Another World

By althy7

2.7K 125 469

An ordinary youth is transported to an alternate world..will he survive? What dangers will he have to face an... More

Chapter 1- Transportation
Chapter 2- Special ability
Chapter 3- Enter the crimson knights
Chapter 4- Crimsom rivers
Chapter 5- Facing the crimson captain
Chapter 6- Glimpse of death
Chapter 7- Broken
Chapter 8- Commence training!!
Chapter 9- Increase in skill
Chapter 10- Big bad wolf
Chapter 11- A visitor
Chapter 12- Purple eyes
Chapter 13- Ambush
Chapter 14- Devilgod
Chapter 15- Memories
Chapter 16- Memories 2
Chapter 17- Ancestor
Chapter 18 - Rea tower 1
Rea Tower - Part 3
Chapter 21 - The one who will kill us all
Chapter 22 - The Miniature Tower
Chapter 23 - Soul Rebirth
Chapter 24 - Advancing in the miniature tower
Chapter 25 - Tournament
Chapter 26 - My Prize
Chapter 27 - Recovery
Chapter 28 - Exploring with a monk
Chapter 29 - Helios
Chapter 30 - Exploring Floating Cloud
Chapter 31 - Unfortunate Encounter
Not a chapter - Jay's acquired titles, abilities, skills and items
Chapter 32 - Shin

Chapter 19 - Rea tower 2

47 3 37
By althy7

I ask 'what do you want human?'. He stops 5ft before me with an angry look on his face as he says 'Are you the one who caused this?'. I ask 'Caused what?'
'These creatures have grown far more powerful than before, and you're the only possible explanation'. I slightly tilt my head and smile. Then I keep walking as I say 'yup, it was me. And what of it?'. He grinds his teeth as his companion comes forward blocking my way 'excuse my brother, he's a bit..temperamental. I'm Rose and that's Josh'. 'Youre blocking my way'. I tell her. Josh grinds his teeth again and draws his sword. I turn to him then strike at his blade gouging it into the far wall. 'Do that again and I'll cut off your arm'. She desperately says grabbing my arm 'join our party.. We won't get out of here alive if not'. As I walk forward I say 'send me an invite' then the boss room opens. I shiver as I see a man clad in leather armour with two daggers in hand. I see a party invite: 'Rose has invited you to her party. Accept/Decline'
'Accept'. I stay at the entrance and say 'Priest give me all your attack and movement buffs, then when finished you and the warrior stay here'. She walks fowards and starts buffing. I feel an increase in base power as well as my body feeling slightly lighter. I bring my fists up, once again examining the wards then look at the boss [Demon eyes]

{Lv300 Assassin}
Name: ???
HP: 7000000
MP: 4000000
Strength: 750000
Intelligence: 700000
Wisdom: 700000
Agility: 800000
Description: A high ranking assassin of unknown origin, after many years was sealed in this tower...perhaps if you defeat him you will know his story.

I run forward as I shout 'Assassin perhaps you will force me to use my full power?'. I stand before the boss who has drawn both blades and wields them skillfully attempting to skewer and slash me, I dodge as a blade whistles past my ear. I throw a jap with my right hand towards his face and it connects. Temporarily knocked off balance I throw another punch towards his stomach. Suddenly the boss is enveloped in a light green aura. I jump back [Demon eyes]
{Poison aura: anyone who is affected will receive 1000 poison damage every second}
'Che'. [Earth spikes] multiple spikes appear and the boss jumps, twists and turns as he moves back. I charge forward [Mountain breaker fist]. Loud thunder is heard, enough to shatter a large mountain as an unstoppable force covers half the room and pushes the assassin back, eventually squashing him like meat paste once the force hits the wall.
I shake my head 'all the bosses are pathetic'. Rose and Josh walk up to me and Rose asks 'are you hurt'. 'Nope' I walk to the loot seeing some leather armour, 2 daggers and gold. I sweep all the items up and then turn to Josh. A large shield with heavy armour materialises in front of him on the ground with a short sword 'take it'. He nods once murmuring his thanks as he changes. After a few seconds I look at him clapping 'hahaha excellent!!, you look like a gladiator now'. He is clad in black gleaming armour with patterns and wards etched onto it, the shield is dark grey and his sword silver. I walk up to him and throw out a flat palm. He hits the wall immediatly on impact denting it slightly. He grunts then stands up shouting 'What the hell was that for, are you trying to kill me?!!'. I tell him 'If I was then I'd have used a skill, now stop yapping le-'. I suddenly see a vision of 2 players, one in a black cloak {The Reaper} who kills some men to test his strength then another garbed in a red shirt and trousers {Holyflame} who burns his own opponents to crisps.
I turn to my right then shout at the top of my lungs 'Reaper and holyflame I'm coming for you both after I finish up here'. I keep walking 'Move your asses lazy bums'.
At that moment:
A loud booming voice is heard for thousands of leagues 'Reaper, holyflame im coming for you!!'

