Mahouka Koukou No Rettousei :...

By MiraiKirisaki

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What if Shiba Tatsuya who is known as a person with no more feelings, except the feelings he have for his sis... More

Chapter I : Enrollment
Chapter 2: Blooms vs Weeds
Chapter 3 - Caught Off Guard
Chapter 4: Welcome the Students!
Chapter 5: The Competition Begins
Chapter 6 : Crimson Prince Vs. Silver Taurus
Chapter 6.5 : Their First Night
Chapter 7 : Silver's Rage
Chapter 8 : Dream Come True
Chapter 9: Yokohama Disturbance
Chapter 11 : Love and Lies
Chapter 12 : Fire and Ice
Chapter 13 : Conflicts Arises
Chapter 14 : Doubts and Selfishness
Chapter 15 : Engagement
Chapter 16 : Extent of Your Love
Chapter 17 : The Art of Letting Go
Chapter 18 : To Make Things Right
Chapter 19 : Decisive Battle
Chapter 20 : The Yotsubas
Chapter 21 : Root of Love and Regrets
Chapter 22 : Seperate Paths
Chapter 23 : Blue Wedding
Chapter 24 : One More Chance
Chapter 25 : Project Armageddon
Chapter 26 : Awakening the secret weapon
Chapter 27 : Secrets Revealed
Chapter 28 : Tears in a Starry Night
Chapter 29 : The Final Celebration
Chapter 29.5 - Wedding Night
Update : Authors Back!
Update : Authors Back!
Update : Authors Back!
Mina-san! I'm sorry for the long wait

Chapter 10 : Truth and Tragedy

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By MiraiKirisaki


"I have already called my father, few minutes from now the helicopters he sent to pick us up will arrive." Mayumi said as they run and fight their way through.

"We have been seperated from the others. I hope they are fine." Honoka said

"They will be, Miyuki and Mari's team will be fine. Once the helicopter arrives, we will look for them." Mayumi said

"I guess we should worry about ourselves first. Our enemy is endless." Ichihara Suzune said

"Are we being targeted because we have Seito Kaicho in our group?" Kitayama Shizuku asked.

"I won't let them harm you, as your former Seito Kaicho!" Mayumi replied using her CAD for their defense

"We will support you, Mayumi-senpai!" Honoko shouted while attacking the enemies.

As Mayumi and her team encountered trouble due to many enemy soldiers and successfully defeated them, the helicopters sent by the Saegusa's arrived. Mayumi gave a sigh of relief for they can finally flee from the enemies, but a black smoke seemed to appear and surrounded the helicopters, as they look closely those are not smoke but insects created by magic. Shizuka tried attacking them but it wont take any effect. Mayumi is thinking deeply on what to do when suddenly all of the insects disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Tatsuya." Mayumi whispered with her eyes glittering with joy and relief of seeing Tatsuya safe. Her heart thumps so hard with joy that she can actually feel it in her chest.

"Tatsuya-san could fly." Shizuku said

The helicopters take it's land and every First High School students take their ride. Mayumi assisting them and waiting all of them to board before she ride on another helicopter sent by his father. Tatsuya with his team was patrolling in the air making sure that every students and the eldest daughter of the Saegusa will be safe.

"Who are they?" One of the Saegusa's assistant said.

Mayumi looked up in the air and smiled, then said "They are allies."

Tatsuya stayed till everyone was aboard the plane, or rather, Tatsuya stayed while the rest of his team check on other students, just to make sure that Mayumi will board her Helicopter safely.

As the helicopter where Mayumi is riding started up it's engine and fly, Mayumi stared outside and looked for Tatsuya. As she saw him, she gives Tatsuya a stare, make a teasing face and smiled at him. Tatsuya without removing his helmet to protect his identity, smiled.

"She is a barrel of laughters. You never failed to make me smile, don't you? Mayumi." he said

He received a call and answered "Saegusa ojou-sama has boarded the helicopter safely and has now departed. I'm on my way."

When Tatsuya was about to depart, he saw a man carrying a canon and was targeting Mayumi's helicopter. Without any hesitation, Tatsuya used his Demon Right hand which is his dispersal mist magic and the enemy disappeared instantly.

