?" I whisper, a hint of regret in my voice. "Eh, Not enough."

 He winks at me, "Ethan."

"Bella, what we did last night was both of our decisions, and I don't want to blame the alcohol on it. "

I nod, "Yes, that is true. Does this change things?"

Ethan steps closer to me, "Bella.. can we just think of how amazing last night was? You have no idea how long I have been wanting you. I-I don't know how to explain it." He tilts my chin up, "I wanna kiss you again." I melt inside and press my lips to his. I am still holding my bra in right hand and covering my breasts in my left. "You are so beautiful." He continues to kiss me.Ethan drops his jeans on the floor and takes my bra out of my hand, "I need you now." He picks me up and rises above me on the bed.

 "Ethan. What are you doing?" Ethan kisses my neck and gently puts me on his bed. 

"I want to be inside of you, just like last night." His voice is raspy and sexy.

He enters a finger inside of me as he kisses my neck. I moan out, "Do you like this?" I nod, "Let me hear you, Bella. Do you like this?"

"Yes. I love it." He enters another finger inside of me. I am sore, but it still feels so good. 

"Do you want me to make you cum again? Do you want to come from my hand or my dick?" I feel myself get so hot it is nearly unbearable. I have never heard him talk like this before. I have never seen this side of him. "Bella?" I can feel myself getting so wet, I am going to cum soon.

"You- you choose." I say with ragged breaths.

"I will make you cum twice, just like I did last night." He smirks at me and continues to enter his fingers in and out. 

"Ethan." I feel like I can barely breathe. I am going to literally scream. He crashes his lips to mine as I cry out, cumming just like I have before.

"You're so good at this, you have no idea." I watch him get up and grab a condom from his underwear drawer. I wonder how many girls he has been with with. "Are you okay with this?" I love that he asks me. 

"Yes. I want you." Ethan kisses me tenderly as he enters me. He goes in much easier than he did last night and much much deeper. 

"You feel so good. You're so tight." He kisses me all over and his hands grab my breasts, hard, as he thrusts into me. I watch him make love to me. I guess I don't know if it is making love or not since we aren't dating. I am so new to this, I feel so stupid. My body knows what to do, my hands travel all over him. Grabbing his muscles and his hair. I can't hide my moans as he continues to be inside of me. 

Ethan goes even deeper inside of me, I feel him fill my core. "Ethan. Oh my God." I scream out. It feels incredible. 

He slows down, "Are you close, Bell?" I feel like I am. I want him to do what he did yesterday. I don't know how to tell him. I look down at his hands and he chuckles. "I know what you want." He rubs my sweet spot just like he did yesterday, kissing my neck, and whispering sweet nothings in to my ear. "Yes, baby. You are so close." I feel my back arching and he pushes me down, dominating me. I feel my orgasm fly through me. He keeps going as everything is going through me. 

"Are you going to cum?" I whisper shyly. Did I do something wrong?

"I want to do something different this time. I want you do suck me off."

My eyes go wide, "What?"

"I want to you suck me off. I will show you how." He smirks. Ethan pulls his giant dick out of me and I sit up. I grab him and throw off the condom. 

"What do I do?" I whisper. 

"Just rub your hands up and down, start slow and speed up. Just like you did yesterday." I hear him moan with each hand movement. "Now, let me enter your mouth, baby." I open my mouth, "Now suck." I do as he asks, I know not to use my teeth. He is moaning so loud, I can feel him twitching in my mouth. "I am going to-" without finishing his sentence he bursts inside of me. "Damn, Bella, you have the moves." 

I smile as he kisses my cheek, "I need a shower." 

He nods and I walk over to the bathroom. I turn the water on as I watch him dress. I can't believe I had sex with my best friend twice. I want him to stay close to me, "Ethan?" I call out to him, he looks over at me, "Aren't you going to join me?" Ethan walks over to the bathroom door, "I didn't know I was invited." I laugh, "I don't want you stinking up the car!" Ethan hops right in with me and the butterflies keep on forming inside of me.

"Stop hogging all the hot water!" I yell squirting body wash on Ethan's back.

"Says you! You were under it for ten minutes!" 

I cross my arms, "Was not, now move I'm getting cold!" 

Ethan laughs, "I can tell, nips!"

 I look down and see that I'm nipping, I can't believe I'm naked in front of Ethan and nipping. I feel myself blush, "I wouldn't be nipping if you weren't hogging all the hot water!" 

I push Ethan out of the way and rinse off my body wash. I look up and laugh, "Who's nipping now?" 

Ethan looks down and laughs, "Me!"

He grabs a towel off the rack and dries off. "There is another towel in the closet."

 I nod and grab it, "I'm cold." I say walking up to him with my teeth chattering.

"Here." Ethan wraps me up in his muscular arms, "I'll always be the one to warm you up."

