The Twist Of Fate

By Glass_Reaper

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Cason was weak, he was always getting over-shadowed by his sibling. No one would bat an eye when he was bulli... More

Chapter 1: Another World
Chapter 2: The Useless One
Chapter 3: Dodge
Chapter 4: The Church
Chapter 6: Cheater
Chapter 7: Floor 12- Scarf Of Pride
Chapter 8: Floor 21 - Weapon Of A Reaper
Chapter 9: Floor 30 - Rank Up
Chapter 10: Floor 52 - Dragon
Chapter 11: A Plan
Chapter 12: Floor 78 - God Fragment?
Chapter 13: Floor 99 - Unlucky
Chapter 14: Floor 100 - Harulo's Final Floor
Chapter 15: Fresh Air
Chapter 16: Meanwhile
Chapter 17: Adventurer's Guild
Chapter 18: A Sister Yet A Thief
Chapter 19: The First Request
Chapter 20: An Encounter With A Party
Chapter 21: The Start Of The Journey Ahead
Chapter 22: Atop A Mountain
Chapter 23: The Dragon King
Chapter 24: Enchanted To Meet You
Chapter 25: A Fluffy Ally
Chapter 25.5: Remembrance
Chapter 26: Explanations
Chapter 27: A New Base
Chapter 28: Restoration

Chapter 5: Forest Of Esgua

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By Glass_Reaper

               1 week later
"Master, the party has been created, it is just you who needs to get ready." Eliza said as I was reading.

"I'll be there in a few minutes." I said, closing the book, setting it down, and slipping into light leather gear.

That day, we were going to hunt a {Copper Boar} to help me level up. Since my build was speed, I had to wear light armor. My makeshift scythe was used as a reference to make an iron one. It was nice, not the best, but nice.

Anyway, I read a lot over those past couple of days, just a few books from the library. For example, the {Copper Boar} is a D ranked monster. Monster and power ranks go in the following order: F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS, X, Z. Only the most powerful monsters are Z ranked, but they are extremely rare and are usually legendary. Regular people have a rank of E or F, knights have D-C, great adventures are somewhere between B or A, meanwhile, us heros, are A-SS ranked, except me, an F rank.

I opened my door and stepped out, Eliza was already waiting for me. She grabbed my arm and led me through the uncharted maze.

Some time later-

"Here we are master." Eliza said as we reached the front entrance of the castle, leading to the outdoors. As a shut-in for the past couple of days, it burned my eyes, and I was temporarily blinded.

Eliza stopped, "Master, what is wrong?" She spoke with concern. "Give me a minute, I need to adjust." I rubbed my eyes.

When I could see, I looked up to the sky. I never took notice what the sun in this world was like.

I discovered it was an orange giant. "Wait, it's an orange giant, life can exist here?" I asked and Eliza gave me a puzzled look.

"Orange giant? You mean Terose, our sun! What a weird name to name a sun." she said with an innocent smile.

Ignoring the pain my eyes were in, we reached the party. It consisted of a pyromancer, Harold, Silvia, a knight, and 2 of Harold's lackeys.

"Hello guys." I said nervously. "Hello" Silvia said, "Sup" Harold and co. said. I smiled, "Hello Silvia, how are you doing today?". "Good" she said.

"I have to leave master, please return in one piece." Eliza said as she left me with the party.

"Should we set off now?" the knight asked. "Yeah" I said to him. He pulled out a compass type thing and said, "Let us head east." as he began traveling east.

We traveled slowly into the horizon. "I'm only doing this because the King asked me to." Harold said as he bumped into me.

4 hours of walking later, we finally reached the Forest Of Esgua. We entered it quickly to not lose time.

{Goblins} and {Blade Rabbits} attacked first, both were E rank. Harold and co. defeated them quickly and we advanced forward. Later {Stone Wolves}, {Blood Bats}, and {Dire Moles}, F ranked monsters. Harold took care of the wolves, the pyromancer killed the bats, and the knight and Silvia attacked the moles, leaving me with nothing to fight.

I cast [Appraise] on the monsters to keep note of their stats. They were much higher than mine, by about 30 points.