"Nobody could hurt Mayumi. Never, specially in front of me." He said and take his leave.


Mayumi have safely regroup with Miyuki's Team and was on her way to Mari's team. Mayumi used her sniping power to target all the enemy near the vicinity to safely board Mari and her team. While they was about to board, 2 of the enemy soldier got up and shoot at them. Kirihara had his leg severed and Kei had been shot at his back. Sayaka and Kanon was at shock while they hold their lover, bleeding and unconscious in their arms. Miyuki went down and froze the enemy soldiers with her power.

"Onii sama!" She called to his brother. As Tatsuya heard, he land down and Miyuki said to him "Please, nii-sama"

Tatsuya casted a spell and pointed his CAD to Kei and Kirihara.

"What are you doing?" Kanon said.

Tatsuya didnt mind her and fired at them using his left hand. And with his Divine Left that holds his regrowth magic, both of them was healed and awakened, without any stain of blood or wound. Like nothing ever happened. Everyone was shock as the two of them was looking very fine. They can't believe it with their eyes and then Tatsuya take his leave again.

In the helicopter, there was silence as they think about what Tatsuya did.

"We all saw what happened. Kirihara's legs was severed and me, who almost died." Isori Kei said.

"Kei." Kanon whispered and hugs him.

"Was that a healing type of magic?" Mari asked

"It's not an ordinary healing magic, it's called "Regrowth" the power only my brother have. He can return a living or non living thing to it's normal state as long as it happened within 24 hours. In an instant he could do it without any limitations.

"Then Tatsuya-kun has an incredible power. He could save thousand of lives." Kanon said cheerfully

"Do you think it's a magic that would never ask anything in return? If casted on living things, the pain or suffering that was dealt, that suffering that will be written away so the person would return to it's original state will be felt by Onii-sama instead. The pain the person felt, will be felt by my brother 100 to 150 times more painful. That is the price he pays every time he heals someone. Do you really think, he should still use this power."

Mayumi who was surprised by what Miyuki said, almost cried because of her worries for Tatsuya.

I thought I know him, yet I don't know anything about him. Tatsuya being a special officer of the National Defense Force, his powers, what else should I know that you have never told me... Shiba-kun. She said in her mind

She then whispered Tatsuya's name and pressed her lips.

"I felt a beastly aura nearby." Miyuki said as she look outside the window

"Lu Gonghu, he will be attacking the Japanese Magic Defense Building. Mayumi!" Mari said

"Let's go." Mayumi said and nod to Mari.

"Of course. We are the one to take him down. Erika, Leo assist us."

"Gladly!" The two replied

The 4 of them went down the helicopter silently and confronted the enemies. Mari Erika and Leo came face to face with them, while Mayumi hide somewhere to launch a hidden attack.

"Lu Gonghu where do you think you're going!" Mari shouted as she lounged an attack.

"Pancer!" Leo said as he try to punch him but receive a counter punch from the enemy instead.

"Hiyaaaa!" Erika shouted as she attacks with her weapon

Lu Gonghu successfully sent Erika Leo and Mari flying. Neverthless, this was just an opening they planned for Mayumi to deliver the finishing blow. Numerous sharp crystal attacked him from above, he was surprised yet he successfully managed to mash it. Despite that, those crystal became fatal as they become powdered and the moment he inhaled it, became his instant defeat and rendered him unconscious.

As he drop down the floor, Mayumi gave a sigh of relief.

"Tatsuya, where are you now?" She whispered


At the base of National Defense Force, Tatsuya is preparing to launch a complete annihilation attack for the enemy fleet who is trying to escape. He use his gun named Third Eye, and used a spell named Material Burst. The sea was lightened by this big bombardment making the ship sink. Mayumi along with the others watch as the enemy ship was destroyed.

"Great work Special Officer Ooguro." The lieutenant Colonel said

*Ooguro or Ooguro Ryuuya is Tatsuya's alias in Military.


Few days have passed without Tatsuya, everyone is worried and was thinking when he would return from their mission.