 I smile, I don't want this moment to end, I can't believe how close I am to him. "Ethan are we still friends?" He looks down at me with his eyebrow raised, "Yeah, why wouldn't we be?"

 I shrug my shoulders, "I just wanted to make sure we weren't boyfriend girlfriend."

 Ethan turns me so I am facing him, "What do you want to be?" I don't know how to answer this. What if I ruin everything? 

"We are just friends." I say with  ping in my chest. "If that is the case then this can never happen again." I nod agreeing with regret.

"I will just take you home and we can forget this ever happened."

I put on my clothes, "Okay." 

I help Ethan button up his shirt, "I think it was easier to take off instead of put on." I say laughing, then I cover mouth, "Sorry." Ethan's smile fades as he grabs his car keys from his pocket.

 We jump in the truck and drive to my house. "Thanks for taking me! " I say when Ethan parks his truck in my driveway. I see him unbuckle his seat belt, "What are you doing?" 

Ethan laughs, "Aren't you going to invite me in?" Come on Bella he is your best friend, you can't get rid of him that quickly.

 "Oh, yeah, come on." I say grabbing my house key from beneath the plant next to our door. I unlock the door and see my mom in the other room, I'm about to say hi when I remember what I'm wearing...her dress from last night.

"Hi mom!" I yell as I run up stairs. 

Ethan follows me, "What was that about?" Ethan says when he gets to my room.

 "My mom can't know I wore this!" 

Ethan lays down on my bed, "Well you better hurry and take it off because I think she is coming up the stairs now." 

My eyes go wide, "Shhh.. Help me get out of it!" 

Ethan gets up and unzips the dress, "I'm kidding, I just wanted you to get out of that dress." 

I give him my death glare, "Seriously? I thought I was going to be dead!" 

Ethan laughs, "Sorry Bel, it worked though, didn't it." I look down and see that I'm in my shoes and panties. 

"Pig." I mutter. I grab a pair of jeans, new underwear and a t-shirt to put on. "If you would please leave so I could change, that would be very much appreciated." 

Ethan shakes my head, "Can't you see that I'm in an important match right now?" I look down at him playing my xbox. 

"Seriously?" I walk into the bathroom and change. 

I look at myself in the mirror before I put my make up on, do I look any different? I move my hair out of my face, I feel like I'm glowing. When I am done doing my makeup, I put my hair up in a messy bun. I walk back into my room and see Ethan asleep on my bed. I can't believe he's asleep again. "Ethan, get up you freak." I say pushing him off the bed.

 "What!" I hear him yell when he lands on the floor, he trips me and I land on top of him.

 "I'm going to kill you!" Ethan yells, I shake my head and turn to run when he grabs my arm, "Oh, no you don't!" He pulls me into him.

 "Ethan!" I scream laughing. I look down at him, he is staring at my lips, "Ethan?"

 He turns away, "I should be going." 

I block the door, "Ethan, what's wrong?" 

He shakes his head, "Nothing. I just remembered I have to get home, I um, told my dad I'd help him with some stuff."

 I walk him to his car. "Okay, come over later if you want." I say as he gets in his truck, he nods, 

"Bye Bella." He starts his truck and leaves. 

 I walk back inside and see my mom staring at me, "What?" I say giving her a confused look.

 "Oh, nothing. How was the party?"

 I smile, "Pretty good." I walk up the stairs and land on my bed. 

I call up my best friend Jess, "Hey girl! Whats up?"

 I smile, "Are you home yet from Colorado?" 

I hear her mom talking in the background, "Almost, don't worry! I'll be back by tomorrow, why?" I blush thinking about Ethan, "I really need to talk to you." 

I can't stop thinking about Ethan, "What is this about?"

 I shake my head, knowing she can't see me, "It's important and I can't say it over the phone, okay?" 

I hear her laugh, "Okay, I'll come over in the morning, love you!" I smile, "Love you, bye." I hang up the phone and get on my xbox. I finish the game Ethan was playing. 

I finish one last round of Call of Duty and check my phone. I have 3 texts from Ethan, he wants to go bowling. How lame, I text him back that I can go even though I have homework. He immediately texts back, "On my way." What! Couldn't he of given me like half an hour? I slide on my shoes and grab money from my purse, "Mom! I'm going bowling with Ethan, I don't know when I'll be back, love you!" 

My mom gives me a hug goodbye, "If you have to, stay the night at Jess's okay? I'm sure she is going with you right?"

 My mom raises an eyebrow, "Uh, yeah, sure, I got to go Ethan is here."

 I hear him honk his truck's horn, "Bye!" I open the door and see Ethan waiting for me. "Hey!" I say getting in his truck.

"Hey, Bel, what's up?" I smile, "Nothing, ready to go bowling?" Ethan drives up my road, "Yep, it's cosmic tonight." 