Immediately both figures in question feel as if that shout penetrated their very souls as they feel a cold tingling run down their spines and shiver uncontrollably. At that same moment they think 'whoever that freak is...i must matter what the cost must not face them in combat'.
Thiose with weaker souls and power also heard the same voice and each felt some light liquid trickle down their noses, once wiped they shiver as they see its blood. One thought snakes through all of their minds: 'Holyflame an reaper are so dead'.

{Tower of Rea: Floor 60 - Ogre village}
I walk forward companions in tow, instead of the normal white floor i see earthern ground. 2 ogre guards are about 100m from us. I turn to both of them and say 'stay here, do not move. If worst comes to worst wake me up'. I immediately sit in the lotus position facing the ogres as I delve into my subconscious. I see a flash of white, then Im in a completely black space where only darkness exists for thousands of miles..enough to cause me to feel unnerved. I close my eyes imagining grassy land with an unreachable sky. Upon opening my eyes I see a grassy landscape which goes as far as my eyes can see aa well as a limitless sky. I see a notification:[What Dao will you choose]
I think on this for a few seconds..primarily I will use swords as I will be able to defend and attack as needed fluidly moving through different stances. Then I will focus on lightning, fire, space, time, wind, metal, wood, water and earth later on to use as secondary daos which would support me. After consideration I add in the dao of the claw to the secondary daos due to the runes and wards on my fingers.
I speak outloud 'I choose the dao of the sword'.
[Dao of the sword selected..processing information]. After a few minutes my brain is flooded with images of stances and information of how to effectively use these stances, as well as how to incorporate ki and mana into my sword attacks and defence.
I look around at my grassy world, "time to add some colour". I will large mountains, streams and trees to appear. After a few seconds I think of different blade shapes sizes and colours individually planting them all over the grassy terrain and mountains.
I decide to name this place [Sword domain]. 'It is done. Hopefully Ill find a blacksmith shop in the ogres village, Im of a mind to craft some items'. Before leaving I dump all my storage items here carving a large crater for the accumulated gold.
From the lotus position I slowly open my eyes and see Josh and Rose staring at me. I stand and ny figure blurs as I appear in front of the ogres. I reach out with my hands grabbing their faces then smash em into the ground, spiderweb cracks appear on contact.
I charge forward creating 10 clones as I slaughter my way through all the ogres I see while searching for a blacksmith. 'Ah!' One of my clones finds it. Immediately my true body and clones merge into one after teleporting. On a large plank in front of the shop I see the image of an anvil and a sword. I walk in, I see 2 ogres who are startled upon seeing me. My hands blur as I slice their necks. I ignore the large thuds they make and walk outside. My hand makes a sweeping motion as I draw in the blacksmiths shop, I add in 5 clones to get started on a couple of ideas I have. One being armour which almost completely negates damage to 0.1% or less. The armour will be enhanced with magic to increase defense as well as wards which will absorb some of the damage and turn it back towards the incoming damage. Another is making weapons which can completely negate armour, and it will have a special effect making the weapon able to do 10× its normal damage....but they may still fail.
I materialise 5 clones to scour the whole village, killing all ogres they find and picking up their loot as they pass by. I start walking forward and spy a large building, blue electricity sparks across its structure, dancing in a carefree manner to the point I almost feel that the sparks are sentient.
[Abode of the Ogre King Gazadof]
I walk forward, upon stepping onto the grass I'm warped inside to view grey brick stretching for a couple of metres in front of me.
There are no mobs here, just the boss who sits on his tall throne radiating an aura of might and radiance. Like a being  who everyone kowtows to in complete reverence like he is a god.