I used it on all of my party members. Harold was Lv 11, Silvia and lackeys were Lv 9 meanwhile the knight is Lv 8, leaving me in the dust.

We set up camp for the day. Everyone told me to set up the tents while Silvia cooked food. A few monsters attacked as we ate, drawn by the scent of the food.

The next day we continued the journey, turns out the boar was a pretty rare monster.

With everyone complaining about it all, I felt bad for dragging everyone out there, but it was the King's orders so we couldn't do much.

We stayed in the forest for 3 days before we found the boar. It was in a clearing, munching on medium tall grass. I cast [Appraise] on it to check if it was. It was the boar we were hunting for all that time.

Harold attacked first with Silvia as support. Silvia was a [Shield Bearer] and protected him. They clashed with the boar's copper pelt.

The boar swung its ivory tusks. It was about 1 meter tall, making it kinda hard for Silvia to block the attack.

The knight dashed towards the back of the boar, and the pyromancer was busy chanting for [Fire Ball]. The knight got a good slash and the boar cried out. The mage finished his chanting and sent a [Fire Ball] towards the boar. The boar cried again.

Harold was busy keeping the boar's attention on him with Silvia blocking attacks from it. Lightly slashing with his <Holy Sword> that he obtained from the king, he did massive amounts of damage. The boar could barely stand.

"Now Cason!" the knight yelled to me. I unsheathed my <Iron Scythe> from it's pocket and dashed for an attack.

I dug the toe of it into the boar's skull. It stopped moving.

"So hows the level?" the knight asked me. I cast [Appraise] on myself, and found myself dumbfounded.

                Cason Hersan
Age:17   Level:1    Race:Human?
Gender:M    Class:???     Rank:?
Job 1: None      Job 2: None
HP:200/200 MP:67/200 STR:10
DEF:10 WIS:10 INT:10 DEX:10
SPD:10 LUK:-50 APT:0 SC:1
[Scythe Mastery] Lv Max
[Concealment] Lv 70
[Appraise] Lv Max
[Dodge] Lv Max
[UNKNOWN] [Auto Skill Mastery]
[No-Chant] [Language Other.]

"No change sir" I told him. He grew enraged. "What are you saying, you killed the boar!" he said.

Silvia snickered, "Truly useless".

Harold was also enraged. "You useless scum, we did all the work for this? I could have leveled up from that. You should just die!" he yelled as he pushed me down. I quickly got up, and prepared for an other fight.

I expected it to be like the last. I was a fool.

The knight tried to stop us, but the other members restrained him. The pyromancer had been knocked out.

Harold slashed at me, I tried to parry but the <Holy Sword> was too strong and broke through my scythe, slicing a chunk of my right arm. I dropped the scythe's fragments and howled in pain.

Harold didn't stop. He pushed me down to the base of a tree. I hit my head hard.

He stabbed my legs, sending my blood everywhere. I was still howling in pain. Harold stopped and I couldn't feel them.

I tried to reach for any piece of the scythe I could. Harold smiled and picked on up.

"Looking for this?" He taunted me. I reached weakly. My voice was hoarse.

He just kicked me over. He squatted down, "If it wasn't for this world, I could have never done this. This is the best thing to happen to me." he smirked as I looked up to him in terror.

He laughed. "Why don't you tell him, Silvia."

"Useless scum." Silvia said calmly and proceeded to spit on me.

"Silvia, why?" I croaked through my sore throat. "You are weak, you drag down Kayla, you're my enemy." she smiled coldly.

"Lets go back to the castle." Harold said, leaving me by myself.

I felt weak, on the brink of death. The edges of my sight began to darken.

I casted [Appraise] on myself. 40/200 HP, Bleeding Out, it said. I knew I was going to die. The adrenaline rushed through my system, trying to keep me alive as long as it could.

I tried to use magic on my legs but the pain was too much to concentrate. I didn't have enough mana to heal it anyways.

I saw a cave and dragged myself there slowly, trying to use it as shelter. I felt sleepy, but I didn't want to sleep.

When I finally reached the cave, I felt my eyes closing, my consciousness drifting way. I shifted to my back and took a raspy breath.

My final words were whispered while smiling weakly. "I will have my revenge." I breathed out.

I died.

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