I laugh, "Okay...why is this important? Like what does cosmic mean?" 

"Oh, yeah I forgot you like to stay in and do homework all the time." 

I stick my tongue out at him, "We have been friends since 1st grade, why are you just now realizing this?" 

Ethan hits me on the leg, "I've always known, because you would always blow me off for Jess or homework." I look out my window, and decide to turn up the radio, 'Paradise' by Coldplay is on, 

"I love this song!" I yell clapping my hands and singing the words, and eventually we are at Thunderbowl.

Ethan pays for my shoe rental, "Thanks, I have money you know." 

Ethan shakes his head and grabs his shoes, "My treat." Why does he have to be so sweet? I slide on my shoes and pick out my bowling ball, I find a nice ten pounder and bring it over to Ethan, "Want to share?" Ethan looks up, he was putting our names in.

 "Sure. Wait why is it pink?" I laugh, "Come on! It is the only one that isn't tight on my fingers, okay?" 

Ethan nods, "Okay, I'm up first." The bowling arena is packed with people, there are colored strobe lights all over and teen hits playing. It is actually pretty fun! Ethan throws the ball and makes a strike, "Omg! Ethan good job!" I stand up giving him a hug. 

He grabs the ball and gives it to me, "Your turn." I grab the ball and walk over the the approach area and get ready for my shot, I pray for a strike, I throw the ball and I get a gutter. I curse under my breath, I look behind me and see Ethan laughing.

 "It's not funny you know." I grab the ball and try again, another gutter.

"I seriously don't know what I am doing wrong." I say pouting, Ethan has gotten 8 strikes in a row and all have gotten is gutters. 

"Here let me help you." I grab the ball and stay behind the line.

 "Okay, what do I do first?"

 Ethan grabs my arm," Okay, you are going to gently throw the ball, and aim for the middle, you can't throw it too hard, or any where but the middle okay?" I nod, when Ethan talks I block out all of the music.

 "Okay." I throw the ball and I watch it slide down the aisle, it hits the middle pin and the rest fall behind it! "Ethan! Oh my gosh! I made a strike!" I do a little happy dance and then give him a hug, "Thank you!"

We finish our game. Ethan won, and I lost terribly, we return our shoes and walk out to the truck.

 "Do you have a set time to be home?"

 I shake my head, "Nope, my mom said I can stay at Jess'."

 Ethan raises an eyebrow, "What? Jess isn't even here." 

I smile, "And your point?" 

Ethan winks, "Okay, I want to show you something." I buckle up and Ethan starts the car, "Ready?" I nod, Ethan grabs my hand and drives. His touch makes tingles go up and down my spine. I know we are just friends, but this feels so right. I want his hand in mine. I want his lips on mine. Did I really just think that? 

About 15 minutes later Ethan and I are parked in a field watching stars, "Did you plan this all along?"

 Ethan smiles, "Maybe." 

I rest my head on his shoulder. "It is so beautiful out." 

Ethan turns and looks at me, "Not as beautiful as you." I look into his eyes, then at his lips, oh how badly I want to kiss him.

 "Ethan." I start to say, but I am stopped by his lips crashing onto mine. 

Ethan grabs my face, "Bel."

 I start tugging on his shirt, Ethan is kissing my breasts, "Oh, Ethan."

 I feel him fiddle with my jeans button he pulls them down itches by inches until they're at my feet, I unbuckle his jeans, he is so hard, "Ethan?" I say, he looks down at me with concern in his eyes, "We can't keep doing this. Especially here." 

"Baby, there is no one around." I love him calling me that. I look all around, it really is just us. He pulls me into him, kissing me all over. So much for being just friends. God, I think I am in love with him. I want to suck him off just like I did earlier. I grab his hard cock and he moans into my mouth. "Bel." He whispers grabbing me ass. We lay back into his truck and I need him. I feel myself getting so wet. His hand finds my sweet spot and he enters me. 

"I want you in my-" I say, but I feel like I can't say it all the way with his fingers inside of me like this. 

 "Ah, Bel, that's it." I kiss him and rise up, slowly kissing down his body. He rubs his hands all along my body, watching me go down on him. I kiss and Iick all the way down, and back up. I enter him into my mouth, and whoa is he a mouthful. 

"Am I doing it right? Like before?" I whisper.

 Ethan bends down and kisses me, "Better than what I have ever had." 

I smile, I enter him into my mouth again, I take it slow then speed up, it actually isn't as bad as you would think, there isn't even a flavor. "Bel, I think I am going to cum." My eyes go wide, oh no, what does he want me to do? Does he want to come in my mouth again? Does he even have a condom for him to have sex with me after? I hear Ethan moaning above my thoughts, I feel a liquid fill my mouth, and let me tell you it isn't the best thing I ever tasted. "Oh baby, that was good." 

