We Zinged?‍❤️‍?

By dray36

15.4K 376 34

Dennis breaks it off with Winnie after realizing they never truly zinged. That same day a kid is found in the... More

Your safe
Who are you?
Your my zing
Second warning
I'm sorry
The past & The truth
It's finally over......Dammit, Winnie!!

Final warning

508 14 0
By dray36

Ok ok, at the moment I am hiding in the bathroom at work, it got busy so quick that the crowdedness of so many people made me want to vomit.
OH, I can't handle being touched or loud sounds I can barely handle it from my family. Though I try to overcome it, it has been difficult for me. We lost a customer once because I flinched away when she touched my shoulder. Hopefully, in the future, I'll be fine. Well, Enjoy this chapter my awesome fanfiction people!!!


No one expected for them to come to the hotel in person, not just after giving their warning. But even if they did not wish to believe it the proof was standing right before them. One of the knights had woken them in a Russ saying someone was waiting for them in the lobby.

It was a vampire. He sat calmly on a chair staring at everyone who passes him making them jump in fright before running off in panic. Mavis was a bit worried since her father had not yet returned along with grandpa Vlad. She looked around hoping he was the only one, but even though they were out of sight she knew they were there.

Dennis saw his mother worry, how his father tried to keep a brave face though he was afraid the most. Being close to a vampire, especially for a human was dangerous. But at the moment who he worried about the most was his zing who stood beside him, frozen in fear at the sight of the vampire that stood before them. He could feel shaking as his hand gripped tightly on his arm. It was not likely Snow will be able to run away without falling.

The vampire turned to them, no emotion on his face, "oh, you surprised me"


"Now then, shall we sit down and have a talk?" he asked them. Dennis had.....not expected that. Honestly, he had expected a fight that could lead to death. Looking behind him he noticed Snow calm down a little, well at least there will not be any fight for the time being.

"Alright" Mavis tried to stop her son from getting closer to the man but her husband held her back. Shaking his head as he tried to calm her down.

Dennis sat down first easing Snow down beside him, making sure to never take his eyes off of the man who had eyes only for Snow and not in a good way.

Smiling, the man held his hand out for Snow, "Now then, this could all end if you just come with me" Snow flinched at his smile, it did not reach his eyes even the smiled itself was scary to him. It was just so, fake.


Snow looked up looking behind the vampire was....a hunter!

Many monsters ran off out of the hotel and some ran off upstairs trying to get away from the hunter who suddenly appeared without a sound.

The hunter made his way to the vampire who stood up glaring at the man who dared approach him as if they were equals in power.

"What the hell are you doing hear bloodsucker?!" he screamed into his face. But the vampire just brushed aside him not giving him another glance he headed back to Snow.

"Bloodsucker? is that all you can think of human?" 

That pissed the hunter off, reaching into his bag he pulled out two knives small enough to not be seen as he clenched his fist. Snow noticed though, freaking out he tugged on Dennis's arm trying to get his attention, but his love was to busy keeping his eyes on the two threats that seemed to hate each other he knew for sure they were after Snow and only him.

Seeing as his love will not turn his way the only way for Dennis to notice was to get involved himself. Knowing the risk, Snow took a deep breath before moving away from Dennis and running right between the vampire and hunter. Stopping the hunter in his tracks as he unclenched his hand dropping the knives with a loud metal sound drawing the vampire's attention.

Dennis saw him move but reacted slowly until the knives falling drew him out of it. He did not hesitate to get in between them covering Snow with his body making sure he is not seen or anywhere close to the enemy.

"Leave!" he growled out loudly baring his fangs at the hunter and vampire. Though it had little effect as the vampire bared his fangs as well to him and the hunter only glared down at him.

"We are not here to fight kid....." looking straight at Snow, "we are only here for him, now hand him over" Smiling he sent shivers down every monsters spine who saw him. But even though he was scared he continued to shield Snow from them.

"No way in hell" 

"Look kid.."

"I'm not a kid and why do you want him?"

The hunter sighed, "He should know why? right Snow?"

Snow glanced at them confused, "I don't know-"

He knew that was not the right answer as the hunter and vampire turned to him trying and failing to get close to him thanks to Dennis.

"How dare you not know who I am?" the vampire sneered. The hunter pulled Snow's arm forcing him to lean closer to the hunter. "You killed my brother if you didn't exist he would still be alive!" he screamed into his face.

That's when Snow recognized there faces, "Uncle...Kyle?"

Kyle pushed Snow into the vampire, "And me? I'm sure your mother talked about me?"


Dennis pulled Snow back, "Look I don't give a damn who you are, but leave before I get mad!" he growled taking a fighting stance with Snow behind him.

Mason sighed rubbing his temple softly, Kyle noticed this and laughed, "well look at this, a vamp. can feel"

Snow pulled Dennis away from them hoping this could be solved without any violence.

"Look just give us the freak and we can be all on our way" they both smiled freaky when they noticed Mavis glance at Snow and back at them. Winnie smiled happily when she saw this as a chance to get rid of Snow once and for all.

Sneaking up behind Dennis she quickly pulled Snow away from him and with her werewolf strength she threw him literally into the Vampire and Hunter. Smiling they gripped him tightly, "Thanks, monster"

But before they could leave Dracula came along with Vlad who both had no hesitation to attack them both.

Letting go they made to escape but the vampire left a few parting words to Snow.

"If you stay with them we'll make sure they are all killed right in front of you. HAHAHA, wouldn't you just love to see your love burn to a crisp right before your eyes?"

They ran off into the woods, Vlad went after them to try to catch them.

Dennis helped Snow up and headed back to their room for it was still a bit too early for them to be out of bed. But he didn't leave unsatisfied as he could hear Winnie crying out in pain as her arms twisted into an abnormal angle.

"Did you know them?" Dennis asked Snow as they laid in bed together. For some reason, he realized that every time something happens it's usually when they're in bed already.

Snow snuggled into his chest tightening his grip on his chest. "Yes, the hunter was my father's brother and the vampire, my mother told my father told my mother was supposed to marry him"

Dennis noticed he did not wish to say anymore so he kissed his cheek wishing him a good sleep.

But Snow could not sleep as he knew that once they all slept he must escape for if not they will die because of him.


YOYO my people, sorry it has been so long since I updated. I'm am trying my very best to update at least 3 times a week or 4. It mostly depends on my work schedule.

Well hoped you liked this chapter, LOVE LIVE LAUGH!!!

Until next time, BYE BYE!!! 

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