{Lv 450 Ogre King Gazadof}
HP: 12000000
MP: 7000000
Strength: 8000000
Intelligence: 7000000
Wisdom: 7000000
Agility: 7500000
Description: Almightly ruler of the ogres, over countless aeons he has been on the throne with all usurpers and opponents perishing before his might.

'Seems I'll hafta knock you down a few pegs'  I walk forward slowly, quickening into a jog as the king stands. Silently he draws out two large ebony hammers which have wards carved onto them. They give me a large sense of danger...'I must not get touched by them' I draw out two thin swords recently forged by my clones as I go into a full sprint.
A frown appears on the kings face, he brings his arms up as he unleashes 100% of his power and smashes down with full force most likely aiming to make the ground under me collapse, after I fall he'll pummel me to oblivion. 'Hmm..' I sheathe the swords on my back and charge forward, immediately after gaining so many martial arts from my own limit breaker skill and from Kate's family I started to create a martial art for myself, [Godly fist] it would have 7 stages 1 being the weakest 7 being the strongest. As of now I'm on stage 3 while all 3 are still imperfect as I would need combat to refine them.
I would use [Demonic palm] in conjunction with [Godly fist]. [Godly fist] would focus on unholy amounts of physical power and strength dominating opponents using brute force integrated with speed. [Demonic palm] would use finger and palm arts that would focus on the enemies weak spots constantly disrupting their ki and mana flow as well as paralyzing them and making them lose their balance.
My body disappears as the ground caves in under me. I appear right next to the Ogre [Godly fist]: Stage 3.
My fists are enveloped in a hazy dark golden colour. As I throw out a punch I overlay this right jab with another skill [Mountain splitter]. The whole pathway comes under a huge amount of pressure as my fist connects with the target. The next instant the Ogre hits the far wall, thick spiderweb cracks appear as he collides with the grey brick as well as a thunderous boom which shakes a large amount of the castle. I watch as the monster grunts, as he bends down to pick up his hammers I decide to immediately kill/severely injure him.
I take in a deep breath then breathe out expelling black air from my mouth: the impurities of my skin and muscles. I draw out a single blade, I look at the blade in my right hand then turn to the beast. I charge toward charging my blade with black lightning as I spear through the ogres head. Not taking any chances I make sure the electricity flows through every inch of his body before retracting and re-sheathing my weapon. I watch as the lifeless body thuds on the floor and a yellow light appears while the body vanishes.
I see 2 ebony hammers, armour and gold. I sweep all the items up 'What a shame....with maybe 10 times more stats he could've given me a good fight'. A hazy white light surrounds me then I'm transported to the next flight of stairs. I see Jack and Rose and nod in their direction. My clones in the ogre village dissipate and I obtain all the loot they scoured for.
Again, against my will I'm transported into a circular structure which I can't see the ends of. Luckily Josh and Rose are still safe.
After 3 seconds I see far more Gazasofs...enough to drive others into despair as even I cannot see the end of them.

{Lv450 Ogre king Gazadof}
HP: 300,000,000
MP: 100,000,000
Strength: 300,000,000
Intelligence: 250,000,000
Wisdom: 250,000,000
Agility: 300,000,000

[Warrior defeat all mobs!!]

A psychotic grin forms on my face as I look at them. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, EXCELLENT!!!!!".
I charge towards the first monster throwing out a punch which is negated. I unsheathe the 2 blades on my back then jump as I slash downwards bisecting the boss. Yellow light flashes but I ignore the loot. I stare at the myriad beast wave that threatens to envelop me. I decide to get serious: I move blades inward, my left hand on my right shoulder, the blade encircles my neck. My right hand on my waist my sword pointing behind me. [Myriad eradicating serpents] 30ft long snakes rapidly emerge from my blades as I continuously swing them towards the mobs and thunderous boom are heard across the area.

In my sword world:
One of the many clones that meditate on the dao came into a state of pranja enlightenment: What is a sword? A weapon of slaughter created from times of old, a sword is used to cut down all opposition without mercy. It is a graceful and elegant peice of art which needs skill and for its wielder to have a love for the blade.