At the Shiba's house, Miyuki prepared for her breakfast when their door opened, there she saw her brother.

He ran to him and said "Onii-sama!"

"Miyuki. How are you?" Tatsuya said as he smiled receiving the tight hug of his sister.

"Im fine nii-sama. And you? How are you?"

"Yes im fine. Im sorry it took so long before i get back. I need to finish my duty prior to going home."

"I understand. Do you want to eat onii-sama?"

"I'll take a rest first." He said as Miyuki assited him to his room and went back to the kitchen to prepare some dinner.

At Tatsuya's room. He lie down on his bed and checks on his phone looking if there was any messages from Mayumi. He got 1 message from her saying:

Tatsuya-kun Im home. Thank you for protecting us. I'll be waiting for your reply, and please... please come home safe.

"This was sent 2 days ago. She must be worried." Tatsuya whispered and called her right away.

"Hello? Tatsuya? Is this you?" Mayumi said worriedly

"Mayumi, it is me. Im sorry. How are you?" Tatsuya said.

"Im fine. How about you? Im so worried Tatsuya. I- I don't know anything about your work so, I was..." Mayumi said sadly

"Im sorry for not telling you about it."

"It's fine. You can tell me anytime, I am ready to listen Tatsuya-kun."

"Thank you Mayumi. Could I see you tomorrow?"

"Gladly. Take a rest for now. I'll see you tomorrow my dear." Mayumi said sweetly

"Good night my lady."


The day Tatsuya and Mayumi decided to meet came and both of them agreed to meet at their school.

"Tatsuya..." She said as she stood their frozen, with tears coming out of her eyes, and words suddenly disappeared from her mouth.

"Mayumi." He said as he walks fast and hug her immediately. He hugs her tightly, her head on his chest, his head leaning on her head, his hands caressing her hair and his mouth suddenly open and said "Im sorry for not telling you anything about me."

"Tatsuya-kun." She cried. As they both sat down

"Mayumi, will you listen to me?" Tatsuya said, while he holds her cheeks, raised her head and wipes her tears.

"Yes. To everything you want to say." Mayumi said and holds his hand, with her gaze fix on his eyes.

"Where would I start... Uhm you see, Im one of the Special Forces Officer of the 101st Brigade of the National Defense Force. Im their secret weapon. Im the one who fired Material Burst using the gun I designed, named Third eye. Since I was younger I have already joined them. If there is a mission thats the only time they would call me. Since im in Special Forces, I need to hide my identity that's one no one knows exept my family and the military. I just don't want you to be in danger that's why I--."

"I see. I understand that. How about you and your powers?" Mayumi asked shyly.

"My Powers? Well I guess there is no point in not telling since you have seen it right?"

"Uhmmm yes."

"I have less magical powers than the others because most of my ability is compromised by the God like power of destruction and restoration."

"Do you really feel their pain upon restoration? More than the pain they feel?"

"Yes. But I don't really think I feel the pain. As I told you since then, I have no feelings for anything. Until you came. Pain? I don't felt it that much. I don't know how to be surprised nor to be so happy. But you, you came and thought me how to love, how to feel anger and sadness, how to worry and feel scared for your sake."

"Then, Then why are you still using that kind of power? Restoring them and having their pain in you!"

"I was a modified person. When I was a kid, they used a certain person's ability to remove every emotion I have since I could destroy this world. The only feeling they left was the feeling of loving and protecting my little sister Miyuki."

"Non sense. Why would they-"

"Because I'm just a Special Human Weapon for them, until you came. I don't know if my emotions are back to normal like every humans do, but im sure you gave me this feelings i should not have."

"Shut up! I don't want that reasoning. I don't want you to use that power anymore. Enough. Enough!"


"If ever I was hurt. Promise me, you'll never use that on me."



"I will try not too." he said with a sigh

"Then, is there anything else?"

Should I tell her, but telling her might put her life into danger. Her, knowing that I'm a Yotsuba. And my Family's secrets. I'm sorry Mayumi the others should be said in the right time. For now letting you know this is enough. Tatsuya said in his mind

"Tatsuya? Are you spacing out?"

