(JIMINxBTS) The Alpha/Omega S...

By pinkARMYbunny

616K 22.4K 20.5K

One school was divided in half: the left side for omegas and the right side for alphas. One day, the school d... More

Day 1: Part 1: Sightseeing
Day 1: Part 2: Phone
Day 2: Part 1: Beach (bitch?)
Day 2: Part 2: Changing Room
Day 2: Part 3: Poker
A little nomination (not part of story)
Day 3: Gift
Prince Charming

New Semester

57.5K 1.8K 3K
By pinkARMYbunny

Every morning Jimin walked to school. He and a few other omegas walked up the sidewalk. Across the street were groups of alphas also walking in the same direction.

They were all heading to the same school, the only difference was, their school was divided in half.

The left half for omegas and the right half for alphas.

Every morning Jimin wishfully gazed at the alphas. He thought of being swept away into the arms of his soulmate and starting a family together. But it was wishful thinking.

Jimin was a romantic. He watched many movies and dramas about strong alphas and cute omegas that faced various struggles, but they always fell in love in the end. He wanted his life to play out like one of those dramas. But he hasn't got to know any alphas yet.

So Jimin just spent another boring day at school.

Alpha and omega curriculums are different, omegas tend to learn about how to be a perfect mate and raise their pups while alphas are taught how to fight, scavenge and survive.

At home when Jimin watched television he saw various riots.

Times have changed. In the past, it was a less civilized time, various alphas and their mates formed packs. Every group aimed to become the most strongest. There was rape, various battles to the death and robbery all done to become the most 'victorious'.

Things were different now. Infrastructure was built and alphas and omegas got jobs and became part of the working force.

Parents have protested that schools should teach alphas how to care and raise their families while omegas need to learn how to defend themselves.

And alphas have learned to be more restrictive of their lust. They couldn't freely pounce on vulnerable omegas anymore. They needed consent.

Jimin liked the idea of getting pounced on, but he kept it to himself.


Jimin watched as the clock ticked. The omega teacher explaining how to suppress one's emotions when in heat. Jimin didn't pay attention though. He never did. Of course he wanted to be a good mate to his future alpha but he believed he didn't need to learn how.

He learned a lot from all those dramas after all.

The bell rang, it was time to go home.

"Wait a moment." The teacher stopped all the omegas that were heading out the door.

"I have an announcement. As you all know, the omega population is decreasing while the alpha population is rapidly increasing."

Jimin looked around the room, when he was younger there used to be 30 omegas in one classroom but now there was only 10.

The teacher continued explaining, "in this school there is around 60 omegas while there is over 600 alphas."

"So one out of ten people is an omega..." one of the girls said.

"Correct." The teacher nodded her head, "but the alpha side is becoming crowded so the principal decided to tear down the wall separating the two sides and have co-ed classes."

Much to the teacher's surprise, all the omegas were cheering.

Jimin was happy as well.
"Maybe now I'll meet my destined one!!"


The next day Jimin dressed up extra cutely. His light pink hair was accompanied by a big blue sweater and black leggings. He skipped on his way to school.

He approached the school, many alphas were watching him. Particularly his plump round butt.


Jungkook bit his lip as he watched Jimin's butt jiggle whenever he skipped.

He didn't even know the beautiful omega but he wanted to knead his hands into his butt while thrusting into him hard and quick. Jungkook wanted the omega to moan his name as he left hickeys all over his milky skin.

"Kook?" Taehyung asked. This snapped Jungkook out of his thoughts. He suddenly remembered where he was. In front of the school, with a boner in his pants.

"Puberty sucks." Jungkook sighed. Taehyung just laughed.

Jimin continued happily skipping, he liked the attention. Alphas, many of them, all looking at him. But because of this, Jimin didn't pay attention to where he was going. He tripped over a rock and fell forward, falling on top of someone and bringing them down with him.

With a loud thud the two hit the ground. The alphas and omegas watched the two.

"Owieee." Jimin whined. He gasped, realizing that he was lying on top of a blonde alpha. Jimin quickly jumped off of him, "Oh my goodness, I am so so sorry!"

Jimkn watched as the blonde stayed head-down. He didn't move for a while.

"Jesus..." he murmured. "THAT HURT!" The alpha yelled. This frightened the omega. He pushed his limbs inward, shrinking himself, "I-I'm sorry" Jimin began letting out tears. Jimin felt even weaker because he's never been yelled at so loudly before, not even from his parents.

The alpha turned around, "sorry won't cut it-" he saw Jimin's tear struck face and immediately regretted yelling.

"No- wait. I'm sorry, please don't cry omega." The alpha gently petted Jimin's head, Jimin nodded and wiped his tears. His tone became quiet and gentle, "There there, good boy. Im really sorry, I had a rough night." The alpha explained. "No, I should have watched where I was going." Jimin sobbed.

"Its okay, really." The alpha said as he stood up, "I'm Min Yoongi." Yoongi reached his hand towards Jimin.

"Jimin. Park Jimin."

The crowd started moving along as soon as the two made up.

"I'm always in the music room." Yoongi spoke gently, "come see me if you need me to beat up anyone. Consider it my apology for scaring you."

Jimin giggled, "I don't think I'll need anyone to be beaten up, but I'll defiantly go see you!"


Jimin sat in his desk as he thought about Yoongi. He was like one of those big brother characters that can be a little scary but always protects everyone.

Jimin giggled, he already made an alpha friend.

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