Tower of Rea:
[You have obtained Sword Mastery-Basic]
[You have obtained Sword Mastery- Intermediate]
[You have obtained Sword Domain]
[You have obtained Gamers Mind]
[You have obtained Psychic Resistance-Intermediate]
[You have obtained an increase in the Sword Dao level- Supreme level Dao]

I stop attacking immediately as I'm enveloped by a blue glow putting  both blades back into their sheathes. My face reveals a smile due to all the notifications. 'Completely unexpected...but my power will rise by an insane amount now'. I point at one of the ogres 30ft away and release a sliver of sword intent. 1 ft away from my finger the sliver turns into a 15ft silver blade which looks like a nodaichi (long blade). The ogre is completely skewered while the blade keeps moving eventually it dissipates after hitting what I estimate to be 50 ogres. This action: from me lifting my finger and materializing sword intent, to the blade spearing all ogres took just 4 seconds. [Sword Domain] an ethereal 30ft long 20ft high dome surrounds me. I see curved sword intent: some fast, some slow, some moving in unpredictable patterns while others are predictable. Some blades are bent, others curved, others serrated, some straight. A myriad of colours violet, orange, crimson, blue, jade, black, white, gold. And for a few seconds I am entranced by its beauty. "Expand!" - My sword domain expands to be 90ft in diameter and 60ft high. I draw both blades from their sheathes as I charge forward into the midst of ogres.

[Howling Luna] My blades rapidly slash outward multiple times, as the curved intent surges forward the faint cry of a pack of wolves can be heard. thunderous booms explode around the area as my hits connect. 'No technique-just raw power. I need to shape up with this..' I materialize more clones which I send into my sword domain to meditate on sword arts. I also rummage through my memories to check my own martial arts manual as well as the one James gave me. Swords can be unpredictable, predictable, dominating, fast, penetrating and defensive; from these I will start my sword arts:

Through overwhelming power: a human who wants to reach the level of god. I will break through touch defenses with the heavenbreaker stance.

My fast and unpredictable sword art will be shadowless, the enemy wont even be able to see or defend against it.

As for the others..Ill come up with them later.

I point the tips of my blades on the ground. What makes a sword attack shadowless? has to be ethereal, not seen by the enemy until it is upon them. It should also be fast and silent. I raise my right sword [Shadowless] A ripple of energy comes out and rapidly descends on an incoming ogre. Boom!!

 The ogre dissipates into nothing and the blade attack keeps plowing through until it kills 30 more enemies then disperses. Suddenly all the ogres stop attacking and they all disappear. At the back of the room I see multiple ogres merge until all the mobs become one.

{Lv 2000 Minor Deity Ogre}


HP: 9,000,000,000,000

MP: 9,000,000,000,000

Strength: 4,000,000,000,000 

Intelligence: 3,000,000,000,000 

Wisdom: 3,000,000,000,000

Agility:  4,000,000,000,000

Description: Formed from the slaughter of multiple ogre kings who have appealed to their gods.

My face twists happily as I roar with laughter "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!". 'Alright then, lets see just how strong a minor deity is shall we?'.

I brandish both blades as I charge forward./ [Shadowless] ethereal streams of vibrational sword light surge forward in all their glory. The ogre raises its golden hammer  smashing the earth with an ear spitting roar. The ground caves in as the shock waves from the attack dissipate my attacks. I breathe in as the ogre charges smashing me with a crushing blow: I'm sent hitting the far wall with so much force that I crack it. 'Aura unleash!' My strength rapidly increases until about 50% where it stops..I frown deeply 'It seems I can go to 80% with much strain but 50% is the mean without any drawbacks. My body twitches as I go to 70% I feel some strain on my body as I move around. I stretch my arms as I shake out my body. [Linkin Park - With You] My body shimmers as I appear at the ogres left side, with all my power I shout "LET THE EARTH BE SHATTERED , LET HEAVEN BE TORN ASUNDER, LET HELL BE ANNIHILATED  [HEAVENBREAKER]!!!" Golden light encases my blades as they strike down with the force of the mighty gods of old. The faint outlines of a mountain could be seen in the midst of the room. BOOOOMM!!!! The whole room shakes heavily and dust erupts from the ground as I run to the back of the room, I charge forward again raising my blades which shine with a golden hue 'once more' [HEAVENBREAKERRR]!!!!. Heavy cracks appear on the ceiling and walls. the dust settles and amazingly I see that the ogre has only slightly heavy wounds on its arms. I grin 'If it was too easy then it'd be boring'.

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