I smile, "Ethan." 

He rubs my back, "Shh...we aren't done yet."

 I lay back on the blanket in his truck bed, "Okay."

 Ethan takes off my shirt and unclips my bra, "Bella, you are so sexy." I am nearly completely naked, I am left with only my panties on. Ethan kisses each breasts and works his way down, kissing me like I kissed him. He rips my panties off, literally rips them. 

"You owe me." I moan out. I swear his payment can be making me cum again. It is the most euphoric feeling on earth. He fingers me just like he did last night. Just like he did this morning. Every single time it starts to feel better and better. 

"I am going to make you cum and when you do, you will scream my name baby." I nod in agreement, I will scream it so loud the world will hear it.  "Ready?" I nod my head, he enters me with his tongue and fingers. He knows exactly what he is doing. "Yes, baby. I know you like it." My hands grab at his hair and tug hard and I know he likes it. He smiles up at me as he eats me out. "Want me to fuck you?" I nod, I want to scream his name with him inside of me.

"Ethan, please." He reaches down into his jeans and grabs another condom. He kisses me as he enters inside. I yelp with pleasure, Ethan slams into me time after time, each time better than the last. I moan and scratch at his back, having almost barely anything to hold on to. 

"Remember baby, scream my name." I can't wait to come, oh my God. I continue to kiss him and his tongue plays with mine. He kisses and sucks on my neck as he fucks me. "Ethan, Ethan, Ethan!" Oh my, I can't hold back any longer. I cum once again on his hard, throbbing dick."Ethan, that was.."

 Ethan finishes my sentence, " Amazing." 

I move over and kiss him, "Ethan." 

Ethan turns and looks at me, "Shh."

 I kiss him on the nose, "What are we?" 

Ethan closes his eyes, "We're friends. That is what you said, Bella."

 I raise an eyebrow, "How can you say that? What are we doing? I don't know many friends who just make love like that."

Ethan looks at me, "We are doing what friends do, having fun." I sit up and look around for my bra and panties, even though my panties won't be of much use. 

"Most friends don't fuck and say they are friends over and over again." I groan.

 Ethan sits up, "Bella, calm down. Don't you just want to have fun? You know it's our senior year. We have so much more in life to worry about. We are just having fun, that is what best friends do, okay? Don't you trust me?"

 I nod, "Okay." I lay down, I guess he is right in a way. Ethan kisses my neck tenderly, making me want him once again. I wish I never said we were just friends. I am so mad at myself. I want him. I want all of him. I watch his breathing start to calm as he pulls me into him. 

I wake up freezing. I look around me, no wonder I'm so cold, "Ethan!" I yell trying to take the blanket back from him. 

"What?" I hear him mumble.

 "Stop hogging the blanket, I'm cold and naked you ass!" 

Ethan opens an eyes, "Oh, yeah." I see him smiling. 

"Share!" I say when he tries to go back to sleep. "Fine." I pull the blanket from him and lay down.

 "Look at you so warm and cozy." 

I shake my head, "Dick." I mumble under my breath. 

He laughs,"Why don't you go put some clothes on before I pounce on you." 

I raise an eyebrow, "What?" 

Ethan looks up, "I'll take that as a yes." 

Ethan rolls over and kisses me, but I honestly am freezing, "I need to grab my clothes." I whisper. I get up and grab my bra and slide it on. Where is my shirt and pants. 

"Looking for these?" 

I start walking towards him, "Give them."

 Ethan shakes his head, "I don't think so. I like seeing you like this." 

"You're so dumb," I hurry and grab the blanket and cover myself. "This is my blanket now. I get into the cab of the truck and rest my head on the window. I am so tired, it is 3 AM and I am sleeping in a car. The morning will be here fast. 

Ethan and I are in his truck driving to my house, "Do you know how sexy it is, knowing you don't have any underwear on?"

 I let out a sigh, "Seriously, you owe me new ones." We have been going back and forth about this since we left. 

"I'm keeping the ripped ones."

 I turn and look at him, "For what?" 

Ethan smirks, "A souvenir." 

My jaw somewhat drops, "What?" 

Ethan laughs, "Yep, I'm keeping them for a souvenir, deal with it."

 I playfully smack him, "Pig." 

We arrive at me house a few minutes later, I unbuckle my seat belt, "I had fun last night." Ethan whispers, turning off his truck. 

I smile, "Me too." I lean in to kiss him when I see my best friend Jess start driving down my driveway. 

"Got to go." I say jumping out of his truck. 

Ethan smiles, "Bye, Bel. Let's hang out again soon. Okay?" 

I nod, "Bye, Ethan." 

Ethan turns on his truck and leaves right when Jess pulls into my driveway. She gets out of her car, "Why was Ethan dropping you off this morning?"

 I can tell she is waiting for an answer and I smile, "We need to talk." 

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