"No. That's all you need to know."

A loud foot steps was heard by the two of them making them stop what they are talking about and waited for the door to open.

"Mayumi-san we need you at the student council room." Hattori said as he opened the door of the Student Council President's Office.

"I'll come. Tatsuya-kun i'll give you a call." She said as she leave

"I'll wait Seito Kaicho" Tatsuya said

Few minustes later, as Tatsuya rested for a while in Mayumi's former office. The school bell rings for alert and announced.


"Under attack? Who might this be this time. Miyuki must be at the house already, but Mayumi is- ... I need to go to her." Tatsuya said. He grabs his coat and opened the door. Tatsuya walks fastly as he wear his school coat and said. "Mayumi please be safe. If anything happens to you, I'm sorry but I could never do what you ask me too. I will destroy them and save you."


"Mayumi-san." Hattori and the other students whispered

"Don't worry I'll protect you guys. Run away now while the path is open" Mayumi said

"But Mayumi!"

"Go Hattori! Lead them to safety. They are the future of this school! Go!"

"As you ordered Seito Kaicho. Be safe." Hattori said unwillingly. "Tatsuya please come to her aid" He whispered as they left

"Thank you Hattori. Well then, it's just you and me who is here now." She said as she clenched her teeth (Tatsuya-kun please, please be safe.)

"You are Saegusa Mayumi ojou-sama, am i right? As they said, you are a true beauty comparable with the Head and successor of the Yotsuba's. A girl with a black beautiful hair and fiery crimson eyes." The unknown enemy said.

"What if I am? Who are you!" Mayumi answered

"An enemy. That's all you need to know. Well, 2 things why you are an important target. First, you are the eldest daughter of the current head of the Saegusa clan. Second, you are the flame that melted the frozen ice of the Yotsuba's."

"What do you mean? What's this Ice and Fire you are talking about?"

"It's seems you have no clue. Let me tell you then. You who bears those crimson eyes are the flame im talking about, while Tatsuya who bears those cold blue eyes are the Ice i'm talking about. Since we are targetting the 10 Master Clans and the National Defense you are the perfect target. 2 birds in 1 stone, right?"

"Why would you use a metaphor for just defining us. What do you know about Tatsuya-kun?"

"He doesn't told you I presume."

"Don't beat me around the bush! Tell me!"

"Yotsuba's are called cold hearted that's why they are referred as Ice by our association. I can't believe you broke the spell in his brain, and since you did that, then you are his flame."

"It seems you are mistaken. Tatsuya isnt a Yotsuba. Shiba is his surname."

"No, Im not mistaken. You are right. His true name is Shiba Tatsuya, the son of Shiba Miyu who is the twin sister of the current head of the Yotsuba Clan, Yotsuba Maya. Which means Tatsuya is his nephew"

"No. It can't be. T-tatsuya kun, He didn't told me that. He will never lie to me!" She whispered.

"Sorry ojou-sama. But it seems you are too naive to believe him that he has no secrets hiding from you. Do you think anyone that is powerful like him, could be just a nobody?" The enemy said with a grin.

"Mayumi!" Tatsuya shouted as he saw her in the room.

"Tatsuya." Mayumi stared at Tatsuya's direction when the enemy suddenly shoot an anti-magician bullet and hit Mayumi right through her chest. Blood splattered in the floor as she fell, and tears stream from both of Tatsuya and Mayumi's eyes.

"No! No! Mayumi!" He said as he carry Mayumi in his arms. Unconscious with her clothes drenched in her own blood. "Wake up Mayumi!" Tatsuya cried.

"What a waste. She died already? What will happen if the flame that melts the ice already died? Tell me Yotsuba Tatsuya."

"That flame will burn you. That Ice will froze you. You'll pay for hurting her. I don't know who you are, but I'll destroy you." Tatsuya said with his eyes burning with anger.


**To be continued on Chapter 11: Love and Lies**

Votes and Comments are highly appreciated. You could also request some scenes from the anime, i'll try to insert it in the story. THANKS!

"Let's continue on sailing Mayumi x Tatsuya's ship!"


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